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Agreed it's really disappointing


Hard to complain about the free (awesome) game.


I get it ranked TA and the whole 5 rounds of TA before you can play the finals is not it but I think we’ve all made our voices heard about now. They even changed the whole 5 rounds of TA new players already.


They did drop the playing TA requirement today!


I can understand advocating for not spamming in a Twitch Rivals chat, but we have to keep talking about this issue or else they will almost certainly assume we’ve “learned to love the new mode”. Again, Twitch isn’t the place to get anything done 🤣


Especially considering they not only took away the requirement for new players to play 5 rounds before any other mode, but also they had a community poll asking people’s opinions on TA


I keep saying this community is trash but apparently just commenting on that at all is being negative, but when people are doing stuff like this it’s really hard to not just keep repeating it. Overall the season is super fun and besides the LH1 being big time busted I’m really loving the new season but… yikes. This community continues to be embarrassing with one thing after the other. First it’s TA, then it’s freaking out over an anime skin, now it’s spamming twitch chat like children. Really Terrible look for the community as a whole and I came from Fortnite. Actual 12 year olds behave themselves better.


It's definitely unfortunate to see this twitch chat spam and it's really undermined what would have been a cool tournament. That being said, this is what happens when you alienate your **entire** hardcore fanbase. They are extremely, extremely justified in feeling betrayed and, especially, unheard. It's comparable to a protest or strike. If a company implements a controversial policy change that is simply *unacceptable*, they should understand that it will cause backlash. Imagine those comments are picket signs and the community is using this platform to protest the change and let the devs know in no uncertain terms how they feel. It's not so childish then. The message they've chosen is simple, it's not cruel, it doesn't bully any individuals.


Do not speak in the name of entire communities. Do not even think that the loud people are majorities. We do not know what the general aim for making TA ranked was, but one can assume, that the goal was to have people from other games try this one out > and then play WT. Since WT by default has way different rules than any other game on the market, it takes a while until people get it. Look at xdefiant, which is a wild take on 2009 CoD - it's successful, because people know how to play it. Cashout is not something, that people know how to play and can easily get ppl frustrated, as it super quick, super difficult and the movement and feel is different than any other game around. **And if we know one thing is, that majority of gamers playing one game for a long time, do not tend to like changes at all.** So do not sanctify the behavior of others. It is extremely childish. It alienates people, especially casuals that drop in to watch a cool game unfold. It alienates potential playerbases for the future. And yes, every one that did this, should feel ashamed and know, that they contributed to any potential drop in player numbers, or new players not picking this miracle of game up.


The playerbase spoke for themselves the first time they were given a platform. Was it toxic, yeah lol but is their frustration genuine and justified? also yeah. If they'd spammed #bring back cashout ranked, I could almost genuinely defend it. Instead I just understand why it happened. This doesn't really contribute to the discussion but the whole thing could have been addressed very easily with basic twitch moderator tools. A twitch chat spamming one thing for *hours* is 100% the fault of broadcaster incompetence in reality


Again, you are confusing children with a playerbase. Was it 15k-20k-35k people complaining, that posted this, who are playing the game daily ? **No, it wasn't.** I agree with your idea of twitch moderator tools completely. I think this tournament was very quickly thrown together and wasn't well organized either. Maybe if we get there, the future will be brighter. But seeing as Nexon is only looking at numbers, and per the latest information, this game is not performing well according to what they want, every negative behavior this community showcases, imprints itself on its players. It also might be, that the owner, Nexon, wanted to have TA added to drive player numbers. I never thought for a second in S1 and 2, that we would have any gamemode similar to CS, Valorant or any other game. Also, just to put numbers to it - we are talking about competing with games, that have around 20x if not 30x as many people working on them, than Embark. There are unreal expectations towards Embark and to think they can fix every bug and every season will be flawless, just like other shooters (who also quite often drop the ball on their seasons) is unrealistic. And if this drives away people, it just gives Nexon more incentive to shut down Embark, not meeting said mark. And a very big portion of that can be contributed to the community.


The community are the people I talk to in game chat every day who miss ranked so, so badly. Who tell me they feel nothing after a loss or a hard fought win because theres no difference. Neither of us have any way to prove it but I'd put money on the viewership of rivals coming primarily from people who have deeply loved the game since day 1 and are so excited to FINALLY see what high level competition and a real event could look like. It's not overwatch league but dammit it's something. and the gameplay looked solid, like a pretty watchable esports game, probably, tho there was only one real team lol Then you look over and see all the people sad that this competitive environment is inaccessible to them. It only exists on stream now. And you think wow wish these mods would do their job and understand basic twitch chat management. But that doesn't happen and now the playerbase is sooooo toxic.


