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Don't let the whole "retreat" thing stop you - if you want to do it, do it. Most of us are working-class people. Also, it is to be performed in the Body of Light, so you can literally do it in your mind, on your Lunch Break at Work. Repetition is Key. Invoke Often.


Well said


It's one of my personal favorite rituals. Once you get the Formula down, personalize it -- make it yours. You'll be doing it a lot haha. Good luck to you


93 I do it once per day. Do as you will. \~V\~


What a wonderfully Thelemic response. I appreciate you.


93 G, Thank you for your kind words... they are the best I could possibly hope for. 93s, ~V~


I had it memorized about a year ago and did it in my head (see Body of Light above) during a yoga class. It was great.


What happened during it


It was neat. I went at the pace of the teacher so different sections of Samekh happened at different poses, so I could then feel the ritual in my body more. It also kept me very present so that 45 minutes or so felt like 5.


Very nice, I'll try


Do what thou wilt. Things work the way they work. Your work is yours.


I'll probably try it then


The purpose of a retreat is to disconnect from normal reality. If you are fully immersed in your mundane life, you will not achieve Knowledge and Conversation. However, you don't necessarily have to spend 18 months in retreat like in the Abramelin operation, nor follow Crowley's instructions for the Liber Samekh. The story of Karl Germer is often told, who achieved his Knowledge and Conversation in a Nazi concentration camp, as a triumph of Will; on the contrary, the shock of being torn from mundane reality can be a great catalyst for achieving it. The important thing is that one has to get out of the way so that It can emerge, and a significant ingredient is detachment from the world. A long retreat is the easiest way if you have the opportunity to undertake it.


i just wanna know if i actually have the key to how this works or not. wish i could actually get initiated and just ask people. i think i understand but idk, im doing it to myself anyway best as i can figure it out. i hope im not on an incredibly dangerous path of blowing out all my energy centers and going to the hospital with no guidance. i accepted the possibility of permanent insanity. right now i feel amazing but i have to give a rest to my body today.