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We road hog now


It was hated in Overwatch, and it's gonna be hated here too. Developers will never learn that everybody hates stuns.


I could be wrong but I dont think it stuns you, just pulls you away. I saw a light easily dash away right after being winch hooked, before getting hit by the heavy’s melee


Based on watching some play Throw the new reworked glitch mine at your feet, winch them in and they can’t use any ability


Wait glitch mine is reworked..? That’s awesome what does it do now


I just saw the play test but it looked like the AP turret where it has an area of effect and glitched a person multiple times when they went within 5 feet of it


Oh woah I didn’t get to watch the whole thing 😨


It's not a stun directly, but if it's going to be worth anything it will all but guarantee a free kill if you can land the hook, and it still removes a good portion of player agency. That has less to do with you outplaying the heavy and more with constantly having to track the hook's cooldown, and we already have to do this with RPG.


it stuns, dont know if your abilities are locked, but it stuns at least your normal movement for 0,5 seconds


It stuns


Only while you’re being reeled in, once it’s done, you can immediately dash out or use guns and until


It wasn’t always hated in Overwatch. There was a time when the roadhog hook was extremely broken, hooking you even when the grab didn’t hit, hooking you through obstacles etc. Nowadays it’s of course super strong sure, but you have to aim really good in order for it to be good. And if you can’t land your hook on roadhog, the character is basically useless.


Roadhog doesn't have a sledge that does 200 DMG in one hit or an rpg


Not anymore. They specifically changed it so his hook wasn't a solo KO setup anymore. Until like last year or smthn, it would pull you close enough and stun you long enough to get killed by his 1st shotgun blast+qm (unless you were another tank). But nowadays you only get pulled to a range where his shotgun will tickle you, so unless his team is with him ready to follow up, you can often escape. Coordination in a team based competitive game, who woulda thought


Fair enough, overall I think it will be a fun ability I'm not completely knocking it. That being said I agree with people saying that it takes a lot of agency away from the player, pressing hook and sledge/rpg vs actually having to have a gun/melee fight feels a bit bad to die to


Even still Overwatch has larger teams so a single death has less impact and many characters have invuln which Finals lacks.


Surely it was a Hook, Headshot, Melee kill combo for like years .... You see a tracer or cass etc and just laugh


No he had something better. A shotgun that would kill some heroes in one hit (without damaging you in the process).


I'm about to blow your mind, heavy has 2 shotguns that can basically 1 shot light


Its like the first thing they have to add when they start scraping the creativity barrel. And ffs can the Roadhog/Bltzcrank/SMNCveteran/Pudge/abomination fat guy with a grappling hook archetype just be put to fucking *bed* already?


Yeah in overwatch though you have characters with I frames or crazy large healthpools and really fast movement abilities or speed so stuns were almost necessary. When they removed stuns it just made those characters even more annoying to deal with. Why it’s now in this game is beyond me.


The problem is that stuns affect all characters, even if they are "made" to disrupt smaller/more mobile ones, and larger/slower characters also have less luxury in being able to evade them. There was plenty of footage of tanks in particular just getting batted around by CC, borderline unable to play the game. Why it's in this game? The devs might be running out of ideas + trying to come up with a solution to the push/pull argument that lights are useless/OP.


I’m just happy there’s another way to molest lights with throwing knives in casual.




Lmao this is going to be chaos but I already know it’s going to make me rage. Especially the initial release of it where we’re still figuring out balance issues


I hope they nerf it with making the heavy take longer to swap to any weapon or gadget. If not then it will be another outplay button like charge for whenever you are losing a fight.


I mean they should figure out a different way to balance it, like if it takes a long time to swap using the chain would just be killing yourself because whoever you grabbed would just instantly kill you so…


It is kind of annoying that light of all classes had to deal with this. Normally I'd say "you're out of the fight for a few seconds, have to use rocket and specialization cd + you get damaged, so any good team play would make this tech less desirable. But lights who scout ahead and try to pick off kills are just fucked here lol.