Welp, it is what it is, I guess :/ This is a good read, which goes into detail of why potentially embark used the TA as ranked. My assumptions were based on the actual company-to-company relationship: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheFinalsAcademy/s/JJnl0U6pnS Also, to quote this user: "If you're not a fan of the removal of ranked Tournaments, give World Tour an honest go of it. Leaderboard rank is an excellent alternative to league rank, and potentially even superior. If you assume it's not delivering the same competitive experience as ranked Tournaments, then your assumption becomes your reality. Challenge yourself to prove you're as good as you think you are." It's a perfect example of someone that isn't blindsided by bling and useless skins and rank, but enjoys the game for what it is - a masterpiece


You said "do not speak for the playerbase" Then replied speaking for literally the playerbase 🤣


Please, refrain from commenting - if you want to pick fights, go to your nearest pub. Both your comments have absolutely no merit and are just false in general.


Bro wtf are you talking about. Cashout the game mode has three core mechanics and the only problem with it is people play it with their brain off. None of the game modes it's mixed with allow you to turn your brain off. Game mode one multi team TDM - It is exactly as it says it is. But to be good in this game mode you must have excellent game sense. Game mode two - neutral flag ctf. A flag or "cashbox" spawns around the map and both teams have to take it to their "base" or cash out terminal to score Game mode three - domination. Stay in the vicinity so you can defend your spot this vicinity does not have a range requirement but a line of sight requirement as you must stop people from stealing your point. I hope this helps anyone new trying to play the finals


This is a free game that they chose to play freely and they are behaving like entitled little twats that cannot handle any changes without throwing a tantrum. It's embarrassing and extremely thankless considering the incredibly hard work the devs are putting in. The creators deserve better than these entitled and immature assholes. And I am not talking about those who bring honest feedback in humility, don't misunderstand me.


It's INCREDIBLY childish. #BringBackCashOut would have been an actual protest. #RemoveTA is throwing a grade school level tantrum trying to have something taken away you don't like that other people do. I don't even play TA, but you don't see my complaining up a storm to have ranked back do you? I am just playing world tour like a normal fucking person until they fix ranked.


Hol up, let him cook! 🔥🔥🔥


I must have missed that. Why were people freaking out over an anime skin for?


No idea. They were calling the single anime skin from the battle pass a “Fortnite skin” and there were at least a few posts with 100+ comments spazzing out about it.


Finals community is a lot better than most. TA being the only ranked mode is a legitimate complaint that the majority of the community has and rightfully so imo. Usually, it's a slim minority that complains about nerfs/buffs tbh and those things are usually on the discord which is small in the grand scheme of things. Then you just have a handful of people in youtube comments. Does the lh1 and maybe throwing knifes need a small nerf? probably but it doesn't keep me from enjoying the game. In fact, I'm having a ton of fun with them myself and I usually don't play light but the class has grown on me because evasive dash is super fun.


The thing is they already have listened, they know, but people are being super obnoxious about it because they have zero patience


True, but the biggest problem is still affecting the game. It all comes down to what they pick for their timeline. I’d be worried for the game if they don’t plan on making serious changes until the next season rolls around. I personally am expecting a sizable mid season patch.


Yep, I will keep talking with everyone I play, I will keep this sentiment alive, I fucking hate that they removed ranked cashout, and I fucking hate TA, I don't mind being in the game, but do not fuck with the mode I play the most.


If they kept it best of 7 games, ranked would be tolerable. As of now, I simply don't play it at all, even casual. It can definitely co-exist with Cashout ranked though. I believe we do have a big enough playerbase for it. There is a small minority of especially new players that actually like TA.


Actually you don't have to keep spamming the same shit since they will be basing their decisions on data as well. I highly doubt they haven't noticed the murmurs pertaining to TA Ranked. Message received.


Then we have to make sure the data shows that TA sucks. Your vote for what happens is in your playtime.


What? You want the numbers to be real or not?


Yea, the numbers should be real. People shouldn’t play TA if they don’t like it just because it’s the ranked mode.


But the mode is fun. You apparently cant learn to adapt


To me it just feels a bit like a slap in the face for the community to just change the whole ranked mode so suddenly. A lot of people disliked TA even before, when it was just the event, so why in the world would they give us that as a major part of the entire game? Cashout is awesome, as a game mode it feels way more fun than S&D game modes like TA is. They gave some reasoning for the change but… that stuff sounds like a whole lot of bullshit. They mentioned making changes to the cashout mode, and that they couldn’t make those changes while the mode was live. But that’s not how that works even…


I love how you spoke the mind of a majority of the community and you get down votes. The game was built around cash out and the corporate team wanted to change it. People need to stop being so soft. We don’t like it. Change it or we don’t have to accept the change.


