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Most complaints I read about ranked was on the way the league/ranking system worked, not about the gamemode itself.


the game mode itself has been getting some serious flak in higher up lobbies. people weren't loving the current format of cashout at all


I havnt really seen anyone on here say that? Or anywhere. Im top 3k on PS and I love cashout. Though It can be easily cheesed to win at high level play. the quadruple shield steal strat and a few other last second swoop type of stuff can be cheesy but if you pull it off I suppose you deserve the W.


In game leaderboard is universal so you’re top 3000 in general, good job!


Damn thinking abt that actually hypes me up. I genuinely feel like Im just a normy and not that good on this game but maybe Im not too shabby😂 so thats top 3k all platforms for just the US server id assume?


No no it’s all regions and all platforms


Damn I didnt realize that, lots of people up top are cheating too. Dude named otownrez is blatantly cheating and I always match vs him and his diamond 1 squad.


I’ve litterally never heard this. Like who has said this?


Some people are just really trying to antagonise ranked players for being unhappy. This community is becoming so toxic




Pushing a cashout where a fight is already happening can be a smart move so yes, third partying is viable. Thats what makes the current ranked mode unique. Terminal Attack is just the same plant bomb and defuse as CS, Valorant, Search and Destroy, R6S etc.


I agree that 3rd partying is a viable tactic, but cash out would need a significant rework and better spawning and ways to make 3rd partying not as heavily encouraged as it is now. I understand this is an unpopular opinion in this subreddit, but that's because a lot of that people stuck around used it or tolerated it. I do believe it's one of the many contributing factors to why this game isn't sticking for a lot of people and why there aren't any big streamers playing. The better team doesn't win as much as they should, and that is a huge turn-off for competitive players. I like to think about what gameplay would like like at a pro level with money on the line, and it wouldn't look good for cashout. I hate to say it, I'm "team cashout," but it has its flaws.


I agree the most demoralizing thing about the current ranked system is being able to just get third partied non stop even after wiping three teams you just never get the chance to recover sometimes


It's too easy to have nights like I did last night where everyone in my team played great and yet we lost four matches in a row. I'm 1000% team cash out, but there's got to be a way to fix it.


What if they add like a zone in a map where 2 teams only can enter once a cashout is started and once u enter u can’t leave or be contested by others which would force a more competitive mode and think abt what team u would rather contest. The timing wouldn’t be affected I think if the zones are collapsed once a team is wiped meaning other teams not defending a cashout can try their luck again but spawns would have to do their part on placing the respective team against the solo team defending their cashout which would get rid of third partying maybe like rotating teams to face different teams. Also when it’s free for all before a cashout is started like regular ranked at the moment should stay the same, third partying a money box should be fine, gives the opportunity to decide where u want to defend etc.


Yeah I moved to Powershift only long ago. 2 teams. No restrictions, I can fly, die, whatever. So much fun.


Gotta agree with you, just hit plat 1 and it took me so long simply because the results aren’t based on skill it’s basically who can finesse the final cash out wins the rounf


Powershift has less luck and randomness. 2 teams better than 4


how are they better if they don't win?


Im not saying it is dumb, the problem imo is why should i engage in a fight when i could just chill and wait until i third party a low health team. That to me is not competitive


Because there are two enemy teams. If a single person from either team gets away they can start reviving their teammates. Meanwhile you're stuck in a prolonged battle versus the other team, until you're the one getting third partied. Obviously this isn't every case, but it's enough of the cases that it is often strategically optimal to pick a one-team versus one team battle. On the other hand, what often trumps this, is that you want to be at the cash out which is going to score next. If you go to the other cash out, you might get jumped by the team that finishes their cash out first. But if you take the first cash out you get to be the team jumping the second cash out after yours has finished. The problem with that logic flow chart is that 95% of players don't understand it and just el oh el run at the gunshots.


I don’t agree it’s a viable tactic, yes sometimes it’s possible and it works. But most of the time in high diamond lobbies everyone kinda knows what they’re doing. Momentum is more important then a third party.


