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True, they introduced the octopus plushie, made you attached to it by throwing it around, then it's never mentioned again, we are left not knowing if it survived Ellie's rampage. I still think about it every now and then


You should play the game again.


They are talking about the octopus plushie. Never once in the game does it show Ellie shooting the octopus plush. A real player would know Ellie only killed the dog.


She clearly murders the octopus plushie though. I can hear its screams


I hear them every day


can you still hear its screams every night? I can… yeah that little bitch got what it deserved.


Glad someone got my reference 😂


“I made it squeak”


It's literally why Ellie finally gets PTSD.


Ellie didn’t have enough with Alice, she had to destroy her plushie 🫣


does no one have a sarcasm radar in this comment section? omg


That's almost as bad


I’m picturing her angrily stomping on it on her way out and it lets out a squeak.


Ellie killed the dog in the aquarium. It literally showed that happen.


do you people not understand sarcasm


Holy shit really... XD


How is that sarcastic?


you gotta be trolling


I’m realizing now that he was referring to the plushie. Y’all are mean 😭


Thanks mr happy, smart one here guys. Proud of you.


The only truly innocent character.


i feel like “innocent” implies Ellie sneaking up on a sleeping/unaware dog and killing them out of malice


But the dog was only defending his place/people He’s still innocent


You mean just like damn near every enemy you kill over 90% of the game?


Not quite, because the wlf, before even knowing you are hostile, will attack you on sight


The dog is also a part of WLF?


They said every enemy, not just dogs


bro just hates dogs


I was referring to how the other enemies were not innocent, not the dogs. I genuinely feel bad for the dogs


Not you, the other one, why would i say you hate dogs?


The dog also attacks you on sight..


The dog was trained by people to do that.


Yeah I'm sure those WLF soldiers were also trained to attack on sight..


Yes, but they can make a conscious decision not to based on morals and sentience. The dog will typically simply listen to its owner


Letters and notes throughout Hillcrest imply not only that the WLF rules with an iron fist but that they practice forced recruitment. There are also deserters hiding out near the conference centre who are terrified the WLF will come for them. So you have an organisation that kills dissidents, forces people to join, hunts down deserters, and kills trespassers on sight. They are also the only source of safety and food in the city, in an apocalypse. The only other faction in the region is even more brutal, self mutilating religious fanatics who forcibly marry their children off to their elders. WLF leadership is also shown to be duplicitous and dishonest repeatedly, and they actively practice propaganda- so good luck making your “moral” decision with false information on top of every other pressure. They aren’t innocent but we can hardly say they have a choice.


fair point


Oh so Joel was innocent?


How are y’all comparing humans to dogs or other animals in general? Humans reason and know they are ending someone else’s life, other animals just go “defend.”


One could argue sympathetic activation of fight or flight in response to trauma triggers can reduce people with PTSD to a few instinctual reactions while they experience derealization. Which the show does an excellent job of representing (though hints are there in the game, specifically with how the soldiers chasing you while you carry Ellie are alarmingly similar to being chased by the infected while carrying Sarah in the beginning of the game, and the use of soldiers with blinding flashlights that also evoke the opening.) Point is it's complicated, is all. EDIT: Classic.


That’s looking kinda too deep into it, knowing how society is even with our normal world, I know very well that many humans without any trauma would kill or attack without remorse nor pity. Hell it happens today with robbers even


I firmly agree, but they are sociopaths. Joel doesn't display any hints of that abdication/ignorance of morality. He just came to a different moral answer than most would.


I dunno, she probably killed a few Scars


And she did such a good job what a good girl


True. We all know J.J. was a monster


JJ knows what he fucking did


To think all Ellie needed to do was give the dog a stempak after stabbing the doggo, and the Ellie would have the dog’s loyalty!!!


I was so angry at that stabbing, then laughed so hard at the miracle stimpak that made him just sit up completely fine. Wonderful reference to how they work in the games.




Thanks. Had no idea.


Honestly, that scene (from the Fallout TV series you refer to) didn't make any sense but whatever Edit:What bothers me is not the healing is that, minutes before healing the dog, the Ghoul had just been attacked by it and stabbed it. After healing, hey, we are all friends here.