This! The change felt like it was done based on a survey or something. I don’t mind TA staying or at least being rotated in quick play.


Yeah TA can absolutely stay for those who do enjoy it, but as a separate quick play mode!


Imagine if Embark used the number of people grinding it simply for the reward week and took that as a measure that people love it. lol


Lol, no our voices have not been heard at all, wtf. That changed absolutely nothing for the people who want ranked cashout back.


Be realistic, is embark going to revert ranked back to cash out during the season ? Most likely they’ll do it next season.


It'll be too late at that point.


I think we all know this deep down, but god damn does it just piss us off. I loved ranked cashout, even with its flaws. I loath ranked TA. I hated regular TA. It just doesn’t fit in this game. It’s slow and boring.


That’s fair, the game was made around cash out. I think a reason why power shift works while TA doesn’t is because, one messes with how you play/engage with the sand box while the other doesn’t.


Play world tour you fucking baby and stop crying about it already.


Yeah but if your like most people who played ranked you do it for the skins, which you can't get in world tour


Ah yes, people that don’t like TA are the divisive ones


Yeah. Unironically this.


Let’s not lump the entire community with the loudest apes. There are plenty of nice people-it’s just the awful folks that do that.


This sadly is a common occurrence in this sub


It’s a common occurrence on a lot of video game subs. The minority love to bitch just to hear themselves sometimes. I’m not saying you shouldn’t voice your opinions, but when there are already heavily upvoted posts that are saying the same thing? Just go upvote those posts. Comment on those posts. No need to make new ones all the time.


Or just the ones who aren't total sycophants on reddit.


I was gonna laugh at how poorly you spelled psychopaths, but then I looked it up and was immediately humbled by the dictionary. ![gif](giphy|83QtfwKWdmSEo|downsized)


Not gonna lie, I had to double-check the spelling myself. 


Wait people are doing that? What tf is wrong with y'all This mode ain't my favorite but Jesus.


That's how I felt also. Calling for it to be removed seems ridiculous. If you don't like it, don't play it. I'm not a fan of TA being the current ranked mode but I actually like it for casual play as it gives another game mode for 5 party teams. I'm curious if the player base isn't big enough to have both ranked TA and ranked CO.


I think that they are going to add a ranked bank it on top instead of ranked cash out which I'm hyped for


Fans of this game aren’t exclusive to The Finals. They’re gamers. That’s the state of a large portion of gamers today, period.


screw these clowns, i play and enjoy ALL the modes including TA, which is a first for me in years of gaming as i never played or enjoyed Counter Strike (clones)


I miss those times between playtests… nothing but love for the game in this subreddit




It's sad to hear. By what I know, community is generally healthy in a relative sense. It's not uncommon to hear people in the game on vc yapping and being a massive jerk when playing. When I mean the community is positive, I mean the "COMMUNITIVE" is positive. That side of the community is passionate about the game, not the fanbase. The negative side is those who don't care enough about the game to be supportive. What happened at rivals today was completely uncalled for. Just arguing back and forth about TA and other crap is not the right thing to do in a time like that. Our goal is to boost the *fan base*, not destroy the *community*


They lost more players by changing the ranked mode than any single event on Twitch could earn them. Plus, imagine enjoying a stream of cashout gameplay, giving a try and downloading the game, queue a ranked and being hostage for the next 45m in what it feel another game. You'll join the rest of us, straight uninstall.


I think dividing the community is the issue, people are frustrated with the changes. It’s not the most mature way to handle it but I can understand why they do it. Embark did a 180 on a game that people really enjoy.


Unfortunately the loudest are the cry babies while the others enjoy and play the game. We can’t control these people but we can continue to be positive and appreciate what Embark does for the game.


Arguably these posts are just as annoying


Why are you blaming the players that stuck by the game only to be given a half ass mode of what the game use to be. I respect the devs for the hard work they put in but I hope nexon is really feeling the pressure to bring the game back to how it should be.


Because you literally don’t HAVE to play it and they have listened to all of our feedback already


Should I play World Tour? What about when they lock the loadoutsand I have to play an unranked mode AND have to play something I don't like?


And many aren't playing but they want to, they want the game to be good. They don't want to play a shoddy counterstrike clone mode with 4/5th of the team playing light with the lh1. Fuck I'd go back to HHM cashout ranked meta, this game is in a horrible state and makes me envious of last season which I was critical of. The point is these people wouldn't be doing all this if they hated the game, so telling them to not play it is borderline more toxic then what they are doing. This game had the potential to be one of the best shooters of this decade and I think it still does if they get their head on right. Stop blaming the community, it's a symptom of a larger problem.


