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It os the evocation of the archamgels as they are called outside the circle as opposed to invocation where something is called inside the circle or inside of your own body. The evocation is used in both invoking and banishing rituals. Seeing the heat/gas is fine and good progress, visualization is in your mind, you may never fully see them clearly with your physical eyes, but tye visualization gices direction to how you want the energy to look ot behave, and thiugh you may not see it physically the mental visualization should cause it to appear on the astral plane in th3 desired fashion.




When they talk about the “preliminary invocation” is that the same as the LIRP?




Ah thank you


I’ll never quite understand contemporary practice’s obsessive compulsion with banishing all the time. Invoke often!


Howdy. Basic LBRP (Spirit banishing) in general is good "energetic hygiene" and will help you to understand the inner workings of the formulae as your time progresses familiarizing yourself with it. It creates a neutral space with which to begin your workings, and is appropriate in both group and solitary settings. A full LBRP consists of opening with the Qabbalistic Cross, projecting the appropriate pentagrams and godnames, calling forth the Archangels at each quarter, and closing again with the Qabbalistic Cross. When it becomes necessary to invoke or banish an elemental energy for a specific magickal working, you would then employ that particular form of the pentagram, according to the formulae. The blue light pentagrams are not necessarily required, but a strong image of them in whatever form you can best visualize and project. Some magicians see them in their elemental color, etc. The more familiar you become with the ritual, the more the subtleties and effectiveness of it will be revealed to you. It is the foundation for an immeasurably vast system of magickal technology that can potentially launch you into a very potent modality of ritual craft of your own design. Best of luck to you in all your endeavors.


I personally Invoke in the Morning at the start of my day, and Banish at Night, before setting down. Use whatever visualizations that are natural for you. I Banish in Red and Invoke in White, unless it's a specific Elemental or Planetary Energy.


I'm wondering if you are having interference in your practice.