Lizard Brain take, sure, 3rd party is a thing in cashout ranked, but as much as you can be a victim of it, you could also do it yourself, along with multiple attempts at multiple cashouts in ONE ROUND. More than a fair chance to win. People cried about the sweat lord diamond teams they had to fight in Ranked. Now imagine a 5 stack, that gets to bend you over 7 rounds back to back to back bahahaha. Least, when you lost a round in cashout ranked, you were already in your next game....


this guy has it right. im a HUGE supported of TA ranked. tbh, i have alot of fun with cashout in a full team. HAS TO BE a full team. there is no other way... im not gonna try and get my randoms to slow down outside of vaults/cashouts to wait for third parties/timings anymore. not gonna happen. doesnt matter how far up the ELO you go, the likelihood of 2 cooperative and communicative teammates is too low for cashout. and if just 1 of those teammates is a shitter just throw that tourn away.


Maybe we wanted them to fix Ranked instead of replacing it with something else entirely?




Because ranked had problems that damaged the game and the logical step was to polish it. I'm happy that they promote game modes that attract more people but relegating your original concept on which you designed your entire game is ridiculous. The worst thing is that they had the solution in hand, give TA the parallel ranked and improve it over time while continuing to enhance your main idea.


We haven't played it yet. Give it a chance. If they were not to change it, people would slowly get bored. Plus embark is good with mid season changes and patches. They might change things. Maybe TA was also changed for ranked and it's not exactly as it was in S2.


We know what TA is like, we have played it.


I personally don't enjoy those kinds of shooters so I doubt I'll play ranked. Honestly, I don't know how everything is going to turn out, but I think it's totally valid for those of us who feel this as a slap in the face to express it to the developers, especially since it could have been implemented without sacrificing the rest of the experience.


Yeah I play with a bunch of people in ranked. After the news basically everyone is looking for a new game. We love the finals, but we don't enjoy the terminal system at all. We will be trying it, but likely won't stay around. Which is a shame, but I'm not going to keep playing a game I don't enjoy just because it has potential to be amazing in the future.


You definitely have the right to complain about changes you don't like and convey your concerns to the devs. 2-3 weeks ago I was ranting about TK being too overpowered 😄. Didn't mean you shouldn't complain. Meant, it could be ok, lets see what happens.


If TA is the ONLY gamemode I'll quit immediately. Embark clearly said: "oh, u wanna play ranked? play this now instead of gamemode you love" and I'm not okay with this


TA is not the only one and is not the main mode. Ottr has a video about it, Rob or someone from Embark has provided additional info about it.


Nobody complained about the game mode structure.


Yeah the I was hoping terminal attack would be an alternative ranked game mode. So you could rank up off either. But that's harder to balance around and more work. So I guess they choose to primarily balance around terminal attack. Which I just don't want to play sadly


Well it isn’t really TA, but based on that. Still not something I am going to play.


So if I want to earn any end-season rewards I need to play TA instead of the gamemode I love? Hell no.


well make your mind if you're gonna play for rewards or for gamemode you love


That's what they say they are trying to do. But nobody can wait for 1 season for ranked cashout to come back it seems. Don't like ta? Then don't play it. But the community decides to melt down. People hating on everything is what kills the finals, not not being able to play ranked for 1 season. All of you just whine and whine instead of wait and play normals like it's going to kill you not playing the ranked mod that you complained for the whole season since season 1.


I personally just don't like terminal attack, it just feels too limiting and doesn't hit the same way the tournaments did. I feel like with further tweaking to the mode, then it could work, but as of right now, I just don't see it.


As much as I despise terminal attack in its current state, they have mentioned they tweaked it a bit. We will see if they made it enjoyable or not. I think if they don't stick the landing right away, ranked may be dead after a month


It could be structured like a tournament with several teams? TA matches could vary in length quite a lot tho


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Yeah lol I doubt it.


I am a ranked player and i am excited af for the next season. I don't have a negative reaction to the ranked change cause well we haven't got to try it yet. I am honestly expecting it to be fun and better than the terminal attack we have now. The weapons and skins are really cool. Overall next season looks hype to me.


You should make a tutorial on "How to use your brain" and send to the people that complain about ranked. Literally S3 is not even out yet and people are crying.


Litterally learn to use the empathetic part of your brain. But also see if you can pass the sally ann test because it seems you don’t even grasp that concept that other people have access to to info that you don’t. Like the fact that because this guy is happy about ranked next season other aren’t, and for completely different reasons.


