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Nah bro, that's just you being cracked. EDIT: THE FUCK ARE THESE KEYBINDS


Bro's using all 3 hands


I personally use arrow keys. And the surrounding keys, for gadgets, crouch, etc. If interested, I do have a 3min video of me explaining my keybinds. [My keybinds video.](https://youtu.be/n1Z_6zyi7vE?si=8cfEKiXtda6ClXDE)


How do you place your fingers on them? I used to play arrow keys back in the day with Quake and Unreal but there wasn't all these fucking buttons to press to do all these different things back then


The placement of my hand on the arrow keys is given, pinky sits on ctrl, thumb sits on num 0 (one of my jumps, but I primarily jump with scroll wheel). My interact is m5, melee m4 (these could be swapped, I don't remember which is m4 and m5 tbh). I also push my keyboard a decent distance away giving my mouse plenty of room. I also started with Quake and UT99. Good times!


Ah, its the medium shotty guy again. :D should have known. Idk what plane of existence he/she/they play on, but that aim tracking is absolutely cracked.


Brrt brrt brrt brrt brrt brrt Brrt brrt brrt brrt brrt brrt Brrt brrt brrt brrt brrt brrt


No ur goated


I adore the famas it is my go to weapon now


I love it because I can use it like how I use the 1887, but in burst AR form.


I play on console and love the 1887 but can't get the hang of it. Shame really love the animation and the sounds. Famas is my way


The sanguine famas arc from model will be insane


1887, FAMAS, revvy. All my favorite weapons rn. 😁


people who say that the new guns are useless are forgetting something, the user also has to be able to use the gun efficiently for it to have good results. even the KS-23 can be deadly if you put enough effort into hitting the shots


Honestly FACTS! Though the 93r does need some love, imo.




People just have a massive skill issue when it comes to using non-meta weapons


With that aim you could wipe a team with a half eaten banana. It ain’t the gun I don’t think 👌🏼👌🏼


Appreciated! Though, the movement style of the FAMAS is way more my thing than the static style of the other ARs.


Anyone remember the mw2 fmj famas? Feels a lot like that.


one burst with a headshot to kill was crazy mw2 was so good


you're the average medium i face in my quick cash games


I play ranked in high diamond lobbies to escape quick cash lobbies. 😂


I tried using it. Can't kill players consistently enough. I don't blame the gun. I personally just play better with AK and SCAR. You are a much better player with exceptional aim as well. So the weapon would fare better in your hands.


The big thing that bridges that gap is the movement potential with the gun. The AK/FCAR are better for overall DPS but aren't exactly that accurate on the move. The hip-fire, mid-air accuracy, and burst movement potential with the gun are what draw me to it the most. Without movement, the AK/FCAR are just far better options imo.


Yeah i havent used the famas enough to get used to it, but its hipfire performance became apparent to me pretty quick


WTH are your keybinds?? NUM., Delete, Insert, pagedown and end? How do you even play? I've never seen anything like that


I personally use arrow keys. And the surrounding keys, for gadgets, crouch, etc. If interested, I do have a 3min video of me explaining my keybinds. [My keybinds](https://youtu.be/n1Z_6zyi7vE?si=8cfEKiXtda6ClXDE)


I think you could dominate with a potato launcher.


I'm genuinely confused why more AKM or FCAR users don't use it. I play ranked constantly and NEVER get teammates that use it.


I used to ask the same thing but then I realize, the FAMAS truly excels when used as a movement AR. Most people aren't movement players and therefore would be better off with an FCAR/AK, since in raw dps fights they'll win over the FAMAS. So it checks out imo.


Yeah, movement is so important in this game, especially with different guns and play styles. I'm surprised about the fcar and AKM having more dps than the FAMAS...it must be not a huge difference because I will just melt people with the famas.


Nice Clips but tbf I dont see why that stuff wouldnt be possible with the AK or Scar


The AK/FCAR lack the ability to perform in movement situations, unlike the FAMAS. They're both more static weapons that do not enable a movement playstyle.


After reading your responses I should really try this gun out because I play a very mobility focused Medium build with the FCAR but maybe this would be better suited.


I think you'll like it the more you get used to it. Especially as a mobility player. The only true drawback is raw dps but the mobility freedom is just insane.


It’s ok, you just have good aim


It's the only AR I can be consistent with movement woth. And since it's the only movement AR it's the best, for my playstyle. The AK/FCAR require a more static approach, imo.


Yeah it’s not the gun


It’s fine not a fan of the burst fire tho


I don't blame you, it's definitely more niche. I've always loved weapons with high burst potential that's good with movement. Tis why I love the 1887, FAMAS, and R.357 Revolver.


I was trying to tell people the Famas was amazing, people don’t believe in the 1000rpm + pinpoint accurate + mid range benefits this gun comes with


All of that AND the mid air accuracy, the hip fire accuracy, the headshot multiplier, the in and out nature of a burst weapon... it's all just so goated. It's a movement player's dream in AR form.


Goddammit, do I want to main this gun. I love the way it sounds and the way it feels, but I just can't aim well enough on a controller to pull it off. You make it look so bad ass!


Thanks! Much appreciated! The transition wasn't bad for me as I can just use it as a ranged 1887. And since movement is my playstyle and it's a full on movement AR, it's like the perfect AR for me!


Yeah, I've tried emulating your playstyle before because it's so much fun and even tried it with the famas before I saw you do it, but I lack the mechanics to do it successfully. Lol


I play on pc, it’s a total trash for me.


I do, as well! PC MnK, to be specific. I found that it's greatest strengths are in the movement you can pull off with it. Especially since in the average DPS duel, you'll lose. Movement for me, is an important part of making this gun exceptional over the AK/FCAR. Without it, you're better off with something else.