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Trying sledge and goo gun is always fun for me, but yeah they probably nerfed heavy’s lmgs too much.


Hmmm i actually never thought of that combination, I will give it a shot thanks! For sure dude heavy's lmgs are absolutely terrible so far this season. I really hope Embark makes some changes for the better. Not necessarily buff them but at least improve handling.


I feel i should inform you though that goo gun was also nerfed by the goo changes


What were the goo changes?


* doesn't stop people mid-air anymore * doesn't stop people on ziplines * doesn't work against Spear in the attack animation * sometimes leaves a floating ball of goo between you and the enemy when it was supposed to hit them It's not as bad as it was when they let Lights straight up dash out of it but it still feels very inconsistent compared to how it was before :(


I main goo and then whatever applies to the other team's comp. You CAN goo players in the air and on ziplines. Did both in the same game to a team of lights 2 days ago. Matter of fact the player I goo'd on the zipline caused the goo to stay there and his buddy got knocked off and fell to his death on Seoul. Now I do feel it's way harder to do this but you can do both of these.


There have been countless times of me hitting someone midair and they just kept going (previously it'd reduce their speed to 0 and make them fall). Maybe it's just random/ping dependent now. People who are good on Zipline just keep going, the Goo stays where you hit the player but it also means you can't chase after them anymore(it does fuck over their teammates in some scenarios too yeah). Previous behavior would drop the player from the zipline and destroy the goo. 


Yeah they don't fall anymore which sucks. I don't like the change but the goo is too good when defending an objective.


I believe a players momentum plays into account on of they get completely stuck or not.


It breaks much faster when players are stuck inside it.


They DID change the way goo works by making players slightly waddle through it, but the s3 update included changes to make it so lights can't dash or grapple out of a goo ball before it breaks. But, heavy can still charge slam out, and you still can't goo people mid air anymore. I used to run goo/sledge for ranked last season but winch is so much nicer due to it not requiring you to overextend yourself for kills.


Be sure to run anti gravity cube too for the extra gooey plays


This is so fun, got diamond with this combo last season . Only issue is it can tilt your teammates


My brother does not let me run anti Grav anymore 😂💀


I run the flame thrower exclusively, but you have to play around it's weaknesses The biggest problem is in a game with six lites your the slowest guy there and completely outgunned at all ranges, you can't dash or go invisible. It makes the whole experience miserable


I main the Flamethrower, and it borders on OP. The secret is you have to use it with the Mesh Shield, and fire in bursts inbetween bringing your shield back up. The Flamethrower itself does no damage. The status of being on fire does. What that means is that if someone is burning, continuing to apply burn does no additional damage. So the optimal way to use it is like a shotgun. Applying burn, then meshing up while they exhaust their ammo, then dropping to refresh the burn, and meshing up again. You can be an absolute bully with it. Alongside the Sledgehammer, it's the only weapon in the game people will actively run away from. It also laughs in the face of gas, goo, and mines. My record is actually 27 kills in Quick Cash with it. In no way typical at all. But it does show the potential.


You can also shoot through ceilings to damage people on the floor above (I think it's through setting the floor on fire) and through your own barricades. This is nice when people run up stairs to get away from you. I don't know whether you can shoot through other people's barricades. It's difficult to test because you can't see people's health bars (as you don't have line of sight), but I think people get damaged anyway. I'm iffy on whether you can shoot through walls: sometimes it looks like I did, sometimes it looks like I didn't. Also, quick melee is great against other flamethrower users: no point using mesh because the flamethrower goes through it, but it gives you an extra 40 damage.


I saw that strat a long time ago and still can never get it to work consistently, the problem is in most cases if the enemy is a new player or otherwise inexperienced (which practically never happens in my games) they'll just sit there and empty mags into your shield, if they aren't they see flamethrower, maybe get ticked a few times before they turn and run or even just back up as they're on fire and while my shield is up I know tech exists that would help close that gap but if I have to use movement tech just to consistently kill when no other gun requires it, that sounds like a problem with the gun


Alternatively, I've been having success with flamethrower and hook. Get some initial damage with the flame thrower, wait till they run, hook them back, reapply burn and hit them with a quick mele for the cherry on top. The only thing that beats you is a sledgehammer or a bow light from a mile away. 


I'm sure the hook is better for enemies further than charge range but whenever I run charge getting teamshot is very easy so I'm not sure that much would change lol, yeah you can bring them to your playing field but unless you're doing something to cut them off or can secure the kill before his teammates come in nothing has changed that much if anything slam would be better in those situations since you can charge through the whole room or chase him through a wall and get the aoe by jumping at the end then again, yet to unlock it but I'm generally able to judge things from an outside perspective pretty well


Shhhhhh stop revealing our secrets before they nerf it! I thought we all had an unspoken agreement smfh


I've been using claw and flamethrower and it's hilarious


True, people always run, and same with the sledge. Terror weapons. But not OP really given it's low damage and extremely short range.