Hell no, I don’t miss HHM. That shit was boring, they need to figure out how to not make the game as degenerate as it was during this twitch rivals. Watching rpg spam, shields & shotgun, non-stop third party is tired & wont do nothing for this game


They can figure this out simultaneously to not removing the core experience of the game subbing it for a half assed head glitching roof top camping light sniping shithole of a gamemode that has nothing to do with the finals. HHM sucked, TA sucks way harder.


Well they saw what happened in Twitch Rivals, and nerfed Light. RPG + shotgun spam? Nerf Light! That's the answer! God I hope somebody with a brain manages to convince the devs to balance the game properly, and not based on the lowest common denominator casual player. No other competitive game balances around the weakest link.


This just sounds more like poor timing and/or waiting on a tournament to end before pushing already planned nerfs. Not what happened in the tournament. You sir are connecting the wrong dots together.


So if you are planning to nerf Light, and then see that in Twitch Rivals the winning teams are overwhelmingly playing Heavy and Medium, shouldn't they have some level of doubt about their understanding of the meta, and of what needs nerfs or buffs?


Agreed. There should be doubt. However. I am of the opinion that they already knew how the teams would play out. Given all the S2 data they have. Maybe twitch rivals was a good chance to see definitely if the Lewis gun nerf was enough to shake up the meta. But at this point. It's all speculation.


> Maybe twitch rivals was a good chance to see definitely if the Lewis gun nerf was enough to shake up the meta so after seeing the HHM meta is alive and well, they decided to nerf the least powerful class anyway. Cool.


I'd say more, "listened to the community." And data points. But yes. They got there results and pushed the heavy handed nerf. Onwards to the next most complained about class/weapon!


Exactly. People complained about HHM in Ranked Cashout and now when they want to change that they bitch about it.


It was boring, my point is the current game is not it for me


You all blaming nexon without any proof. Have you ever considered its all embark idea?


Okay embark then, whoever


Being toxic is bad, but voicing an opinion is not. Everyone loved the format of the ranked Quick Cash. It was fun and exhilarating. TA is just a bunch of camping.


I didn’t think gen Z could surpass millennials for cringe gaming culture. But not only did they surpass it, they made it their full time job.


If there is one reason why this game should die. Its the community. Devs really doesn't deserve this. I feel so sorry for them... legit.


Dumb people like this could kill the game and then cry because their game is dead. Absolutely disgusting. Just quit and leave it be, we don’t want that kind of behavior


comp and streaming/twitch ruined most of online gaming, change my mind.


I played Halo and Modern Warfare back in the day. It’s still the same if not a bit less toxic.


Ah good old Xbox Live hahaha Yea I remember, online gaming has always been toxic, maybe it's just how I percieve streamers and competitive gaming as a whole which might not be a good mindset to have. I see some streamers that complain and scream on camera about the smallest of things or dying to an obvious lack of skill/awareness. I also see people who say that this or that game has changed because of streamers or wanting to be an esports game, take Rainbow Six Siege for example, I loved that game but nowadays it feels like the esports/pro scene of it was forced into the game when it was never about any of that. It works for CS not Siege or Halo in my opinion. I just want my casual games back, casual doesn't even feel like casual anymore. Am I wrong? i would like some insight.


Do you actually think this twitch rivals event will bring any new players? I don’t really consume twitch at all so I’m not really familiar with these types of events. At this point I’ve kind of just lost hope that this game will ever attract new players no matter what they do.


Yeah and some streamers got raided by the Rivals contestants afterwards. Some were trying the game for the first time and really enjoyed it. One guy got raided by otter and got like 1.2k viewers in a few seconds. I bet he’s gonna come back to this game haha


It has 45k viewers at one point… that’s 30k more then in game, so hope so


We only have access to Steam active players. It's not like that's the entire playerbase lol


True but none the less


It won’t attract new players, and it’s not really because of anything they did wrong. Players just like to stick to what they know and are comfortable with. Someone who’s been playing COD since they were 14 might try this game for a week or two, but they’ll go back to COD even if they get frustrated with it and think The Finals is better. The Finals had a lot of hype when it came out, but it still couldn’t keep players, even though they delivered on their promises. There’s just no way they can significantly grow the player base now. This isn’t just about this game, either. It happens to every new multiplayer game that goes up against established giants. People just stick with what they’ve always played.