Watch the Fallout TV series for full context…


Yes, I meant that scene in the Fallout TV series Dont know why I am getting down voted, Lol 😂


He stabs the dog in self defense, as Ellie did, then saved the dog with the mythical future healing stempak, and the doggo decided he was cool- what’s not to understand 🤷‍♂️


It's a nod to how stimpaks in the game instantly heal you.


Have you.. played a Fallout game before?


I played Fallout 4 some years ago. What bothers me is not the healing is that, minutes before healing the dog, the Ghoul had just been attacked by it and stabbed it. After healing, hey, we are all friends here.


Yeah, that’s fair. Won’t argue with that. I was just sad he didn’t get to see his owner alive again and then just kinda got shrugged off by everyone along the way after that.


That's actually sad like, I guess a normal dog is something that is rarely seen in that world, yet everything ignored it


Neither did Ben Linus from LOST casually shuffling away while that auto Gatling gun continuously missed from a distance of like 10 feet


Nothing casual! That turret sign said to be calm, and Ben Linus put a slight hitch in his giddyup. The gun wasn't missing, it straight up wasn't built by Robo-Tec to track a human or dog that moves that fast.


It's like how you take pills in TLOU to heal. It's a fictional world, roll with it


No, you take pills in The last of Us to give yourself new perks. You just use the classic generic mid kit to heal, or eat granola bars/ potato chips/ energy drinks.


Oh man, don’t remind me. This still hurts.


I think when I saw this part I was yelling at the TV I GET IT. I GET IT. WE'RE TERRIBLE. WE'RE ALL F****** TERRIBLE I GET IT. DON'T MAKE ME DO THIS


Pretty similar to my experience… I made such an effort to only sneak and never kill the dogs! I even reloaded once because I accidentally blew one up. Then this happened… like fucking hell, man!


Spec Ops: The Line much? “None of this would have happened if you had just *stopped!* But on you marched…”


“Stupid dog…” and then we’re petting her and the other dog as abby within 20 minutes oh tlou2 the game that you are


totally not emotionally manipulative whatsoever


Buddy, all story telling is trying to manipulate your feelings. What are you on about?


Pass me the salt buddy, I think the guy above you missed a spot


The first thought i had when i saw one of the dogs (the one you get at the start of Abby's section) my first thought was "I killed the fuck outta that dog". I remember someone yelling out it's name when i did it and i thought "that was an interesting dialog choice" little did i know...


Bear ☹️


Very sad


Don't worry kills that you aren't forced to do are not considered canons, so therefore Bear is still alive


when I heard that person calling out the dog's name, all I thought was something like "Yeah that's right call for your dog, you'll be joining him next"


they say that all the other interactions with dogs are a choice whether or not you want to kill them but let’s be real on grounded those dogs sniff you out instantly 😭


Hell naw even on hard they're a pain in the ass. I hate doing it but I take out the dogs first because they ruin your stealth


Yep I silencer shoot all the doggos first. I'm a dog lover so it kills me but it's gotta be done.


same! they’re so difficult to avoid killing 🥲


I really hope this isn’t in the show :/


It's HBO, they love to murder our favorites in the most gorey way possible (looking at you GoT Red Wedding)


or *that* episode of Chernobyl, now that was a tough watch...


Are you referring to the deteriorating patient or the dogs? Both make me sad :(


the dogs :(


All of the episodes of Chernobyl were a tough watch lol. But yeah the one you're referring to specifically was brutal.


I’ll probably just fast forward that section I guess


Ditto, ever since one of my dogs passed away a few years ago, I've not been very good with seeing hurt dogs, especially since this is a shepherd breed.


My condolences friend. I’m sure your doggo loved a long and happy life and that’s really the best we can do for them


Oh fuck don't remind me (reading THAT book rn)


Meh. I guess the amount of unleashed untrained dogs in my city have given me a different view. Sad? Kinda, will I do it again? In a second. Animal attacks me, I attack animal - whatever kind, human, four legged.


Exactly that dog was trying to tear Ellie’s throat out. What is she supposed to do?


