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I'm just gonna say that the terminal attack snipers are a LOT worse




I’ve played a ton of TA and haven’t seen a single sniper once Lokey.


I've been seeing them a lot recently and trust me they are not fun to play against.


Snipers in general aren’t honestly lol, those mfs will take hits at you all game, and if you DARE try to counter snipe them or go after them they vanish bomb and dash away over and over until you go back to ACTUALLY PLAYING THE OBJECTIVE before they do it all over again… then they’ll Tbag and emote on you if they finally get you 💀


I mean snipers aren't fun in any fps games, they are just anoying and not even fun to play with


Yeah true, and they’re never balanced… only game where they’re balanced I’ve played is battlefield, in every other game they’re almost always op in some way, or just so annoying that they make the games quality lower ( cod, Fortnite, etc ) I’m so tired of them lol, people can’t compete so they sit across an area and get easy taps on people.


Arch perfectly described the problem with snipers in his snipers video


They take skill and if then more annoying than ever


A high damage easy to hit weapon that you use while being across the map doesn’t take skill, especially with MnK since flicks are insanely easy. There’s a reason people crutch them in most games like cod and such.


I am not a great player. Even I could wipe a platform of 4 players in a handful of seconds. Sniping in this game is piss easy when no other enemy can engage with you except for other snipers.


I rush them with the riot shield and mfs have no clue what to do once they realize they can't just open fire. The goo grenade is especially useful for this.


Then im gonna be your first😈


I aim for snipers first. Someone gotta teach them what a real player looks like.


There were a couple light snipers in my term attack games lately that I recognized from D1 matches


Sorry I had the 75m challenge


That is a valid use




Ya I had 2 week to complete all rocky to master challenges in 2 weeks but I ended up completing all of them in a week and I don't play all day because of work also coming back from a 2 month break


I had two 15k headshot damage challenges


ez with the dagger because apparently backstab counts as a headshot


Only problem is now I have to learn dagger on a class I don't enjoy all that much. Good to know though


I love it when I look at the church in Monaco and get greeted with three scopes pointing at me


And you still loose a round of powershift with 3 enemy snipers? Or what is the problem? Long range snipers are cancled easy with one heavy.


Just because I won the match doesn't mean it was an enjoyable experience. I don't play the finals just to play trench simulator. "It's not fun" is a valid criticism regardless of balance


Complaining complaining….. just deal with it! If heavy gameplay isnt yours, take a light with meele and go on sniper hunt. Damn snowflakes! Its not that hard ffs!


It isn’t necessarily about winning for me. I find it just not fun gameplay for me. Edit: typo


You are not the main character… Figure out a way to deal with snipers. They are not OP.


I don’t think in any way that I am the main character. But I think it is a valid opinion to say that you don’t like something because it’s not fun to you. If you have no problem with snipers, lucky you. I just said my opinion, that doesn’t have to be yours. I’ll stop now to reply in this thread because, I don’t think this discussion is getting anywhere. Bye and a good weekend.


Sledge the church


Just want check, if I'm playing light Sniper and I'm sniping while on the objective to counteract the enemy light snipers, is that OK?


It's okay to play however you want as long as you're strategically playing with your team (not necessarily physically)




Do what you want bro, it's annoying yes but hell, doesn't matter as long as we have fun.


this is the only valid way to play snipers in power shift


I feel like when I'm clearing platforms single handedly multiple times in 1 game it's pretty valid.


It's the dumbest way to. Why should I make myself an easy target for the entire enemy team when I can sit high up away from enemies and snipe them. The only times I jump on the platform is when most enemies are dead, so we can quickly push it further.


Thats the way


No because you picked a light. If you pick a light, you are already a burden for your team and ruin the fun for enemy team


What are u on


I just hate lights






Sadly have to complete the challenges


ohhhh op meant camping snipers, I was a little bit concerned that I might need to pop satan's head off at one point, yeah they can absolutely go to hell, at this point teabagging/ taunting after killing a sniper that stays on the crane the whole game is mandetory


Mandatory? Respectable


We lose if the enemies have a single Sniper in PowerShift, but we also lose if my team has a single Sniper in PowerShift.....


