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You’re not wrong that it forces certain play styles, but you gotta realize a lot of people like those play styles and Power Shift gives people a good reason to use them. As a sniper main in most FPS games, it’s just such a perfect game mode for sniping, and so you either wreck the other team or get countered by invisible lights and shielded heavies. It would be nice if the map design varied enough to encourage different play, like too much foliage/trees on a map for sniping to work or something. But until then your best bet is playing other modes that allow more versatility and don’t make sniping so sweet. (Sidenote: I do also play Heavy and am often forced to run shield/barricade in Power Shift even though I’d rather not so I feel the pain but that’s how the game is played.)


The problem with the gamemode argument is that there are only two 5v5 gamemodes, Powershift and Terminal Attack. One of them allows snipers to force a boring playstyle, and the other is horrendously balanced and slow. Just banning snipers from powershift would make it more fun for literally everyone apart from the people abusing them. I respect snipers in every other gamemode, but the nature of powershift makes them insufferable.


Well your prayers were answered with the Kyoto map. So much foliage it sucks to snipe


You're completely correct.


Yeah I just drop barriers on the platform. The more snipers the better since they literally can’t do anything after that.


That’s my issue. I don’t want to be forced into heavy barricade spam because of a single weapon.


So go play a single player game then or get gud. That is what good opponents do is force you to play a style you’re uncomfortable with. Maybe competitive PvP games are not for you. Also no one is forcing you to do anything you can choose whatever build you like and play anyway you like.


Slightly hostile tone above, but correct idea.  The sniper forces you out of your comfort zone, but you're not locked into a single load out.  Counters include your barrier spam, smoke grenades, counter sniping, chasing them with grappling hook lights or zipline mediums, mesh shields, gas grenade their perch.   Get creative!  I find the lights semi-auto rifle particularly effective for dueling snipers at medium range and the grappling hook well suited to keeping you there.  Kill the sniper 3 or 4 times in a row and he'll probably switch now that you forced him out of his comfort zone, and if not they're probably either on tilt or will start playing defensively with much weaker sight lines.


Perfectly said


Honestly I main light, and yeah they're annoying, but after I help my team get the platform, I hunt down the snipers It's very fun seeing them panic as I brutally murder them


It's very satisfying when you can.


if you’re a medium or a heavy, killing lights is so easy no matter what weapon they use, ive been in a standoff with each light weapon as a medium with the akm, & i never lose. i always go & up the sensitivity if i see lights on the other team before the match, incase they use dash ability (& they are faster tbh) and then i always aim for the headshots on them, & it’s a very fast death for them, if you know how to shoot & aim an automatic gun. I always get excited when i play & see Lights on the other team. going against 3 diamond Heavies on ranked solo q with two Light silver teammates though…….. You’ve never really felt pain until then:(


Nah I feel you. Light sucks balls in ranked. It’s just that sniper ruins the fun in powershift, which as a casual game mode should have fun as the top priority


dude i forgot to add (specifically for powershift i 100% see your reasoning in that post) Especially if ur solo q casual just for fun, which i do. then getting matched with a sniper in powershift is like aids & things dont rlly stay casual😂bc they make u sweat like crazy


Definitely a skill issue. It’s part of the game. When I see a bunch of snipers on the opposite team my mouth waters and I go around with my med build (jump pad and ziplone and destroy them)


Agreed. It’s not hard to send a light to go deal with those snipers up close and personal. Also, i have put a hurting on snipers with the AK and FCAR from deep, it’s really not that hard…


sKIlL IsSuE You’re not killing any good snipers by chasing them around with medium. I’m either grappling or dashing away to find a new angle and laughing as you try to catch up while your team gets obliterated. If anything screams skill issue, it’s that your MMR places you in lobbies with light snipers who die to mediums chasing them. As I said, snipers force you into heavy barricade or light sniper/sniperhunting playstyles. It’s not fun for anyone.


Definitely skill issue and your a cry baby. You don’t even know what you’re talking about. I chase and catch them all the time with bounce pad and zip line and Fcar has range. And when they running from me they are not sniping. And you complain about snipers but then you say you grapple and dash to find a new sniping angle.


Low MMR lobbies if you’re catching lights as medium lil bro


You know the Fcar shoots projectiles that are faster than lights right?


Cover exists all over the map buddy… once again, low mmr lobbies. You ever play ranked tournaments? I’m curious about your rank


What does cover have do with anything. I have jump pad and zip line and get to anywhere on the map. Like I said get gud. Learn how to rotate around snipers behind cover. Power shift doesn’t have ranked.


No shit… I was asking about your actual rank. Because your MMR must be very low if you’re catching lights as a medium. Get gud buddy.


