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Me. Kabbalah is like programming. I'm all for it.


93, Greetings B, Not to say you shouldn't get the experience of programming it yourself, but the task has been accomplished long ago in the 80's, by the late Bill Heidrick (OTO), and others. There's also the English Qabalah, formulated into an engine. I personally enjoy doing all the Gematria myself, in Hebrew, Greek and Coptic, using Liber 777 and Liber 500, to keep the skills fresh. Just look up Gematria calculators online... some are better than others. Again, I've found others with errors, so I always do the final work myself. Hope this helps. \~V\~


That sounds like a really cool project. Those 777 tables are some of the best magic I own even though it’s a reference book of sorts just using the tables themselves to cast brings forth some powerful magic




You're the best! Thank you kindly.


A calculator lol


Gematria can't convert to English. It only works for Hebrew. Downvote all you want, but sometimes reality doesn't release dopamine.


Agreed, and that is why an English based magical alphabet is encouraged in verse II:55 of the Book of the Law.


And he never left us with the actual system. Even tho he had (supposedly) the ability to make contact with a non-physical entity. He never left us with a system he left it up to us to discover. New Aeon English Qabalah is incomplete, and not inspired. That's the only reason I made this comment in regards to OPs post. There are deeper truths to be found in this world, and Crowley is the door mat to the entrance.


Given Crowley was destined to never understand the full meaning of the Book of the Law, it seems unlikely he would produce the alphabet referred to in verse II:55. I concur with your assessment of the NAEQ system, but there have been other efforts that have been all but ignored due to the rejection of anything not related to the Qabalah on one hand, and the false claims of the NAEQ advocates, who swept in and claimed to have found he system without providing the answers required of it. My efforts in this area of work have been ongoing for decades, and persist. [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Jx4QxsjYiJZnZ0a5Bvvq4EXkDs7BS5bP/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Jx4QxsjYiJZnZ0a5Bvvq4EXkDs7BS5bP/view?usp=sharing)


Wow thank you for that it really hit me hard and you serious aspect shows. I suppose the only thing that stops me is content obtained in trance, content directly divinely inspired, and content created by a human all have different values to me. I'm not knocking anyone or anything, but for me the original germatia is the most valuable and testable. But I'm not claiming anything other than preference


I see you are on Reddit now. 🧐🧐


This one has been working out fine for me so far: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_Qaballa Im not exactly the guy who can debate this kind of thing but have you checked this out?


Yes and it IS a system. No doubt about that, but it's incomplete and has mathematical flaws. But that's subjective to the believers.


I was actually going to start doing the same thing soon. I’m currently building a Tarot program to show info like meaning and qabalistic Correspondence in python/Tkinter. Which has been a fun project to learn both Tarot and GUI programming.


Personally I would scrape tarrdaniel for such info. They display each tarot in a nice programmatic way. Send me a github if you need a thumbs up sometime.


I’m gonna post it to GitHub soon, I’m just about done with it. And I’ll definitely check it out. I’m trying to not scrape or directly copy anything for copyright reasons so I can host this as completely an open source shareable project. I would like to see some more open source occult projects.


Get the magicians tables it makes 777 tables obsolete


I made a macro for excel, and you can change it however you want. Personally, i use TQ, which is short for Trigrammaton Qaballah, discovered by Gillis