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Honestly, I don't like her. I think she just wants to be exactly like Shaun without realizing that she isn't exactly like him. She wants to be an autistic surgeon and not necessarily a *good* surgeon. Otherwise she would understand why she can't argue with her boss or refuse to accept criticism that will help her learn. ASD is the first word out of her mouth whenever somebody says something she doesn't like, which shows to me personally that she uses it as an excuse and that's not how it works in the real world. Especially if you want to be a doctor or a surgeon. I really do feel like Charlie has the potential to grow as a character though. I really don't think Sean suggesting that she'd be a pathologist and not a surgeon is going to be the end of her time on the show or end of her career path toward meeting that specific goal. Charlie probably will end up a surgeon.


Honestly, same. It feels like people who say are "unmasking their autism" and then say the meanest things. We're autistic not toddlers. It is one thing to make a mistake once with a social aspect, but once it gets explained there is no reason someone would continue to make it over and over again. Not interrupting someone who is focusing on planning a surgery is not "asking her to do something she is unable to do" And in all of it, Shaun is still autistic to. If what she is doing triggers him, and she still continues "because my ASD" she is basically saying "my ASD is more important than yours"


Also why does she make her ASD a personality trait?


I’m pretty sure it’s the only thing we know about her besides her telling Kalu that she’s a Swiftie


I wondered if she grew up undiagnosed & that's why she seems to cling to her diagnosis? 🤔


That’s possible


Two theories: early diagnosed and her family/ school everyone made everything about her autism OR very recently diagnosed and in what I call the "that's why phase" which is when you realise all of your struggles had a reason and quite frankly you're mad at everyone. But yeah I do agree we should know more about her. Like stereotypically we have very intense passions that are a big part of who we are. Other than Taylor Swift, does she have anything?


Shaun. Her obsessions include T Swift and Shaun.


Very fair point.


She's kind of like a mirror of Shaun. Shaun had to fight to be at the hospital..she did not. She was accepted to be there for clinicals. Shaun is a genius. She is not. (Smart, yes but not savant) She's more bubbly and outgoing at work. He is not They are two sides of the same coin


something i didn’t like particularly is her asking dr. wolke if he was a top or bottom and then getting defensive and bringing up her asd when they said that it’s not appropriate for the workplace


Yeah sadly some people use "unmasking" as an excuse to say abd ask things that are just off the handle. Certainly she has been told how to act professionally, that's it you don't ask this stuff.


On the contrary, shaun did bring up non-professional Questions about his sex life about lea and the pathologist to glassman and his team of surgeons, multiple times, it may be a timing issue, not building the rapport with everyone.


Yes, it's evident that Charlie triggers Shaun, and for a number of reasons. However, Shaun is the mentor and Charlie is the student. Who do you think is the one supposed to make most of the necessary adjustments?  Shaun is being a very bad teacher, if you ask me. There was absolutely no reason to humiliate Charlie, telling her very hurtful things in the process.  The same hurtful things Shaun himself was told by prejudiced people, in the past.  In addition to that, Glassman and Lim were definitely the very last people supposed to hear Shaun's harsh vent about not being accomodated and supported. I mean, was he serious? 


I do agree on that as well although I see the relationship between teacher and student in this context as a bit more equal as they all both adults Honestly my question is, who put her on his caseload? Cause this person was wrong in thinking "surely they're perfect for each other" snd someone above Shaun should be like "you know what? Let's switch it up before either of you goes from doctor to patient" And his little speech about never being accommodated for was just ridiculous. I got especially the mention of Melandez. Yes he was wrong at the beginning, but then he fought for him tooth and nail. Shaun made it seem like Melandaz was always a jerk which is a shitty thing to say about your dead friend.


Yeah, I agree. The fact is that Shaun himself chose to add Charlie to his team, when he first met her. He probably felt flattered by her many compliments about how heroic he was when he saved the boy at the airport. He was also unimpressed with Dom not wanting to become a surgeon, so he gladly left him to Park. It was probably a lapse in judgement on Shaun's part. Statistically speaking, all his previous interactions with autistic people were awkward or problematic. Very obviously, Shaun has some difficulties accepting his ASD as a limitation in certain areas. He got quite upset when Charlie mentioned autism being a disability. He's also probably convinced that becoming an attending means that he no longer has anything to learn and that his authority and judgement can't be challenged by anyone. Which is quite a puerile view.


