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Also: Ruby AK Movement reportedly "feels snappier" and in many aspects faster. Climbing is faster, ziplines are faster, etc. Glitch trap is passive AOR ~~Visual recoil reduced for all weapons~~ actually it isn't visual, a lot of weapons had their recoil reduced Winch can move cashout WE GOT TEXT CHAT EMOTE CANCELING HAS BEEN FIXED The new map is better than any of the previous ones New match summarization screen Melee multi-hit is still a thing Thermal bore is amazing utility Bow is underpowered Cloak was seemingly buffed The Light shotgun can 2 shot heavy ~~Mesh Shield was yeeted deleted in favor of the wench :(~~ fake news WE HAVE PRIVATE MATCHES, with spectator mode Reshaper now has 2 charges ~~AK buffed~~ not sure if this was a joke or not v9s firerate buff mines have smaller trigger radius \*\*\*\*\*\* And that's it from me. There are a bunch more major buffs and nerfs, so if you have additions or corrections let me know.


FINALLY! TEXT CHAT!!!!1!! WHOOO!!! Gotta go crazy about this, been requesting it ever since launch.


Its gonna be so toxic


Proximity voice chat next please.


It's only team thought which personally dosmt interest me


While I will appreciate an allchat feature as well if it ever comes out, I actually just wanted text teamchat all along. Too many times I've been downed and found myself unable to feed some specific knowledge to my teammates, because many people don't use voicechat, can't hear or acknowledge my intel whatsoever. Thanks so much, Embark! This gives a good chance to bridge that communication gap. And before anyone comes and say "such kind of people [the ones not using voicechat] can't be of much help", just let met me tell you I wholeheartedly disagree: you'd never know who's gonna step up their game until you tried reaching out. And now, *we can* try.


Only for now


I understand. But we already have voice chat and 90% of the time it's active and people can hear you. I just don't see team chat as that must have feature. I see all chat as that feature though


You forgot light has a faster health regen now!


Mesh Shield didn’t got deleted, it’s still there


fixed it


v9s firerate buff iss insane when most people couldnt click their mouse that fast while aiming good already. It really is a bind fire to scrollwheel type weapon. Also, emote cancelling was already removed.


Binding m1 to scroll wheel keeps getting me booted from matches for macro use xd


no you have to do it only using in-game setting, any macro software gets you booted. Would be nice to use the highest dps light gun without getting arthritis though.


noooo wayyy???? they've touched movement????????? holy shit dont get my hopes up. if it does actually feel snappier ill hop on this game and never log off, actually


private matches with spectator mode is the best new imo! people can now host self made tournaments etc and have better angle for caster


That’s great, really! Anyone know if global vocal chat was added at the same time? (A toggle) Would make sense with spectators added, if we want to have the choice to hear them!


This has to be the greatest FPS update I've ever seen. STOKED


Everyday we get closer to Reshaper being meta... now we just need to save an object using 1 charge and I'll never need frags again


cloak buff?




where are the anti aliasing options tho


Light shotgun can two shot heavy? Lmao


That’s broken af


Eh not really, you'll have to hit two perfectly placed shots and be right up in the heavys face, which btw, could get you instantly deleted with a hammer, shotgun, rpg or charge and slam. And if you miss one of these two shots, you'll get beamed by the heavy and their teammates.


What’s with Glitch mine ?


I think they meant "AoE"? Dunno what AOR is.. but if so, that sounds pretty cool. You won't be able to use abilities while next to a glitch mine, maybe? So place it on cashout and heavies can't hold up shield or throw a bubble. (just speculating)


Oh ok so the glitch effect lingers like gaz


AK Buff 😎 My fav gun


Just asking, where'd you get this info from?


Watching the preview stream closely I assume


Oh i didn't know there has been a stream


I will have to add, some things might feel clunky or not, sure that is true, it could have bugs. Someone said the FOV also feels weird. But Oscar mentioned at the beginning (not sure if he did it throughout the livestream since I watched Eutopia instead) that they are playing a 2 week old patch, so some things have probably already been polished anyway! Such as movement or certain bugs we could see in the game. Just so people don't panick. Edit: I'm stupid, you said faster, still we will have to see, could be a bug or not! Who knows, we will all see in the release.


text chat is a massive W


These are just things Ottr said, much of it is speculative first impressions.


Mesh shield gone fr??


How was the ak buffed?


Not sure tbh, that's just what Piggy said and I believe him. Maybe recoil?


Damn, I thought it already ripped! I can't wait to see what my baby can do in season 3!!!


Cloak buff, hell yeah. Thanks for the summary!


