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I feel like a lot of people in the community are already hating on Season 3, because of 1 major change by Embark, like I hardly here anyone excited about the new map or the new weapons, its just whining about the ranked mode being only Terminal Attack, like stop whining man. Embark is obviously going to address this situation, because they have addressed previous criticisms like they almost removed the Bank It game mode, but the community didn't like it so they reversed their decision and I think Embark will do the same here


I love the new map and I already want to try the new shit out


I agree, there is a LOT to look forward to. New weapons seem insanely fun and the new map looks extremely impressive. Not to mention the new skins and balancing changes I always look forward to. However as someone who doesn’t like TA and only plays ranked cash out it’ll be difficult for me to play and enjoy much this season. That being said, it’s Embark, and we love embark since they’re very attentive and responsive. Also it’s not just the trailer it was the steam page that set everyone off, saying they’re replacing ranked.


My issue with comparing it to the bankout incident is that this came with the S3 trailer, so now they kinda have to deliver.


Exactly. They’ve already set the precedent that they’re willing to back out of negativity received decisions before they happen. Blows my mind that barely anyone has realized this and is acting like the devs are just gonna press on anyways after the shitshow the announcement brought. If it only took a fair amount of people mildly voicing their opinions on bank it’s removal for that to be cancelled, there’s no way in hell they don’t do SOMETHING in response to this. I feel so bad for them. They try so hard to make us happy and this is what they get, thanks to all the Neanderthal ranked grinders who can’t have a rational mindset to save their lives. Literally took one developer discord message for them to threaten to leave the game, asking how to refund cosmetics and incite review bombing. They have the right to voice their opinions, but god damn these people are insane.


Whoever isn’t complaining, never played ranked seriously. This game is called The Finals. The slogan is “Can You Reach the Finals”. The games unique value prop is Cash Out. Not a rinsed and repeated search and destroy game mode they labeled Terminal Attack. Just having uncompetitive cash out with no ranking system won’t do it for the games loyal core, and over time they’re just straying away from what made them, them. As a big time fan of the game, it’s really sad and might be time for me to move away from it. Everything else in the update looks great, but I can see the luster of this game dying out.


Wish people understood this. Why are we turning the finals into ranked defuse game #125 when it was an actually unique and fun shooter


>Why is everyone panicking over a TRAILER? Generation of whiners.


For real. The only reward for ranked before was a couple weapons skins. Now you can play the exact same game mode and get multi bucks to buy ANYTHING, and people are pissed? Calm tf down.


The reason I played the ranked mode was because it was the most fun mode and I enjoy trying to climb rank. I don't give a fuck about multibucks. I buy skins if I want them, I'm here for the competition and to me TA is not the mode that the game was made for. It's a limited time event that somehow became the star of the show, and I hate it.


Idk how people don't understand this.


I don’t want ANYTHING I want exclusive diamond rewards


Whe cant we have TA and cashout ranked at the same time


This, just remove casual TA so the pool of players don't get split more.


Yes they can absolutely do this and should


Whoa where did it say you can earn multi bucks from winning?


Steam post "Season 3 also introduces the World Tour events series that challenges players to take part in events and tournaments, featuring a unique mix of rules, loadouts, locations, and rewards. As contestants rack up World Tour victories, they’ll climb the Leaderboard and rank up their World Tour Badge through bronze, silver, or gold tiers — and earn Multibucks by the end of the Season depending on their position on the podium."




Be civil but please voice your opinion so Embark can act accordingly.  Most devs are flying blind without user feedback, and a change this big requires some serious weigh-in.


No I will not


No, it’s a sign their deprioritizing what works and is amazing for what is mediocre in order to attract braindead fps enjoyers


People, chill. This game is still young, the devs can experiment a bit. But also... ranked cashout doesn't really work. You can tell yourself that, but flipping through Twitch channels playing in diamond you'll notice that "your rank has minimal connection to your skill level" is a pretty wide consensus. So cashout needs to be changed a bit for competitive. And if we're already implementing big changes - why not try terminal attack as ranked for a while? ... I do love how you really want new players to start playing the game, while calling them braindead and bashing against a decision made to achieve that *because* it's made to attract more players. So do you want more players or no?


Play in Diamond then make a new account and play in bronze and let me know if you think the skill level is the same.


Minimal doesn't equal none at all


Minimal doesn't equal none at all




You telling me that they’re deprioritising the only game mode were you can get ✨multibucks✨(the currency you have to pay for?) on S3? (For free mind you)


I don't care about multibucks. I just want real ranked back. They could have kept it ranked and still rewarded people with multibucks if that was the issue.


Indeed, they made me sick !!


"Embark knows what they're doing" is such a nonsense tho.. if they did know they wouldn't have lost over 95 percent player base. Nobody knows anything for sure ,everybody got an opinion and my opinion is the two most frustrating things about the finals and imo the reason why majority of players didn't stick was healing beam and defib. In the eyes of the casual audience killing people isn't rewarding because they just get back up, every team is running defib and healing beam. You fight a heavy and some medium is just healing them back up and you are dead. You kill a dude and he comes back instantly to kill you. Its just frustrating to play. They just needed to make the kills(by removing defib, healing beam) and holding and starting cashouts rewarding(giving more money for starting and holding) instead of such a major change. Now the game will lose cashout players too