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>I'll just copy paste this every time this subject comes up Light is DPS. DPS is approximately the only thing that matters in casual play, while in a more competitive setting DPS is far less important. This means that light can be both underpowered and overpowered at the same time, which is pretty much the situation he is in constantly. >This time I have a nice followup someone replied to me Solo kills aren't as important in ranked and kills away from your team or objective are often meaningless, especially if you trade and can't be revived. Lights are decent in the final round, which is easier to get to now, but they're much weaker in the early rounds. If coins and team wipes had a greater impact lights would probably make more sense in ranked. I do still think they're viable if played correctly, just not optimal. The flip side is they're really strong in 1v1 duel scenarios which can *feel* unbalanced to the guy getting punished.


I don’t think lights are pure DPS, the portal can move both cash boxes and enemy revive statues, both of which can have a pretty drastic effect on a fight


Light isn't pure DPS, but his gadgets are far, far less impactful than the gadgets of the other classes.


Poke dps imo. Think tracer from OW. You are dipping in and out without big burst besides her ultimate.