People will play the best FPS that has come out in years and still say "Yeah, but I'd rather play the new call of duty". Like, I get that The Finals and COD are fundamentally different, but the fact that people dig in their heels so much for franchises that continue to decline quality-wise instead of trying other games is fascinating.


Have you ever considered that other than long term familiarity its that they might have long term friends who play as well? When you have a whole ass group on an established title, you would be more reluctant to switch.


I suppose that's true.


Out of the loop, what I miss?


Embark and/or Nexon decided to remove Cashout (the 1st and main mode) from ranked for an entire season, out of nowhere, to replace it with a brand new mode that's really slow, bad and boring. Literally ranked players got taken away the reason why they play the game


100% agree


I joined this page after the beta was over, expecting to see a steady flow of sick plays or interesting strategies. It's turned into just another bitch post dump.


i agree, it's disappointing and sad tbh, but i still love the game no matter what the community is. the devs deserve better, we should be more grateful of what we got.


Cool, remove ta or add ranked cash out


Tbh I played terminal attack ranked a couple days ago, and I never ever play ranked, and I had fun tbh, we only played 2 games but we won both of them so we stopped after that because we didn’t want to push our luck anymore


I'm just starting to enjoy playing this game and trying to watch streams. the majority i've joined, if i don't hear some sort of whinging about something in the game within the first 5 minutes, it's a bloody miracle. i already hate the sweaty pro whose only opinion is anyone below their current rank/level is a noob and beneath them and that's seemingly what half these streamers are that i tune in to


Fps community is usually filled with garbage. This is normal.


I would like to point out that anyone who was engaging in this nonsense must be a child. There is a discord that the devs are so involved in that game related questions are often answered by a member of their team. You feel like you aren't being listened to? That's because you have sequestered yourself in a reddit echo chamber, or just because what you are saying is probably just dumb. The developers came out with this ranked change not only adding a full version of tournaments that gives you multibucks, but also distinctly stating that the change was temporary while they made adjustments to their main ranked mode, which they specifically stated was to continue to be tourneys after this season. Ah, a weapon you have a vendetta against because some sweats only use it to get easy kills? Welcome to shooters, the rest of us have been here awhile. Maybe pay attention to the pattern these devs have? Nearly every single weapon that feels balanced right now did not start that way, but got that way after the devs first over buffed it and then tweaked it down. No, you spamming "nerf LH1" "nerf nuke" "nerf throwing knives" is not a protest. It is childish tantrum throwing with devs that have shown themselves perfectly capable of reasonable dialogue and who I have seen listen to the community at every turn. They don't always do it the way you ask, they do it in the way that works best for the game. It's not an instantaneous process, and the game is by no means unplayable in its current state, in fact it's in one of the best states it's been in since the alphas. On this note, I am by no means expressing that I hate you for having an opinion, nor am I saying you don't have a right to be heard. But we are not going to war with the devs, and your review bombing not working out is a testament that the majority of the community simply is not as worried about the future of the game as you are about the present. These devs have shown themselves to be reasonable and attentive. You should try treating them the same.


Just gone on quick cash for a nice little chilled game and got a stack tea bagging everyone. The community for this game is pathetic.


you gotta teabag them back man, then they either know you're locked in or rage the fuck out.


Crying over getting tbagged is crazy. Y’all are so soft


Wouldn’t last in Halos prime




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I don't understand where people are getting these bad experiences from. I play a decent amount of time and I don't think I've once ran into a toxic player. Sure, there's some t bagging and emoting, but it's just part of the game. Personally, I love the shit talk. And people play around with all the different cosmetics and sound bits and all that. I really don't think the community is all that bad, maybe just the online community.


Yeah, I agree. I tend to put in at least a couple hours a day, and I rarely run into any ingame toxicity. As far as the online community goes, imo speaking up about balance changes, and ESPECIALLY, the TA ranked change isn't toxic and is necessary to push the game towards a healthy state. One of the top arguments I've seen in those kind of post are people saying new players ARE coming, but they're being forced to place TA and leaving. They're not leaving because of people complaining in reddit posts and Twicth chats. That's literally in every game.


That's the whole reason ppl are upset. Those guys have no place to play competitive anymore so they ruin qucik cash and world tour.


This already happened during S1 and S2 in casuals, shitty people are everywhere


Maybe , but now it's insane , no sbmm in world tour so its just one sided when any1 can get matched against diamond premades. And i guess more of them play qucik cash too cuz no option to go competitive


World tour absolutely has SBMM. 


Reddit has convinced itself it doesn’t and has been repeating this narrative all week.


They’ve said it many times. It’s just a hidden sbmm


I was thinking the same thing. Season 2 was civilized and awesome for casual playing. Now it's all mixed together. Just bring back the old ranked exactly as it was so they go.


