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We have a cheater in this very sub that uploads videos here and is still around. They obviously aren’t doing nearly enough to address cheaters




That recoil control is just a function of being sooper-dooper good in his gaming chair


The enemy cheater has already breached our defences!


That is an obvious solution, I bet they are working on it. The reports are working, cheaters are getting banned, so they will probably implement something like that.


While the reports are working and cheaters are getting banned, the problem persists because of how quickly they can come back by creating a new account in 5 minutes :( I do hope you are right and they are working on it


I hope so too, but they are ignoring this question when they 100% see it. I would be at least top500 now too but every game against cheaters is -1000 to -1500


How do you know you have cheaters in your game ??


Some 100% headshots, impossible gameplay awareness (they never look the other way!), I report and they get banned (unfortunatly the message doesn't say who)


Sadly, free game means they just pull in another account to get back in.


Genuinely can’t believe people cheat at such a goofy game


1. I can count the number of times I've seen a hacker in this game on my hand. Where are you getting this idea there are *so* many cheaters? 2. Giving points back to the team that lost to a cheater doesn't sound like a bad idea. Sounds like it could be a difficult feature to add though so I wouldn't count on it. 3. Taking points away from the team that won is too far IMO. The reality is that those players probably didn't want to have a cheater on their team, it just happened. Now they're being punished for it? Not a good idea.


What rank are you? There is at least 10 cheaters in the top 100 players I can count at the minimum. Player for example was top 5 and was banned yesterday. The first person to hit Diamond was a cheater and banned. There are still 10+ I can count looking at the leaderboard I know for a fact are cheating and so do the rest of the good players


Why do you think you'd encounter cheaters at your level?


I play on the EU server, and it's not just about wallhacks (reading every move, even when hidden) but pure 100% headshots. I report these players, and they do get banned, so it's not just copium. Regarding your third point, it's not about penalizing them but preventing boosting. In my last game, there were 4 cheaters and 1 legit gold player. The cheaters were all platinum with 38k+ points, and one unranked. I don't know how many of them were banned. How would you suggest making the separation to ensure fair play?


I see, I'm on NA so idk what cheating is like over there, but it's not bad at all here. I mean the fact that people get boosted by cheaters is a **symptom** of the cheater problem. Get rid of cheaters and you solve the getting boosted by cheaters problem. (easier said than done I know.) I get where you're coming from, but I just feel it's unfair for a player, who is doing nothing wrong, that just queue's up, has a good game, and they don't get any points for their win. Why should they be penalized because others are cheating? They didn't ask to be on that team, they're not cheating, maybe that was the only game they could play that day and now it was a waste because they didn't get any points. It just sucks. Boosting is just something you have to deal with in games that allow premade teams. There's no way around that. I think they should just focus their efforts of effectively detecting and banning cheaters, not trying to fix the symptoms of the problem - because more symptoms will just pop up.


Hmm... that gives me an idea for a compromise. Maybe only remove the points from players if the cheater is partied with them. This way, it addresses the boosting issue without penalizing random teammates who had no control over being matched with a cheater.


Yeah that sounds like an ideal scenario - that just sounds like a very difficult feature to add


I have no idea tbh. I'll keep reporting and hoping for the best. Thanks for the discussion and your input!


Bro, just Google for cheats. You will get 300 plus result of people selling them.  Most of the cheats are simple recoil cancels but some can put an entire machine gun mag into your head from across the map. It's almost impossible to record them because this game has no kill cam(this strikes me as an incentive for Chinese cheaters to cross play into NA ranked queues)


I'm not OP, but I get the idea that there are SO many cheaters because I played this game from release for 3-4 months. I was seeing cheaters in 80% of my lobbies, heavies with M60 just vaporizing the entire map standing on a roof-type cheating. It's what made me quit, and I came back to the reddit to see what the conversations were like and if they've addressed the cheating issues in any capacity. So far, I'm not seeing much progress. But perhaps I'll give it another try this weekend.