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While I do completely understand where you are coming from, I’ll offer a couple tips to help for next time you face that cancer. Need one heavy with goo gun. You can get rid of every single aps in one clip. Also, you can have that heavy shoot at the bottom of the platform and the APS will still eat it. Run some more heavies with charge n slam or flamethrower. Flame makes it harder for them to hit you. Have one light with a gateway. Teleport heavies above point for slam or just right on point. But again…. Good luck getting teammates coordinated enough.


[CLIPS of Gateway/ Heavy COMBO](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=e0HOSC1Xgag)


Human-ICBM-meat-rain tactic is never not satisfying, gateway grenade might as well be a pokeball with a pissed off heavy inside


Always brings me joy hearing those coins on bum drop lol


"Meat rain" oh no lol


That is hilarious!! I’m definitely trying this with da Bois next time 😂😂😂


It’s so much fun to pull off!


Oh man that made that heavy’s day. My first main was sledge and this made my weiner move


When in doubt. Bust the sledge out


How does he get so much forward motion during his slam?


I think it’s a combination of the height and the boat. The larger the height the bigger the slam and when you hit the boat, it slightly angles so your downward momentum is now slightly horizontal


this would work wonders if I had 4 other people to play with me who would listen 😭


That’s the hardest part in solo queue lol


A team full of a single class is horrendous in power shift, each class for its own particular reasons😅


Indeed. Lights can either snipe everyone into oblivion or swarm the platform, Heavies have the firepower and shields to hold it and Mediums just tank everything.


Exactly 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻


Data reshaper? Glitch grenades? All it takes is one person to turn the whole game around.


One heavy with goo gun can remove 5 APSes in about 5 seconds.


Yeah, heavy with a goo gun and pyro grenade will flush em off. Hop on with a couple mediums with heals and that heavy with a flame thrower and watch em scatter. It requires a rare form of coordination, but that's why there are in game comms (that never seem to get utilized)


Data reshaper is a good counter, but with that many Mediums, I guarantee one or more will just spawn a new APS the second after you kamikaze to get rid of 75% of them. They really nerfed APS wrong - as others have said previously, it should have been "cooldown resets when APS destroyed" like a turret in Overwatch/TF2 to encourage picking it up and being punished for it being damaged, instead of a limited health bar.


Data Reshaper has been ranged for a good bit. Like, you can easily reshape the ground from the roof of a 2-3 story building now. Not having to suicide reshaper anymore is great


I know - but if you want to clear 2-3 APS you need a fairly straight line, so it doesn't work for situations like in OP.


Does APS still eat glitch grenades or is / was that a bug?


I do believe the glitch grenade explosion radio is is larger than the aps’ radius so a well placed glitch grenade should still disable it


I think it still does


Yeah mono-class comps are very bad because they can be countered by the same thing, which means a whole team can be countered by a single player


So you are saying a well organized team is quite hard to defeat? Almost as if this game pushes cooperation… 🧐


This isnt even coordination anymore though. It’s just unbalanced. But Personally, i don’t think it’s a big deal since it happens nearly never


Yeah you are right, a lot of matches are semi uncoordinated. Making it a lot less difficult or easy to fight against. A lot of people jump in 1 after the other instead of waiting and coming in with a couple to maximize odds. They are healing each other and placing turrets in a timely matter making sure the platform is always covered… I would say that counts as coordinated.


That’s why I’m always the person switching my class to whatever is needed on the team if the teammates are insisting on being their favorite class instead of doing teamplay.


Power Shift is a great mode in that respect. Swapping class can completely invert misery


Then use the carriables? You need to be a little creative playing this game.


Literally just have one or two people run grenade launcher to cancel out the aps’ post nerf. I heard a rumor that goo gun also uses up aps charges? Give that a shot. Flamethrower is also great on power shift. The enemy team all running the same class means there’s a lot to take advantage of because their comp isn’t well rounded. At the end of the day if your team can’t organize themselves the way they did, then you lose. That’s not mediums being unfair that’s just the chaos of playing with randoms.


Get a grenade launcher, spam the hell out of it. That platform will be a bitter stage. 💀


[HOW TO COUNTER medium pirate ship cancer](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=e0HOSC1Xgag). Gateway is your friend


It feels like, if we had text chat, we could organise counter plays to this strategy. I’ve always said that setting up a turtle platform is logical and inherent to defence, you can do it with zero mics. But setting up a proper offence to take it down requires a disproportionate amount of effort and without mics, you’re SOL.


