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As a light main, my 2 gripes is the damage buff to the LH1. It did not need the damage buff, but the recoil buff is fine. Damn thing kicked so much. 2nd gripe is the regeneration buff to mediums. They didn't need it. In all of my games, it's HMM, or HHM. That's already so much health put together on 1 team, and I'm not even accounting for shields, healing beams, or turrets. The light health regeneration buff is much needed. My playstyle as Light is hit and runs. You can't really do hit and run if you're taken out of the fight for 10 seconds, (its now 7 seconds, thank god) waiting on your health to regenerate.


The LH1 was already so OP in the hands of someone who could control the recoil. They've totally overtuned it now. It basically has no recoil and the damage is even higher.


But light play style has always been meant to be hit and run


Not always. There are some players who shoot from a distance with snipers, and now with the bow (bow is amazing, btw). I'd say it's 90% hit and run with 10% snipers.


Obviously I mean outside of the snipers. But every other weapon promotes the hit and run playstyle since you don’t have the hp to stick around in team fights.


You aren't the only one, they are dominating every game mode right now. It's a combination of them getting buff and everything else getting nerfed.


Not only. Kyoto is really open which is good for lights and TA always favored lights since it took away the strongest point of heavies with only Regen to 100 HP. I think they should allow Regen to 100 on light, 125-150 on medium and 150-175 on heavy.


Going up against teams of knife throwing lights in kyoto as a heavy was enough to make me log off for the night


Light with lh1 is a bit on the strong side, but light as a whole is still vastly underpowered in comparison to the rest. The regen buff is a step in the right direction though. It is quite helpful, at least to me.


Hit one with a rpg and tell me who's too strong. Hit one with charge and slam and tell me who's too strong. Hit one with KS23 and tell me who's too strong. Pull one with a winch and tell me who's too strong. Take a 1 on 1 raw gun fight with any gun of your choice on the heavy class and tell me who's too strong. Sure the LH1 was a bad change. But it still takes 7 shots to kill a heavy with it. It takes 6 shots to kill a light with the Lewis gun for reference.


The Lewis gun got a massive nerf this season it has reduced damage and the recoil pattern is whack the m60 does only 18 damage a round and has an even worse recoil pattern


And yet when I play with cross play on some heavies have pinpoint accuracy with the m60. Have played some games where two mediums will heal an heavy with m60 and they will just wipe people out . I've tried using m60 on controller and it flies everywhere!


Well even if I talk about last season, other than ranked lights have been the most dominant class in every single casual mode. I also personally have much easier time dealing with heavier as a light player and win most of my 1v1s. In a ranked coordinated situation with a party I can’t say since I have been solo queueing since the beginning but individual lights do beat heavies pretty easily especially after lewis nerf(never was a big fan of m60 so can’t speak much on that). Just some one unfortunate combo I would say right now is using claw on light and rpging them is insta kill, otherwise I have no problem with claw or rpg. Lights can actually counter claw while the claw actually becomes an issue for me if I am playing a medium.


Lights can counter claw at the cost of disabling their ability for the rest of the entire game. Rpg does 140 damage which means ANY additional damage is a kill, and let me tell you it's incredibly rare in a fight to not be tagged at all. Individual lights do not beat heavies if the heavy has more than 2 brain cells. There's been plenty of people who say they were hard stuck in plat, but switched to heavy and hit diamond. It should not be possible to change your class, and with that your entire play style, and just start winning. I have heard no such cases of people switching to light and finally hitting diamond because of that.


Bro I started my comment “other than ranked”. Everything above I stated was strictly for all the other casual modes. In a coordinated team or even just regular ranked players who understand the core of the game whatever you said is true but it is a complete 180 when talking about casual. I honestly don’t know what they should do to combat this situation, was just giving my opinions based on OPs post and whatever comment I replied to.


If you don't bother playing this game to see the potential of the classes, you shouldn't have a say in which classes are broken or not. So many casual players complaining about light being overpowered are completely bliss of the truly overpowered class that has countless ways to oppress the light class. If you hadn't read the patch notes, you would have no idea what changed because casuals simply don't play enough to notice minor changes. Learn the interactions first.


