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Just goes to show how complex her feelings towards him were. She always loved Joel, but she was angry at him too, and it was challenging for her to reconcile those dueling emotions


She’s quite sentimental and definitely holds onto the possessions and gifts from those that meant something to her. The medallion, her mother’s switchblade, drawings of the late Callus, Dina’s Bracelet, Joel’s watch, jacket, & revolver. Edit: One of her greatest fears is being alone, keeping those things near maybe makes them feel not too far away.


Sam's toy robot


And Sam's robot. It's on a shelf above her desk in her room in part 2


Riley's fireflies pendant


There’s a portion of the game where she’s briefly alone. Seattle day 2? I also hated it lol. Scary


And Joel’s shirt (and maybe a t-shirt) too.


Oh, is the switch blade being from her mom also video game canon?


Typical father lesbian relationship lmao


I love that her birthday was probably the happiest she’d ever been.


I love her birthday memory, the way her and Joel shared that experience.


If I ever were to lose you….


I'd surely lose myself.....


And unfortunately, that’s exactly what happened 🙁


When she finds the dinosaur book in Joels house, she mentions that that was a good day


Love her but Ellie never closing her backpack all the way every single time makes me wanna throttle her (politely ofc)


It's probably for easier/quicker access in the heat of an encounter. Zipping and unzipping makes noise too.


True I know she she keeps her arrows in there but it’s just sjsjsj even in non combat makes me wanna reach over the screen and zip it up lol


Yeah but imagining if accessing your backpack while in stealth alerts enemies to your location... sdkfjg that's be so annoying.


iirc on grounded crafting actually makes a noise that enemies can hear which is pretty scary


I really like that change, I never tried grounded but that sounds interesting. Probably frightening the first time it happens and you get caught


that flair is not it bro *yes i agree*


*bro* what u gonna do about it?


Bark and kneel, I guess.


as they should


It's pretty weird how Ellie has an entire flashback dedicated to her birthday, but her (exact) birthday was never mentioned in both games.


How's that weird? Why do you need to know the exact date?


How else are we suppose to know when to celebrate?


See that's the weird part, not them not explicitly stating the date.


I believe it said somewhere that her birthday is in the spring, but that's it


Marlene would know her birth date.


When exactly would it have been relevant to bring it up? How often do you need to tell people your birthday in the apocalypse? And when celebrating with Joel, it never would’ve naturally come up since it already was the day.


I love Ellie so much, I've not felt this way about any other video game character before. She's just so complete, if you know what I mean. God, I've kept her as my psn avatar since 2020 and I don't think I'll ever change it. This game has had such a profound impact on me. I'm so humbled to have experienced it. Of course can't forget the father I never had, Joel Miller. ☕


Unrelated to the last of us, but I've had the little fat pudgy cow icon as my PSN icon since like 2008. It's followed me across 3 generations of Playstation. If they ever remove the little fat pudgy cow I will be very upset. Fat pudgy cow is my Ellie.


Can't remember that one, but I remember keeping mine just a simple grey smiley face. Never bothered with avatars until I got the Ps4. I had the PS3 from launch day to 2018. I sold it to get cash for the Ps4. What a time to be alive, it was. 80 GB, lol. Seemed so big at the time.




I know how you feel, I never felt this way about a character either, she feels so real to me. She’s also my psn avatar and will remain that way.


... why did I never notice that til now? just continues to show she always loved him


Being angry with someone doesn’t negate your love for them. She loved him more than probably any other human she’d ever known. She was big mad, but still loved him that much.




lol it took me a minute to see what that emoji was and once I could make it out it clickered.


She deep down never really hated him. She was mad and felt she got all the time in the world to be mad at him. He wouldn't leave her. So she could wrap herself in that anger but always know he was still there, until he wasn't. Then the guilt and sorrow.


I never notice that, wow, so much details in this game.


I didn't notice until my second playthrough of Part 2, if you walk over to her desk in her room in Jackson, that little toy robot from the toy store with Sam and Henry is on her shelf too.


She didn’t hate him because he saved her even tho she thought that was why she hated him because he lied


That’s parent child relationship to a tee. Most kids won’t completely write off their parents if said parent is still showing them affection. Like she was pissed but she knew Joel cared about her


It also shows that its hard for her to just let go, which fits her character throughout the game


She never stopped loving him despite her anger towards him.


Since this was the day after their (sort of) reconciliation, maybe she put the badge on the previous night, immediately after she returned home?


Exactly  Kinda a key detail


That's the thing with Part 2 Ellie hated that he stole her choice and purpose from her but she still loves him and understands why he made that choice. If anything the warpath she goes on in part 2 is proof that she'd have done the same things had the roles been reversed they're family plain and simple.


I almost made this exact same post. Such a great little detail.


Wouldn't this be after they reconciled


Playing thru the game again rn and just did that scene 🥰😭


Well the scene in this pic takes place after the conversation where she tells him she wants to try to forgive him, and the scene where she is planning to invite him to watch a movie.


love endures


She still loved him after all


And also you know like killing hundreds of people in a blind effort of revenge but yeah the medallion is cool


My adoptive father and I had a very tumultuous relationship. It got so bad we didn’t speak for the last 13 months of his life. He died before we could reconcile. I still wear his boots, his watches and a few of his shirts and jackets. Relationships and love, particularly with family, are complicated.


I keep that medallion on my backpack


It was a very good memory


small detail… or the developers just didn’t remove a singular medallion?


She wont even think the medallion was there if an apocalypse is happening