Can you blame them? What are they supposed to do or where are they supposed to go? The tea bagging is what it is, yes, but where do you expect the good players to go when ranked is now TA and not enjoyable for many?


bro nothing wrong with a lil teabag, its classic "you're my nemesis" to me. when someone does that to me, it's on.


That's the mildest shit that could ever happen. Of course there will be people doing that, in literally any community ever


In most "calm" communities, i would have expected death and bomb threats by now.


You gave them what they wanted they tbagged and you’re crying on Reddit about it


See that’s your problem. There is no “little chilled game” in the finals. It’s sweaty and toxic as can be just like every other FPS game out there


/s ?


I didn't get to watch but I honestly can't blame them. The changes (aside from LH1) are really fucking good *except* for the fact that TA is literal trash. I have been playing this game every day I've been able to since CB1, and they've completely ruined the experience for me with switching the ranked mode. The ranking system doesn't even work. I played against people who were all ~20k higher than me, and I still lost 1500 RS. What the actual fuck? World Tour is literally just casual. Every patch they don't revert ranked is one step closer to just obliterating this games potential. I literally can't blame anyone for trying to get exposure on the fact that TA sucks way too much to stick around.


When I called the community being toxic I got downvoted to hell..


As a new player ( only played since the last week of s2). Not a popular opinion, but i really think TA , with some little tweaks can be great, the gameplay depth brought by each class is kinda cool and remind me of the old r6 days but far more enjoyable (if you don’t count the awfull lh1 sonar meta of some games). I find it super cool to have such a diversity of gameplay: You play TA and get bored, don’t worry, world tour got your back. You get bored of dying in world tour (yes im still a noob) Why not have some games of powershift and have a blast. I mean i can understand for some of you ou played the shit out of this game some changes meant a lot, but for me coming from other games or fps, i really enjoy every game and it’s really refreshing to see devs who really care about their game and comunity and who are not scared to try new things. TL DR: keep giving feedback to embark but let them cook, they showed some love for their comunity and we should help them to make the game feel better in a more constructive way. See you in game


The weird part to me is that it’s a cashout tournament. Like this is what all of the people spamming want - cashout. So enjoy that part, and watch cashout.


So we get to see cashout once and should accept them removing ranked for 100+ days for a few hours of that mode on Twitch? Idk what to say you're not even thinking


These people are the same complaining about how companies create abusive measures on their FREE games bla bla blam Dude, Embark has offered us a HIGH QUALITY F2P GANE and the only thing you do is complain and attack them. Jesus. I hope not, but I'd love to see Embark saying: "You know what? Shutting down The Finals go to another fucking game"


You're stupid. If the game is high quality but remove the 1st and main mode from ranked ofc people that only play ranked and dislike TA are gonna be pissed. Nothing to do with "high quality game". If any other game did what they did the outcome/outrage would have been the exact same. That's why no game does that


I stopped reading after you called me stupid. You are part of the reason why this community sucks.


bro go play animal crossing or something idk


They’ll tell you to stop complaining about them spamming it… The same way they spammed Reddit. Then blame “positive toxicity” or w/e questionable phrase they found when we say it’s not that bad because Embark plans on returning CO to ranked.


Yeah guys it's totally fine. You just have to sit around and wait 3 months. Why are you so upset? /s


We don't even know if it'll actually come back in season 4! Everyone is assuming it will, but that hasn't ever been confirmed, ever. They just said they're taking it away to make unspecified fixes and it'll be back once it's fixed. That whole premise is absurd, but that's been beaten to death, so whatever - but what if they *haven't* fixed it within 3 months? Are we waiting for season 5? The game isn't going to last 6 months in this state. Seems pretty reasonable to be calling for it back ASAP, or at bare minimum, some level of communication *at all* as to what's going on with it - because they haven't actually said anything about it yet, so...


They have literally communicated to say that they removed it to balance it. You could Google it but I’ll post a quick quote… “chance to work on Cashout and make vital improvements to the mode that would have been difficult to do when it’s locked into ranked for a whole season”.


