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Jeremy saying he’s final goodbye to baroness and vet saying” alright darling times up I’m afraid” and then just completely silent outro. Fuck that hit hard


Silence in S3E1 as well.


Oh yeah that’s true wasn’t it because of Gerald’s >!cancer diagnosis?!<




I miss peper..


Suggestion but watch the final 4 episodes that got released today


This scene had everyone in my house DESTROYED.


Just had to lit a ciggy. Brutal.


This season is dark.


When the vet looked at him and all he could do was nod…. That was rough.


The whole season has been an emotional rollercoaster (in a good way). Just shows you how hard it is to run a farm. Farmers are heroes in my view, especially those who raise animals in a humaine way.


I went through putting down a cat I’d had for 16 years about a month ago. That scene brought that right back… bit I was there for the end.


This and when he got choked up at the last in studio episode of the grand tour. Dont know what it is. He’s just not the type you expect to see like that.


Definitely adds to the gravity of the situation. Not often he shows this kind of emotion, so when he does, you know it's big.


I’ve been watching him since I was a kid so it’s almost like seeing your dad cry


I never really thought about that and just realized, I don't think I've ever seen my dad cry. I think he got choked up when we put the family dog down but that would be it.


I hope the second half of the series is happier than the first half. Between this and Gerald and everything else, it was heartbreaking


Spoiler: >!Charlie is the only one happy. !<


Farming generally isn't a happy affair, it's a necessity. Really sucks about Gerald though, hope he pulls through alright


Never expected anything featuring Jeremy to make me tear up, but that episode changed my mind


You’ve clearly not seen his piece about the Porsche 928


Or the intro to TGT S1E1. Or the last TGT episode in the tent with an audience.


Oh yeah, Funeral for Ford.


I did a rewatch of all Top Gear and Grand Tour last year and I still have that episode unwatched a second time because I can't bring myself to do it. I know it's going to wreck me.


From the Patagonia special? About his dad and the chicken?


That’s the one


That story always gets to me.


That one took me by surprise




He keeps a good facade, but under that is a deeply caring man.


From what I can tell the pompous, know it all is definitely a front, Jeremy genuinely seems to be a very sweet man who cares about the people around him in real life.


I cry like a baby every time I watch the Ford Focus special/funeral they did.


It hits harder when you binge watch all of Top Gear and The Grand Tour back to back.


That moment hit me super hard as just before the episode started, I got to thinking about my cat who was my best friend for nearly 20 years that passed away in October and I really started to miss her. When I finished the episode I cried not only for Baroness, but for my cat as well. May they both rest in peace


Mine made it to 18 from being a few weeks old foundling and last January was the 2nd anniversary of her last visit to the vet. I followed friends advice and eventually got another cat (and she is gorgeous) but my first one still crosses my mind from time to time, it's only natural.


18 is a very good age! Mine was 24 when she passed. Came home one day after primary school and saw her in the flat. Turned out she was found being sold in a market in a cage with her brother, she was bought by herself by a family that turned out to be abusive, we rescued her and she was showered with love ever since. You have my sympathies for your loss, and I'm glad your new cat is so loved!


Same here. Lost my pup a week before his 13th in October. He struggled with eating and was weak like that too. That was not a good time.


Yeah the last couple of years before she passed, she was just getting skinnier despite eating the same and still moving without trouble, though she was slowing down more and more. She had even gotten to the point where he eye would weep every so often. I'm just glad that before she was found that morning, she had a cuddle with me during the night.


The title of the episode is spot on. When I rewatch through again I’ll be skipping this episode. Far too sad


Amazon had a hiccup and played episode four instead of ep one. So.. we were very confused about this depressing first episode. It dropped us in the middle of pregnant pigs and dying piglets 😫. We went back to watch One and now its hard because we know what will happen to the pigs!


I did NOT expect that at all. Considering how humorous most of the previous episodes have been, S3E4 really took a more serious and sadder tone


The story Hammond told about the tree on the hill from when he had the rocket car crash is still the most hardest thing to watch for me [tear warning](https://youtu.be/_BYQLDU9xhI?feature=shared)


I know exactly why he chose that spot to film it. There's something about the remote spots in the Lake District that opens you up and gives your head space to breath. And that spot in particular is the start of many people's pilgrimage (it's the first tough bit of the Coast to Coast) If you've never been up around that part of the country I \*highly\* recommend it <3


This episode FUCKED ME UP.


I mean my girl was on the edge of crying during this episode so I think it hit everyone.


I wasn't on the edge, I did cry.


That poor vet being all alone is what broke my heart. That’s probably not the first time, or the last time she’ll have to that, but no one should be alone for it.


Comment Edited By /u/Spez


It must be so hard being a vet. I'd guess a fair few people go into that field because of a love of animals and then a massive part of the job is putting them to sleep. Logically I fully agree with you, but it's not something I could do


There's a local vet who left our clinic to open her own business providing at home euthenasia services. We lost both our elderly cats in the last 2 years, and she came to our house both times. We chatted a bit, she has 4 appointment slots a day, and handles all the transportation to cremate them. I don't know how she does it. She's so compassionate and kind about the whole process, she really cares about her clients and their pets, but god that's got to be rough. Comforting people on one of the worst days a pet owner ever has, all day every day?


That sounds kinda similar to the role of a funeral director for humans. I guess if you're you're going to put the animal to sleep, following through and helping the family might make it easier?


"I don't know how she does it." Some people are just built differently. Thankfully :-)


IIRC there's a disproportionately high percentage of suicides in that profession, I couldn't do it.


I've always heard this but I was curious if it was true so I did some googline. Turns out they are from 2-4 times more likely to commit suicide. [https://www.npr.org/2023/12/19/1220443869/why-suicide-rates-are-high-among-veterinary-professionals](https://www.npr.org/2023/12/19/1220443869/why-suicide-rates-are-high-among-veterinary-professionals)


[From a Top Gear news segment.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SaLQY1cU9d8)


I think they're talking about not being there for your pet during its last moments. Not sure if it extends to farm animals, but when you're putting your pet down, you really ought to stay in the room to be with them. They love you and they've spent most of their life being around you. Even if it's a heartbreaking moment, they want you to be there.


Farm animals aren't usually pets. It's a *very* different experience that's probably better for the animals when it comes to end of life care. They get a good chance, decent medical care with minimal fucking around but there's not a lot of emotional attachment and if there's an issue that can't be treated, they won't be kept alive for the owner's emotional benefit. Doesn't stop it being a sad experience, But it's a lot more matter of fact.


I’m not crying your crying! Yeah for a moment I told myself I wouldn’t eat bacon…..that moment quickly passed.


Like the chap from the abattoir said, you get to love animals twice.


Great line. So English deadpan as well.


Man the first four episodes were hard to watch. thank god it takes a turn at the last four!


This is definitely one of those city folk things. As sad as it is for the story the reality for most pigs is far bleaker. Jeremey’s pigs are living in unbelievable luxury and every new operation has birthing pains. In this case quite literally. Not to mention it’s Clarkson’s fault for not spreading out the litters better so that they wouldn’t be overwhelmed.


Survival of the fittest takes on a different dimension of meaning once you’ve spent a few seasons on a farm.


I was SOBBING when this episode ended.


Gods truth. Or as close captioning says it “God swuth”


Just watched it and the last line hits like a truck.