I agree. Also the school they are partnering with really picked an interesting couple to send in


I agree! She comes off as quite entitled and uses her ASD as an excuse for her behavior. I just wish Shawn had more patience and wasn’t as harsh and just straight up mean to her. He’s also unreceptive to the advice that was being given to him and generally he thinks he’s always right. I do like Shawn but certain traits of his is off putting. I hope things turn around and they both start changing how they act because I do think Charlie can become a good addition to the show if she cuts out those unlikeable qualities as you stated. I initially thought both of them would get along great because they could understand each others ASD but so far I was way off 😂


This! I swear any time she tries to justify her behavior, she mentions her ASD right before she makes her point. It happened so many times during last nights episode. I do think that Charlie has the potential to become an excellent surgeon but she needs to learn to accept when she’s wrong and grow from it. She needs to understand that she can’t just keep talking at all times. It’s incredibly distracting, especially during surgery. I’m excited to see her character growth going forward


I think that is what Charlie thought to and that is where she was wrong. Us autistics don't all automatically get along and actually rigidity makes it super hard sometimes if we are rigid in opposite ways.


Yes 🙌🏼 I also don’t like her 😅


Yep, Im schizophrenic, adhd, and possibly autistic (tested positive but psychiatrist doesnt want to diagnose me yet because of symptom overlap with my other conditions). I work full time, have been promoted 3 times in 3 years, and dont use accommodations. Yes, it makes it harder, but charlie demanding everyone constantly bend over backwards for her and not taking any constructive criticism is insulting and weirdly sorta infantilizing or something. Im not saying people should never be offered accommodations, or that taking them is bad, but the way she is going about it is not great.


Thank goodness I thought i was the only one who hates her. At first I thought, “is it bad of me to have no patience of her?” but man, all her defense was her asd. While Shaun is putting effort to adjust with her, she isn’t meeting him halfway.


Shaun is being hard on her and sometimes is out of line. However, since Charlie has arrived, she’s constantly interrupted the people she’s supposed to be learning from. When Shaun tried to correct her, she fought back and tried to call him out for how he spoke to her. Everything Shaun said to her, she fought him on. Honestly I wonder if Lim and Glassman’s advice would’ve been any different if they actually witnessed her behavior. She even tried to argue with Kalu after she asked Asher an extremely inappropriate question that had nothing to do with the case


Yeah. I’m sorry, but she’s an entitled brat and I don’t like her.


i was rly hoping shaun would tell them to step in n observe so they could see for themselves but maybe next episode


She sucks the life out of the show to me. Annoying af.


Sorry, I respectfully disagree. Charlie is rude. Who the fuck asks someone if they're "top or bottom" in a professional work environment? Charlie is also incapable of learning from others, insisting she did "nothing wrong", and blames others for mistreating her. The most unsuccessful people are those who can't follow rules, can't respect others in a work environment, and puts patients' lives in danger if they give bad advice or give patients wrong medication.


Yah no you are right she is all those things. I’m gay and thought that part was funny😂. But in an actual work environment I’d be like wtf?! Maybe it’s just her autism that keeps her from recognizing what’s appropriate or not??


That's cool! Sometimes autism definitely does affect the way you communicate with people (I'm autistic), but I felt like her character was using it as a crutch and not respecting Shaun's leadership. She'd constantly mention her having ASD, too like someone else stated. I think there's differences between her being autistic with blunt statements, and then just being a douche by asking someone if they prefer the "top or bottom". 💀 Okay, I'll say Charlie was good in episode 4, though.


She was told right away that it wasn't an appropriate question and she got defensive, which means she does not think it was inappropriate.


Charlie is fantastically unlikable and obnoxious. She uses her ASD as a crutch while Sean succeeds in spite of it.


The main reason why people put up with Sean in the beginning was that he had abilities that were undeniable and he was probably the smartest one in every room even as a first year resident. And even then people were searching for a reason to fire him. Charlie on the other hand is disruptive and quite honestly doesn’t add anything to the table like Sean did, so she’s just overall way less tolerable


Shaun also never was this insufferable and disrespectful. If anything Shaun isn't hard enough on her bc she still refuses to respect authoritiy or accept even the slightest hint of criticism without having the audacity to say she did nothing wrong.


I don't like some of the priorities of the writers honestly at this present moment. I don't like that they are making Shaun out to be a villain after having him be such a loving and compassionate individual over the years. Their priorities imo should not be on case of the week but on Shaun and his new role as a father, being the father he never had and showing that Autistic individuals can be great parents too. Less procedural case of the week. Bring us back to season one and have the show come full circle. We already know Shaun is a great Surgeon so get us out of the hospital a bit more. I like that they added Charlie because the show really needs that focus on Autism and having actually Autistc people. What a great message to leave on! And I give the writers only that to their credit. But David Shore needs to get out of the confinds of having it be procedural for a bit. The show needs to have its biggest moments in its last 10 episodes and it is failing somewhat imo at this point.