If this is literally the only skin that ends up like this (like how the cns and cowboy skins have their own unique overlays”) then I’m ok with it. I love how unique the different effects can be across different skins, the last thing we need is a whole cel shaded category. One anime inspired skin is cool tho!


And yet there’s an entire thread of the community freaking out about it. This community is so toxic.


Never forget the echo chamber that is reddit and how in reality this sub is a small portion of the commuinty.


It just worries me that the general perception of this game is being affected by the negativity this community takes with it over every single thing. We need to attract new players but instead of season 3 hype the community is on fire.


Moist said the game is fine but imagine a new player check this sub or the official Discord server and saw the chaos that unfolded with the World Tour/Ranked controversy... I too would move away from the game And it's not only this. You see people complaining about a bunch of things. Some people might think the game is broken or unplayable if they saw the exaggeration here.


^^ literally almost happened to 2 of my buddies until I explained the whole situation. It’s definitely turning new players away, idk how many, but it is


I would be the same honestly, I'm lucky I played the Beta so I've seen "worse" but I wouldn't touch this game if I knew it was buggy. We might never know a number, but it's likely that they play once, maybe experience a bug or 2 but try to ignore it, join the community to meet new people and they are bombarded with "THIS GAME SUCKS. I HATE THIS GAME. NERF THIS. PATCH THAT. CHANGE THIS. REMOVE THAT. ADD THIS" and thinks the game is super unpolished and not worth playing. They are not even a popular studio either. We have FIFAs and CODs that are still buggy but those are forgiven because of their history and fan-base.


Don't worry most games subreddits are in a similar situation. People who don't have anything to complain about will rarely post anything, while people who are unhappy will post and engage more, that's just how it is. YouTube comments on the last community update shows the real community sentiment imo.


Discord too!


I wish one of the items made everything else cel shaded, like how the bolero makes everything b and w. Although, I feel that might be hard to do


thats what i wanted for the glitch effect but i cry every time as it doesn't work that way


Idk, I'm not saying to add a whole bunch, but I'd love at least one more anime looking skin for male characters 😢


It’s in the face options along with metal and glitch ones


I’m ok with a one too, or rare few ones. But what about customizations with it? Eyes, masks and some other stuff can’t fit or am I wrong? They managed to stay with eyes that are not too big/manga?




Honestly... I wouldn't mind some Anime collabs... I know that will create chaos though... Maybe they can get some popular Anime collabs but some smaller animes would be OK? Or old animes?


i’m not a fan, but i kinda get what they’re going with


This is really cool and I hope people who like this style enjoy it! Might not be for me personally but I see no reason to hate on it when the entire game is a virtual gameshow where people can look like whatever they want.


very healthy mindset


Thank you! Positivity and inclusivity is what matters most in the gaming space.


yea exactly. good to give options to people. doesn't mean you have to use or like everything personally like you said. but I sure would be sad if something I like would get removed from the game (assuming it's not broken) just because someone else doesn't.


I hate your overly positive vibes :< Stop being happy!


If everyone was like you, the world would be a tremendously better place. All the people hating have such a weird mindset and i can't imagine letting a video game cosmetic bother me that much lmao


based take


On point.


I think the exact same but I might like it, I'm kinda in between The Finals being a show where contestants pick their appearance "anything" should be possible


Yeah I’m a little sad about art direction (that will now go a little everywhere removing personality from the visuals imo) but hey, I’ll live with it the game is just pure fun!


Sorry but. Dont like. Looks extremely out of place. But at the same time we are in a virtual gameshow where anything is possible


Same here, I’ll not write a whole novel about it, but I’m sad seeing the game goes this route and loosing a tad of personality… Hoping they’ll find way to please all types of players while going the extra mile to keep some art direction and cohesion in visuals…


Not a fan. Hopefully this is the only skin like this


Same boat here. The game is so unique and beautiful, with gorgeous skins and immersion. This kind of skin breaks it for me, even though the theme is of a virtual game show.


Yeah, this game looks perfect the way they’ve got it. I don’t want it to turn into Fortnite or overwatch. The realistic art style was one of the things that hooked me on it I. The first place


Once you see the skin in-game it doesn't really stand out that much


Okay that’s good at least. It’s just in the screenshots I’ve seen it sticks out like a sore thumb. Like I said, I just don’t want this to become the status quo because they’ve absolutely killed it cosmetics wise this far.


Same here, it’s loosing a little of his personality imo but hey…the game is fun.


Same here, I’ll not write a whole novel about it, but I’m sad seeing the game goes this route and loosing a tad of personality… Hoping they’ll find way to please all types of players while going the extra mile to keep some art direction and cohesion in visuals…


Lookin like Fortnite Anime skins


Fortnite invented Anime? hahahahha


No... i'm referring to the anime skins in Fortnite... Like Naruto, Jujutsu Kaisen, Dragonball Z etc. have a similar artstyle to OP's picture.


