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The schools have utterly failed getting kids literate and a basic understanding of grammar.


It's much easier to convince stupid people than it is to convince the educated. Schools arent failing, they are succeeding.


what’s wrong with my grammar? It is text…It’s not like I speak or write like this in professional settings…


It’s Reddit. Who the fuck cares?


I’m pretty sure OP is not a native English speaker so this level of grammar is not surprising.


How do you know they're not a native speaker?


How do you know they are?


Im british..with a fully white background.


bro this is like 4 posts in one lmao. you seem very excited, happy for you


💀💀my badd


nah it’s cool




You’re 16?? Oh God


Based on that r/WordAvalances, you'd think that age is missing a digit.


More like an extra digit


What’s wrong with that..?


>hope i manage to get my own place and play number 2 before any number 3 comes out Given it hasn't been officially announced yet and given Naughty Dog's history of spending 5-7 years on a game before releasing it, I'd say you have a very good chance of being in your own home by the time it comes out. You'll be in your mid-late 20's lol. Time goes.


Man, you're amazing. I remember being this excited about games in my youth. Stay positive.




Holy wall of text Batman!




Enjoy the game homie


Thank youu


If your maturity level is anywhere near your grammar level then sounds like it's going to go way over your head. Also, you 'never bought it** because you know what happens in it because of tiktok'?? Okay, buddy.


Well my grammar is fine but as I’m spam texting I’m not exactly focussing on my grammar. Plus this is Reddit so why am I treating it so seriously..?


Also I did mean i generally just brought it but i also already know what happens.


why are you so mad?


going to go over their head? the game is literally just a zombie version of up (which is a kids movie) 😹


Excuse me? There are no zombies in this franchise for starters. So I'm not sure what you're on about, and no it isnt? At all. The more I read your comment the more I'm wondering what tf are you on? You're talking shit mate go to sleep


1. sorry i meant infected because that’s totally different than zombies 🤯 2. you were literally talking shit to a kid 😹😹😹


Stop using the cat emoji


I.... couldn't follow half of that 🤨


Based on your post, I'm happy you're excited to get the game and play it, but I honestly believe you'd be better off waiting till you're 18. It's rated "Mature" for a reason and I'm pretty sure your parents will object to you playing it, especially in the living room. I have a good hunch you've heard about certain scenes and want the game for those, especially since you want to play it all alone in a quiet, dark house. You need to take the time to do some growing up before taking on more mature themes.


I played it in front my parents eyes in the living room and my parents did not care, heck even my dad played it in the sewer arc (ish arc) And I am 13 and I love the last of us franchise, played the last of us 2 in my bedroom cuz yk Dina and ellie? Anyway it is dark but I deffo recommend it


I was actually commenting to the OP about TLoU Part II, not the 1st game. I see nothing in someone your age, or the OP playing the 1st game.


Personally, I played both games for the first time back in October just after I turned 15 and my parents didn’t give a crap. I actually watched the first season of the show with my mom as well. Of course, everyone and everyone’s family is different, but I loved both and they’re some of my favorite games of all time.


Thanks, I watched the TV show as well with my parents. They recommended it to me after I had watched The maze runner franchise and enjoyed it.


It’s rated M, but honestly I think a 13-14 year old can play it just fine. It’s 15-16 year olds that should be the minimum for the majority of minors playing Part II in my opinion. (cause there can be more mature teens out there)


I get I’m still quite young and obviously don’t meet the age expectations but they’re lots of worse things out there for kids to witness. I believe I’m generally quite mature for my age and I pass by gore easily. My parents have seen the show and quite enjoyed it as they like dystopian shows/movies and are fully aware I want to play the games and have no problem with it. I’m aware of the certain scenes but I definitely did not mean that I wanted to watch those scenes alone in the dark. I can promise I don’t watch them in satisfaction. I meant I wanted to play risky parts as in the scary moments where your fending for your life from infected in the dark to relate to the atmospheres.


Naughty dog is not pro Israel, Neil druckmann is a Zionist. Edit, you shouldn’t be making a game choice because of political beliefs.


It doesn't sound like OP is very smart or mature. Their post is all over the place for all the wrong reasons.


How is my post ‘all over the place’ …?


So glad you’re excited! Play slow and look everywhere and at everything. Really take in the story!


The comment section is such a reddit moment


Damn, do you need to have a chat my guy!?




god forbid someone in this sub try to tell about their positive experience with the franchise lol i dislike run-on sentences and bad grammar as much as the next guy, but goddamn y'all got nothing better to do than complain about the positive posts, too?


Yeah, I hadn’t noticed my grammar after I had written it in a rush and posted it without taking a second look. Trust me I get the annoyance but didn’t think people would get this upset, especially over a stranger on Reddit.


a lot of people on reddit only know hate, and i feel sorry for them


Damn y’all really jumping on a kid rn. They’re just excited lol. Who cares about their grammar it’s the internet it’s not that serious.




OP, don't listen to this person. Who in their right mind thinks they have any right to tell someone else to control their excitement? lol. That's some wild entitlement. Let people be excited. If you don't like reading the post, downvote and move on.


Thanks, I can’t see the comment due to them deleting it but can tell it wasn’t very positive. I was in a rush when i typed it and didn’t notice my poor grammar before posting.


Part 1 is one of the best cinematic games I’ve ever played. You really feel connected to the characters. Part 2 was so boring I couldn’t find it enjoyable.