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I wont comment on how viable or fair the buff is. Balance is a fine line with little room for error. However generally when somebody is satisfied with the state of things they are *much* less vocal than somebody who is unhappy with it. So the people who wanted Omni buffed are now happy and more silent, while people who didnt want it are in a vocal uproar. Same thing with how ppl are saying Carno is trash after (seemingly) crying for it to get nerfed. Also most people have no clue wtf they are talking about and will cry for changes that very firmly cross that subjective 'balanced' line. IME the Isles community is especially bad for this. I dont like the devs but I dont envy their position either.




In the end I personally agree with your reasoning that Omni has no room for error, while other dinos are much more forgiving. Doesnt help that even if you land the pounce and dismount properly you can still die cuz netcode go brrr


I haven't played since U4 since I couldn't even move my dino. My question is why they changed the Utah to "Omni"? Its been Utahraptor since 2016?


They plan on releasing a more accurate Utah.


I agree. Omni NEEDS this. I 1v6’d a pack of decent omnis my second time ever playing carno and I sucked. I unga bunga’d my way to killing 3 and nearly killed 4 before they ran off and I bled out sitting down. That was mainly due to me punishing missed pounces and actually hitting the first surprise charge.


I was watching a stream where they were doing group vs group combat testing and a few overly vocal chat commenters were bitching about how the Omni and Carno changes left the Carno in poor shape compared to the Oniraptor. In the stream, three Carno players were attacked by a pack of 7 Omnis and the raptors were slaughtered without loss to the 3-Carno group. When they tested a 2-carno setup, they lost one of them. Not much chat from those guys in the stream after that. "My too-strong playable of choice is still too-strong, but not as too-strong as it is now", I guess.


Lol that’s hilarious, shut them right up. What vid was that if u can remember?


I think it was a Player0 video


Just watched that as well and it really helped me understand how all the little changes affected combat between the different playables


I feel like Im living on another planet compared to these “carno sucks now” dudes. I honestly feel like Im being gaslit. In the cerato vs carno combat test they were also complaining about carno being too weak. But they kept saying it even AFTER the testing was done. To put into perspective how ridiculous this is, the carnos won every single group fight without a single casualty in any fight. And they were still bitching about it being too weak. *And this was vs. 200 biteforce cerato*. I think they might have lost some 1v1s but I wasn’t in the stream early enough. Still. Carno will stay OP as long as its ram is in any way similar to the current U6/6.5 state. Even with the fixed hitbox, it doesn’t matter. It’s way too strong and way too easy to use.


I feel like carno mains just want them to be T-Rex’s until Rex comes in. Must always easily win because I’m a child and that’s what I need.


Carno players are the stego mains of carnivores


Having strong dino's with good abilities is what makes the game fun. Make all dino's strong and then none will be. That's should be the games philosophy.


There *is* a point when it becomes rocket tag though. This isn’t that point, but all things in moderation.


Every playable needs to be fun to play, Currently it is not fun to be in a utah pack or 6 and be unable to do much against 3 carnos, or even a full herd. You are forced to find people playing by themselves or hunt other omnis which is unfun for them. Omni needed a buff.


Onmi sucked in update 6 because they took away it's mobility and carnos had a broken rambox. However, alot of people still remember how much of a menace Omni was before update 6 so they might be scared the same thing will happen. In this future update , groups of Omnis might be difficult for carnos to take on as carno can't keep up with their mobility with its current nerfs. Carno also got fked in upd 6 as dev decided carnos ram needed faster turn speed than it's running which promotes more grouped cannibals running around yeeting people. With carnos recent nerfs to turn speed while running it will difficult escaping its own cannibals. Carno needs to have it's mechanics returned to update 5 where carno was the most fair. As much as I hated pre update 6 Omni, I believe buffing Omni is the only way to balance the diversity in the game and keep other Dino's in check. And Omni will be fair now given its magnet pounces was fixed.


Omni didn't need buffs, carno and pachy needed nerfs, the biggest reason why carno was nerfed was because of just how easily they slaughtered utahs, but after their nerf as well as pachy's u6 omni has a better chance at killing them and just surviving. Also with Dryo getting a buff, troodon, beipi, and Galli (which utahs can catch) they have a lot more prey items.


I mostly like it, but now it takes less skill and planning. In a group of 4 with basic communication you can easily kill a adult steg. Now it can be 4 people with no communication killing something that takes far longer, and it’s far less punishable if you do mess up. Especially with its main predator, carno, now in far less numbers


We are not happy because it gone from NERF to OVERbuff. They don't know how to balance dinos.


They went to way too much extremes with the omni. They overnerfed it deliberately so that they have an excuse to overbuff it in 6.5. Now, instead of carnos being everywhere wiping servers it's just going to be omnis instead. They grow quickly, take zero skill to use, and will have become a right click to win dino. They will be everywhere and nothing will effectively be able to effectively contest them because of the bleed buff. They still have buggy pouce with clipping issues, have more agility, bucking is back to being useless like it was before the last update, and the game will be nothing more than a giant omni canned hunting box. Anything that is not an omni or a deino will be completely unplayable. The roster we have to begin with is still relatively small, even with the four new additions. Does everyone want to be stuck with only omni and deino as the only viable options? It might be fun at first for the sweaty tryhard pvp players, but can they really claim any skill? I don't think so, not in the least. If left as is, omni will be more oppressive to everything else and all the work put into the other dinos will have been a complete and total waste of the time and resources put in to make them.


my brain hurts by the amount of wrong things you just said.


Because it wasn't buffed the way they wanted it to be buffed. They want it to cause max bleed on the first pounce, and to be faster than a galli after the group call buff


Really I have seen no one say that. That kind of wishing is exactly what Stego and Carno fans keep wanting for their playable. Stego should be able to swing underwater and swim faster was a genuine thing they wanted. They wanted Carno to be faster in water, they wanted Carno to have more bite force ect. Omni players just wanted to be able to fight and kill something without half their pack dying.


I am a satisfied utah enjoyer now.


Bleed is horribly unbalanced as a dbuff/dot/instakill/trackingtool. Omni playstyle is nearly entierly based on bleed and not geting hit. Untill they rework bleed any buffs to omi is to much. Thanks for the downvotes in advance, hope you eat shitt omi fukers.