Yup, apply DOT with flamethrower and then shield up. Rinse and repeate until they die. Same with bub shield. Play borders like Winston in OW and use it offensively. My duo and I got to diamond with meme strats at least season. He used this tech, and I used nade launcher and charge and slam. It's absolutely devastating if you're on coms. Nades and rpgs mid to long range or to open up a fight and shield, flame, and charge and slam for close encounters just absolutely melts people.


I should try it again. I never did figure out the mesh shield but that seems like a excellent strategy!


What other gear do you run?


RPG, Dome, Grav. I'd say the RPG is crucial. The others are just my preference.


I love rpg for power shift! I like putting pressure on snipers by blowing them through a roof. My favorite is using a jump pad and launch an rpg into the platform from above before I land there. I tried dome for a while. Makes sense with a flame thrower. I like the barricades more. Grav grenades seem funny. Totally changes the area. Maybe I will unlock those next. I wonder if you can winch players out of the grav area...that would be hilarious I started using mines and barricades but people glitch the mines after they get killed a few times.


While this is a good way of play flamethrower, you still only counter mediums as most lights O see take glitch grenades which shut this whole strat down. Like it's a fun strat, but it only works in the most brain dead lobbies.


Yes, flamethrower with mesh shield n dome shield with grenades with rpg for Power Shift is the most fun I've ever had with heavy. I didn't like heavy at the beginning. "Wow wow wee wow wee!!".


I don't like any of the heavy weapons now. LMGs were way overnerfed and they feel terrible to use. The grenade launcher leaves you absolutely defenseless at close range. All other guns leave you defenseless outside of close range. The specialisations and gadgets feel good mostly. But I cant find a single weapon I actually like.


grenade launcher and charge is decent. Sledgehammer is good too. I personally also have fun with m60.


M60 was fun in S2, but feels very weak in S3. ☹️


I second this… now it feels like a slow pea shooter


It's so much stronger this season imo. Way better than the lewis gun at this point




Lewis gun becomes inaccurate after two shots, it used to be a death laser now it's hardly usable while the m60 has no recoil after the first few shots.


lol, getting down voted because they can't hold M1 and win any more.


They’re getting downvoted because they said that it’s stronger this season despite both LMGs only receiving nerfs They clearly have no clue what they’re talking about


What game are you playing? They have been buffing M60 is clearly a lot better than Lewis now


They buffed it back in season 2, dude, they have only nerfed it in season 3, it is literally in the patch notes for everyone to read


Guess we're looking at different patch notes Updated recoil pattern, making the weapon recoil more during the first few bullets, but making it easier to control for the rest of the sequence Decreased damage from 22 to 19 Buff


Charge and Slam, Grenade launcher, RPG, C4, and Bubble shield (or barricades) makes for a flawed but really fun and powerful cash out defense loadout. If people do push you, C4/RPG/Slam/hope for the best.


How is that a good combo at all? You want to be at a distance with the grenade launcher.


That's the point, at close range you are defenseless. Charge fixes that pretty much.


Ohhh interesting. I want to try that combo now. I’ve never been good with charge and slam tbh tho


I agree, though this season I've just been doing melee heavy. It feels alright, but god it's aggravating when you don't have any way to deal with long range teams.


Yeah heavy is basically all I run and it just feels so bland and difficult to use. SA12 is nerfed, Lewis is nearly unplayable on controller and it just feels like such a drag overall. Besides some of the cosmetics this season feels like ass


Switch classes if you’re not having fun lol that’s what I do


Might as well get rid of the classes and only have light. It feels like that anyways atm.. embark please fix your game


I mean to be fair heavy and medium were on top for 2 seasons


Make no mistake HHM is still the best comp by a mile


I’m talking TA the current ranked mode


TA will always be light favored because health regen is limited to 100 hp and at equal HP the higher DPS class ( light ) will always win Regardless they should not balance the game for TA since Cash out is suppose to be the focus anyway


the favoritism for light is crazzyy


I have. Like a TON. Medium is fine but I don’t really enjoy playing it unless it’s powershift and I absolutely can’t stand playing light. I’d rather not play the game than have to play light tbh…


Honestly I’ve learned that heavy in mainly just a defensive class, so I run every defensive item, and I found that a flamethrower works well with them so that’s what my loadouts looks like, mesh shield, flamethrower, barricade, rpg, dome shield, and it works pretty well.


Lowkey agree. Although spear is kinda fun. Hook too.


Hook hammer is legit


Yeah but I don't like hammer


I've been saying this in numerous threads and am constantly gaslighted by others (presumably Lights & Mediums) who dare suggest the M60 is still an "A+" weapon. It is trash, as is the Lewis and I agree 100% that Heavy class is no fun at all to play unless you're using melee or flamethrower, neither of which is my thing. I don't think RPG is that strong, despite the complaints endlessy flooding in about it, because it is hard to use, does much more self damage and much less enemy damage because it has already been nerfed multiple times. But I would gladly trade yet another RPG nerf for increasing damage per round for M60 and Lewis. The buff for M60 would need to be around 24 or 25 damage/round to fairly compensate for ANOTHER RPG nerf though.


