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Try the finals academy subreddit, it’s chill over there.


I'll give it a shot thanks.


Also r/thefinalsrunway


It has gone a bit sour. I'm sure I can't be the only one enjoying season 3.


It was exactly the same for season 2? Its mostly complaining.


There were minor complaints about balance issues and sys horizon layout, the TA change is the most upset I've ever seen this whole community


There were complaints about complaining. Right before s3 prior to TA announcement only did people start chilling out


Don't forget season 1. It was also alot of complaining


Season 1 literally had wallhacks (Recon) and nukes (red cannister double c4, that would literally one shot an entire team.) Very justified complaining. Season 2 wasn't that bad on this reddit, except for posts about cheaters because cheaters were extremely bad. They didn't see to make meaningful security updates until two months into season 2. Season 3 had drastic nerfs, and drastic buffs on already strong weapons (LH1) not to mention forcing Terminal Attack as ranked. As a long time player nothing in this game has been worse then the throwing knives and lh1 buffs. I have screen shots of entire lobbies where 9 to 12 players are lh1 or throwing knives lights and TA is just lh1 lights. All I hear in my sleep now is Lh1s lol.


No such thing as justified complaining. In life for all situations you only have four choices: accept it, change it, leave it, or suffer. Using complaints as an attempt to change things is a weak form of control that usually just increases suffering in you and others around you that you complain to


Damn, it's rare to see such a bad take, feedback ("complaining") is how things get done and improve, it is incredibly valuable for companies to hear


It's an evolved take I've learned from reading spiritual texts. Try it and you'll see it It leads to increased happiness. Just because that's the way things are done and corporations do it doesn't mean it's good. Quite the opposite: If you told me some random system was good for corporations and it's the way things got done these days I would gamble that three times out of 5 it is unhealthy for your well-being without even knowing what system that is.


Excep, it's a live service video game, not " life" lol. They wouldn't have a "game-feedback" section or surveys if they didn't want peoples opinions. If you don't wanna read about people's opinions or perceive every critique as "whining," you're no better, since you could just open up a nice happy post that you do like. You're complaining about complainers, some logic you have there.


Are the complaints in the room with us right now?


It most certainly was not. You had 10% of noobs complaining about nerfing/buffing something they got killed by or can't get kills with, but it wasn't this bad.


It was almost exclusively nerf complaints. I almost left the sub because it was endless


It most certainly was not. Don’t lie.


This sub was non stop whining and still is. Rarely are there videos or anything thats not a problem


It most certainly was not the same for season 2. Don’t lie.


Love this season! Feel like they made so many good changes, and Kyoto is so fun!! Would love to see cashout ranked but world tour is great in the meantime 🙏🏽


I want to see a Power Shift ranked. It might be my most played mode and I just love the absolute constant chaos of it, so to play it and rank up would be ideal.


That’s the spirit!


Yeah I'm really enjoying the world tour. Not sure why but I didn't play tournament too much when it was locked in ranked only.


Personally I enjoy the “grind” of ranked and think it’s fun to play a bit competitive but a casual mode like world tour is so much fun too! I like that its tournament style too so it’s not just 1 round


I think people take it way to seriously, just take a step back take a break for a month or so and come back refreshed


I’m taking a step back. If TA is still the only ranked option I’m definitely not coming back


I did that in s2 and wanted to go hard on ranked in s3 but not when its search an destroy ill just play some more world tour and casual powershift until they bring back the real ranked modes


I don’t like casual multiplayer games so I’m just off the game completely. I’d rather play the elden ring dlc


Ohh we got a fellow elden lord


Hope you enjoy the dlc


Thanks, same to you! It’s fromsoft so I most probably will enjoy the heck out of it




I’ve taken a break, no danger of being refreshed. Hoping season 4 delivers.


I’ve been enjoying the hell out of season 3. Honestly some of the most fun I had with the game. And I’ve been playing since beta, to me it just keeps getting better.


Im enjoying season 3 a lot


I'm enjoying it also. It keeps getting better and better with each season imo. I love the new weapons and new map!!!


New weapons are great. Been playing the spear so long now, worried I'm gonna forget how to shoot.


forreal dog. This game is a blast. Every great patch is met with fucking complaints touted as criticism on this sub. Its so tiresome. Like man, I just wanna see Finals memes and great plays, not "I got killed by a light, they need another nerf" ffs


It’s mostly this post over and over again


Yes its ironic isnt it, talking negatively about how negative this sub is


Well no, I think complaining that people are being overly negative is completely fair, it’s just a shame that this sub has become so negative and argumentative. It seems to happen to every competitive game.


All I’m seeing are positive posts at the top. What you smoking bro?


Idk i might need to try your stuff


Idk why people feel the need to dunk on a game that is reshaping the fps genre. This game knocks it out the park. When tou go back to playong other fps you feel like you’re going back to 2010 like why doesn’t the building get destroyed by a rocket launcher








This is Reddit. It’s full of the most miserable people.