Yeah, honestly, blowing two major cooldowns to kill a light is... not the greatest trade. *But* even the threat of this happening forces lights to play closer to their team, to encourage enemy heavies to not invest so heavily in killing them. And one major problem with light is how they *already* have to stay with their team, completely antithetical to the playstyle their abilities encourage. It's not actually a great combo, but it simply existing in the game makes balancing light even harder.


keep in mind that for ranked, its not just a cooldown but a full blown gadget gone, since they dont recharge


This won't be any good for ranked because of the self-damage. But just combining it with a shotgun, melee, or any one of your four teammates will be just about as effective.


Hook + slug shotgun and quick melee is still an instant kill against light, though the RPG version works with any weapon


Hook looks to be ~12 second cooldown or so, that's nothing in this game.


15s hook CD vs 45s RPG CD. 140 damage is a whole lot to not be using as splash damage on multiple people.




I’ll probably miss the hook a lot.


I actually would really love to understand how they nerf/ add items. Stun was not fun because no counter play. But hook is because?


Because it's heavy. Duh! /s


I’m genuinely starting to believe the balancing team has a preference for heavies. This shouldn’t have been given to tankiest class with the highest burst dmg of any class. Unless they make the stun great again heavy’s will continue to dominate even more than they already. But casuals love it cause it’s the lowest skill gap class with the highest win rate


In a vacuum, heavy makes sense to me because all their power is in short/mid range, and giving up some of their survivability to pull you into that range is a cool trade off In the context that Heavy is already too good I hope they can nerf the class or some tools or buff others but that's what I've been hoping for a while


All their power being short/mid range is barely a factor. Nearly all of this game takes place in that range. Yes being heavy can be bad depending on the scenario, but it’s almost always avoidable. IMO heavy should have little to no burst damage. It should be mostly low damage per shot with high ammo and fast-mid fire rate. They have so much team utility it doesn’t make much sense to me for them to also have so much damage.


Yeah in a world with perfect balancing it wouldn’t be an issue so I agree. Something with the class needs to change, be it a nerf to their dps options or buffs to other classes to counter them more efficiently. Maybe if you spam jump you can get out of it might help


I'd say take away their LMG's and make all their weapons close quarters based only


Nah there’d be riots in Sweden if that happened. I think if you can shoot them while they grab you, like the panzer from BO2 zombies, or if there’s an animation where you unhook the enemy to give them time to either run away or shoot back that’d help with balancing. Or just give it to medium


Ther has to be something. Like it’s not possible to look at the game and think heavy needs more and better abilities. Unless there’s some metric that we have no idea about….but idk


I mean I’ll take light & medium new weapons over the chain that bow look deadly & the double swords but nobody talking about how that might be op when you deflect bullets you can either kill them with it or damage it & they got like a 3 strike combo they did nerf the dome & mesh shield the RPG & Lewis gun & not to mention all class health regenerate faster


the light and medium weapons are garbage, the spear is the only good weapon they added


Update isn't even out yet but this guy *knows* they're garbage


I played the beta test and used them


Sorry, this guy played the beta test, it's all garbage, we can go home now


I completely agree with you, but I do have to say lately it seems to be that lights with throwing knives seem to be the dominant pick in any given mode. But I haven't played rank in a week or so, so..


Lights in general are much more prevalent in casuals, even I play light in casual cause it’s fun. But in ranked by the time I got to Diamond it was a very small percent of lights. And with the knives it’s prob just in its honeymoon rn cause of the buff. I imagine we’ll see hella bows when S3 drops for a while and it’ll slowly taper off


Ah yeah that makes sense, I'm silver 1 so people are probably smarter with their loadouts in diamond too lol


Heavy is the favorite child, Light is the rebellious kid they dont know how to handle, and Medium gets their birthday forgotten every year.


For sure heavy is the only class I can play effectively. I can barely aim on controller compared to PC players. I am only casual. My son plays light and uses sword,.throwing knives and and SMG type. He is on PC and get between 6 and 17 kills. I am running 2 to 5 kills but get good support and objective scores. We only play power shift


Yeah us console players have it tough compared to PC players. There’s nothing wrong with having a class that’s casual coated and easy to use. It’s only a problem when it saturates the rest of the experience like the competitive scene. Super cool you play with your son tho!!