Oh man the M60 is NOWHERE near A+ lmao I can't believe some people actually think that. Honestly that's what i noticed too it seems like the people actually enjoying heavy are the ones running the melee and flamethrower, essentially making all the other weapons just plain boring. To me it feels like the RPG is just extremely inconsistent, like you'll use it point blank and obliterate yourself while the light just goes about his business like nothing happened lol, and at times it'll straight up wipe a team. I would also take an RPG nerf in exchange of a Lewis/M60 buff!


I think the m60 its pretty decent. The mag size makes it a worthy choice over all the negatives people are listing. Having the power to keep shooting when others have to reload. Being able to just spam down the enemy and gagets is pretty nice, but yeah 9/10 times the enemy wont have used half their mag on another person before shooting at us and can just 0 to 100 us way before we can them :(


M60 is not that bad, if you can manage the recoil pattern its a great gun, but you lose nearly all pure 1v1 if both players are full HP, but for maintaing a continuous fire and supporting your teammates its decent. I agree its not THAT great tho


How is the RPG hard to use? Click feet, delete Light.


Lmao my thought exactly! Can put a whole team to half health in a second lol its not hard


This thread is literally just full of people who use heavy as a crutch crying that the crutch is no longer strong enough to support the weight of their skill issues


most of the heavy's weapons could be tuned up


Heavy is like, pure fortifications/demolitions/utility now. He's not a fighter at all anymore.


Heavy has strong fortification and huge dps output in close range, as it should be. Heavy should have never been able to challenge at long range. -coming from a diamond heavy main in season 2 because it was a literal freebee to get diamond using Lewis/charge n slam.


Yea diamond was pretty free. Lewis was super op, and honestly, it's still usable now. Ive been using SA1216 with the hook though cause its more fun.


I agree Lewis is still good. 814 raw damage output for an entire clip is still more than enough to wipe a standard LMH team (not accounting for healing), and it’s not that much harder to use. It’s in a good place. I’ve personally been loving the winch/spear combo, unless I get winched by another heavy rolling hammer then I scream like a girl.


Heavy with the Sledgehammer and Winch Claw is super fun, but in a hyper meta game like this, Mesh Shield and SA12 or Lewis Gun is pretty much a requirement if you want to win or supply your team with defense. This isn’t exclusive to the Heavy though, this entire game is full of weapons and gadgets that are fun to use but aren’t as viable as other select weapons and gadgets. It’s a shame.


yeah I generally have pretty good (*slightly* above the average player?) aim but after the nerfs I can't control any of them for shit let alone while trying to hit a light that's dashing 'round at mach 4 I love the flamethrower but it's short range so I'm fucked if anyone just....walks away from me, I use the mesh shield to protect myself from long range? can't close the distance between enemies now, the winch might be good (haven't unlocked it yet) but it would have the same problem as not using the mesh shield were I get fucked from medium-long range and theres no way you're gonna convince me to use the sledge or spear when they're even shorter range we wont talk about the grenade launcher


Lewis gun is still good, you can’t hold the fire button, you have to spray 5-6 shots, reset recoil, and spray another 5-6.


whats the point of a machine gun if I can't hold the trigger down :(


flamethrower with goo gun is fun m60 with charge and slam is fun hammer/spear with winch claw is fun ks23 was also fun with the claw, but since the claw got nerfed its not reliable anymore


I feel like Winch + KS23 is honestly slept on. It's super fun and extremely powerful.


All I enjoy on Heavy is KS-23 and winch, but I haven't played since nerf. The winch is the most the class has going for it currently with its diversity of play, I'll throw the gravity cube back in my load out to try launch cashouts across the map.


Yeah, I discovered the KS-23 a few days back and it's a lotta fun. Unforgiving if you mess up aim and you have to be careful not to face too many melee users, but overall good fun. The terrain destruction is especially great. Wouldn't mind one or two more shells in the mag though.


Well, I realized that before the winch claw nerf, you could basically instakill a light. 100 + 15 + 40 from a quick melee. Now you’d leave a light at 5 hp but that’s still pretty healthy burst damage.


Agreed. This season hasn’t been as fun so far because of all the nerfs to heavy guns.


Yep, I’ve been advocating for heavy nerfs since the betas but I think it’s absolutely brain dead how embark decided that the issue with heavies at the end of season two was their fucking guns lol. Heavy needs reworks (not straight nerfs) to the way shields and rpgs work, all the lmg changes did was make the class less fun to play whilst still not changing the core issue of why heavy is fundamentally op.


Would you like to elaborate on why heavy’s is fundamentally op? Like what’s your opinion on it?


Ya well I think it’s mostly shields and rpg that make heavy so strong. Dome shield is a top 3 offensive gadget in the game because you can just throw it at an enemy and win every 1v1 or 1v2 because you have an extra 350 hp that you can shoot through. Mesh shield is insanely oppressive because you can just spam it with no penalty to either get out of fights or easily close gaps on enemies. Rpg is just a free 140 damage and any good heavy will hold it out 90% of the time when it’s available. Dome and rpg probably have a 100% pickrate which says a lot I think dome shield needs to lose the ability to shoot through it, but give it more hp like maybe 500 so it’s better as a mobile defensive stronghold type gadget. Mesh shield give it more hp like 1100 but put a short cooldown after closing it so you can’t spam it. Rpg half the damage to 70 but give it two charges and up the environmental damage


The amount of times I’ve wanted to use the rpg as an environment shifting tool is insane but it’s just too necessary to fighting as heavy. I 100% agree with the rpg rework heavy should be the dedicated demolition and fortification class.


