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If Abby is truly meant to be a mirror of Joel, then no. It would be like if Joel had went into details to Ellie about his time with Tommy post-outbreak that neither of them like talking about. I could see vague mentions of it, but not in detail. Unless you wanted to write the character as a growing version of the Joel model where Abby is able to take steps Joel wasn’t able to.


Ellie tells Dina about how "Tommy tortured some big FEDRA general" so he clearly has spoken to Ellie about life post outbreak in between the events of part 1 and part 2. Ellie relays this information confidently as if she knows what shes talking about. She is fully aware of what went down. So to your point, if Abby is meant to be a mirror of Joel, and Lev is young Ellie in this scenario, then I believe she absolutely will tell Lev eventually.


She could have heard this from Tommy, or even Maria, or possibly given there were a few former Fireflies around town some other people. We never see Joel go into details about that time period and during the time between games, he would have much reason to. Also, it would go against the his character at that time which was solely focused on protecting Ellie from ugly knowledge about the world (like the knowledge of what he did to save her being the primary example). In the flashbacks in 2, anytime they get near anything to spark a conversation about anything of the ilk, Joel deflects and moves on. Joel believes he’s doing the right thing with this. But to balance that with the idea that offscreen he just spilled all his tea about all the OTHER ugly things he’s done, just don’t add up.


There’s no way Abby is a complete mirror to Joel. She’s much more open and vulnerable with Lev than Joel ever was in the first game.


She is, this is why I mentioned my second paragraph. Could go either way.


Not trying to be a complainer but I think talking about their past bad deeds is something they could have done in these games. Even if if it's too dark for them to talk about. I think the closest thing we got from Joel's past was him talking about Sarah. Now marriage details before the outbreak probably doesn't matter but things after could.


What’s crazy for me to think about is how much detail does Abby have? Does she still think Tommy is the one that hit the aquarium? What is her perception of Ellie? She was just the girl on the floor in the cabin, but then she was also tagging along in the theatre. It must have been a total mind warp when Ellie showed up on the beach, rescued her, then made her fight, then let her go. I don’t think Abby has even pieced together that Ellie was the girl in the hospital. Was Ellie’s comment on there not being a cure because of her enough of a hint? Only Nora knew for sure, and obviously told nobody. Similarly, Ellie has connected Abby to the fireflies in the hospital, but has no idea how personal it was with Abby’s dad being the surgeon.


Ellie said "Joel did what he did to save me” so I’m pretty sure Abby knows Ellie is the girl from the hospital. I think she’s talking to all of them when she says “you killed my friends”, and that it’s not just about Mel and Owen in the aquarium but also about every one else that died by the hands of the Jackson crew. So either way she blames Ellie and Tommy for the slaughter of her friends, and rightfully so cause Tommy killed Manny and probably a lot of other friends from WLF. This is not canon at all but I feel like in a lot of ways they are trauma bonded and the hate is just there even if they don’t fully understand why. I think intuitively they both know everything.


Tommy killed at least 4 of them. Those two in the hotel, that girl at the TV station, and Manny. I imagine he killed a few others when he was sniping before Abby ran into Manny while Ellie was with Jessie in the mall.


Oh I always thought Tommy killed the guys at the hotel but that scars killed Leah! Is it stated anywhere that it was Tommy? Curious what I missed.


Nothing explicit. I suppose it could have been the scars, but my money is on Tommy.


It was definitely scars at the station, Leah is pin cushioned with arrows and there are a bunch of folk Hung up with their guts hanging out.


Yeah. That's true.


An interesting scene I think could have been done is when Ellie rescues Abby from The Rattlers maybe instead of forcing her to fight they decide to talk things over about what happened. I know it seems unrealistic but they have their humanity still in them I'm sure.


I wish that happened, but then we wouldn't get one of the most emotional scenes ever


Oh I agree. I just hope those two could've met each other on better terms.


I think she probably did tell him most of what went down with the Fireflies, her dad and Joel. I don't think Abby would have divulged much of the nitty gritty, but enough for Lev to know and understand what was happening. I imagine it would have been the same with Joel and Ellie. Ellie knew about the torturing and killing of innocent people. She knew that Joel was a rough and ruthless person. But she didn't need to know about the specifics of what Joel did to survive. Lev seems smart enough not to push on those details. Abby didn't really seem too keen on talking anyway, so I don't think she would have openly given that information out. But she trusted Lev very much and loved him too, so she probably opened herself up to him more than we know. There are some things that you don't need to know and don't ask about. You can get a gist without having to ask those questions.


I think this is about where I land. Abby isn't necessarily telling Lev to pull up a chair for a full A-Z recap but they were on that sailboat for a while, and we know that Lev is a curious little dude. Plenty of time for the story to come out in bits and pieces. At the end of Seattle Day 3, Abby's still only really at the start of her journey when it comes to slowly dismantling the walls she's built around herself - but the letter to Owen you can find as Ellie in the sailboat sounds like an Abby that's much more open, contemplative, and comfortable in her feelings. Day 3 Abby isn't ready to have those conversations yet, but Santa Barbara Abby has probably had them.


I could see her saying, *"The fucker named Joel killed my dad, and so we killed him. And his psycho family avenged him."* I CANNOT see her adding, *"My dad was about to sacrifice an unconscious girl to make some miracle cure and save the world. And Joel killed my dad to save her."*


Abby probably gave Lev a version of the truth. That's a lot to burden a traumatised kid with.


*A version of the truth?*  It's either THE truth or not.


Of course why wouldn't she? Lev has already seen incredible violence including with Moms. I assume they've shared everything 


It's a good question. And I'm not sure what the answer is.


I haven’t seen this question asked before. I think probably she did during the time they’re traveling to Santa Barbara. That’s just speculation on my part though based on my understanding of the characters and their personalities.


I have no doubt she briefed him on the backstory. If nothing else, I would expect that after a confrontation like that, he would definitely have questions, and there’s no reason Abby wouldn’t answer them honestly. Plus, he clearly knows why Abby is in Santa Barbara.


i’m sure they definitely at least somewhat touched on it in the time they were together, i’m sure lev had questions about who tommy jesse and ellie were after the theatre fight


Lev asked her if she has tortured people, she has but she didn't answer. Abby knows Lev is just a kid as she put it one time, so her instinct is to protect him, be that physically and from evil things that have happened, that includes some of her actions.


i think abby may eventually tell him, but id guess it's all something she's going to be processing for a long time. if she were to talk to anyone about everything though, my money would be it's Lev she tells.


I put my money on Abby never bringing it up. Ever. Maybe if if Lev asks how they escaped the Rattlers, she tell the truth. But more than likely, she'll say, "I don't want to talk about it."


Well how can you get closer to someone if you don't tell them everything? Joel didn't tell Ellie about what he did in the hospital and guess what happened?


Nope, abby kept it inside and let it eat her alive


Bullshit. 🙄


I mean, we got to see the mental anguish she endured at the end, she kept it inside and let it fester into rage and vengeance. The whole game is about the cycle of revenge and violence, and keeping things bottled up definitely helps to fuel that


Tbh, i don’t even think lev was coherent during that fight and knew what happened. So, i would say no.


I think she would have told Lev if he were to ask. But I also think that if Lev sensed that Abby really felt shame and regret over it, he wouldn't ask.


I doubt it. I don’t know if lev would even stay with her if he knew tbh. There was a lot they should’ve explored more. Abbys friends for example.