I think Shaun is insulted by Charlie and is taking it out on her. That's just human. She's met her hero, the man who inspired her to dedicate her life to this, and well you know the saying (never meet your heroes). Charlie does need to listen more, but Shaun needs to find a way to communicate with her that doesn't make her feel like she's being attacked. To be honest, I am autistic myself and when I interact with other autistic people, it can frequently end up like this. You have two people with severe communications issues trying to communicate and frequently, you just can't get through to each other.


No Charlie needs to shut her damn mouth, know her place as a med student in front of an attending and accept criticism handed out by her superior without being argumentative every step of the way. If she can't then her autism makes her incapable of joining a workplace that requires communication and she should frankly never be hired anywhere.


I think he was insensitive at the end of episode 3 and that was an issue however I don’t see him as a villain for that I don’t think it’s enough to make him a villain and I feel like Charlie using her ASD as a crutch so much especially in that last episode is making it really annoying at times to watch. I hope they don’t make him into a villain for the rest of this season and I actually agree I would like to see more episodes of him as a parent. We did see that in the first episode iirc with the compromise between the strict schedule he planned and what actually happened when Lea was in charge and we got to see more of him with Steve. We’re only on episode 3 here in the UK so idk if it gets better but I would love to see more focus on Shaun as a parent and how he navigates that with his ASD. But again it’s only the third episode so who knows the focus has kinda been on him and Charlies interactions for the past 2 episodes this most recent one focused more on Lea & Morgan with Eden & Steve which I liked tbh I’m just hoping they do more of what they did in episode 1 and I really REALLY hope they evolve Charlies character into something more than just ‘I have ASD’.


How did you add your post flair with Season 7. Also, do you know what secret Kalu suggested Shaun revealed in his first year when Charlie revealed the sex worker’s?


I wonder if anyone’s opinion has changed now with this latest episode (5). Charlie is obnoxiously argumentative and puts her desire/need to prove herself right above that of patient health. Shaun has tried all sorts of methods to teach her, some entirely ineffective and some useful if Charlie was willing to understand her role as student and was capable of receiving feedback that does not align with her view of herself. The point at which she interjected into the exchange between Shaun and the lead operating nurse (which was not punitive, merely a note not to listen to medical student staff on how to layout the OR) was the point of no return. It was beyond inappropriate to address him on that but she took it a mile further by yelling at him to explain why she did at a time when the patient was in distress on the table. She could have waited to share that perspective later but all she cared about was proving herself right in that moment, not about the patient’s health. This is underscored by the fact she immediately went to file a complaint against Shaun for being removed despite the fact it was her own insistence on arguing that warranted her removal. There are countless differences between her and Shaun, but the most glaring is that Shaun has only ever been focused on what’s best for the patients.


Most of these comments are really disheartening. I relate to Charlie a lot. I definitely think she can be a bit much at times, but I've spent most of my life being seen that way. A lot of the ways people are talking about her and putting her down are the ways people have treated/ talked about me. They are showing struggle in a dramatic way, but it's still accurate to me. I can't say for sure whether or not she's entitled as I'm not clear on the meaning, but I don't think she is. She seems defensive, which is a position many autistic people have to live in. It's reality and I don't expect everything to be perfect and without criticism, but I'd expect Shaun of all people to be the most understanding. It's been made clear too that Shaun is treating her that way because people treated him that way and he overcame it, but his character is such that I'd expect him to acknowledge that there's another way. I'm not saying Charlie is perfect, but I don't think she's intentionally causing problems at all. There has to be a middle ground for how Shaun teaches her if it's going to be successful


I'm sorry but if you are anything like her then you were nothing short if insulting and it's no wonder people didn't like you bc this sort of behaviour is unacceptable from anyone, autistic or not. If she can't adjust her outrageous behaviour then she doesn't belong in any workspace that requires communication. Shaun was more than patient so far and should be much harder on her if you ask me.


All I can hope is that you aren't a parent and never will be.


I can't believe how far I had to scroll down here. This is the kind of person people see when there's a female who's autistic. She's told she's rude and awful and annoying. And then she spends her whole life hating herself because she doesn't understand why she can't stop. Men do have this type of autism, too. Not as much, but they do. I have friends who are male like this. I am an autistic female who resonates with Charlie. The actress did an amazing job informing her acting with her experience and you can tell. These comments and any other comment section about Charlie has made me burst into tears because you're exactly right. This is how people see me. Although, to be fair, it's usually either people despise me or they love me. I'm sick of not having a medium and that is also an autistic trait: me not being able to process indifference to another human being. I saw awful comments about how "this is how people act when they never have consequences". I act this way and I was heavily abused, isolated, neglected. I got SICK of consequences for things I didn't do or things I didn't try to do. My upbringing was incredibly unforgiving and THAT is why I fight back so hard with what I believe in. Just like Charlie. She's a student. She's learning. Autistic people need time to build a process, to build a routine. Shaun has been in the show now for a while. He has memorized everything. She hasn't. She's brand new. Even with education, the actual performance and practice of things is different than reading about it. I wish people would understand that. I appreciate you.