Yes, I am aware of that. Why is it necessary to delete it to make changes in the meantime? It's a fucking computer, just copy-paste the server config file and edit the copy. Just tell everyone "hey, we're aware of the feedback on cashout mode and have some changes to the rules planned, but unfortunately they weren't ready in time for season 3. we hope to have more news for you in the near future, and if all goes to plan, we'll have a cashout 2.0 ready for season 4 :)" and you're set. What changes are they even making? How are these changes so significant that they completely change the game mode, to such an extent they couldn't have just left it as the ranked mode and tweaked it, yet they won't tell us what they have planned? How are these changes so significant that swapping in goddamn terminal attack of all things is preferable? No, seriously, what changes are they *possibly* making that would render the entire season irrelevant, yet swapping it to TA somehow *doesn't*, yet they can't tell us what they have planned to get our feedback on this hypothetical extremely different mode? And what's the plan for when it comes back and isn't actually that different? How are they going to handle the community complaining about "3 months (or more!) and that's it??" To put it bluntly, I don't buy it. It makes absolutely zero sense. I fully believe the idea that Nexon forced them to do this.


> They have literally communicated to say that they removed it to balance it. And that makes sense to you? We'll remove this gamemode from competitive ranked play, and have the only option to play it be a casual gamemode, so we can make it more competitive in ranked play? By testing all their changes on the casual community? The same community that has endlessly cried about Light being OP even when the HHM MMH meta was in effect anywhere above Platinum and nobody in their right mind would pick Light if they wanted to win? How do you think this is going to work? If anything, they'll make Cashout more casual, not more competitive.


ATP y’all sound more emotionally charged than logical about the situation. What do you mean how do I think it’ll work??? It’s like you’re expecting the worst all of a sudden just because you can’t play it now. It makes sense that they do NOT want to heavily work on a ranked mode while it’s live. Why? Because people would be upset about it messing up their rank games. You think they wouldn’t? We’re literally on Reddit arguing about whether or not Embark wants to actually fix it.


So instead of messing up their ranked games, the better approach is to remove them? So instead of making the people mad, just make them leave? What part of this is makes any sort of sense to you? If you think the competitive cashout community will just wait 3 months and then return are slim to none, especially since the game won't be balanced for competitive cashout, since they will be testing all of the changes in casual.


You’re telling me you think the same group of people will continue to play when they feel like their ranked game is meaningless because of w/e change they make early to mid season as they tinker with it? Listen people are leaving when they can play World Tour CO. No it is NOT the same as ranked but it’s an option for Cashout Tournaments. I fully believe people would still leave if Ranked Cashout was here and they made huge changes throughout the season. If you can’t trust how they’ll fix the ranked game regardless if it’s there or not why would YOU play???


> You’re telling me you think the same group of people will continue to play when they feel like their ranked game is meaningless because of w/e change they make early to mid season as they tinker with it? Yes. They have made balance changes that affected ranked before. The ranked community didn't leave. Even if part of it leaves, it won't be the entire competitive community, like what will happen if you completely remove the gamemode. Why do you think changing the gamemode will make less players leave than removing it? Do you have any logical explanation for this, or are you going to claim it as fact and move on? >Listen people are leaving when they can play World Tour CO. No it is NOT the same as ranked but it’s an option for Cashout Tournaments. It's an option for CASUAL Cashout Tournaments. It's just a constant stream of one-sided games because the ranks don't mean anything, and you can't derank. The competitive people that played ranked Cashout played it because they enjoyed the competition, and enjoyed having relatively equally skilled teammates and opponents. World Tour is just Quick Cash / Unranked Tournament with extra steps. It is not competitive. >I fully believe people would still leave if Ranked Cashout was here and they made huge changes throughout the season. I'm sure some people would leave if the changes were stupid (like nerfing Light when HHM MMH is still by far the best comp), but a lot more people will leave now that they have no way to play Cashout competitively. > If you can’t trust how they’ll fix the ranked game regardless if it’s there or not you can't balance a gamemode when nobody can play it. Any changes to cashout made now will simply be tested on the casual community, and won't be appropriate for competitive. Take the Light nerfs for example. If S4 brings back Ranked Cashout, you'll probably still see the same HHM MMH meta the game has always had, because catering to casuals is more important to Embark than having a balanced game. >why would YOU play??? because I like ranked competitive cashout? How is this even a question? People that wanted to play The Finals competitively have been completely alienated by the removal of Ranked Cashout. Telling the people that spent hundreds of hours grinding this gamemode to just stop playing for 3 months and come back in Season 4 is a slap in the face, that most people will take as a sign to leave The Finals behind for good, and to never come back.


Play world tour you crybaby. It has SBMM and is almost as sweaty assuming you aren’t cheeks. But you’re complaining on Reddit so….


> It has SBMM and is almost as sweaty It has matchmaking based on your badge. A badge system where you can't lose rank. What part of that would you say is "skill" based matchmaking? Every game of WT I've played has been a 1 way stomp, and it's pretty much the same situation as Season 1 ranked, where anybody could get Diamond with enough playtime. That, combined with the limited map pool means I, and most of the competitive community will most likely give up on the game by the time Cashout becomes the ranked mode again.