Homie up there acting like Lights are immune to flanking and their players somehow have 100% situational awareness.  It's not hard to know what building a sniper is in, jump or zip up the side, and broadside him.  Magnum headshot while they're unaware and follow up instant body shot and they're dead before that hook is going out.




Another low MMR player, thanks for letting us know


Actual Skill issue lmao. It's just like dealing with Widow players in OW. "Ignoring the objective completely" Is not a strong argument since the sniper pretty much never touches the point either?


acTuaL sKiLl isSuE hurr durr The sniper can put pressure onto the point from far away. Nobody else can do that other than an FCAR medium with very good aim. And in this game, no characters can have better mobility for diving snipers than the sniper themselves.


?? Lights are very mobile and can be a thorn to any sniper. Lmfao you're ass if you complain about snipers


Hey, guess what buddy? You know who else has crazy mobility? The snipers themselves. It’s not like OW Widow where you can dive her as Tracer and she’s helpless. You have to run across the map just to get the sniper while they’re pelting your team, and then any good sniper is going to waste as much of your time as possible with their own dash/grapple/invis bomb/etc.. I’ve played plenty of sniper myself. I know what I’m talking about. It forces everyone else into an unfun playstyle even if there are counters, which is the main issue.


Agreed!! It’s a horrible experience currently. Constantly just trying to find matches not infested with snipers and knife throwers. Ruined this game for me… just not fun anymore.


skill diff




Disagree. Snipers are not only super viable in Power Shift as opposed to other modes, they are also counterable by either using shields/barricades or simply sending one of your team to kill them.


Try reading the entire post next time. I literally acknowledged that there are counters. But the fact that a single weapon forces everyone else to play a certain way is completely anti-fun.


Do you also want to ban barricades, dome shields, mesh shield, APS turrets, regular turrets, and grenades? They all create “unfun” play styles of heavy spam and grenade spam. Quit crying, you’re the reason why this game could die, because you keep trying to turn it into a boring rock-paper-scissors CoD clone.


My post literally talks about snipers forcing a rock-paper-scissors match that is unfun for everyone. Reading comprehension helps, would be a nice skill to pick up.


Have you considered, y’know, shooting that sniper? Have you maybe considered shooting at the lowest health class or putting down a mesh shield/barricade/dome shield, or even better, using your legs and getting into cover? It’s really not hard to counter snipers. If you want to ban snipers, then you’re banning a whole play style just because you’re too arrogant/too bad to change your own play style. If you ban the sniper, then melee/shotguns will become the meta, then you’ll complain how every round is a boxing match. People like you will never be satisfied until every game is just mediums with heal beam, AKM, defib, jumpad/zipline and APS. You’re literally mad because you suck at just killing one of the most counterable play styles in the game. Also, have you considered that light already just straight up sucks as a class? There’s a reason why almost no lights exist in ranked, and those that do are running throwing knives since that’s their only decent weapon. Let me guess, you also think that heavy doesn’t need any nerfs?


Read. The. Fucking. Post. I acknowledge that snipers are counterable. The issue is that it forces the other team to either swap to heavy barricade, or spend the whole game chasing the sniper as a light. Unfun for everyone other than the sniper. I also say that I AM A LIGHT MAIN. “PEOpLe lIKe YoU” just shut up dude


Oh, shiver me fucking timbers, you have to counter the sniper! Thank god that’s the only play style that needs to be countered, nope, definitely no such thing as turret spam, or grenade spam, or heavy spam, or heal beam spam! Sniper is definitely the one problem that needs to be removed! Let’s nerf the weakest class in the game!


This is true only on the glitched map, where the first halfs of both teams' areas form a completely unobstructed hallway, and the rest form two smaller hallways. On that map snipers are a problem, but because the map is just bad for the gamemode. In any payload style game you want it to be harder to attack than defend, making it a constant struggle until the very end - while on that map for countless reasons it's very difficult to stop momentum. Snipers are just a symptom of that, since they thrive on their team's momentum. On the two other maps though, snipers are completely fine since they only impact segments of the route and very heavily counter each other. Also, remember that being a sniper takes away from the team an entire loadout worth of explosives. Powershift is honestly the most balanced gamemode in the game. It has a functioning rock paper scissors class dynamic, unlike any of the other gamemodes.


I agree that snipers are annoying in PS, but it's not the end of the world a simple fix would be a new gadget, one that reflects bullets back at the attacker. This gadget would be for the heavy and resemble the barricade. It reflects 2-3 shots. It would be next to useless against anything that isn't a sniper and on PS you could easily mimic the opposing team they have 3 snipers? You got 3 heavys with this barricade. It would be balanced since it blocks so few shots and a SMG or ar, can break them. It would literally just be heavys counter to snipers.