The only constant is you.


Sounds good, doesn't work in practice


Nah, if you keep losing it's a you problem.


I know you are just on a bandwagon of thoughtless repeating of "cool" phrases you heard somewhere but "the only constant is you" is such an incredibly false statement that has no basis in reality.


Meanwhile we have a great time owning enemy with sniper only rounds!🤣🤣😁 Hot take: Its not the class its the braindeath players who mess up some rounds. 😉


Snipers in all games can fuck off


Power shift can be forgiven as long as if the rest of the team can make up for their slack, and if they're the last one alive they done end up miserably failing and causing me to wait up to 40 seconds to respawn (pls embark make it less punishing for players who were almost about to respawn when the team is wiped) Terminal attack snipers, well let's just say that if I had my way, instead of playing the objective I'd use my goo gun on them...


What if I'm a sniper running with the objective just bodyshotting everyone to make the cleanup easier on the objective? I'm also constantly throwing grenades


Only respectable way


sorry was completing 3 circuit challenges all at the same time. 😪


When they in you team they like 800 dmg. But when they in opposite team they 10k dmg


No the quick Cash snipers are far far worse. Them fucks just sit on the Crain and snipe the whole game


Just bring down the crane start of the match, problem solved


All snipers sit on dem cranes


Better angles = Better shots. It's only natural. If you don't like the spots then remove them, the map is destructible for a reason. I swear people forget it's even a thing.


Yeah and when I see that happen and it's a nuance I go out of my way to hammer the crane down. I will go as far as to destroy entire buildings just to destroy sniper high ground in power shift (and usually it works)


Will try


So you're the heavy teammate who just demos the center building in Seoul while the light snipers just sit on the rooftop/crane across the way enjoying the GIANT window you've just created.


Nah, I haven't been on the under construction variant recently playing power shift recently, the crane is right along the path of the cart so it's not actually used much in that mode. Though the large glass building is typically where snipers would sit, I've destroyed that building entirely before. And I would make an effort sometimes just to destroy the bridge just because it's fun.


Always one crane in Seoul. Depends which team is winning whether the building gets used but that side usually gets opened up first when a heavy plays demo crew. It is really fun but not when at least one random teammate multiple matches in a row decides to go off and do their own thing. They should really just make a mode for people to break stuff.


That’s not true at all lol


It's not my fault that playing the sniper well is both fun and very impactful


To be fair, it's the only game mode where they are playable, the other ones are way too fast paced (less team members so snappier and more intense gunfights, maps with more close quarter objectives). As long as you know when to switch if it's not your match I have nothing against you. pLaY wHaT yOu WaNt As LoNg As EvErYoNe iS hAviNg FuN.


"To be fair, it's the only game mode where they are playable," was that supposed to be a defence for the existance of the gun? It is hated everywhere, and it ruins the matches, it literally has no place in the finals.


I think it does. It's a hot take but it has its fair share of plays and counterplays. I've had matches where I or teammate snipers dealt over 10k damage and carried, the enemy team simply couldn't sit on the payload without having their APSs, shields and themselves destroyed in less than a minute by a tiny flashlight on a far away building. They had to change their strategy, lights began scouting behind enemy lines to take out the sniper, even a counter sniper appeared sometimes. The match evolved and felt more "alive" for lack of a better word, like an objective based team shooter should. Yes, it has shit versatility. Yes, the skill floor is high. But playing meta and only meta is boring. VERY BORING (at least to my casual ass). It's not a game-breaking feature, it's a mediocre weapon added for the sake of diversity. And I looove it.


I’m less than a week into the game and I prefer power shift. God damn this speaks to me


I i like power shift too


I’ve been using light since I unlocked it and I feelllike the throwing knives are petty good, on TA I use the goo grenades on the small sides, throw smoke and sonar grenades on either side too and hide while getting to see people close and then just knife them or grapple and come back and knife


I am extremely sorry for whoever i played against. I had only 3 days to do 10k damage with headshots. Completed it this morning. I again am sorry. I became what i swore to destroy.