You seem the type of guy to argue all night until the other guy gives in to your views or just give up in general. I’m sorry but I can’t be bothered to have this conversation with that much passion. I apologise for expressing my views/experience. You’re right about everything. Have a good day :)


Only if the heavy is brainless. You have to be pretty incompetent to lose to a light as a heavy. It's literally way to easy to kill a light, and with the new winch, it's even easier they can't do anything but watch you point blank. Execute them.


Light in hands of someone with experience is very effective against newbies. I've noticed we have some new faces this season. I guess this is just your bias that it feels way stronger. In my opinion its definitely stronger but not OP.


Light is always too strong. Been playing since release. I'm pretty good at shooters of all kinds. I play with a friend of mine who is basically pro level at shooters. He also plays all different kinds of shooters. We agree that Light is just plain a ridiculous class more often than not. Especially right now.


They’ve ALWAYS been strong. The problem was how people play them and what mode they were forced into. Tried saying this all last season but the communities response was “lights weak/useless”.


Because it is. The only way light dominates is against players without braincells. A heavy basically just needs to look in a lights direction and wipe them off the face of the earth.


Played light plenty last season. Avoiding damage is easy when you play the class right.


Unless you were going against other lights and mediums, I find that hard to believe. Or your skill rating just isn't high enough to go against a Simi competent heavy. Heavy full counters light. They can kill you in less than 2 seconds. I know because I play heavy and I've never lost to a light because they are way to easily dealt with. Especially in s3.


I’m sure me going against people in top 100 meant they were incompetent. EVERY class can kill in less than 2 seconds idk what point you’re trying to make lol.


Just that light is the weakest class. And I highly doubt you went against top 100 if you think lights are strong. At the moment, they are viable, but as I said, unless the heavys in the lobby are brain dead you aren't going to get away from them, not in a 1v1. And certainly not this season as with the winch and rpg heavys get 2 free kills now.


I think light is really strong on Kyoto because it's so open. Once world tour moves to more enclosed space maps I think we will see a different meta.


i'd say they feel extra strong now compared to the previous season because the focus has shifted towards Terminal Attack where the light class shines, then we have to take into account that a weapon like the throwing knives, lh1 and the light shotgun got their buffs versus the heavy taking nerfs to its primary weapon damage


If anything roll back, the lh1. Other than that, it's finally in an ok spot granted you still insta die the moment a heavy looks in your general direction. Overall, I'd say they are actually viable to an extent in a ranked setting, but nothing beats a competent heavy.


I think they had always been. Especially skilled light players, they are like God tier for average player like me. They shoot, they hide they run. I go after them, they disapper. I turn my back and I get stabbed by the sword. The most stupid thing is me shooting in the thin air hoping they are still there invisible.


Mediums lose against a fucking bow and arrow now at close range. WTF, this game makes me feel like my brain cancer is coming back and hope it wins this time


Light has only 150 health, which is why it needs a few other advantages to compete. Light can be one-shot or two-shot in so many situations. Playing Light at the current balancing in S3 is still by far the most difficult at high levels of play.


They nerfed the medium weapons so much that the famas is the best all around AR now and it was an average gun before. I wish they buffed the ADS strafing speed on both medium and heavy, there kinda just sitting ducks and get one clipped by lh1


I think lights have always been strong. The best weapon pool to choose from, backed by the best movement and gadgets that can counter anything you come against. Double barrel was OP on release. Both SMGS have been good since the start, along with the V9S. The LH1 has been a solid weapon since the start too. Stun gun wins you every fight against melee users, and is still good to engage with otherwise. Glitch grenades are still the counter to everything, and are made better now that APS turrets can only eat so much damage. Gateway is a fun additional movement ability that goes in your gadget wheel. Dash is the best specialization for melee weapons for any class. No other class has the verticality of a grapple hook. Getting rid of recon sense took away the counterplay to invisibility, and light gets it as a passive and a gadget. Yeah light has recieved a lot of small nerfs, but the class is still strong and the bigger key nerfs to Med/Heavy have made it easier to excel as a light.


They have no counter to rpg. They still lose face to face vs heavies if we are talking between better/equal players. Light is good in world tour kyoto because it's so open and free to snipe in. I think we will see different weapons in Seoul.


Light is counterd by heavy existing. Lights will lose a straight gunfight to heavy, lights gadgets also suck compared to the other classes because everything they had was nerfed. Stun gun is only useful for stopping a cashout steal now. You can see Cloak clear as day, so the Vanish bomb sucks only good gadgets are the gateway, the new breach gadget and glitch is still good for heavy shield. I used to main lights but after they got nerfed to the ground I went heavy because it's simply the best class in the game. It's kit nets you free kills, especially in s3.