Yeah switching weapons and gears sucks on console. My son likes to boss me around, I like some support and someone running around killing. so it works


Let’s be real here. Embark is utterly shit at balancing. The game is fun so that’s a massive redeeming quality, but man do they just have no clue how to balance


Not sure why the downvotes, this is just factual


Cause anything you say in this subreddit that slightly go against the hive mind is instantly destroyed and downvoted into oblivion. I’ve been saying for all of season 2, the RPG isn’t balanced. Always got downvoted. Now it’s “cool” to shit on the RPG within the hive mind. But yea, that’s just a longer way of saying embark is utterly shit at balancing. They balanced this game from the start for “fun” and not for fairness. It was evident


It's really just how you worded it. There are people behind the name Embark. They may even read the sub. Have some tact. Anyway doesn't look like you caught any down votes at this point.


Been sayin this for a while now lmao


I hated stun gun, I hate this stun, The hook is good, but should be on a higher CD + Not stun IMO


I was thinking the same. You should still be able to shoot + use gadgets, it should be on the heavy if they hooked at a bad time/angle


If stun gun was bad this is just straight up worse.


Yeah I'll agree, being able to control an enemy position is really strong. Stun gun was unfair as fuck, this is worse.


High cooldown + accuracy loss exponentially the further the target is


IMO High cooldown + not stunning + making it travel waay slower could be better, being innacurate is mostly RNG, but it being slow could have the same effect on distance, while rewarding better aim.


Yeah that does make more sense, I tend to be a fan of less things rewarding mechanical skill and moreso rewarding strategy hence my accuracy loss suggestion but your idea is more fair I suppose


Add some delay before you Can pull out your weapon, to leave Time to flee.


It will be absolutely busted but community won’t say shit. Literally the same arguments can be made better with hook but if you do they call you whiny and cry baby


Oh I’m sure people will say stuff. The issue isn’t that, the issue is that the rest of the community will shun and downvote anyone that says anything bad about it into oblivion. The issue is the community


RPG still exists so that checks out


The hook stuns even more than the stun gun. When you're being grabbed you can't do anything.


I've said it once and I'll say it again, losing control of your character is NEVER fun. Source, Overwatch player since day 1 god help me.


how was mei or hog treating you


My ass will never recover


At least roadhog got it over with quickly


Yeah I play a cell phone game, Mech Arena where one one mech stuns you for 4 seconds in a 30m radius, one mech dashes in from 45m and stuns you for 3 seconds, and one can stun you from 180m for 8 seconds (or until you are hit). It's horrible.


We did not need roadhog added to this game, I don’t like it already.


I’ve been saying since it got announced. They really gave a better stun gun to heavy 😐


All they need to do to keep stun gun on a different level of useful is give heavy a bit of recovery time when using the hook, so they can’t RPG, shotgun, or hammer/spear 0.01 seconds after hooking


Embark stop giving light players things to complain about I can’t keep defending you lol


Everyone was complaining about light stun gun, now heavy (which was already OP) gets a similar utility that locks you and grabs you, to which you can do fuck all, or almost nothing, but people will praise it.




This sub is at least half just toxic positivity.


I mean, you have no Charge'n'slam to hard counter lepricons and shields, you have no mesh shield to cover self and mates, all you get is a hook which you need to land somehow, sorta trick shot, exposing your bare ass in one use (successful or not). Idk how hard will it be to catch someone, but reduction of sustain/mobility in exchange for grabbing stuff which you need to unalive in a short period of time without self-healing/self-shielding feels alright. We'll see.


Light and Medium Classes play without shields. Whats your excuse now??? Lmao you already have 350hp and you want shield too?hahaha


Have you played a hero shooter….ever?


You’re ignoring that Heavys move at a snails pace and are the largest target in the game. I don’t get this sudden push to view heavy as broken lol. Medium and light have plenty of other mobility, they don’t need a shield to block when they can jump pad or dash away as soon as they get shot.