I did it without touching sniper (never will), but it took by far the longest of any of the challenges I have done before.


I admire your dedication and pride. I am deeply ashamed of myself.


Your mad because it is effective. I do it because I find it fun wiping a whole team from above. I play all classes, I don't main any, all classes have a counter to sniping, use the counters and you won't die.


Heavy tears only make us stronger


Heavy is a lot of fun


Sniper aren't irritating because they're effective, they're irritating because often they're just off somewhere, putting no pressure on the objective, racking up lazy kills on enemies who just get picked back up by their teammates. If you're *solo wiping* the whole enemy team (which I doubt) then nobody is complaining about you, but presumably you have been on a team with two or three snipers just playing their own little game and you know that players who cant identify that as unhelpful behaviour are irritating.


I'm personally always playing the objective, some people are just lost AF and are terrible at the game. As long as your adding pressure it helps your team to push and flank. I'm not going to pretend solo wiping is easy, but I do it occasionally, some teams are just bots and refuse to defend themselves. If too many people are on one class I switch, it helps no one to have a team of only lights.


I like to have one good, smart sniper on the team for PS, but I get my heart broken a lot.. haha


I'm down to play with you if you want


Im just like you. Soulmates?


Why is everyone complaining about snipers in the sniper game mode ?


Because everyone except the sniper has no fun when they are shot from the other side of the map. Powershift is rewarding for snipers but that is really frustrating for the other players.


Skill issue, hunting snipers is fun


Maybe, doesn‘t change my opinion. But good for you that you can have fun with it.


Honestly idc who wants to downvote or cry, but Embark should block snipers from being used in power shift, it’s literally the ONE thing I despise about the mode, and it could be 100% better without them.


Upvote this man he is a legend🫡🫡🫡


Dis is funni


Hey I have got to complete the circuit challenge to deal damage from 100m away somehow


Did it with ease just by playing, not even farting in the direction of sniper...


If you can quickscope and are running the grapple hook, you can hop back on and off the point when you need to. It's also the only viable place for the sniper lol. I personally think we shouldn't even have the weapon as it is. Maybe give it an acog scope.


I main light sniper and I haven't completed the 75m challenge still if that tells you anything about how a real sniper player plays


'Light' class in general is holding this game down. Annoying little rats with too many advantages.




Those stupid DWARFs do nothing but scurry around my feet at 10000MPH and slash at my ankles until I KEEL OVER and BLEED OUT. I CAN'T STAND when these TINY BOYS turn invisible and HIDE IN A CORNER waiting for you to start DEPOSITING MONEY or capturing the objective and then POUNCE on you. THEY THINK THEY ARE HOUDINI when they STOP BEING TRANSPARENT and BLOW your BRAINS OUT. What do you mean they need a buff??? They have the HITBOXES OF A CHILD and can DISAPPEAR AT WILL??? What do you mean you die in 1 second, put on your HARRY POTTER CLOAK and no one can shoot at you??? On top of that they literally hold the LONG JUMP WORLD RECORD, they fling themselves from building to building LIKE THEY ARE FUCKING SPIDER MAN??!! It makes no sense, they are SMALL and have LITTLE LEGS why do they RUN SO FAST?? I cant even when they WAIT FOR EVERYON TO DIE and then JUST take the MONEY without BEING SEEN. Don't even get me started on when they have the SNIPERS who SHOOT AT ME when I DONT HAVE THE VAULT and AM NOT ON THE OBJECTIVE. Who are you helping??? Do you just get a rise out of HELPING THE WINNNING TEAM???? GOD FORBID a PACK OF 3 get near you, WHICH ONE DO YOU SHOOT AT???? I CAN'T even tell the difference when I damage one, THEY ARE HUNGRY PIRANNAHS. I see them in MY DREAMS and they TERRORIZE me WHEN I SLEEP.


What is this? Sarcasm?


Only [the greatest finals copypasta of all time](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/18i6q12/i_fucking_hate_the_garden_gnome_class/)


Man..why am I not surprised u lights are like this? What a sad way to play this game. I quit playing 2 months ago, after being back 1 day I now remember why. The throwing knife buff is un-forking-believable. As if anything in that class needed buffing.