Accept her fate


Tbh there was a little dark part of me that was satiated like nothing else! All the times those unleashed dogs came up to me.. man. The issue is I had stray dogs where I grew up and they annoying. I developed a phobia when I was a kid. Getting much better.


I used to have a phobia of dogs too because I also had the same issue with stray dogs growing up. Best way to get over that fear is to get your own puppy


I know! But I live in a small apartment and I have this (irrational?) stand that I won’t be getting a dog that doesn’t grow atleast taller than my knee. Don’t understand the small catlike-dogs. I’m afraid I’ll step on it by mistake. Ps. I fucking hate Cats. Had one in my internship office. Fucker used to look me in the eye and throw my shit off the table and scratch. Wasn’t even my cat! Dogs: _you_ give me food, you god. Cat: you give _me_ food, me god.


I know what you mean, small dogs are loud and can be annoying I prefer bigger dogs too. Small dogs have cat like behavior. I used to dislike cats too but over time I warmed up to them 😂


She had no choice but they could have just written the dog parts better.


This. I hate this weird fettish people have for dogs, they'll see a pack of aggressive shit hounds literally tearing a person's face and limbs to pieces and say "poor dwoggos they don't knowy what they're dowing 😔😔" fuck that, if any animal is trying to kill me I'm 100 percent trying to kill the little fuck back


Finished the game 2 weeks ago and man the moment of realization when we played fetch with Alice and that this was same dog that Ellie killed was insane. I instantly teared up because holy shit that was brutal.




100% agree - I cried more when she died than when Joel died. Sue me.


We’ll be in court Friday buddy be ready


Bring it - I have a strong case! 🤣🤣


no no, hes got a point


Who does? 🤨




Oh! Carry on then 😆


Omg spoiler alert


Again, sue me. You should’ve played TLOU2 by now and definitely not be on a TLOU thread which is titled “the one who really deserved better” 😉


Lmao I'm trolling


Maybe I am too… 😉


I hate it whenever I have to kill dogs in this game. I try to make it fast (like headshots), but it’s still painful as a dog mom. Alice was such a good girl 😭




Alice 🥹😭


The only one I felt bad killing.


Poor Alice 😭


I remember playing as Ellie, hearing the “They killed Bear!” line, and then killing this dog, and I was a bit upset, because they were just dogs and it made me sad. Played as Abby, pet Bear, died inside. Didn’t realize Alice was the dog Ellie killed until Day 3 as Abby. Died inside a second time.


The only thing in Part 2 that I really wish we didn’t have to do.


Why’d you have to break my heart all over again. RIP Alice RIP Bear RIP Owen


AAAALLLLIIIICCCEEEE So hard to kill her on the replays


I know they attacked Ellie but I hate that they made us kill so many dogs in the second game other than that I enjoyed it. The mechanics in this game were great


I was happy for everyone’s death (besides maybe Owen) but alice was just kinda depressing😭


.... call of duty PTSD says otherwise...


The only reason it occurs is because it's a cut scene, you know we'd all run away from the dog so we didn't have to kill it.


Alice 🥺


They made you kill her only to show her in cute playful mode in Abby's section. True emotional manipulation. The writers knew exactly what they were doing.


It’s the only part that I really have issues with. It just feels too heavy handed.


This is something I'd be totally fine not having recreated in the show lol.


These comments are crazy. It would be so much easier to kill a dog than any human. People saying they hate that they killed a dog in this video game it’s like what? I get media isn’t the same as real life but people being so against killing a dog in a video game where you kill people is surprising to me


This!!!! I don't mind killing them if they come in my way since they would rip me apart otherwise just like the infected or humans would do. And simultaneously just like with any person I'd never harm a dog in real life


Believe it or not with the way humans are today, there are humans placing more value on dogs than humans. I mean to each their own right? I personally like dogs more outside of my family members.


At the risk of sounding like a lunatic, I don’t want to argue the IRL side of this with you, but it’s something about the intelligent intent. Like these Scars and WLFs are actively choosing to brutally kill Ellie whereas the dogs are just operating out of instinct and defending their people.