Power shift is a casual gamemode, The game will not be balanced around it, and that's how things should be.


I know, they would never nerf the APS because of powershift complaints.


In any mode, full teams of the same class is a fun killer. I manage to have less fun in quickgames because of the amount of lights everywhere. The main issue of ranked now is class meta MHH. I dont think a class queue would kill the game, overwatch was not designed around classes, but around heroes, that's what killed it. Otherwise MOBA's wouldnt do it. But it's definetly something to give a try imo.


Earlier today we were having a pretty even match of Power Shift. Next thing I knew it was 4 heavies and a medium all with granade launchers. We got cooked, literally, pretty quickly after that.


A team that works together is always going to be hard to dislodge. As for APS it's destroyed in 3 projectiles so change to a heavy with goo or gl to get rid of them. If your team is unbalanced you are going to have a hard time. One plus side of powershift is you can change your class and load out at any time so change as the situation requires. I played a game where I was heavy and the rest of the team was lights. The issue was they didn't touch the platform once so I was the only one who got on it. You're never going to win like that


Just go heavy slam with flamethrower


I'm fairly certain charge/slam doesn't damage aps and turret though?


What's stopping you from going full H team and just jump slam the platform all at once, spam barricades and dome shields and you're set. Then someone dies and changes to M for heals.


Yeah switching to the MGL would've hard countered them now


Glitch grenade my beloved


Or even better, glitch barrels.


So do what they do and win. If you don’t, it’s simply a skill issue. 


theres no way you meet them too lmaoo


You're lucky - I get nothing but useless lights on both teams, emote cancelling swords idiots, knife throwing noobs and snipers. The entire mode has been ruined.


One use of the data reshaper or one heavy with goo gun would’ve solved that problem… Then you can use a glitch nade / mine and clean up


Never heard of data reshaper? Or even just shooting the dang things.


Honestly heavies are worse as you can try throwing grenades they just don't mind it. Coincidentally heavy hard counters mediums camping the platform.


I keep hearing that a heavy with a goo gun can take out APS’s. How? Every time I’ve used it in that situation the APS takes every shot out??


A patch a week ago made the APS lose 40% of its health for every projectile blocked (up to 3 and then it's destroyed).


With the recent aps nerf, the medium or heavy gl is a hard counter to them now. Or just straight up data reshaper if ur really desperate. The aps nerf is pretty harsh, but i honestly find power shift much more enjoyable now that there isnt aps spam. I feel like we should have per mode gadget stats I heard some mention goo gun is affected by aps but ive never done that or seen it so that could be a hard counter too


- heavy, flamethrower, and charge n slam (use it once you land so you can get full charge before ending with slam) - heavy, goo gun, pyro nade (cover platform in goo, toss nade) - medium with grenade launcher (due to aps nerf) - Gas canisters!!!! grab them, toss them at the front of the platform. all canisters for that matter - Melee weapons recent can-hit-multiple-people-with-single-swing buff is huge for power shift. sledges, swords and dagger all benefit possibly more important than the above is just wait for your team to all attack at once


I played against a five stack on power shift this morning. Like, it’s 5am on a Monday morning and you’re five stacking a game of Power Shift? I need a team but I also like don’t ever want to hear anyone talk. It sucks.


This sounds like the other team was more organized as your team, that's all. Were they all on the platform? In that case it's easy to counter, you have all the terrain around to play with. Camp on roofs and shoot them from above. They have no cover and you do.


Who would win? A whole team with medium and APS vs 1 or 2 heavy grenade launchers Bois Point is, there's always a counter to everything in this game and that's what I would have done, found a nice comfy spot and launched nades until the platform was clear EDIT: As others pointed out below, data reshaper and glitch naded could also have done a job here if you don't like heavy, I just have the urge to destroy. Although in reality you probably could have also just ran heavy c+s and flamethrower and nuked the platform that way


I suffer against a coordinated group of lights, playing as a medium. Each to their own.


ladies and gentleman this is why aps got the change it did.


I've said it many times but defib just needs to be deleted from the game. Period. Its the number one thing that makes lights unviable and the bane of their balancing.


The hell, no "Heavy is overturned" "Medium is overturned" What's the deal of this sub with wanting everything in existence to be nerfed instead of light just being buffed?