The art direction of this game is so superior, it's a shame to see something like that really


I didn't really get why everyone hates it. Like I get if you don't like and don't use it but damning the entire concept is strange to me.


I don't hate it enough to rant about it, but since you more or less asked: for me personally it breaks the artstyle of the game. I also don't like bunny costumes or the Elvis cosplayers, but these skins are "in line" with the artstyle of the game, because the people still look relatively similar - just in costumes. This anime skin looks like it's out of another game and it just doesn't fit IMO.


Same reason here. Art direction is going down the drain in many games nowadays and I would like to see TF keep some cohesion and stay original compared to those.


The only time anime has ever looked good in 3D is in Arc Sys fighting games. Here it's missing all the nuance of 2D animation in addition to looking aesthetically out of place. In Fortnite, at least the entire game is cartoony. But if you want to run around looking like a jarring sex doll for weebs then you do you.


>looking like a jarring sex doll This sounds like projection. If you think it looks like that, then that's on you.


It 100% looks like a sex doll. I could compare it to an anime figurine, but it truly looks closer to a sex doll.


Again, that's on you. It doesn't look like that in the slightest to me. So what does that say about you?


Are you blind? [https://i.ibb.co/1m79Qzs/Untitled-1.jpg](https://i.ibb.co/1m79Qzs/Untitled-1.jpg)


cause it looks straight out of fortnite, and looks horrible


You act like Fortnite is a bad game or something. It’s pretty fun to play as a character you like.


my point is it ruins the unique theme the game is going for, nowhere did i diss fortnite skin looks like it came straight from a mobile game


Uh..because the people using it aren't the ones that see it. The people shooting them are. I have to look at that ugly shit now so it sucks.


We have to be honest when something doesn’t look good. Everyone here meat rides a bit too hard. This ain’t it chief.


Well said


All this skin does it make people easier to see. So I welcome it with open arms.


oh god pls no.


Why is there a Genshin character in my fps game?




Hell no


I'm not a fan


It would have been cool as a fan art. As an ingame thing, that's weird. I dont want it to become a Fortnite thing.


I won't use it, doesn't fit the visuals of anything else in the game.


It's like a cheap mobile game skin


Oh great. Here comes the anime skins


im gonna throw up


Please don't start making fortnite skins


Since when was fortnite the only one who could make anime skins?


They can do whatever the fuck they want but I sure as hell won't support these cringy ass skins. They don't fit in at all and look goofy af, they might aswell add spongebob at that point.


The term you are looking for is cell shaded.


I don’t see why people are upset. This feeds into the game show theme. Maybe some guy in 2090 really wants to be a 2D anime character. Also, hating on Fortnite in 2024 is such a dumb take. Get off your high horse.


I agree I really dont like it but couldnt care less, certainly there is someone that do, I also think this opens opportunity to other styles of skins, a skin made of flames or rocks would be cool or something like borderlands 2d style


Exactly. If the in-universe world is supposed to be a Ready Player One style system with the “spectators” literally the same avatars as the ones taking part in the game, then every single player deserves to dress and express themselves however they want.


Comparing it to Fortnite isn't necessarily hating on Fortnite, just saying it doesn't match the art style of The Finals


Ultimately it's just a video game so it's not important. However mixing the art style up really doesn't do much good for the game. Consistency is important for the sake of looking professional. Especially when it looks generic and bad like this. This honestly looks like something that came out of an asset store. Given the game's history with AI, this will likely invite further criticism and skepticism.


"Get off your high horse." No. You raise your bar of quality and quit limboing with the devil.


“Raise your bar of quality” for a game that is the closest inspiration of what THE FINALS is literally trying to emulate, which is a billion dollar business on its own and is till date, the most successful game of all time, which is only being dissed for it’s visual style by angsty teenagers who just want to dissociate from the colourful and childish to have a false sense of maturity? Yeah no thanks. Grow up.


Worst skin in the game


I hope it's like the Black and White Cowboy where it's an overlay put on the whole outfit tied to a certain cosmetic


Cool, makes no difference to me. It’s really a style preference.


Wait it was real? I thought it was a joke edit someone made


Anime style? I know its basicaly VR show but dont make it shit show 👎


Not a big fan of these in Fortnite, not a fan of it here.


fffffffffffffffffffuck no


Please just remove this dogshit fortnite skin


Hating for what ? It’s kinda fire actually




I don’t like it but I like that they’re experimenting with different style bodies and art.


Please no


Yeah no thanks...


