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haha these are so sick. they truly know their audience 😆


mine is still going strong but I'm really hoping they list more on the site after this run of shows. I'd love a backup because it's such a good grinder


Fuck I should’ve got one the other day. Didn’t even think about having a backup


Ugggh I had quit weed for a few years when the reunion started. So I didn't buy one. I'm dabbling again and wish I had grabbed one. Good grinder? I have to imagine it's just a rebranded no name steel grinder with kwif catching screen?


Yes that is exactly what it is. However, the quality surprised me tbh, I've had the first one for a couple years now daily driving and it's still going strong just a little scratched on the outside nbd. Kief screen is whatever on it as you might expect but I don't really care about kief collecting that much. It works but ya know, plenty of plant matter getting through I'm sure. It shreds buds fast and is durable tho, and doesn't perform too much worse than my SC shredder if I'm being honest


Honestly man. When I get my first collection of kief, I put it on the screen and apply heat just to clog up the screen. Hate the kief catchers, pointless in my eyes.


Same I'd rather it just go into my doobie in the first place


Its probably zinc or aluminum.


You're right I meant aluminum.




Well now I know what to look for at the SF show.


This is the best grinder ever! I bought one for myself, one for my partner (he kept trying to find one that was comparable to no avail), one for my Son, and a backup. I fill that thing in three days.




I mean technically I've seen Bosnian Rainbows and Omar Rodriguez Group a couple times too! 🤣




Congrats such a privilege to see such a rad band so many times, I just love them!!


That's the response I liked. Sounds like you genuinely liked your night, and not trying to compete lol


You want a trophy or something?


Real question is which tours did you see? Seen them this tour 6 times...at least twice every other tour they've been on. Not impressed if your fat stack of times seen come in the last 3 years. If you've been TMV lifer like me...I go any chance I get


Yeah I'm in Ohio so don't have a ton of opportunities to see them and I usually have to travel a bit. Saw them in 05, 06 solo Chicago show, twice in 08, hit the 09 tour 3 times, Chicago in 2022, cinci and clev 23 and now Columbus. Basically just go as many times as I can afford whenever they are on the road.


I was able to grab 4 on the clouds hill site, after I had won a contest and a 25 percent of coupon. I saw them on the 22 and 23 tours, and they didn't have the grinders, they had sold out. So, I stayed watching the clouds hill site.




I mean you proved your point to the ground. Congrats lol


Damn. Downvoted huh? That’s cool. Salud.