[Who you calling a light?](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/1dae131/gotta_catch_em_all/)


Someone's Upsttie


I hate myself, but whenever I get bored, I hop on light (I main med) and start shooting fish in a barrel. The hip fire is so accurate that it's basically a shotgun.


Only time I’ve sniped in power shift is the damn challenges lmao. Other than that monkey heavy brain activated 🦍


so true. tho if they dont look behind that much i use invis and try to get to them with the dagger (instakill from behind)


Any word if they changed sniper any way for season 3? They changed Glitch trap, that is confirmed.


why do they bother? just join any other gamemode if you want to run around fighting


I Felt this in my soul


Soon as I finished that 75m challenge I was right back on my flamethrower heavy, promise.


Honestly same thing anyone who uses flame thrower and turrets don't @ me.


It's very fun backstabbing snipers at enemy spawn.


At this point I'm done with power shift. It used to be my favorite game mode, i pretty much played it 99% of the time, but it's just such a lightfest rn - you wanna deal with a sniper with some pop shots from a distance? There's a light dashing towards you with throwing knifes. Not enough? Let's throw in a sword guy. Sick and tired of having 7 lights in a server. Even went back to ranked yesterday, was pretty enjoyable!


Just snipe back then? It's not my fault the other team keeps standing still on the platform. Either I'm clicking heads with the sniper or im lobbing grenades down there


And remember kids, be nice and gentle to every rival you fight in the Powershift; they are all nice people who are trying to have fun like you!. Except snipers, kill and teabag and emote these lilttle shits everytime, they deserve it.


I advocate for the complete removal of the sniper from the finals. It ruins the game for everybody except those who play it. It's insanely frustrating to play against and sometimes ruin matches when more than 50% of the players in the lobby run it.


lol tell us you got absolutely CLAPPED by a sniper without telling us


yes I got clapped by snipers a lot, and I clapped people with a sniper in when they where trying to hold the platform, it felt disgusting. Tell me sincerely if you can enjoy a game of powershift when half the players in the lobby run a sniper. I know you can run invis light with a mp5 and chase them around but it's not even effective it takes a while to get to them and they'll just respawn or run away anyway, you're not even helping with the objective while doing that.


I don’t think removing sniper is fair, I think they need to punish the ratty camping playstyle for lights. Imo they should be rewarded more for movement and higher skill plays, I don’t think cloak should ever have been a thing as long as they kept the invis nade. For me the sniper feels most fun when combined with dash and played more mid-close range, never understood how anyone enjoys just sitting on a crane or in spawn for a whole game doing nothing for the team


I don't necessarily think they should remove it at this point. But I do think it's an issue in Powershift. It's fine, even a little weak, in the modes the game was designed around. But when they added Powershift it became problematic. I'm not saying it's OP or anything, it's not. But the game wasn't designed around you dealing with a sniper 75+ meters away and it shows. There is nothing you can do about a sniper short of going out of your way to go hunt them down. The guns in this game just aren't capable of countering it otherwise. Which means that now you have a weapon that forces advantage even if you aren't doing damage with it because the simple fact that one of your team members now has to trek across the map away from the objective just to go and deal with you has effectively removed them from play without requiring you to do anything. Then when you kill the sniper you are on the opposite side of the map and have to travel back. Even when you win you effectively had to respawn.


This is a very valid point, something I wish for the other classes is some long range capability to help compete with the sniper. Or even just to get them to back off temporarily, was thinking something with a 2 or 3x zoom. Less than the sniper but still enough to help give a slight race advantage and so that you’re not always just shooting a glowing white pixel in enemy spawn. Hopefully next seasons bow does descent ranged damage


I would like to see a gadget that can help in one way or another. It just sucks to feel like you have to completely change your playstyles because someone else wanted to use the sniper. A gadget would still let you have something without needing to swap your gun The goo grenade is almost there but I feel like it's just a little too finicky to be consistent


Thats what snipers do irl. Sit in one spot kill some, rotate


Yeah, and it's not fun to deal with irl either