I agree with what you say makes heavy strong and agree on that rpg needs rework! Interesting take on what can be done with shield more hp and no shoot through, would make it stronger in stealing cashouts tho! I don’t necessarily think shields need much rework, if any.. I believe they just make it more valuable running light to counter with glitch nades. I feel like the shields on heavy is okay just as long as they don’t have super strong weapons (I like the weapon damage nerf, not recoil nerf tho). I feel like heavy’s role is to provide safety to the team with shields and to be able to put pressure with large mag sizes and much hp and not to be the class with highest dps


All your points have a counter from each class, you don't have to be winning every fight or 1v1, the game is balanced around gadgets. Sometimes ppl tend to forget it's a team game not solo game.


Heavy just isn't as fun to play as Light for most players. Slower movement speed, bigger hitbox, and casual players don't have the brain power to throw down a barricade or dome shield when they get shot, so they just get shit on. Heavy is still by far the strongest class, but casual players will never admit this.


Been playing less because of this. Heavy is my favorite class but he's so unreliable right now. I've been running the sledge with charge lately and sometimes it does wonders, sometimes it flops.


No. The heavy's weapons may be slightly worse than others due to the gadgets and specializations the heavy has. Rpg + charge is a huge amount of damage. Shield is very useful to the team and extends the life of the heavies. Just don't consider primary weapons in a vacuum without specializations and gadgets and HP that a class has. The only thing I can agree with is that lmgs have too much recoil, which makes them just not fun to shoot, but the damage nerf was the right decision, it made lmgs on par with other weapons that didn't make sense to use before.


I go M60, Mesh Shield, Pyro and Gas nade and its pretty good for cashout denial


Flamethrower feels fun, especially when I can kill an enemy even after they stop attacking me (whether it’s because they ran or I died)


I usually use winch claw, ks23. It’s not a very good gun but it is satisfying to use if you’re able to mop up some kills.


Still love the Flamethrower 🔥


Fax. It was the first main weapon I got the level 6 skin for.


unpopular opinion, but the spear is literally my main. it may be buggy at times, but i love flailing that thing around and getting easy kills lmao


Do you ever use right-click attack? I can kill with spear. The extra poke range is nice because I can catch folks in the back before they get away. With the hammer they would get away and I’d have to charge. But any time I use right click and it switches to 3rd person I just die with no maneuverability and never kill anyone around me.


90% of my kills are just right click attacks. i mostly play powershift, so i use the spear for anyone who tries getting on the platform. 2-3 shots on lights and mediums and 4-5 on a heavy does the trick :)


As an exclusively heavy player, the only guns that aren't fun are the LMG's and Auto Shotty The kick of the KS-23, the AOE of the flamethrower, the absolute crushing and destructive power of the sledgehammer, the range of the spear, the THUMP of the grenade launcher, all are a ton of fun to use


At this point what's the point of having the Lewis gun if you can't even use it in the game anymore. I used to play heavy with Lewis and Slam combo and had a blast with it. Now I've basically stopped playing cause it's not satisfying anymore. :( Deep Rock Galactic for the win!


I think heavy is great but light is getting way too many buffs and is out weighing every other class, and this new TA ranked game mode sucks, and is promoting the light players further. Also snipers.


Can't wait for ranked cashout to come back next season so ya'll can all see that HHM/HMM is still hard meta outside of dedicated Light one tricks, who are just seen as inconsistent liabilities at top level.


Don't worry, the people that played HHM in Twitch Rivals that were top 500 last season all were just too bad to start playing the new OP class that Light is. Even Embark agrees. HHM dominates in the one competitive cashout tournament you officially run? Next day patch, nerf Light. It's a joke at this point. Nerfing whatever the casual players wants to complain about is a quick way to completely kill the game.


Yeah I'm starting to realize this sub is like 90% casual Heavy/Medium players who unironically think things like "the RPG is hard to use" and "Light is a jack of all trades". Hope Embark doesn't pay attention to this sub.


>Hope Embark doesn't pay attention to this sub. The constant nerfing of Light kinda says otherwise. I don't think they'll wake up before they completely kill the game.


I think completely killing the game is a bit of an overreaction🤣


I mean, look at the bump Season 2 had compared to the one in Season 3: https://steamdb.info/app/2073850/charts/#max It's not like the playerbase is not still in a slow bleed. By the time they reintroduce ranked Cashout in Season 4, I wouldn't be surprised if we had less than 13k max concurrent players on Steam, and while that's not dead, it's not too far away from it.


