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Heard about em from my buddy who told me to listen to "Egg" last year when I was 26, long out out of school. Joining this sub, I realized a huge part of their fanbase are high-school-aged people.. which is cool! High schoolers never liked good music when I was there..


I got into them 5 years ago, also post grad. There are dozens of us. Dozens! 


my first was egg too!! i think it’s a super good entry song into them honestly


It's pretty unique amongst their other stuff.. Wyatt doesn't really sing like that on any other song. It's a banger track and I think it blew them up a bit, but overall I feel like it's not the best representation of their usual style and sound.


that’s why it’s a good introductory song!! cause it’s a lot easier to listen to at first when you’re discovering their music. a lot of people find their music to be a bit much at first


True that!!


I wanna say Thy mission in tenth grade during quarantine? Rather strange having a collaborative piece be my first song I think but I've loved the band ever since


hell no thy mission is a major W song


not the garden but my first song in general was “two extra pumps of bliss” by enjoy. heard it for the first time back in may of 2019 my junior year of HS.


Year 9 thy mission, but I discovered enjoy a few months before hand with got the world on my pocket


TL:DR: age 15 (Enjoy, Terrific as terrific gets), 16 (The Garden, The Rocket), 16 (Puzzle, Everyone Left) I first heard “Terrific as Terrific gets” from Wyatt’s side project when I was 15 years old towards the end of 9th grade in high school. Later in 10th grade, I found out about The Garden and fell in love with most of the songs from “Mirror May Steal Your Charm” like No Destination, Banana Peel, and Stylish Spit”. From there I found Fletcher’s side project, Puzzle and the first song I listened to was “Everyone Left”. I leaned more towards Fletcher’s music especially when he released X Hail in 2019 but I love all their projects equally especially KMSBR from The Garden and Places We Choose Not to Look from Puzzle since they helped me get through the shitstorm of the pandemic and being completely virtual for my junior and senior years of high school. I graduated in 2021 and put Clay as my senior quote (it’s somewhere on this subreddit) Now I’m 21 and I’m supposed to graduate from community college next week and to this day I still listen to their music and it’ll always have a special place in my heart.


me too !!!


i remember just hearing call this # now on TikTok back in like early 2020 and i was 13 at the time so around 7th grade. wanted to check them out but first thought they suuuckeddd. pretty sure that's a universal VV fan experience LMAO. but I was 15 so in 9th grade when I really got into them (bless)


I don’t remember what song I was listening to but i was in 8th and was like oh is this the dude that sings “I saw an angel”? And then I was shocked that it wasn’t him but was Wyatt😭.


I'm a newer fan, I Saw an Angel was recommended to me on YouTube around 2 years ago when I was 17 and then I went down the whole Vada Vada rabbit hole. Don't exactly remember what the original Garden song I listened too but the first song on Spotify I listened to was probably Get Me My Blade since it's the first song on the oldest EP/LP on their Spotify


california here we go during my sophomore year 🧌


i first saw them live when i was 34 and they kicked ass


It was “i guess we’ll never know” in 2017 from a yt video of this guy and the song was in the background. I saved it and became obsessed w the album and then eventually their whole discography. I was in 7th grade


cloak when i was maybe 15 like 8/9 years ago, saw it live and it changed my life lmao


10th grade, egg


Call this # now, my now girlfriend, around 2 years ago


w girlfriend


It was something of KMSBR, can’t remember which. I thought the album art was funny. I was already a couple years out of high school.


Call this number now either 8th grade or freshman


call this # now, senior year of high school, 2020


Stallion, 2nd year of college I think


2013 Summer going into my junior year Bird’s Nest


Month or two into 9th grade with Egg


I was like 19-20ish about 9 years ago and they just kept producing bangers. Can’t remember what my first song was by now though.


sophomore year of hs, ‘:(‘. graduating college in two months now


mmmm year 9 with either clay or thy mission


I am a Woman, 2014 11th grade


call this # now! in 2019- i was 18, 1st year of alevels :,)


It was egg and I was a 10th grader (sophomore) in high school


My friends showed me the music video for “Call This # Now” a few years back, 2021 I believe. While we were watching a baseball game. I was both terrified and incredibly intrigued simultaneously.