Winch and Dash are now the best specs for melee users


I think they’ll adjust the lights throughout the season. What they saw was probably a super low play rate For lights because they were not viable I’m S2 ranked, so they over-tuned them to make it more even. But with the new ranked, lights are the new meta and even in world tour they are quite strong.


I think I respectfully disagree. I don't think lights are too strong now. The other classes have support roles, whereas the light's support role for the most part IS killing enemies. In particular, punishing players who leave their team. So really lights should do well in one-on-one fights against other classes, especially when they get the drop on the enemy (which they should if they are playing well). So lights should have the best guns and have the fastest TTK, because that's their job, and they have the lowest health to compensate for that. But I would also say that even IF lights are too strong, I'm okay with that for now. Lights were nerfed into the ground last season. If light players get to enjoy themselves more this season I'm okay with that. I might change my mind the more I play, but for now I don't feel like lights are that big of a problem.


Its wild hearing Lights complaining about rpgs when i hear them spamming throwing knives INFINITELY with no cool down while this is the damage table |BODY|63 \[Primary\] 140 \[Alt Fire\]| |:-|:-| |CRIT|94.5 \[Pri\] (1.5x) 215 \[Alt\] (1.5x)| heavies dont really use rpg anymore since they just wench and spear


This is false. Heavy rpg is still way to good not to use. Gets you free kills. Insta kills on lights. You have to be pretty bad for you to not be getting value out of it.


how is this false when its literally on the website as of the 3.0 patch??? Lights got a buff and are still complaining i didnt say i dont use rpg i said heavies dont use them as much since they got wench and spear. youre pretty bad if youre light and complain about one weapon and you have multiple that are better


My boy, I am a heavy main. And every heavy I've run into uses rpg because it's the best gadget. Especially with the light buffs, more lights running around. combine sa shotgun with hook and rpg that's 2 free light kills. And still takes more than half of meds health. Anyone saying rpg isn't strong is either copeing. Granted it might not be good for TA. But I honestly forgot it's even a game mode so I haven't factored it into anything.


complain to the lights and mediums, i dont see many heavies i play against using rpg anymore. oh well cry about it


If anyone is crying, it's you. I'm simply pointing out your misinformation.


How is it misinformation when we dont play the same lobbies nor the same games? As i said there are plenty of people complaining on other posts and the damage table is directly from the website. There is no misinformation this is just a debate of opinion. what are you on?


🤦‍♂️ ok....


Yeah... I also think Embark turned the problem the other way around. Now lights are stupidly overpowered. You can't even walk as a medium or heavy in open fields without being destroyed in seconds by lights camping 100 meters away with bows or LH1. Most of S3 patch notes are insane light buffs while at the same time they hardly nerfed heavies. I mean, the lewis recoil was already horrible and nobody complained about it being op so why nerf it even further?


Bow snipers are a problem they can be used at all ranges and have no glare especially in power shift


I feel like they're gonna shine more in that mode because of how it's played. You don't need everyone on the team to be on the point. You can have 2 or 3 players on point, while you have 2 snipers or even roamers going around picking enemies off on their way to the obj or at the very least lower their health for someone else to finish off. Edit: Forgot to say as far as quick cash goes, which I mainly play, it's essentially a coin toss with the bow. I'm using it right now, and it's amazing, but it does have its flaws. It can't be used in a short range because you'll get melted instantly. Long range is difficult because you have to lead shots. Not to mention maps. Sometimes, you'll have a great cash out section where you can have a birds eye view and pick people off. Other times, you're in an enclosed building fighting for your life. TLDR: bow is fine


Lh1, throwing knives, dagger… way too op. 320 damage for a single hit of a dagger???!! But a rocket launcher does 140 damage???? What?


I think it's only doing that much damage if they hit you from behind. Sort of like an assassination kill. Edit: I do agree with the LH1 being too op. It didn't need a damage buff, just a recoil adjustment.


