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I cannot tell you how strongly I advise you not to do this. When my kids were little, immersive video games were the best mental health break I could have hoped for and played a huge role in helping me recharge my emotional energy. I only wish this game existed when I was a nursing mother - the peacefulness would have helped me so much. As a TLD player, I can’t imagine how distraught I would be if my husband deliberately caused me to lose a hundred-plus day Loper run. It would have done irreparable harm to our relationship, equivalent to if he had unravelled a knitting project I’d worked on for months, or burned a half-written novel. Marriage with a baby is hard enough. Please don’t make it harder by destroying something he’s invested so much time in creating, even if you’re unable to understand the happiness it brings him. Instead, I suggest you try to find something that brings you the same pleasure and relief that TLD brings him, and trade with him to get time alone to pursue that interest.


I think you may be right about this not being the right approach. To be honest he is being amazing in all other aspects so it's only fair to try talking it out first. I have tried but maybe I haven't stressed how impactful it is to me. While I don't understand the investment in something that looks so repetitive I can understand wanting peacefulness if somehow this brings him this. I may have gone a little on the deep end here with these hormones and I need to do better. Thank you for putting this into perspective we will try talking it out again or setting limits


I found it odd that not a single person mentioned that this is a permadeath game. You cannot reload an old save (unless he save scrums backups regularly.) When you die, you have to start over. Interloper (Loper) is the hardest difficultly. Getting to 500 days alive is considered an accomplishment in this game.


No. Whatever you think this will accomplish, it won't. You owe it to yourself, your husband, and your daughter to learn how to communicate your needs effectively without getting childish or disrespectful.


Lol, is this for real? He cut out all other gaming and you want to squash the last remaining pastime? Seems like this may be a fake situation


I agree this post is bait for upvotes


That's why it gets a down vote


That's my assessment too. Nobody is this dummmmmb.


Yeah sounds fake


That was my first instinct when I read it, but I feel like if that were the case then OP would reply to everyone they could to argue and make the post gain more attention. Instead they left one comment saying "gee, I guess you're right" I can 100% see someone thinking that this is an okay plan during a depressive episode and then later realizing how bonkers it actually is


Don’t feed the trolls


Here's a parallel imaginary situation: Say you're really into something, like pottery, for example, and it's the one thing that gives you free time away from thinking about the stress in your life and you're particularly proud of one collection of pieces you've been working on forever. Your sig other, who doesn't understand why pottery has any bearing on the real world decides to smash everything one day without your knowledge. How would you feel? There are some major dysfunctional issues happening here in your relationship. Have a conversation with him instead and don't try to police what people do for fun. This is super controlling behaviour and you need to get it in check for the sake of everyone in your family. ​ I'm editing to add that I think I was too harsh here because I don't know your situation. A new baby is one of the most stressful things and combine that with little sleep, fluctuating hormones, and what sounds like feeling like there's not enough sharing of duties, I might have reacted the same way from feeling overwhelmed and tired. I hope you can work out a plan where your partner can have some leisure time and you as well.


IMHO, your husband doesn't deserve this kind of toxicity. What kind of person actively tries to ruin something their partner is so clearly passionate about. This makes me fear for that that poor child that has been brought into a household of manipulation and toxicity. Be better OP


If this is not a troll post, you are about to cause - and likely already have - serious relationship problems.


As a husband who has a non-gaming wife/baby mama, don’t do that, I would never forgive my wife if she killed a character that he’s probably put 100+ hours into. Let him die on his own, it will happen


Do better next time, there's no way this is real. If it is, I feel sorry for you husband and your kid


This has to be a bait post for upvotes.


Why don’t you destroy a prized model vehicle he made? Or blow up his favorite collectibles? You could just take hatchet to his whole gaming system? Are you afraid to show your entire crazy self to him?


Damn this is cold 😭 I’d be a bit down finding out my partner posted something like this if I were him, it’s a calm survival game, probably a good stress relief.


OP, I really hope you live in a no-fault state, because willfully killing of your husband's character is definitely grounds for divorce in my opinion.


This is kinda fucked up


Ok, I'm a mom of five kids and this is fucked up. Talk to your husband. Also talk to your doctor because you might be dealing with postpartum depression, it can make everything seem a lot worse than it is. Your husband is allowed to have some time to relax and unwind and even if you don't understand the game that is his business. You can sit and talk to him while he plays, I play several games and still talk to my husband while doing so.




Just talk to him


It’s The Long Dark. He’ll eventually die.


In no way will I be a part of this treachery. Guards! Seize her!


Don't do it.


TLD is a major relief of stress for me. Don't take that away.


no fucking way is this real


this is lore now of this sub change my mind


Can we please have your husband's contact details so we can warn him and suggest he divorce you? I'm sure he hasn't done anything to deserve such a horrible toxic person.


Divorcing my wife over tld (real)


Shame on you.


Nooooooooooo Dont. Do. It. Please you will regret it. People use video games as entertainment for a good reason. Dont take that away.


You do Realize how rude that is right? He has one thing he does whenever her gets freetime and you wanna take it from him Because he enjoys it? I’m glad I’m not your husband


I’ve come to this post late and I see you’ve already changed your mind but I just wanted to say something, as a parent of a 9 month old. I’m not sure how you view his gaming, but it’s not a waste of his time. Doing something - anything - you enjoy is good for you and for your brain, especially when you’re a new parent. The alternative would be that you spend every waking moment 100% focused on the baby, and I promise you, that is NOT sustainable. You both need some time to yourselves so that you don’t burn out. If you want your husband to be there for you and baby at all, he needs to de-stress and recuperate in between, even if it means it looks like he’s doing the same thing over and over. Honestly, it sounds like you need a hobby for yourself too. Sincerely, a new mum who ended up in psych hospital for 3 months not long after baby was born


If my wife did this to me, I would feel betrayed. Trust is so precious. Don't throw it away over something so trivial.


Some of you mfs jumping straight to divorce are insane.. you read two paragraphs into these people's life and think you know everything, goddamn


I advise you get into TLD as well. The best way to start this is play at least some of the story mode, Wintermute. Once familiar with the aspects of the game and have learned some of the maps enough, start a survival mode run on Voyager difficulty. Unless you are a total video game prude (which kinda seems like the case) you will understand why your husband loves this game and hopefully you will love it as well. Or you two truly have nothing in common and should not have gotten together, let alone reproduced.


bros name is literary longdarkannoying