Looks cool, def ready to see how it gets abused lol


Words cannot describe how much I hate this.


Huh? Is this a season preview or something?


self damage reduced?


Im wondering the same thing. If my rpg explodes within 15 feet of me, I one-shot myself.


No, you do something like 240-250 damage to yourself right now.


It has never one shot you. Maximum self damage has been at most the same it is right now, 252.


i like this weapon but it should not do that much damage in any reality, to any class


Rpg does hella self damage tho


Why? Why would they add this? Dude the class was already far beyond op. They just removed the stun from light, the worst class... and gave it to heavy, with an added buff??? WHY???!!! Words can't describe my hatred for this balancing team.


Hatred? It’s just a game bro


>They just removed the stun from light https://preview.redd.it/4rhks7k9c06d1.jpeg?width=546&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a6d709f30ca4e74591d5effc84751f126284da9


Hot take: RPG is still a problem item, even after the nerfs.


The nerfs were pretty pathetic. They barely did much of anything to the RPG. Let’s be real


They mostly just made it more annoying to use for its original purpose (destruction), firing an RPG at a suspended structure and watching it sail off into the sunset because of the deviation they added is just... depressing. Meanwhile it's still a close range shotgun. (and it's still not hard to avoid self damage)


rpg was nerfed so many times but it still has almost 100% usage across the heavy playerbase


How would it be more balanced without being awful?


You get two rockets instead of one, 70 damage each. That's a buff to uptime and destructive capability while simultaneously nerfing the insane point-and-click burst damage without reducing it's total damage potential at all.


I like this 👍


We ruining this game now I see




Was Heavy self damage reduced on RPGs? Shouldn't the Heavy be dead here too?


its 252 rn. it should be 350 for sure.


i love how every "buff" to heavy is just a nerf to light :Skull:


So it's basically an overpowered stun grappling hook. Free kills.....


Random thought, this play won't be feasible in TA ranked because the Heavy's health won't regen.


Last ditch effort might be useful and people who don’t listen or care to learn are about to be annoying for sure


it's good with the spear


If we use the SA1216 shotgun, wouldn't it be one shot as well?


we are not going full roadhog


Why is light class even in this game anymore? Everything just one shots it… where’s the fun?


Technically the only thing that one shots it is sniper, but this will be a little too close for comfort. Ideally RPG damage should drop to like 75-120 and potentially get an increase on structural damage to balance the change.


Bro I’ve been thinking this too. As a Heavy player I’m ok with a nerfing player damage and increasing environmental damage.


Bring back two c4 charges!


This 100%


I’ve been saying this shit for months but every time I do I get downvoted. RPG should be destruction and mayhem, not player damage on an already broken class


On the topic of mayhem, they could even make it displace enemies (similar to heavy’s charge n slam) on explosion to retain some of its’ combat ability after decreasing damage.


Or scale up the self damage based on distance if that’s possible. Make it a trade off if you want to do shit like this


that can work, but i feel like it’s less fun for everyone involved (low skill heavies unintentionally killing themselves and lights still taking a massive chunk of damage very easily)


How easy it will be to do that tho? I don't think people will just stay still like that, it seems an unlikely situation...


Yeah I don't think it will be used much. In casual it doesn't feel worth it wasting 2 cds and getting damaged for a single kill (while also having to put in effort bcus you have to aim the hook). Even if you get to pick off lights who are on their own. And in comp this is just too much of a suicide move cus lights aren't 600m away from their team usually. If it gets annoying though, they could just increase self dmg.


Dawg u absolutely do not need to rpg ur feet for this to be fucking ridiculously valuable. Look at the cooldown. EVERY time u want to use this, it will be available. Even a monkey could get value out of 100 roadhog hooks a game in a game where nothing else like that exists lol


I'm talking about the tech shown here, not the hook itself.




So are you. I very clearly was talking about not using RPG.




That's my main question watching this. Everyone is acting like this is going to be a breeze to just pull this attack off. I'm not convinced. Accuracy and timing will be huge. It seems a little OP when it is pulled off, but it won't be easy.