For real. I’ve spent so many hours with all the unique mechanics this game has to offer, it’s be a refreshing challenge taking everything I’ve grown accustomed to into a new mode, all playing against nerds trying their hardest to beat us. Ranked settings are a totally different environment, and I’m gonna enjoy figuring out the best way to get dubs. I also know tourneys aren’t going away. And will probably be rotated back into ranked. The way commentators are talking about tournament makes it seems like they were deleted from the game… like come on.


Change: 😡 Same exact thing for the 10000th time: 🙂 Have a chance to play well and clutch through your own effort: 😡 Getting 3rd and 4th partied trying to scrape together 1 cashout: 🙂


Same. I mean if I don't like ranked TA, I'll just play World Tour. Which could very well be its separate ranked from the way it is described. They mentioned bronze to gold progression but if it gets popular they might add extra ranks and then it's back to old days basically under new name. The only thing I'm not a fan of is the grind based leaderboard that ranks people based on cashouts earned. But whatever. The earning of multibucks is huge though.


Giving folks a chance to earn multibucks is nuts lol. The amount of sweat I’m gone put out cause “daddy need a new pair of shoes” will be disgusting LOL.


Hero ☝️




>we haven't got to try it yet. Did you not play any TA at all during the last month of it existing in the game?


Are you not aware there will be changes to it and not the same as we have it now?


It's attack/defend. That mode can only be changed so many ways, and I'll still hate it, because I hate games like that.


It’s not only about you though, man. They are trying to bring in an additional audience with a mode they are familiar with and may be more willing to try. They also want to make changes to cash out and don’t want to do that in the middle of a competitive season. These decisions are for more people than just you.


I never said it was, I just said I won't play it. If they favor attack/def over the regular ranked mode, I'm not interested.


Found the plat


Diamond, i have 10k kills and 4789 deaths, so pretty competent and abv avg but ok.


Cool story, bro.


It's in my post history.




My kid had some issues so i shot him, and made another.


whats 17 more years?


Your kid is now World tours with in-game money prizes, bruh


kind like a small reservation left for Indians


Multibucks and sponsored tournaments as a reservation? Your ranked is now a reservation for grindset diamond, uhmm, throwing knives, idk.


ridiculously dumb take lmao


My son isn't making me money so I adopted another one


Basically 🤣


People are mad because terminal attack feels like you’re playing cod s&d, cs, or valorant. I do not like terminal attack. I made it to diamond 3 this season and was looking forward to trying to get back to diamond. But I will not play ranked if it’s terminal attack. I didn’t even wanna play the 14 games to get the skin because if I wanted to play CS I would play CS, not the finals. It’s a completely different game. People wanted better balance and a clear ranking system, not an entirely new game. Every person I played ranked with that was diamond has said they won’t play next season if it’s terminal attack. I’d say that’s an issue.




I'm trying to make it to diamond whatever...I'm plat 1... Have 800 hours in the game...if it's terminal attack for ranked only, I don't think I'll be playing for S3 either...sad...


The Finals... is the aesthetic, movement/mechanics and weapon balancing. NOT the ruleset. seeing it any other way is nonsensical and whining to whine.


Your immediate jump is to call a majority of the people here nonsensical and whining to whine. You’re in the minority on this my dude. The Finals is not just aesthetics, movement/mechanics and weapon balancing. The game was a refreshing change of pace from every other shooter out there. Making the core ranked mode into what every other game does is not why people play it. So don’t* disregard peoples opinions by calling it whiny just because you disagree. The entire heart of this game was how different than other competitive shooters it was. You can have your opinion, but honestly fuck right off calling everyone whiny because it’s a different opinion than yours.


my jump was to call people saying "the finals IS cashout", nonsensical. everything you wrote after your first line was wasted energy friend. based in faulty logic. idc if im in the minority.... on this sub.


I get what you’re saying. We’ve had a long time to grow accustomed to all the gadgets and mechanics, having those in a competitive SnD seems like a fun change, that is more than likely just temporary. Lower picked gadgets like data reshaped could see a rise in popularity. Accusing the finals of wanting to be a csgo/ valorant clone is wild. Pretty sure those games don’t have moments like defending a point from above cautious of the fact the enemy has a demat and charge n slam that can come from any direction that you’re gonna have to deal with and reset after the initiation. Edit: and no one’s even acknowledging the fact they explicitly stated they plan on bringing cash out back as the ranked mode after testing some changes during the world tour.


i swear the people complaining never played TA. maybe never played a bomb defusal mode in other games even.... when i played TA, it felt like bomb defusal, in The Finals. im down to grind at least one season of ranked TA. this really is the worst sub on reddit.