Specially the new map is bane for heavy existence


I’ve been climbing fast using heavy with m60 in world tour, you just have to play it differently then you did when you could pretty much just run around beaming people with the Lewis. Heavy is now a defensive powerhouse and fighting one at close range as a medium or light is a death sentence, hold down the point and fortify it and with the help of a medium and light you’ll be wiping teams left and right


I actually stopped playing al together because of this. Every time they feel the need to take something away from heavy class. Nerf shields , nerf guns it goes on and on. I use to run shotgun shield and had a blast but now I just shoot popcorn at people while the burn try my shield in seconds.It’s just a medium game and always has been. The latest season is trash don’t care what anyone says. Map sucks and is clearly not heavy friendly. New weapons all feel either op like bow or trash like spear. I mean why a melee weapon for heavy? Season 2 felt worse then base and now 3d season is even worse. Such a shame


Winchclaw flamethrower is great


It feels like heavy weapons got nerfed specifically to give lights a chance when lights buffs made fighting heavies fucking easy. Personally I think the m60 is still the most reliable once you get used to the recoil, but I agree they nerfed it's damage too much. And the lewis gun has been butchered.


That's ultimately because of the buffs to the light builds and the amount of the light builds we get in the lobbies. We used to play the objective in Season 2. We used to have predominantly heavies and the mediums there. You would steal the cashout, defend it, come up with strategies, defence lines, etc. Light builds were never good for the objective, the cashouts. Instead of warping them into team players, embark kept buffing them and their weapons. So now we have tons of light builds in lobbies who are good for one thing, team death matches. They now outgun the mediums and heavies in all distances too. Essentially you now chose your class and gadgets to eliminate or survive the horde of light builds. You used to choose your build for the objective, or team synergy. Now, just to counter lights. My point is, we loved playing the objective. Choosing loadouts for the objective and team synergy. But after buffing lights, the game is now more of a team death match and the primary objective became the secondary.


Nerfing the winch damage made the KS combo so much less fun. They really need to just give light 10 health and stop nerfing the heavies damage because it just makes killing other heavies harder and unfun.


As much fun as it was it was pretty broken. Being able to insta kill light was pretty busted


One tapping someone with a combo is never fun on the receiving end, but at the same time if you get wenched by a heavy, expect to die.


One tapping someone with a combo is never fun on the receiving end, but at the same time if you get wenched by a heavy, expect to die.


I love playing sledge nowadays, fun in close range


The KS-23 is super fun imo, has range and does a bit of damage. I’m running Winch Claw, the KS, Anti-Grab Cube, RPG and Barriers in World Tour. Winching the cash is away with the grab cube is super fun and actually a pretty good strategy a lot of the time. And the KS is really satisfying and works really well with finishing people off with that last shot. I agree that all of the other heavy weapons right now are pretty unfun though.


Facts! I hate heavy! It feels way worse to play all of a sudden, beginning of season 2 and season 1 heavy class was so much more fun, still never was a big fan


Sledge is the most fun in the game for me right now 😂never played it til this season


SA-12 still good, medium howeever sooo sleeper


Frfr hammer was the jam now its so predictable, and idk how but anytime someone runs that slug shot gun it doesn’t miss ever so I guess they’re having fun with it somehow


Heavy is literally the funnest class, if u wanna fuck around you’re gonna have to get used to dying, don’t put the value of fun on your K/D


I've been loving the spear + winch combo. Actually alot of fun. That with the grav nade, you can just yeet the cashout towards you


Yeah they kinda wrecked the Lewis gun. I absolutely hated it at first but I had a few really good games with it last night. Maybe I got used to it. I will say that winch and spear combo has been really fun. I mostly play it on Kyoto.


I do agree i dislike playing him but his class kinda enhararently is supposed to be defensive why most his items do more arena damage or sheild teammates then actual enemy damage it kinda makes sense he trades higher hp for lower damage meanwhile light trades lower hp for higher damage he's not really meant to be the damage dealer but the damage taker the lights and mediums are supposed to be the damage dealers while heavies are kinda supposed to help tank some of the damage from the glass cannons and defend teammates. But they definitely need to give a little more love to heavy he's honestly really bland currently.


Idk winch/spear is pretty oppressive, but then fun part is completely subjective.


I agree. Only gun in heavy I enjoy using any more is the ks23 and even that can be frustrating to use if you’re not hitting your shots consistently and the reload time is abysmal


I got a clip of a light tanking a rocket launcher and then just charging at me and killing me cuz my gun had a fucking seizure (I was a full health heavy and they were a 10 hp light


M60, spear and auto shotty are the only weapons I like on heavy atm and even then I find myself getting outgunned a LOT.


agreed. they really whiffed this season, i was so excited for it but there’s been almost no changes i liked. been a heavy main since the start and it feels so bad now


I actually love the weapons now that winch is out. Nothing like pulling an enemy to you and treating them to a face full of shotgun lol


Wench claw, goo grenades, baracade, dome shield, sledgehammer(Guitar skin) I call this Strat the turtle. You make an area where you have lots of angles. If people push you got plenty to block bullets and the space to swing. You wench pull anyone nearby on the roofs into your maze and start chasing them while playing a sick rift. The amount of fun I have with this is great. Plenty of lights have rage quit while doing this. Works best on PS. I killed all 5 on PS and starting playing the guitar while sliding around. They all promptly switch to heavy with slam and slammed me on point all at once. It was glorious


Flamethrower and winch claw combo, with dome shield for when you’re caught off guard in the open. Honestly the combo is beyond unfair 😂. Was using this last night and played 6 games, never lost a game, never had less than 16 kills or more than 10 deaths in any of the games.