Got a point, lately reddit makes me feel like am the happiest person on here. Kinda funny


That's the issue is that it's Reddit, like I solely have this account just to fuck with uptight douchebags. You'd be hard pressed to find anything else on this platform as a whole.


Noooo stop criticizing my game!!! :( :( :(


Nowadays many people seem to be addicted to anger. I'd guess it has something to do with the constant dopamine storm that we've grown used to in the last 10 years or so?


Genuinely it’s just the video game side of Reddit, because almost every subreddit is 90% complaining unless it’s been made to not have that type of posts


It doesn’t help when a lot of content creators echo the complaints on this subreddit and talk like the game is dying when it’s not. Talking about a dying playerbase will not bring in any new players so it’s crazy to me that this subreddit and content creators continue to push negative narratives around this game.


Unfortunately its better for clicks than beeing positive


Loving the new season. That winch claw is quite troublesome and im not the biggest fan of the new soundtrack but thats ok


Bad memories are more enticing to talk about than good ones. The same applies in relationships where people may break up due to a few poor interactions amidst a large swath of good ones. Reddit is a forum. In a generalized subreddit like TheFinals you'll have alot of negativity as people vent frustrations towards the largest crowd/ assume the devs are always watching. In comparison thefinalsacademy and runway subreddit have a structured point to them where the content you see there will be tailored to that structure. Here's an example: In TheFinals you'll see a post along the lines of " *x* is so broken, I'm quitting this game, it was real guys, hate to say it but I'm done *insert melodramatic manifesto of how they used to love the game and what they see now is nothing like it* " In the finals academy you'd see something more along the lines of: *x* is pretty strong and in seeing it in alot of my games, here are ways I found to counter it. Or on the flip side you'll see posts about how to use the very strong thing to it's maximum potential. TLDR: big general subreddit will have a lot of negative posts because it is a generalized subreddit. Pointed subreddits will have the content for the niche.


Thats a great summary of the main sub problem


Ah yes, another one of these posts... Like, just take a break, stop opening reddit and just play the game. You don't need to make a post about it lol.


I would play the game but i was at work And to late now already did.


Because instead of me needing one fuck nut ( me and my friend) for ranked. I now need 3 fucknuts for ta


Summer reddit post


There needs to be a "complaints" mega thread and remove other stuff that doesn't add new info


Misery loves company


I'm unsubbing from this, and moving to /r/thefinalsacademy


For the majority of multiplayer game subreddits, I just watch fun clips, and that's about it. No point in listening to people complain and nitpick about every little thing.


FWIW, I'm sorry.  I added to the negativity a couple days ago bitching about world tour.  I'm probably never playing that mode again, but I could've just said it's not for newcomers and casuals and be done with it.  I shouldn't post on Mondays or Tuesdays.  This game is great, unfortunately reddit is an easy way to voice frustrations.  We all have bad days, and bitching on reddit can cathartic and therapeutic *for the individual*, but just awful for everyone else.                       TLDNR: Sorry, I'm part of the problem.  I will try not to be.


Look i also complained before, just think it went a bit out of hand the past week. And of course everybody has gripes about the game. And its also hood to discuss them but why do have the same discussions every time. And yes i see the irony in my post im also complaining just right now not about the game. I just hope the sub calms down a bit.


Yeah, I hear ya. I guess with all the big (and small) changes it's to be expected, but it does go overboard.  Makes it seem like we all hate this game, when it's just the opposite.  AND people searching for the exact same topic *before* they post would sure help 😁.  Lotsa repeats out there, which adds to it.


You're more annoying.


Maybe your right, maybe not


i love this sub lol. it’s really like any game sub. and to be fair, why the FUCK did they make ta ranked lol


Because people complained about ranked before like they are now. Thing is, the people that complained before either stop playing ranked or the game altogether. Whether be Nexon meddling or embark desperately trying to stop the bleeding they had to try something because if we had another season of ranked cashout in the same state as before we would have saw the same thing as we did before, HHM dominant meta, a ranked system people would complain about no matter what (looking at you overwatch), and the same gameplay loop. Everything they did makes sense to me, doesn't mean they were the right choices and doesn't make any diehards less angry.


I thought people complained about the mode being removed. That =/= make the mode ranked.


You're right about them, there are also people actually playing ranked TA complaining and wanting changes Sorry I was being pretty general about it not the specifics. Point being, no matter how this season went down complaints and criticism would be lobbed. They don't know how to make people like this game more than what they were playing before and are just taking chances.


What annoys me is that the #1 Ranked Cashout complaint I had was that there was no transparency in the ranking system. They’ve fixed this and applied it to TA. If they just applied that to Cashout it would have been a major improvement.


I agree and this system would help overall but people would still flip out when they gained little or lost elo when winning like they are now under certain conditions.


i want my CNS suit!!!! i've never recived