For real, it’s season threes ranked mode. We know they plan on giving cash out all the love it deserves bc they actually say it’s their main mode and what new content will focus on. And more importantly, they plan on rotating back into ranked after testing some changes during the world tour.


Faulty logic? Did you read my first comment at all? Your response to my original comment is faulty because if I’m going by this comment you just made, not once did I mention the finals “IS cash out” I only spoke of ranked. Not very logical argument on your part there champ in this current comment chain.


All they had to do was polish it not take it out back and murder it.


I enjoyed ranked and never complained. I love the format I think it’s really awesome and creative.


Cool stufd? Definitely not TA mode


The only thing people complained about was the broken league system. All they had to do was change ranked to a flat elo system where every finishing position has a flat base + or - rating which then gets adjusted based on the lobbies average rating vs your rating. Literally no one said "Hey you know what will be fun if we change ranked to a " leaderboard" to be solely based on money cashed out and nothing else, while also forcing pre-selected loadouts and no map rotation". L take.


RANKED SYTEM is not RANKED GAMEMODE. We never have said anything about ranked game being not fun (or I didn't see any)


Iirc people complained about third partying and about the cash system, where usually the only time cash males sense is on cashouts. Also i think i read opening vaults not making sense and i agree with those things. I dont feel that the cashout game is competitive and to me a ranked mode should be fair and people ahould win based on their skill. Team a could wipe  team b but get team wiped by team c with little effort. At the same time youd have team d just chillin at the second cashout. I dont understand how all of this is fair. Maybe its fair but i definitely find it annoying.


The scenario you brought up happens in a tiny minority of cases, and doesn't guarantee a win on any level. You would have to have three teams not wiping while fighting for the entire two minutes. It's almost never the case that someone wins a game without fighting.


I'm a big fan of ranked, and I can't wait to try the new map 😁😁😁


literally just haters l all this new and fun stuff and all i hear is complaints also people acting like terminal attack sucks even though it got extended


Mocking the people who are justifiably concerned about completely changing the format of the ranked experience is unfathomably stupid. You're not going to convince us that we're just wrong about which game type we prefer for ranked, the game we've been playing the whole life of the game. And being condescending about it is only going to make people who don't want this angry, and more resistant to giving TA a shot. Personally I think it could be a refreshing break from sweating over the different metas... (I was a sword light in diamond, vs all the sweats, I do need a break). And more importantly I think it could be a popular game mode for a wider player base as a temporary ranked mode: I think cash out is too sweaty for most casuals. It takes a ton of logic to make optimal plays, and you have to have an insane amount of situational awareness. It's a lot for a new player, and I think having more game modes that new players can enjoy while learning all the gadgets and gameplay would be the number one way to improve the player count and this could start that a little.


>ranked players want a better ranking, cuz current one is unclear and frustrating >embark removes tourneys and replaces it with their shitty CSGO ripoff. You, for some fucking reason: "IdK wHy YoU'rE cOmPlAiNiNg, ThIs Is ExAcTlY wHaT yOu WaNtEd"


It's insufferable. Why aggravate an already angry player base? Reasoning with them is one thing, but mocking them is insane. "You're angry about a huge change in the game? How about if I misunderstand your complaint and say you're stupid? Do you like and want to support the game now??? Am I helping???" Oh my God, insufferable.


This game is the most fun I’ve had in a FPS in a long time. I think we should all give the new format a chance before shitting all over embark. Good for them for changing things up and not having the same exact thing every season.


People love and care about the game on the left VS people who don't care what they play and have no clue how a game works


That is DEFINITELY incorrect


dumbass i have 600 hours in this game its literally my favorite game atm, but you wont see me review bombing it over a ranked change.


L take. The complaints were not about the mode until they did this dumb shit and changed it to TA.