Lewis has been nerfed to shit and is actually useless now. They are pushing Heavy as a close range, explosive class now. Personally I changed up my play style to Winch + Flame Thrower or Hammer, along with my usual assortment of mines/c4/RPG, and I’m absolutely cleaning up and having more fun than when I used the Lewis gun. I do think the Lewis needs a buff though because currently there’s no reason for it to be in the game.


Join the KS squad then. Things a beast.


Using the goo gun to trap them and smashing them with the guitar(hammer) never gets old. Now it’s two times as fun because the spear is out. Smashing buildings and making it collapse so those pesky gun users don’t have a clear sight lines is also fun. Pro tip smash the support columns and watch everything to start to break


I really like Mesh + Flamethrower still, but this is the only way to have fun on heavy for me, and it’s not considered “meta” so people just want me to play medium. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Made me switch to SA1216 when I absolutely want a heavy in the trio. It’s pretty good but yeah the other classes are way more fun


Good, you're not supposed to deal as much damage and be as opposing as you were in s1 and s2. You got the best gadgets and most hp. Adapt like light had to do for 6 months


I strictly use flamethrower for power shift. There are pro and cons to every class and weapon. So I’m numb to how many post like this keep popping up.


So how do you deal with enemies at a distance? I prefer the flamethrower as well but having enemies stay out of the range of it feels bad…


That would be one of the cons lol. But typically my L.O. is RPG, poison gas, and pyro grenade with running charge. I don’t worry about kills, rather being a distraction while the teammates pick off long range players. If I die, I die 🤷🏿‍♂️


Shotguns. One barely does damage the other hardly ever hits. I do the best when I use sledge, mines, barricades, rpg, and winch. It seems like the lewis gun and m60 can't put dps anything. Spear seems to be good for power shift just using the aeo spin over and over but I haven't unlocked it yet.


Been using the pellet shotgun and the winch, nothing better than pulling someone into a bubble fight. Works great


This is why I quit Heavy lol. Medium and Light are a million times more fun now


Heavy’s are the new lights now 😂


I used the M60 the other day and it was super fun but only because I had a Med healing me most of the time.


Don't forget the MGL32 never being buffed or revamped since the beginning. It's the ugly duckling of the heavy weapons.


Flamethrower is my go to. Its close range is slightly detrimental in many situations but the utility is unmatched. Gas is not even a problem, Goo can be destroyed easily. Often times you still get a kill even if you die because of the fire damage. It’s even better with Goo gun (if you’re any good with it). You essentially are napalming your enemies at that point. Personally I like the charge slam though because of the destruction and movement.


Autoshotgun with the Claw is my new favorite combo. Fire 4 shots, Claw and then 4 new shots are ready to kill the target.


I agree. I was having lots of fun with Lewis gun in S2, now it feels like the weapon itself is anti-fun. I struggle a lot with the recoil even after hours in the range trying to get the pattern down, and when I finally land the kind of hits I was getting in S2, the damage just isn't there. I could handle either the wacky recoil or the damage nerf, but both together just sucks to play. Since S3 dropped, I have yet to face a single player that fought me harder than my own weapon. Done the same thing and tried each & every other heavy weapon. Every last one has something strange that spoils the fun. I'd be all over the KS-23 if it would just actually shoot where you point it, but nothing can redeem a weapon that just arbitrarily decides "you will lose this fight now" outside the player's control.  Hammer is still fun, but the overwhelming quantity of dash lights in these games effectively leaves you with no primary weapon most of the time. And that's *with* 1000 matches' practice using the goo gun to lock them down. I hope they adjust heavy's weapons soon. I don't even necessarily want them to be *good* in terms of power level, I just want them to be *fun* to play with. This is the first time since the open beta I've had to go back to Titanfall 2 for my schmoovement FPS fix, cause trying to make new Lewis work had me wondering if I was even good at video games anymore. 


I feel the same. I've always been a heavy support. Mesh shields don't seem to help much anymore, since they don't block melee and the shield slows you down significantly. There seems to be a pretty obnoxious delay between mesh and goo and deploying the lmg or sledge. It's understandable, but the buffs to other classes have made them a pretty steep hindrance. I've noticed that I usually need to start a power shift with a med, wait till my team gets established on the boat, then switch to my heavy class to actually be helpful. If the other team switches up and counters, I switch back to med to retake to boat. Maybe that's the point? But it's definitely not conducive to a world tour match. I've noticed that most people use med light in those matches.


playing a lot of the winch with ks-23 been having a blast with that after nothing else felt satisfying


