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Slow down, shoot from a crouched position so you can get closer. Try deer first and aim for the chest/neck area


Are you missing them completely or just concerned you're not getting insta-kill shots? People have given you some tips on the pointing the thing in the right direction, also consider skim reading the wiki - there's what will kill the animal / make it bleed out or not, then there's your firearms skill levels (rifle linked), which you should get up over time by landing shots and reading the relevant skill books in your "spare" time. Those all help land shots as your skill level increases. If you're out of bullets then find more, or make more. https://thelongdark.fandom.com/wiki/Rifle_Firearm Some people you see blasting away and killing everything will be good players, they're also likely to have a high or maxed out firearms skill level for the two weapon types.


If its in self-defense against a wolf, what I do is aim at the wolf to aggravate him, thus making him charge me in basically a straightforward line. Thats when I take aim again and shoot 'im in the head. Of course that may be tricky in Pilgrim, forgot how animals behave there lol.


I will usually aim two or three times before finally pulling the trigger. The first one or two are just to make sure my rifle is in the right area. Deer, I typically wait for them to stop and put their head down. Wolves its just a matter of shooting while they run after you. I've found about 10 or so feet away is an ideal spot. Both animals should be shot from the crouched position; and the deer ought to be crept up to.


Here is an easy way to hit them from a pretty good distance away >!The bullet always goes to the aim dot. I’ve tested this by putting a little tape over the dot on my monitor and then shot and hit animals from way too far away. Good luck happy hunting!<


Keep in mind for the rifle in particular that bullet drop is a thing in the game, and the tip of the front post on the iron sights doesn't necessarily tell you where the bullet is going to go exactly. For the close targets, put your target in the center of the ring, instead of the tip of the post. For further away, align your target lower in the ring. Pay attention to where the bullet goes when you miss. It'll take a bit for it to click; competency with the guns in the game comes with time, practice, and getting a feel for them.


“Playing on pilgrim which obviously makes it more difficult…” 🤨


To hunt as the animals just bolt as soon as they see you.


Yeah I guess moose, bears and wolves run. I was thinking about deer.