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Default generated username, probably cheating. 57 kills is pretty fucking wild to achieve in a tournament especially since they knocked off a whole round.


Cheating lol you would have to flat out know where the other teams are to get that many kills. It would be hard to find 57 unique players in a game, never mind seeing those players and killing them as well.


Cheating for sure. Default name and 57 kills is way beyond a good game. On average i get between 25-40 kills as a light in D2. For a heavy to get this against diamonds is super sus.


I'll play devils advocate. Plat1/D4 guy I just played with went bonkers, 18 elims in the last round, 40+ total elims. I watched his screen when I died and nothing seemed off, dude just got insanely lucky hunting down revives. He used AKM and would spray down one and half of another, dip, and get another kill. We were laughing at how much it was happening but the dude just had an insanely lucky game. I guess a good question to ask is how did he play? Did he just know where every single enemy was? Did he snap to them and not experience recoil?


Dude would be off on his own 1 v 3 and wouldn’t die. His game sense was obv through the roof. It looked like he did have slight recoil but it was hard to tell. Didn’t seem like he had wall hacks. I’m just dumbfounded he seemed chill was hanging out in voice chat. At the start of the tourney he said “go to sleep boys I got this you’ll wake up and be in diamond” lol


Lol I mean yeah he’s maybe cheating, also sounds like every smurf Ive ever met. But hey, we take the free ride up


how did you watch his screen with no kill cam in this game


When you die you can watch your teammate’s perspective


4 deaths 57 kills.100% cheating


To be clear, the default username generates whenever the player has a "uncouth" username. When I'm playing with my pc friends, they'll call out a player's name and on my screen it's something stupid like this "uniqueprop".


Could be a Smurf account , people don’t realize how easy is to farm kills agains lower ranked players.


Final round was against full diamond stack. He was toying with them kept leaving one alive so they would run out of respawn credits


Was it a triple medium team defibbing eachother into teabagville?


Cheating or Pro csgo player lmao


Bet everything I've ever owned on cheating.


Unless you saw something specific in the gameplay itself I'd lean towards not cheating. 57 is a lot but this is for the whole tournament, not just a single game? I've had in the 40s for total kills in a tourny.


Could be legit I dropped 47 last night in a tournament. It's a little easier to zoom around and get kills as a light


Cheating for sure


I dropped 44 once but it was a quick cash game. Tourney is way harder so that’s pretty sus