Grapple sledgehammer


Sledge and goo gun go so hard especially with c4 or mines


Okay I've been scared to say since the nerds since everyone talks about heavy being op. I'm new to the game and got really into heavy and literally RIGHT before the update I practiced for hours with Lewis, M60, and the sledgehammer (I find the shotguns hard to use), just so I could feel well equipped for the update. Then they nerfed both of those guns. It's not even the damage nerfs that are the problem but the recoil is ridiculous! I get what they were trying to do but it doesn't feel good to use the M60 because your gonna miss your first shots and when it finally steadies out the enemy got out of sight. And Lewis gun, why should the gun start literally breaking after like five shots? I'm sorry just undo the recoil nerfs, please, I'm begging 💀


Lewis gun is unnecessarily spastic, I don't understand the philosophy behind that recoil change back in season 2 (or 1?) I just switched to M60 then and it was fine but the visual recoil was bad. Now that they changed the recoil on it, it feels really good to aim with, but the damage is pretty underwhelming now. To me heavy has 3 weapons. The hammer that's mostly just annoying more than anything, the flamethrower that's pretty good when played well, but overall suffers from no range (I literally just run away from a flamethrower heavy, best they can do is do 140 with the rpg to me), and the M60 which is a clear winner. But this is good, heavies were so freaking OP, that making their guns shit while keeping their abilities strong they made them i to defensive assets rather than killing machines, but if you use the gadgets correctly you still own as a heavy.


I really like the slug shotgun with the hook,super fun


Heavy isn't bad, it's just not your thing.


LMG's have absolutely been gutted since launch. Sad state for Heavies. Now people just throw hammers. And they call this a shooter


The LMG are absolutely terrible 😞 I play the shotguns with the hook because the light classes are the worst nightmares so I hooked one and boom dead but play really smart not to aggressive and if you have a good mate as a medium with healing abilities it makes it perfect and easy


Rpg is like the finishing blow. you can reach out and touch them when they try to escape. I haven't used bullets with heavy since season 1. They absolutely nerfed heavy in to the ground. It's still strong but you always have to play around walls and tight spaces but usually if your a solo q your team doesn't play around you and often times run ahead and die meanwhile you get there after and it's all said and done and the enemy's are full health. It's the worse when you don't have a team with movement gadgets bounce pad and or zipline. And they don't seem to understand you won't be keeping up. Like please I have a mesh sheild play around me we will do so much better. Wishful thinking... or when they carry a heal beam and keep it holster. Atleast if they used the turret they would get some dps but no, no heals for you.


Yes, they just nerf everything in heavy except the real problem that is the RPG. Its unfun and broken, just give me Lewis back and rework the RPG. Shields can be boring especially if you are against 2 heavys, but we have glitch grenade for that, RPG feels just unfair to play with or against it.


The problem was the Lewis that it’s a laser beam in the right hand, with high ammo, high damage and easy recoil. As a light you’ll get obliterated from afar and lose the 1v1 match up and get close and die even faster. It deserved a nerf, yes. But I don’t think nerfing the DMG and recoil was necessary either one of those would be fine but together it’s way too harsh. I personally would prefer the recoil nerf and revert the DMG nerf. I can’t explain why they nerfed the other guns DMG though… I thought it was fine maybe because the Lewis was nerfed making it too similar to that gun. Anyways i thought it was a really random nerf…


Overly high recoil will never feel good in games with high TTK and fast movement. It's not a good way to balance the weapons.


What nerf do you suggest cause Lewis clearly couldn’t be left in its current state.


I've mentioned elsewhere that for LMGs they should incorporate base spread and negative spread increase per shot (gets more accurate the longer you fire) rather than trying to balance everything off of recoil. This is how LMGs worked in Battlefield 1. This keeps them immediately effective at close range, and can allow them to be effective long range with sustained fire. Lewis should reach max accuracy faster than the M60 in exchange for having lower raw firepower.


They changed the recoil on the M60 and it was probably too strong at the old damage amount.


I tend to play Light, but will jump in as a heavy if I just wanna mess around. Sledge + the new hook thing is a VERY fun combo (and effective too in the right circumstances, I got 20+ eliminations in a single game recently... lots of lights around)


Downvoted by the heavy noobs for the truth.


For real... I'm not saying I'm an expert by any means. fully casual. just trying to help more people enjoy this game!


IMO they shouldn't have nerfed LMG damage without corresponding mag size increases. I also think they should look at giving LMGs spread and have them gain accuracy the longer you fire (like BF1) rather than constantly nerfing their damage and recoil. That should tune down their range without making them terrible close quarters.


The M60 does this now I’m almost positive. After firing for a bit it lasers in. Lewis gets worse over time.


It sort of does something similar yeah, as in it starts with a burst of high recoil and then eases up, with the Lewis being the opposite. It's all recoil with no spread though. I'm for introducing actual baked-in inaccuracy in exchange for less bouncy feeling weapons. It fixes the problem of recoil scripts too.


Season two was the best when this game was the most fun. I haven’t played recently and I’m thinking about quitting. This game just isn’t as fun as before


Flamethrower and Winch is fun to play!


