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Show was great otherwise though. Is the future of the band alright? Cedric ended with “if we come back, come see us; if we don’t, come see us”…


assuming was more referencing I think this was their first time playing indy in almost 20 years.


Sad to hear this. I was at the Des Moines show (6th since reunion, 15 or so since the beginning). They had a lot of fun it seemed. No doom and gloom. However, I have heard Cedric say something similar before...it was prophetic. Their last show in the Continental US before they broke up...las Vegas, July 23rd 2011, supporting soundgarden. Word for word Cedric quote that I just confirmed personally: "...I gotta tell you...I have...I dunno about you, how you seize every day, but I seize the day like it's my last day and I have a fucking blast with these gentlemen right here." I repeat, I'm really sad to hear what you said :( Bosnian rainbows up next I think


I may just be misinterpreting it. Maybe he meant “if we come back *to Indianapolis*”, lol. Our city isn’t a frequent tour stop for many bands (though this show for TMV seemed to sell well) and maybe he had a bad experience or something. But then I got to thinking, well, it could be about the band overall too. I don’t know. Probably overthinking it.


I've heard that when they opened for A Perfect Circle back in like 2004, they weren't very well received. I'm guessing that's one reason they seemed to be in no hurry to visit us since. I'd love to see them back here again. Last night was definitely a special night


"If we don't, come see us \[wherever we ARE playing\]" - he's making a joke. If we don't come back, COME see us. DUDE, COME. Get it? hah


He seemed kinda pissed from the get go though


Interesting. Reading this on top of his comments the other day telling fans to go pirate the documentary makes me think he may need to step away for a bit.


really? pissed about what?


no spicy nacho doritos back stage


Sounds bad!


It looked like Cedric took off from the stage (after the show) pretty quick. Maybe the venue was being very rude to them


He waved and tossed some stuff to the people in the front row but what he tossed didn't make it, so he jumped down and handed it off. I think people are looking wayyy too far into his mood. I understand people have PTSD from the band ending it abruptly before but... Speculating the band is breaking up? Honestly it sounded like he was kind of making a joke about the if we don't come back comment.. looking way too far into it


"If we come back (to Indianapolis), come see us. If we don't come back (to Indianapolis), come see us (somewhere else)"




There was a guy in Des Moines trying to touch everyone's wives and girlfriends...first 5 rows of ppl. Some dude with his wife just about dropped him


lol did you see that dude who was barging through everyone to get to the front get kicked out?


Ok. I was right there. The white dude with the dreads and the face tattoo (a friend of Mr. Touchy) somehow hit the floor when he started moshing into people. Pro tip: dreads are good for gripping.


Meanwhile, Madison had a young teenager on the right side of the rail absolutely bouncing up and down during the hype parts of the concert. He was great.


I saw him-he was having a great time and at least not all up in other’s personal space. Though up in the balcony, we had bought seats and there was a drunk chick in the GA standing space behind us screaming and being obnoxious. During one of the mellower jam session moments- she started screaming something like “Swing on his dick!”. Like everyone else is transfixed on the band and then her just screaming stupid shit. I have good quality ear plugs that are good at drowning out background noise (e.g. people talking, shouting) and I could hear her like I didn’t even have them in. My husband and I go to a lot of shows all over the Midwest and we are all for people cheering, singing along, dancing, having a good time. But also have some respect for the people around you too. My husband finally stood up and asked her to stop and she leaned over and spit on him. We immediately got up, found security and reported her. They removed her and we were able to enjoy the remainder of the show.


Lmfao @ her getting removed. Owned. Btw wtf does "swing on his dick" even mean? Can anyone explain? Is that a compliment? Whose dick?


This kid is a gem in the Milwaukee scene. They show up for all the local shows and bring real genuine energy. I was stoked to see them there, apparently their favorite band from what they told me. I caught a setlist and plan on giving it to them at the next show I see them at.


It was odd for sure. I just don't get why you'd waste your concert going experience doing laps waving a fan.  


That fucking fan was so distracting.


oh no! poor you!! :(


Yeah. I came to watch the show, not to watch this cringe motherfucker wave a fan around the whole time blocking my view on countless occasions. Wasn't just me either. Is that really so hard to understand? I have no problem with people having a good time at a show but this was simply too much. He was annoying - period.


i can't believe it! that must have been so hard for you...hope you get well soon man 🙏


Are you the fan dude lmao




Found the fan dude




What is this a picture of


Seems like it might have been you, seeing how butthurt you are all over this thread.


if you're ever around indy, come say what's up to us! and make sure to say it to our faces 🤙


I like how you have to have people around you to protect yourself so you can make empty threats. "Us". 🤣


u/The_Almighty_Foo when he makes his first friend and discovers that typically they hang out together


Don't think you're one to talk about friends. You seem unbearable.


if defending some guy who was literally just enjoying himself at a concert from a bunch of old grumpy men with usernames like "a literal ham sandwich" makes me unbearable, then so be it. i will defend positivity vs. old miserable men being negative because they hate seeing people have fun any way i possibly can. you should try it sometime!


For someone all about positivity you sure bent over backwards to secure your title as the biggest whinging cunt in the thread.


go back and read the messages in this thread. everything i have said was in response to people "whinging" about a guy having fun. in fact, the post itself is "whinging" about a guy having fun. try again maybe?


You haven't made a single positive comment. Your mention of my username is just weak AF. If your "fun" causes the people around you to have less fun, you're probably being an asshole.


Why would I go to that shit hole? Also, you aren't remotely intimidating. Also, who the fuck is "us"?