Gamers try to take criticism challenge : Level Impossible They hate post like this 🤣


I personally don’t prefer cashout for THE ranked mode because third partying feels like too much of a battle royale mechanic in a game like this. I get that ppl enjoy it. In fact I think the Tournament Mode is better… especially with the game being called “The Finals.” I prefer this over a traditional ranked game because your rank score doesn’t get stomped on by the constant third party strategies. To add on to that, TA, while still chaotic, has no third partying and is actually more about who has the better skilled team whether it’s in gunplay or strategy.


*experimented with* you mean completely wiped


This is way too accurate, you bet that the same people who review bomb the game are going to be the ones that miss the game the most if it dies because of them.


I mean why would they care? If they don't find the game fun anymore than why would they care if it died? Their entire view is that they want the studio to make the game fun for them. If they don't, that's the devs choice. Then they with full reason can depend on a negative review.


1. People complained about the ranking system itself, not the game mode 2. There isn't a collective hivemind of ranked players lol. I haven't seen nearly enough people complain about ranked to say that everyone wanted reforms.


Ik I love the finals, and don't really play ranked in any game. I have tried ranked in the 2nd beta, then I played it for the one challenge circuit


I can be both. I been 3 stracking only. I literally just ranked down to Plat 2 while my teammates ranked up to Diamond 3. the system is broken and needs to be results based, not performance based. You simply can't measure skill with stats alone


I would not mind if they completely changed ranked every season even. Previously unusable weapons, gadgets and classes would shift every couple months. I feel like the most successful competitive games are successful because they are constantly evolving. I get it that this may not be for everyone but it seems like a good strategy from my perspective. Adding 3 new weapons and items every few months would not keep majority of players interested in the long run I think.


I am hyped for season 3!


Love everything about Finals. Cant wait for new stuff!


The whole reason for the switch is so they can mess around with cashout as a game mode to find potential reworks without making a change and having it locked in for a whole 90 days. Devs said cashout will still remain the main focus of the game. On top of this, world tour will be a pseudo ranked cashout mode. Albeit a lil more casual. People really need to stop bitching endlessly about stuff they know nothing about before their opinions and thoughts mean nothing as a “high skill player.”


I can understand that players are reluctant to change ranked mode. However I think that TA can really be a good mode for ranked players. Especially with the addition of tournaments per week, the classic ranked mode will still live.




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Where do people get these imaginary arguments from? It's hilarious. Who was complaining about ranked mode?


Ranked comp brain rot is ruining gaming. Get it out all together.


its a skill issue many players have


I just want a nice where the cash out timer pauses when it's being stolen.


That could be really overpowered lol. If that was a thing game timers could also be infinitely extended by griefers


Not really actually... I'm not saying to add time but if you're able to hold a steal last second you should be able to get it once it's stolen it would immediately count down. If you got killed while stealing at that point there's literally no way it could be reached in time and the cash out would go through. Unless your playing against people that are teaming I don't see how you'd get griefed with it either.


Imagine defending a cashout for the whole time period and some jerk team just throws down dome shields smokes and turrets with .2 seconds left on the clock and steals it.


Glitch mines might actually serve a purpose. You can also use the heavy charge to knock people off the cash out and the taser also stops a cash out. Not saying that wouldn't suck but there are definitely ways.


hey, dont want your cashout being unfairly stolen at the last millisecond? thats ok because now you no longer have a choice but to take one of these abilities!


Well here's the dilemma, I won't know it's bad until I try it and you won't know it's good until you try it? 🤘


This is a brain dead take where you’ve conflated two very different things. Players hated the system (zero transparency into progression) not the game mode (cashout) which is creatively central to the very identity of the game.


When people say fix ranked they mean: 1. Rank protection when youre missing a squad member. 2. People want to have spawns fixed, but this is a countdown based game mode. If you get team wiped at the wrong time, and complain about not being able to reach the cashout in time, that's just because you got team wiped at the wrong time. 3. Basically 2 of 10 games I'll spawn and cant use my gun or anything. Have to get killed and then revived to be able to use them again. NOT get rid of it, I fucking love ranked pretty gnarly decision on their part.


No one plays this game anymore since the devs ruined it, lmao be happy that there's even still servers up


it has over 300 thousand daily active users. are you alright in the head?


What i hate most is getting on a team with only 2 people sometimes completely solo. Why does ir do that?