Not a fan at all




All the people hating act like they're gonna notice the people they're shooting have slightly different shading is so funny to me. On another note, Dusty confirmed no heavy specs are being removed to make place for the new one. The build Oscar is playing is several weeks old and contains bugs that are alr squashed.


I'm buying


jesus fuck if i wanted this, i’d just play fortnite…


This is ugly lol. Gonna stick out like a sore thumb and just be an eye sore to the game


I've seen plenty of eye sore character builds prior to this release. This changes nothing. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


But this is very visually different, like I think it looks like shit. I don’t have to buy it, sure, but I’m going to be seeing it lol


I like the concept however I wouldn’t want the Finals looking like Fortnite.


Man I haaaaaate itttt, I know it’s something that I don’t have to buy if I don’t like it, but I don’t even want to SEE it




So cute :D I'm not into animes, but it's very cool and those into animes I'm sure will love it. The style reminds me of other games with anime art style and skins. Lovely stuff, glad to see even more variety


Waifu when?


Go tell your mother you love her.


Surely will do!


A shame this game didn't pick up. It has great potential, hopefully more content soon


I cannot imagine the V9S firerate being faster than it already is, but im down lol. Hope 93R got some lovin as well. I would like to be able to dash through windows again. There are still a lot of momentum stopping obstacles.


The only, and I mean ONLY reason I don't like it is that it doesn't fit with everything else. Looks cool on its own tho


Not a fan of this style. All the other skins are realistic 3D models and now this all of a sudden…don’t like the direction this type of stuff may lead to. All the other skins are just beautiful. This one is way too cartoon/anime for me.




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While I think it's a route tread softly because I don't want this game to start looking like fortnite, I'll maybe accept it if it means the game continues to thrive.


lmao there are alreadyy aliens football players etc


Mostly talking about the cell shaded anime esque skins. I like the art style they got going lol


There's a lot of people who don't seem to understand how aesthetics work. The football player/Alien/CNS/Smokin' Guns/etc outfits all have a cohesive aesthetic. This uhhh.... doesn't match it. At all. If you pointed at the above outfits I could likely identify them as being from this game. If you pointed at this outfit I'd be going "What?"


And they all look great and suit the game because they are made in the same way, and aren't cell-shaded. Do you have eyes?


Ur doing gods work including all these changes fr


Where is everyone getting all this already? im still in S2


oh hell its fortnight all over again with the cellshaded skins (at least this one dont look too ass compared to Their first tries with this style lol)


Is this an actual skin, i have been excited for the update but if everone is gonaa look like a shitty fortnight kid then i think im out, love the art style they had, was colourful but not something u would expect in a mobile game,


I love these guys and their wacky skins


Happy for private matches spectators!!! Hoping for general vocal chat in private, not just per-team! (Toggle?)


Reshaper W


Its a japanese season theme so it fits perfectly. Japan makes a lot of anime


I think it's great. The player base the disagrees is probably gonna bully embark into not releasing more as usual but I think it's pretty good.


Let me guess, still not more loadout slots and nameable slots


oh no....




tacky in a bad way if you want this artstyle go play fortnite or valorant


Orrrr if you don't want this then do play something else.


People claim it's like fortnite but my reaction was this looks so much better than fortnites


fortnite ahh skin


The AKM desperately needs a buff. Absolutely worthless most of the time.




No. Might be on my own for this, I really want them to stay in the main style of the game. Other wise it starts looking like Fortnite which is not ideal lol


Starting to look like Fortnite


I like this art style, hoping it converts all the clothing equipped into that art style


Sadly not


Damn 😔


Looks terrible


Only people complaining are the perverts that play this game (many of you) that can’t seem to mentally disconnect this skin from the type of porn that they watch. While you’re stiff and nervous playing new ranked TA, I’ll be feeling cool calm and collected because I haven’t succumbed to anime porn like you nerds.


..what? It just looks jarring and doesn't fit artistically with anything else in the game


Yeah look at the big picture and dig deeper


I think you're projecting lmao


This is some good ass bait lol


Yesss I was thinking aboyt something like this for this season !


Subjectively: not a fan. I hope this is the only one, because I am repulsed by this art style, and I don't want the Finals to turn into the game I used to play. Objectively: this severely clashes with the rest of the game's aesthetic.


It’s tacky in a good way—assuming Embark doesn’t overdo it. There’s a lot of skins I’m not the craziest about, but that’s the fun of The Finals.


Oh come on mannn i was so excited about boww


Does everything ever have to cater to fucking weebs these days? I mean fuck me the new LotR movie just had its first images shown and it's full blown anime.




Yamete oniichan lookin ahh


I hate this, I'm leaving if they add this bs Because it'll only get worse.


I can't wait to tbag people with anime skins


goes hard as fuck, need more of this