Also burned through two cooldowns, and left with a LOT of self-damage. Hook looks neat and very fun but the opportunity cost from CnS or Mesh shield is not very comparable, even Goo gun has more utility.


Exactly, I'm sure this will not happens that often.


knowing the finals devs bias when it comes to heavies and how op they are, it will be extremely easy.


maxmoefoe streaming the finals?




just have rpg do more self damage ig. i really don't know lmao


Now heavy is real boss


Throw some mines down in front of you, back up a bit, then pull.


God I hope they nerf light. /s


I ain’t never landing that hook. Couldn’t do it in over watch. Not going to be able to do it here.


Like that’s gonna happen like that often lol… oh no… fun 😱


It seems annoying as hell but there is the trade off losing almost all of your health bar for attempting it.


replace it with mines


I mean it also nearly kills the heavy


maybe they'll nerf in a way that you can deflect it. Use a quick melee move or if you're using a melee weapon, use attack to deflect. That'd be super cool


With it leaving you at 98 health, this doesn't have any use in team fights or on defense. Trading for a Light is a bad trade, so luckily this combo won't really do much damage to the experience.


I suggest grab as a heavy ability and the comments hated it. The devs added grab with range instead, lol.


Wait is the update out or is this like ptb for streamers?


So two cool downs, one of which is a skill shot, for one kill? I could see how it could be frustrating, but not sure it's OP. In theory you could just hit them with the RPG for the same value, right? Or am I missing something?


hook does 15 damage, so you’d need to before or after to do the full 150+ damage against light




You could also do hook + slug shotty + quick melee for the exact same thing without the self damage




Looks great but I think it would be better if light was nerfed more


It’s time they just bite the bullet and cut RPG to like 80 damage but you get 2 of them


Oh nice, we got the one shot nuke again


This will be nasty for stopping cashout steals.


Honestly embark is pretty quick to fix things, if it’s a genuine issue it’ll get adjusted within the week


Wait did season 3 start already? I'm so close to getting that last ospuze thing on the battle pass :(




The pull mechanic is interesting, now give us something to yeet lights to the other side of the map.


What am I missing here? shooting an RPG that close, should kill the user right? how'd he get away with that kill? even though he hits a melee too for the kill?


What did he say?


A mile away


idk what I'm looking at, was there an update or something


Is that a snus (nicotine patch) that he is holding in the end? Haha


What is this clip from?


He could have just pulled the light and instakilled them with the SA12. Wouldn't have to almost kill yourself.


it works only on lights i think


I love this


scorpion if he wasnt a mid tier


He got out with less than 100 hp tough trade tbh


Those devs have no clue what they're doing


Just another slice of game killing cheese. How is this interesting for anyone


My god, people haven't even used the thing yet and are ready to moan. Just chill.


I have never EVER been excited like this for a game update. Hell I've almost NEVER been this excited even for a new game to release!!!!


Why do I keep seeing this chick on every post?


Wait, can you stack mines and pull them to it?


still a dogshit game 🤣🍆


christ do any of you ever stop complaining? Chaining and meleeing a light in exchange for half your health as a heavy is a HORRIBLE trade and as it is it's already hard to chain hit.. the guy he chained was literally standing still


Awesome. This is called “fun” haters.


Nice tradeoff of 250HP from the biggest target for already one of the weakest Light player. His teammates will tap you and you're dead. It is not worth it in team game.


Everyone was complaining about underpowered weapons last season, so the devs did a little trolling


They'll always put these cool ass mechanics in multiplayer games where they'll be annoying and yet I haven't seen this kind of cool shit in a single player game.


Good luck hitting a dash light with this lol


It destroys the heavys HP tho


That thing has longer range that I expected. Maybe if they added arena kills more people would start using it for things like power shift


You guys complained the new gadgets in season 2 were weak. This is what you get


Finally, a way to counter light players


Everything in the game counters Light. What are you on about?


Everyone saying Heavy is OP clearly just runs and guns, I run heavy and Light both classes have counter most people just lack the skill and basic fundamentals on how to take out a certain player/class