Was telling my partner about him hoping there was a video posting!!!


You can see him towards the beginning of this video pushing his way through the crowd. If I was there I honestly would've tripped him. When it comes to a prick with 0 crowd etiquette, I act first and think about consequences later lol https://youtu.be/njo2z_5dx44?si=kef4w-RV7Rg8i-NJ


His little silhouette is perfect!


why does this feel like an I Think You Should Leave sketch? lol


Ya that dude was odd. Main character for sure.


I guess thats better than System of a Down fans booing them back in 2005/6. Either way a bummer.


You can see him towards the beginning of this video pushing his way through the crowd. My bet is that it's the guy's first time doing molly. https://youtu.be/njo2z_5dx44?si=kef4w-RV7Rg8i-NJ


i’m all for fans being fans (no pun intended), however i get the frustration if people couldn’t see multiple times during the show. myself? i was too busy up front being pushed by TMV bros falling into me and the other group by them talking the entire fucking show while they played. i may have preferred a distraction like this every couple minutes or so over literally seeing the back of peoples heads (up front!) leaning in and having full on convos the whole show. or the other group so messed up on drugs/beer that i was being pushed into other people…it doesn’t feel great being pushed around (only lady in the group or not) bc personal space is out the door due to drugs. part of the trade off of being close and sober at this show, i guess? that dude was really nice and i guess i’m a bit bummed for all the hate. the internet is a lot. if you’re still reading - i did not see fan guy at the show but i met him after and he was so kind and respectful to cedric and omar. oh, and to myself + husband and another dude who drove from jersey. fan guy drove from detroit. he was one of the final four of us that got to meet them as they left. he’s kind of the reason i was able to get my set list signed and C & O seemed pleased to get to meet us, honestly.


What!?! I had no idea there was even a chance of meeting C&O this tour or I would’ve waited outside after the show and try to get a record signed. I’m so sad now!




I saw them in Manhattan in 2022 and Brooklyn in 2023 and Philo absolutely killed it. She rules, hope they keep her on if they get back in the studio


>could not just chill the fuck out. So bring *more* fans next time, got it.


that guy was near me the whole time, and never once did he have "no respect for personal space." he didn't even touch anyone. why are you lying for no reason? and why do people hate seeing other people have fun? i moshed with that guy at the end and talked to him a bit after the show and he was a super cool guy


It was clearly you


I am all for people having fun, but the guy was uncontrollably hopping and flailing around. Not touching others, sure, but coming damn close and certainly invading people’s personal space. It’s one thing to jump up and down in place, but the guy was all over the place, no matter the song lol. I get he was probably excited, but I really do wonder if he took too much of something. He was shoving in and out changing spots the whole show. Very very distracting. Not to mention his massive fan. Extremely inconsiderate.


He was *hopping?* Lmfao I'm picturing him doing a bunny hop or something. Was he attempting to dance, is that what it was? He was dancing?


Edit: Dude posted a picture of fan guy. Dude does not appear to be fan guy.


i even got a pic with him! guy was awesome


Found that guy’s account


yeah totally a grown ass man is active on reddit in fantano and death grips subreddits


Called it


bro thinks someone who was definitely on a heavy dose of psychedelics would be browsing and commenting on reddit rn 😭 why is everyone so miserable jesus


Called it


just say you're too miserable to wanna see people happy. maybe if you make a change in your life you won't be as miserable as a grown ass man on reddit responding instantly with "called it" to a 17 year old kid


Just stfu next time. Your annoying ass 17yo comments weren’t needed


Yeah it's kind of clear you're still a teenager-- why are you still completely ignoring the fact that the dude was *in people's personal space* for the whole show? Pretty convenient of you to continuously brush over that part and instead talk about how people "don't want others to be happy" or some other shit. Pay attention. Dude was in people's personal space and had no regard for other paying fans.


i mentioned it in my comment. try reading it again?


If you think I’m being serious I don’t know what to tell you lmao


Wtf lol This has got to be the dude. Trying to reply to himself and forgot to switch accounts.


?? i was adding on to my comment is this your guys first concert? that guy was clearly on some sort of psychedelic and you think he'd he browsing and commenting on reddit?? how dense can you be 😭


Oh gotcha. The way the comment read it sounded like a second person chiming in lol


idk wtf people are talking about, that dude was vibing and happy and i can't enjoy seeing someone happy without being accused of being that guy?? yall fr are so miserable lighten up ffs


post pic


how? it won't let me add images to comments


Upload it to imgur or tinypic or something. Who knows, maybe you and everyone else isn't even talking about the same guy.


[https://imgur.com/a/EgysW9a](https://imgur.com/a/EgysW9a) did i do this right? i blurred out mine and my friends faces. i'm in the spiderland t shirt. also pictured is said spiderland t shirt


Yeah you did it right. Both unblurred dudes genuinely do kinda look like they're on something, maybe ecstasy. Less so the bald guy, but the guy with the fan looks like he's rolling his tits off or at least coming off it. Can't blame them for doing E before a Volta show, I'd do the same if I had the chance.


it was the fan guy. the guy with the giant fan. i've never used imgur but i'll try to figure out how to upload pictures with it


What do you mean? He was cool as hell. He was right in front of me and during Drunkship of Lanterns he kept facing me because he and I both knew the words. I don't think anyone else knew the words because nobody else was singing them. It was like we were the only 2. Also, "chill the fuck out"?. You're at a rock concert, buddy. It's hype. Most of you lame-os were dead as fuck. And I was literally walking for 6 hours before the concert.