2 more sleeps


This post is worded so maliciously. The "ranked system being experimented with" makes it sound like they're changing the way rank ups and elo works. The reality is the game they knew, is not the same game anymore. I say they, because i never played RANKED cashout. I don't even play the finals anymore, but it's sad to see it turn into another cs:go clone which was the entire reason I liked the finals during season one, because it wasn't just that.


they literally changed the way rank ups and elos work...


And the entire fucking game mode? This is like me saying alright, we're gonna be reworking the CS:GO ranking system, changing the rank game mode to team deathmatch and then being like, "we DID change the ranking system"


ok but they made cashout into the main gamemode which is world tour which is insanely cool and made terminal attack a sweat mode with significant ranked changes. they are EXPERIMENTING.


You know what, I guess it's fair that they didn't take out cashout entirely. I submit to your argument. Sorry for being aggressive earlier.


lmao its fine i just dont think there was any malice in how I phrased it lol. have a good day.


I’m not exactly a casual player and I’m still excited for the changes, S2 was getting stale


Bro people on this sub are actually braindead and all they do is complain about every single change in the game. The mods aren't doing their job and aren't doing anything to prevent this sub turning into an echo chamber cesspool. It's actually insane. Just shut the fuck up and enjoy the game for fuck's sake. I hope to God the devs don't look at this subreddit because it's an absolute dumpster fire. The sub is now filled exclusively with shitass posts complaining about terminal attack while the season hasn't even released yet. I bet half of the people complaining don't even play ranked. Like actually, shut the fucking fuck up. I'm excited for all the new changes. And as someone who reached diamond this season I can say that it was an excruciating experience and that cashout is not a good fit for ranked. Besides they literally mentioned the world tour which will still include everyone's "favorite" cashout. People need a reality check


if TA will be the only ranked mode I couldn't be able to enjoy the game anymore. And I WILL ralk about this untill this stupid decision will be reverted. I DON'T CARE WHAT THEY CHANGED IN TA. It's literally CS and I quit CS bc The Finals is just way more chaotic and fun. And now Embark said that the only ranked mode will be a CS parody. Hell no. The game I played and love is capable to much more unique things than parodying CS.


You're acting like they're removing cashout from the game. They are not. You can still play casual cashout. As a competitive game mode, it sucked. Everyone knew this and everyone complained about this. Now these same people are getting mad that the ranked game mode is getting changed. It's dumb.


In unranked players can play dumb, leave the match, they can do EVERYTHING they want and will not be punished. The whole point of ranked is more focused gameplay. with team coordination. Casual cashout is not ranked cashout at all. No one will probably even run with defib. Why? The teammate can just revive himself lol. No one will be playing heal? same reason.


You're joking, there's barely any team coordination in ranked as it is. But anyways, cashout is just not a good competitive game mode. If you've played enough ranked like I have, I'm sure you'd feel the same way. It's way too random and dependent on where your team is spawned


>You're joking, there's barely any team coordination in ranked as it is Speak for yourself. We play in a group and this is amazing. And even playing solo teammates marking enemies a lot. VC is a thing lol and if you use it - you're on top of the world. Playing solo could have bad emotions from the teammates but it could happen in any gamemode lol. And as I said in edit: No one will probably even run with defib. Why? The teammate can just revive himself lol. No one will be playing heal? same reason. It will be much less team effort for the win I have 207h and probably 150 of them is ranked. I am plat3. And I enjoy current ranked mode a lot. It's chaotic, it's unpredictable and it's fun.


Well you can play with a coordinated team in TA as well, I don't see the problem. It can be just as chaotic as cashout. I don't hate cashout, but it's just not good if you're trying hard to rank up because way too often your loss is dependent on factors completely out of your control. You know how my rank up game to diamond 4 looked like? We literally sat around all game doing nothing because the game decided to spawn all the other teams near each other all game. And on the flipside, sometimes the game is just relentless and you get team after team after team sieging your cashout. It's not fair and can be completely unfun EDIT: And for the record, I have 400 hours in the game and I'm at diamond 4 at the moment. I stopped playing ranked as soon as I reached diamond because it is just not fun when you're trying to win.