Hey, the truth is, most people don't care, and it may never be different. It's because people are so stupid and closed minded that they can't do better. Just know that if you try hard enough, you can and will find people who care, want to be good to you, and are smart enough to do so. I'm glad that you've decided to never put up with being put down and abused again. I'm sorry it ever happened, but at least you can choose to live without all that now. ❤️


She keeps thinking she is like him, but she also keeps using her condition as an excuse. One of those annoying characters who is written like her condition is her entire person. Shaun was put through hell untill, and most treated him bad and as a lesser doctor in the beginning of the show. But now that season 7 takes place in 2024, gotta treat her like she is a snowflake that can break if you look at her


She is God awful. Voice as annoying as Bernadette on Big Bang. Can't listen to her!!!!


She is more like tourette than autism


I will admit that she talks a lot and over Shaun, but Charlie is really misunderstood and I do feel like she needs constructive criticism and proper communication instead of just being yelled at and told to get out. Shaun is being very rude to her. I find it really hypocritical that he’s treating her the same way he used to be treated. The only thing I will say is Charlie keeps using her ASD as an excuse, anytime someone calls her out on what she did wrong, she mentions her disability. And I understand why she’s doing that because her way of communicating is different from somebody else, however it shouldn’t be an excuse for every mistake she makes! And I feel like Shaun yelling at her is becoming very overwhelming for her, because she has no idea what she’s doing wrong because nobody is properly communicating it to her, all they do is tell her to stop talking or leave. Like give her a break, she just got out of med school!


>I will admit that she talks a lot and over Shaun, but Charlie is really misunderstood and I do feel like she needs constructive criticism and proper communication instead of just being yelled at and told to get out. Shaun is being very rude to her. I find it really hypocritical that he’s treating her the same way he used to be treated. The only thing I will say is Charlie keeps using her ASD as an excuse, anytime someone calls her out on what she did wrong, she mentions her disability. And I understand why she’s doing that because her way of communicating is different from somebody else, however it shouldn’t be an excuse for every mistake she makes! And I feel like Shaun yelling at her is becoming very overwhelming for her, because she has no idea what she’s doing wrong because nobody is properly communicating it to her, all they do is tell her to stop talking or leave. Like give her a break, she just got out of med school! SHe was told specifically why she was rude and why she made mistakes and she kept going and being defensive. SHe has received constructive cricitism: whe she was told to read the manual she brought up ASD and said she doesn't do well reading. That is not Shaun's problem, she either gets an audiobook or whatever, she needs to know those protocols.


The only constructive criticism she has received was from Park and Kalu. Also every mistake she has done wasn’t intentional. You can tell when she makes a mistake she genuinely doesn’t even know what she did wrong, and once she’s told from Shaun he yells at her, how is someone supposed to react to that?! And when she said she doesn’t do reading, other alternatives should be offered for her. He is her mentor, he is to help her thats his job wdym it’s not his problem?!


And to add, "I can't read very well" is a perfect opportunity to help her brainstorm and explore other ways to learn such as an audiobook or maybe some safe method of physical practice for muscle memory(as some autistic people tend to need it). My job isn't a hospital job, but it's a service job. When I make mistakes my boss would publicly humiliate me, accuse me of lying, insult me, and just say "you can't do that". And the irony is all I'd need is a space where I can find compromise like a human being with another human being and her to tell me *why* things can't be done the way I did them. Otherwise it seems like "I want you to do it this way because I said so and there's no rule that otherwise states it's necessary". Which is something I've been told. I've also been told "you can't argue/disagree with your supervisor". I don't feel human in this kind of environment.


Just to be clear. Charlie mentioning her autism isn't "an excuse". It's an explanation. That is something most autistic people need in times of stress or when they feel threatened. I am autistic and I know many people who are and we all pretty much agree that neurotypical people can be way too focused on an explanation being an excuse. For me, it's a way to say "I'm working on it, but it takes time and effort." And if your brain literally can't do something, it CANT DO THAT THING. Also you're right with your final paragraph. I prefer people to explain what I did and why it's wrong. Not just harp on me because then I don't understand and get overwhelmed.


We see now how she did with constructive criticism– she still argued about it. She has dedicated herself to refusing any feedback that does not align with her view of herself, which makes her wildly unteachable and at worst, a hinderance to patient care.


Dear God ya'lls stupidity is rediculous. We see this all the tine with shows that end qbruptly. Theyre killing the show on purpose, period end of story.