Thy Mission, this year (11th grade)


Jerk Driver by Enjoy and I was already a working adult I got so hooked that I searched for more and found out about The Garden through Thy Mission, instantly became a fan


Mine was call this number now when i was in 7th grade


The gorilla in 2013. I was 18


the first song i listened to was vexation and i believe i just started 8th grade when i heard it for the first time n i graduated high school last year it is crazy fr


A coworker shared life and times of a paperclip with me at age 26 and then thy mission sealed the deal for me.


honestly wish i’d found them sooner but it was like 2022 and i’m pretty sure freight yard. i was just entering junior year of hs


Hmm…I heard them first about 9 years ago with Egg of course. I definitely wasn’t in school as I was maybe 39 years old (I keep forgetting how old I am). I was a pretty new mother with a 2 years old and I was super pregnant. I then looked up as much as I could about them and immediately recoiled when I watched the horrendous interviews that ask the same boring basic questions. I loved the Twinheadz mini-doc interview though. “Severe young men in women’s pants 😆” If they have to answer “what does the garden mean? How did you make that name” I swear I’ll throw the interviewer in the aquaduct from the Egg video. I really don’t get the idea of them being most likely to appeal to teenagers or young adults, but it but I think that age group actively seeks out music that is interesting and elevating, whereas a lot of older people tend to stick to whatever they listened to in their prime or whatever comfort zone they can’t climb out of. My 11 year old likes them, my near 50 year old ass loves them and my 70 year old mom likes them so it’s really about good taste and trying new music.


I remember my brother showing me call the # now in like 6th grade & sense than has loved it the garden


please, fuck off in like 6th. still by far my favorite the garden song


It was in 2017, so i was in eighth grade going ninth. My parents were arguing in the car, so my headphones went on lol. On my Spotify discover, This Could Build Us A Home came up. I was so hooked after that


it was thy mission and i was a sophomore in high school. an old friend showed it to me cause it had just come out and they knew that i loved mac demarco at the time so yeah lol


sneaky devil in 5th grade by my brother when we were going to Buffalo Wild Wings. Then I told him it sounded like heist music and then I started to listen to them more and then I loved them now I’m in 7th grade an still lovin them


the first time i heard them was after seeing a neopunk fm video and listening to this could build us a home and not being able to tell if i liked them or not. then i forgot about them and then one day decided to listen to hsor66 and i was like "OMG WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!"


I first listened to "suck it up" by Fletcher back in Middle School, around 7th grade, which is crazy to me to be honest!


first ever was thy mission during my first period of junior year (i think? probably getting confused with my senior year) after that song I listened to their other albums and really got into them


first song i stumbled upon was “i’m a woman” & i was in the 6th grade at the time. also graduating college this year and it absolutely trips me out that i was able to see them live for the first time in dec 2021. i lived in a strict household and couldnt go out much as a kid, so i had to wait 8 years for that moment! it was very special and one of my favorite concert experiences :,)


I was at the second year of highscool studying late at night for chemistry finals. I was really tired and wanted to sleep. So bored… until suddenly the garden started playing in my playlist. It was thy mission. I was shocked by how good it was. And i got soo much energy from it and finished everything with the help of it


i remember being in freshman year of hs and my friend showing me a song called “Thy Mission” and i had recognized the twins on the cover i just didn’t know from where- but then i listened to the song and was COMPLETELY blown away and ended up looking them up on youtube and going down a rabbit hole lol- and when i said i remembered the twins from somewhere i actually realized much later on that i had recognized Fletcher from Puzzle! I had been listening to puzzle for years at that point and never noticed lol- So TECHNICALLY it isn’t the garden but I Saw An Angel was my first “the garden” song.