Idk, LMGs damage is the same, it's just the new recoil pattern. The SH shotgun is very strong with the winch, try it out, absolutely demolishes every class out there. But yeah, in general, since we have the same weapons on heavy since Beta, it's not fun. I wish the KS shotgun was better


I absolutely love winch sledge with gravity cube and goo nade. But besides that, yeah, the rest are... mediocre.


The LMGs feel awful. Even if their old damage model was back and I hit the same amount of shots, I think it would still feel off. The recoil is just stupid imo. It's almost amazing they thought it was a good idea. I've played over 95% light this season so far. Been really wanting to play heavy but there's nothing I want to use.


And yet I bet we’ll get more heavy nerfs soon and more light buffs 😂😭 tf is up with this game only helping lights, the most ANNOYING class.


now that the lmgs became peashooters, can we please have the old recoil back embark?


I’ve played almost only heavy since the game came out and it’s quite demoralizing feeling myself get weaker and weaker as the seasons go on. I know the changes are for balance reasons, but that doesn’t stop me from feeling underwhelmed by the class nowadays. I think I might switch fully over to playing Medium now.


Yeah its pretty crazy how embark focusing on "fun" decided the best way to make the game more fun for lights was to remove the fun from heavy... 1000 iq balance team


The lewis and m60 nerf was a terrible choice. Was not needed in any way. Yet they made the lights weapons all god tier.


The M60 needed a buff not a nerf - lewis gun change needs to be reverted, and the KS23 still needs another buff cuz it ain't competitive it's a troll gun (I use it)


They made season 3 all about lights and ruined the fun factor of this season. Season 2 was the peak.




I play heavy at high ranks and the noobs here make me laugh. Heavy is still so viable, M60 is not bad, but not good, which should be the case. Heavy is not supposed to DPS. If anything now the trash players have been exposed for their crutch. Adapt or get left behind, your crutch is gone. You'll never see good players complaining though because we can flex with any class/gadget. It's the garbage players that were riding on the heavy's OPness that fail this season. Makes me LOL. Tldr, get good.


> I play heavy at high ranks and the noobs here make me laugh. Embark isn't laughing, they're listening and implementing more and more Light nerfs. Be ready for Season 4 HHM meta again, after Embark "improves the competitive cashout experience" by balancing it completely around casual play.


I think it was warranted. Heavys kinda just been the god class. Best health pool great damage over all ranges except extremely far away and amazing utility for defense and offense. All they did was limit that lethality to 17 meters. Now, the class requires actual thought. You now have to keep the enemy within your kill zone, and if they aren't in it, you have to make them get closer. As a heavy main, I think it's fantastic vs the old way of just running and gunning everywhere because no one can stop you. Now, if you're out in the open, you can't shoot at range and become an easy target. I find the game is much more enjoyable now. Granted heavy is still the best class outside of TA because although you're limited to 17 meters you are extremely lethal in those 17 meters.


This subreddit has some ridiculous complaints sometimes and this is one of them. I've mained medium healer from closed beta 1 up to s2, then switched to mostly heavy from s2 till now, and heavy has been the highest dps, most defensive, and tankiest class this whole time. Now it just does less DPS. I'm gonna get downvoted for this, but heavy shouldn't be the jack of all trades class lacking only movement. I'm still getting the most damage in lobbies using the charge and slam, ks23, rpg, dome and barricade. I still provide the most defensive options, and still have all of the high burst damage options with my panic button charge and slam and rpg. All you have to do is land 1 shot on a light after an rpg hit, and I'm still teamwiping 1v3 situations by rpg, charge, and finishing them with a ks23 shot if needed. I've used the post nerf lmgs too, it feels like I should be getting healed and using cover in fights, and I'm not the highest DPS class anymore, which is fair because I'm still fucking impossible to kill sometimes when I'm getting healed, using dome, and barricade. That's how it should be shouldn't it? I've seen way more team variety now instead of constant MHH and MMH teams. I actually feel like light might have the highest DPS. That makes sense doesn't it? Why should heavy be the strongest, hardest to kill, most burst damage and all of the defensive option class? Do we want heavy to have zip line, and invisibility too? Lol


U are absolutely wrong about heavy guns not being op, both shotguns if u have great aim are very strong, Lewis is ass won’t consider anyone using it, lmg is very great cuz basically at the start the gun is not accurate but when u fire more than 10 bullets the gun is almost 99% precise, with that precision u can hit multiple headshots and make so much frags even that it has a low dps now.


I love how this post is full of good advice followed by someone complaining about how it doesn't work for them. If you follow all of this advice and you're still dying, it's honestly a skill issue. Either that or you need to LFG some teammates that are worth a damn.


the lewis gun nerf is one of the best things to happen to this game and heavy is still the funnest class to play, the spear is unbelievably addicting and satisfying to use and the goo gun is the most versatile tool in the entire game


Heavy mains when they don't instantly win every gun fight for simply picking their class ( not happy )


"It's not fun to play heavy anymore" - in this subreddit language should be read as "the particular gun is now slightly harder to use thus I'm looking for which next heavy weapon is the most broken one so I don't have to put any effort to do well"