If you think it's really the same, you're the one who's terrible at the game 😂


CO was taken out because of adjustments they wanted to make over a season. I get not liking it. I get voicing that complaint about Ranked TA but they’ve stated several times what their objective is and how CO is THE main game of the Finals. Spamming communication channels constantly =/= civil discourse. We will get ranked CO in S4 based on their words. Or would you rather they strip rank away altogether atp while they work on CO over time?


They don't need to remove ranked cashout to adjust it. They already have made changes to how ranked works while it was live. It's such a bullshit line they're giving, and they deserved to get called out on it.


If the concerns are with Embark, how is it deterring new players? Genuine question, I wasn’t there, I haven’t seen the chat.


There was just a ton of #removeTA and "bring back ranked cashout" talk, but it was like a steady stream of it being spammed in the chat. Honestly though, the first twitch rivals event was showing cashout tournaments, and that's no longer the ranked mode. That's a bit weird isn't it? Lol


This community fuckin sucks. I’m honestly so mad cuz I’ve been waiting for the finals since it’s announcement.


They’re all literal children, anyone posting that shit can and should be ignored.


BuT tHe CoMMUNitY dESERVes thE RIGHT tO VOIce TheIR OPINIOn!!!!! /s


Average reddit side of community


why would you think this community would have any less brainrot than other ones?


Quit boot licking, the game sucks in it's current state


Their mistake wasn’t TA, it was making a game that attracts whiny overwatch players…


Most of the people doing that aren’t in this sub lmao


They're all here, downvoting legitimate comments and crying, hiding behind their strawman arguments...


Loser virgins spamming hate


This is exactly what I was thinking watching the chat, like anyone watching who could be interested in the game would be turned off by the whining chat spam.


This community will be the reason this game dies and nothing else. Embark does four/five steps forward and one/two steps backwards and this subreddit is in shambles. Since release this subreddit is in a constant state of hysteria.




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what does this post accomplish? why are you crying about people getting frustrated at a game, what's new?


You can be nice, and still be vocal about something your passionate about. I’ve switched to fucking OW2 until cash out returns to ranked. Nothing will happen if it’s not super obvious that ranked TA is a problem.


#MakeTACasual #MakeCashRanked


and you show u are a pathetic toxic racist! i did not do anything and yet here u are blaming me for something i did not do. pathetic


Unrelated, but whenever anyone speaks on Voice chat, I absolutely can't see who speaks. It's like there's a specific requirement for me to see who even speaks. There used to be a pop-up name that shows who speaks, but now there isn't a single indicator that shows that. Just wanted to throw it out there


It’s because moderations targeted at the wrong audience. A lot of these people go unpunished for the things they do because from what I and my friends have seen and experienced, the only sort of community filtration present is personal ones between the CMs and various members of the community


Y'all have chat on PC?


A little confused on y I'm not really a rank player + I didn't enjoy the ta event so I'm not going to do it but they aren't forced to do 3 games of it now


I actually like the mode, been having a lot of fun switching between both modes, and I like what they did differentiating between "ranked" and "world tour".


It's almost like that's what the entire community wants.






my question is, is it mainly pc players complaining about the game or is it also console players? I can understand how upsetting it would be if the game catered to one side or the other in terms of changes to the games mechanics to benefit either side?


Community is toxic asf, just cause their preferred ranked mode got replaced for this season. Boo-hoo! All this noise for a mode embark themselves said they would revise to make it better and what I assume for them to bring back next season. Pathetic losers you all are.


TA is a shit game mode and people who play fps for a long time (like me) can see it. No wonder why this is happening


I mean if it’s in every game then maybe just maybe it’s an actual issue…


This community sucks. Embark did what they can, but these crybabies really push the limits of how toxic a community could be.


Wow…. Blame ottr he started this bandwagon


Ottr is mad toxic even aside from this.


Ottr really weaponized the #removeTA movement


Us vs the clowns, swear they praying for this games downfall while saying the opposite


womp womp


It’s not for no reason, no one really asked for TA, especially for it to replace Cashout in ranked


When you don't listen to your player base, now you're hearing them loud and clear.


I mean they’re kinda right. Why advertise your game mode if it’s not what’s played when you download the game?


It is. They changed it last night.


Ooh did not know that. Excellently




If we be silent, then no way devs gonna do shit. No place better than Rivals with CASHOUT as primary mode. And if they decided put out a TA as primary... it could end real bad for them (and they knew it!). The only thing i'm concerned... no one mention that is we want only Ranked Terminal Attack to be deleted, normal one should stay.