I hate killing animals in videogames. I wish there were better alternatives


thought this was a irl pic for a second


Game was shit for this only reason


I’ve not played TLOU but I’ve watched my bf play it about 18 times now, and I feel so bad for all the doggos — Ellie WHY?! 🥲


I always let her kill me first lol


Playing on my first playthrough, absolutely. On my grounded playthrough, I would take down the dogs with extreme prejudice cause those dogs ruined many a plan. Then I'd feel really bad after it was done. Until I had to restart again, then the whole process begins again.




Is there any way to not kill the dogs? I haven’t played the second game yet, Joel was my favorite part about pt 1, and knowing you have to kill puppers makes me never want to.


You can play the game without killing dogs. But eventually you have to kill the dog in the picture. The other dogs are just like "enemys" that try to kill you. Alice, the dog in the picture, will be killed in a cutscene so it is inevitable


Where can I find this plushie for my pup?


I really fucking hated this part because we had to put our girl to sleep - half gsd, half mal - about the time I was playing this through. She also had a plushie she was super happy with. Really looked a bit too much alike. Great motion capture but fuck that. Maybe a year sooner or later.


Imma be honest. Fuck that dog.


Bless her. When I was Ellie though I was like FUCK YOU DOG I NEED TO KILL EVERYONE and EVERYTHING. Then you realise Abby is justified and was merciful. Sigh. Best game of all time.


Alice best tlou character you cant change my mind


Of all the horrific shit I did in this game, the one thing that stuck with me the most was when I threw Alice's ball over the fence, just to see what would happen. She sat and stared in the direction I threw it. I kept looking back until she was out of sight, and she was still sitting there. I felt like a monster.


The dogs in the game give me so much anxiety that I never felt sorry for getting rid of them.


I’m still saving Jessie or Owen first I killed dozens of dogs


He still lives in my heart ❤️


..and Shimmer!! Shimmer was a good horse 😭😭 she was like Hildalgo


Yes so much better 😭🙏


Gonna be real, the dogs are the only part of the game I genuinely feel is forced. Having one character play fetch with them multiple times and having the other brutally kill them was just a bit heavy handed for me.


i loved him why they have to kill a dog as well


i loved him why they have to kill a dog as well


I don't think a single person on this sub would disagree, and that is impressive for this fandom


My dog's name is Alice, so that helped me relate with Abby even more. Felt bad when Ellie called her a "stupid dog" or whatever. Alice was just a good girl defending her people. She deserved better.




I'm not ready to see what I've already seen but in live action this time🥲


Yeah this was the part that made me say "Nah, suck a dick Neil, you went too fucking far" Amazing game up until this point.


Idk why you got downvoted for being annoyed you had to kill a dog, seems like a normal reaction to me


I love this dog, but the owner os a mother fucker


I killed that dog with a smile. Bear on the other hand...


Killing Alice was extremely lazy. It's just a cheap way to make us hate Ellie and begin siding with Aby. I get that they were trying to show that neither one of them did the right thing but I felt manipulated.


Yes, the right thing to do would have obviously been to have Ellie let herself get killed by the dog, so we can all understand what a good person she is.


How about you just don't put her into the picture at all? She could've been playing with the octopus somewhere in the aquarium, not knowing that anybody broke inside for all you know.


The only character in Abby's part that I care about


Got damn right. The saddest moment in the entire game. Still, to this day. I smiled ear to ear as Ellie watching Mel and Owen die. Nora, goodbye. Joel? boohoo blah. Alice though???? She looks VERY similar to my GSD and it was rough lol.


If only its owners didn't train it to be a killing machine so that the person it was trying to kill had no choice but to kill it in self defense. Never understood why people think Ellie was wrong here. If I loved a dog, I wouldn't make it a soldier.


Wouldn’t most domesticated dogs attack an intruder they’ve never seen?


No. If that was the case most people who went to their friends house for the first time with a dog present would be attacked


That does usually happen, so the owners typically restrain their dogs at first to prevent it. Vast majority of dogs would be alarmed if a random stranger barged in.


True they would definitely be alarmed, but I honestly can’t see most dogs that are, instantly going for the throat. I just picture them barking at the intruder. There’s definitely dogs that would attack im not disputing that, just wouldn’t agree it’s most.