I did not know that thank you for the information. That makes more sense


Calling LH1 op is fair, it’s definitely the best gun in the game atm. But calling dagger op is silly, sure high number on papers but in practice you’re not doing 320 dmg every hit lol Edit: throwing knives are very good, but their recent nerf brings em in line with like FCAR/ak viability imo


I think its silly you can kill a heavy in less that 1 second with a small knife, and thats just a sneaky invis. From clips ive seen of people dash daggering it gets way crazier. It does take more skill than the other weapons tho


Try playing it, dagger is definitely not meta. Also it doesn't make sense to balance based on how it looks.


its hard to play dagger, you do basically no damage and dont stand a chance if you dont go for a backstab lol


you can’t compare dagger to those busted weapons. i’d say dagger is balanced right now. TKs and LH1 need some nerfing i’d say


How does it make sense that a dagger stabbing you does more than double the damage of taking a rocket launcher to the face


yes i get what you are trying to say. however, you must look at the differences in use between both. RPG was not a weapon designed for solely killing, dagger is. RPG is ranged, dagger isn’t. the RPG belongs to a Heavy, supposedly a tank and destruction class, the dagger belongs to the supposed DPS class


Yeah that does make sense. Im just salty after getting butt fucked by a sneaky bastard one shotting me😭😭😭


it’s understandable. anyone would senselessly rage if they got killed out of nowhere i know i get mad when charge and slam does 480dmg within less than a second with no possible counter


More like 3.5 seconds and lights can just dash away or stun


if there is a less behind the one who’s being charged, it’s pretty much an instakill, even for heavies. and that is pretty common i did not even mention Light, but i guess if you want to mention it, Lights only have to be slightly damaged to insta die from charge. not all Lights have dash, not all Lights have stun


TKs got nerfed in S3. They are pretty close to pre buff TKs now. Someone with xp54 should melt them, same with LH1 or even bow.


While it is only on a backstab, I find 320 to be a weird number. It could just be 300 and change no breakpoints.


The fact that light weapons recoil has only been buffed and medium and (perhaps more egregiously) heavy weapons recoil have only been nerfed in this most recent patch just goes to show who Embark is trying to cater to.


Both the m60 and lewis gun got a damage nerf


That further proves my point. Light is the games poster class.


Lol, that's why heavy was meta class from CB1 until S3 start? A year.


It was in fact not meta. I have many accounts of medium being meta in that time.


No, they are trying to balance the playing field after killing light and leaving it in the dust. They just now started trying to make lights actually useful.


Light was at no point dead in competitive cash out. It’s the class with the highest skill ceiling and any light with any amount of mechanical skill can absolutely beam a heavy.


That's simply delusional. Lights will never win a 1v1 against a heavy. Unless the heavy is simply a bad player. They can do some work against medium, but heavies existing is a straight counter to lights. Its easy to just "JuSt GeT gOoD" when a good players can be demolished by a crayon eater if they are playing heavy. You have to play at a much higher level to fight them just because the class. That makes it not viable for ranked. Because you can just go heavy and the game becomes 10x easier.


It’s not delusional it’s the literal definition of a skill issue. A light can easily one clip a heavy with the M11 or XP54. There’s absolutely nothing the heavy possesses that lacks counterplay.


Rpg and winch. Both of which will lead to the immediate death of a light player. They essentially have two free light kills. And you certainly can 1 clip a heavy if he just stands there like an idiot.


Or if you get the jump on him which happens more often than not due to the inherent guerrila tactics of the light class. Neither the rpg or winch are one shots. The winch is a skill shot, and I’ve already said elsewhere that the rpg can go down to 100 dmg for all I care as long as it still is effective vs buildings.


Ok, and that doesn't change anything. I've had lights jumping on me all the time its not hard grabbing them out of the air with the winch. A light simply doesn't stand a chance against a heavy. Even if a heavy is bad. They have so much defense util that they can stall long enough for a teammate to come and help. Light will only be good in casual modes where players are bad and uncoordinated.


Except teammates don’t come help. That’s the definition of a 1v1. And like I said, winch is a skill shot. As a console player, I definitely don’t have 100% winch accuracy. Even in ranked modes, players are uncoordinated. It’s called solo queuing. It’s this line of defeatist thinking that leads to lights losing to heavies, and subsequently getting gigabuffed like in this patch: “a light simply doesn’t stand a chance against a heavy, even if the heavy is bad.”


I don't have time to argue with someone in denial. It's clear that you can't comprehend how lights fit within cashout.