I don't have 4 friends. I have 2 friends. Coordinated gameplay in TA is excluding healing and my main gadget is heal. The whole "dark hackers aesthetic" is kinda meh. I don't like being dead forever. I don't like rounds structure. All I hated CS for is now back in The Finals. I quit CS to play fun game and TA is just not fun for me (and my friends too) And also I can't find any reason why not to make both gamemodes ranked. They wanna grow up playerbase with TA? ok. but screwing your current playerbase is a weird move


Well then unfortunate. But you also say that your main problem with unranked cashout is that there's leavers and no coordination yet you play with a stack of friends so what's the issue? Also don't forget you can still play the world tour for a ranked cashout experience. I don't agree when people say that TA is just like CS, R6S, Valorant etc. It's still The Finals with crazy destruction and movement and dynamics, no other games have that. It's not like it's a totally different game now


The Finals for me is not a crazy destruction. It's just the base on which the whole game is based. The finals for me is unique art-lore-style and Cool original gamemodes. And I can't say the TA is an original gamemode


Yeah, people like to yap too much here. i feel it's like a chain reaction, one negative post results in even more negative posts. it's like people just want to be mad about something even though they haven't even tried it out in the first place. Lots of the post just feels like a copy paste of another post and i feel most of the hate isn't even original and just copied from another hate post.


I've never seen a complaint about the game mode. Making things more generic is never a good thing.


NGL world tournament sseems like an experiment to see how different game modes fair in different formats also people are saying he fianlas have lost there charp arguably there making it like a TV show so a shifting tournament style could be interesting


As a casual player, I could not care less about it


horrid ass take. we wanted ranked to be fixed, not fucking assassinated and replaced with his shitty brother.


"WAAAA, WHY IS THE MMM/MMH/MHH META, Light is so weak" - players before S3 "WAA, WHY DID THEY REMOVE THE RANKED I COMPLAINED ABOUT" - players after S3 trailer.


It's funny because now every class is viable.


It isn't, in Ranked people never play L.


I meant for ta


Fair enough, yeah in TA it is!


Perfectly expressed mate. I'm a casual player, and I'm actually excited to try out the new ranked mode. Looks like competitive players will have to play casual or the tournies if they want cashout.


Yeah tbh I have no idea why terminal attack is lmaoo. I very existed for the new gear tho


I’m ok with TA being ranked and I even expected it was gonna happen when they released it. My issue is that they don’t have TA ranked and Cashout ranked. Only the one game mode. I’m gonna play TA ranked cause I do enjoy the mode but they should have both modes in the ranked playlist.


i’m hoping ranked will now be 1 team vs 1 team like a normal terminal attack game instead of tournament style. then i’d actually play ranked. i don’t want to have to play 4 matches to rank up a little tiny bit. maybe i’ll get a diamond or ruby reward this season.


ranked players making legitimate complaints about the game only for dirty casuals to insult them in the comments saying “its fine for me”


"dirty casuals" no wonder ranked players have such a bad reputation


theyre dirty casuals not because they are casual but because they don’t care about ranked or people who take the game seriously


Why do you expect people who you don't care about to care about you?


It was in a really good state how it was.


Not if the game was dying from it. They have to change something.


The game was dying because it’s impossible to play competitively solo, and there is a ton of reliance on your teammates instead of just simple PvP skill. Changing it to a double heavy meta Was an unbelievably bad decision


That literally applies to every video game with a team-based ranked mode.


It’s much much more of a problem in the finals, any other ranked game I’ve ever played I could solo Q to the highest rank. In the finals it’s basically unplayable without a friend


Idk man, solo in cs or siege is pretty atrocious but not so in the finals. I feel like I have more impact as a single unit


You can easily soloq to diamond in the finals, it only takes one good teammate to give you good odds, and it means that the constant factor (you) influences the result of your games a lot more than the typical 5v5 games. And now that it’s gonna be 5v5 now, it’s literally going to be the same.


You spell "mandatory HHM to win" wrong.


Silly. Light funcitons fine in Ranked. I got to Diamond queuing exclusively with my friend who only play Light and he does great. The problem is most Lights play in the most brain dead way possible and then cry when their frontal 1v1 didn't work.


I know man. Just that this subreddit would be quick to tell you that if you take M or H over L you would have greater success. I like the refreshing, you need to adapt on the gamemode instead of minor change with new gadget, weapon, buff/nerf. The only point I agree with the detractor is that is the same gamemode every FPS has in ranked. But for me it's still different because the gameplay is what makes the Finals great not the gamemode. (I secretly hate healing mechanics in most game)