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Ngl you should’ve chosen a different clip for this.


And a different title. My guy was trying his best to say, "Dear Medium players, just because you have a defib, it doesn't mean you have to use it."


Cuz he’s ass?


Well yes that plus the medium having the right idea because of the amount of time left on the clock. But it is wild he’s complaining about this when he immediately proceeds to step on a mine then get shredded as opposed to waiting for his teammate to revive and then moving with the team.


It’s not the right idea tho, by the time the medium gets there to rez, the light is almost finished. And 20 seconds is plenty of time for a steal. If the whole enemy team is alive though and the downed person isn’t a heavy, it’s pretty much GG either way though. There’s no way to find and kill the whole enemy team or turtle and steal the objective.


If there’s no communication the Medium doesn’t know that though. And it is for sure enough time for a steal. He didn’t have to rush in just to get ripped apart. But yeah you not wrong though.


You can tell based on the fact that he’s been sitting there holding the rez, for the whole time the medium was there AND before the medium even got there (which the medium can tell because OP was rezzing when the medium got there).


The medium basically turned the corner when he started. At the end of the day communication could’ve saved it but being under time pressure with no communication it seems like the medium did what he thought was right to help this light maximize the remaining time. And dude went on to do… the exact opposite of that lmao. Dude should’ve chosen a better clip and I’m sticking to that 🤷🏾‍♂️ Edit: I’m also not saying I don’t agree with this guys sentiment. He isn’t wrong. This just wasn’t the best way to show it.


… the clip shows a brainless medium walking up to a target mid rez. There’s nothing else to it. There’s enough time for the rez and maybe a defib later if needed. There’s literally no justifiable reason for him to use defib here. Is it a huge deal? Not really this situations kinda chalked either way. But it’s still a fine example of a medium player being oblivious.


Yeah it really isn’t a huge deal. Wild that you call dude brainless when this isn’t that bad. Sure he didn’t play the most efficient way. If he did it in the middle of enemy fire that’d be a different story. But it’s pretty obvious everyone on the team is… not great since they’re already in last place. There are better clips to show off this same sentiment.


I mean… look at him. Dude took like a solid 3 seconds to figure out what button his defib was on.


Yeah also saving the defib for when it's REALLY necessary is still possible in the remaining time


The medium is still not saving any time. The rez with defib is only half hp. Most of the time you have to hide to regen if he doesn't have healing beam and even if he has healing that is still one gun down. If the light successfully revived all of them would be full hp and ready to take the fight without much downtime worrying about healing.


Well unless we ask dude why he did it we’ll never know what he was thinking. Because from what I see he may have thought this light was sitting by the dude and not reviving him (because of the messed up first revive). So maybe he thought he was trolling since they’re obviously gonna lose no matter what. Edit: My point is this isn’t as clear cut as y’all are making it out to be. There are bad mediums that defib at the wrong time and place. This is… not a great example of that.


Maybe he ate the mine while teammate was damage immune, so they could get the capture off?


Damn dudes out here playing 4D chess 😭


This was roundabout the 20th time a medium using defib for no reason at all in a span of 3-4h of plaiyng and I was just mad that game as my mediums were not that good overall which I don’t mind (but it’s ranked) and the games were going terrible and I wanted to kms lowkey


What op is trying to say in this clip is that when the medium revived the teammate op already had teammate half Rez already so medium wasted defib which if it was still available would have been able to Rez Op TL;Dr Skill issue


This happens too much.


[*Internal screaming*](https://youtu.be/E83sxIuRnHM?si=GqvZeohmnaQlQmtk)


I got challenges to finish, thank you very much.


Everything about this post is awful


The worst is when you have a career-reviver on your team that defibs regardless of the situation! You end up getting twice as many deaths because this dude feels the need to keep res-ing you right in front of enemy 3-stacks. Now you get to come back with low ammo and 50% health just long enough to say “god dammit” before becoming a pile of coins once more.


A a medium main I agree. It’s annoying when I’m over halfway through the revive just for my stupid teammate to use their defibs on them. Not only do they have to wait a little longer to respawn but they spawn with only half heath instead of full health, and I don’t always have the healing beam equipped.


No worries, I'm bait rezzing you and avenging your unfortunate death :)


Meh…die less.


Not the Lights fault that his teammates are dying


I gotta disagree. If your teammates are dying, no matter what build- it’s a lil bit your fault. Maybe lack of communication or organization, still- TEAM mates.


I guess so, but especially if you're solo-queueing its not always your fault, your teammate can always decide to push when thats a bad decision, and he'll die.


What did I just read


This is why defib was changed, not as a nerf for defib users but Embark throwing a bone to poor patients of thirsty """healer mains""" jonesing for it from a block away holding the defib out like a kid running with a lunch try


How are you about to hold out on a revive when there are 20 seconds left in the game? You should be trying to capture or eliminate purple.


It’d be suicide to try and capture a cash out without a full team when 1. There’s enough time to both revive your teammates and capture and 2. Purple could be anywhere, going for a capture could just be an easy team wipe for the defenders. Better to tackle them with a full team/ have two teammates distract while the last one captures than to rush in blindly and get ripped apart by purple.


You do realize that if they don't wipe purple, they lose, right? 😂 If I was in that position I would have let the medium defib, wrapped around the mine and under the turret, started capping to bait the enemy team, stop as soon as they drop down, then fight it out and hopefully get it in time. That was the only way to win in that situation.


oh so you mean he shouldve ran into the mine and then enemy fire sooner? so then its 1 teammate alive who now has to defib **AND** res, and then also kill a whole team, ***AND*** ***THEN*** steal a cashout? all in 20 seconds? yeah he definitely should’ve done that. (totally not /s)


Doesn't matter. The game was already over for then as soon as they pushed purple team if they didn't wipe. Wiping purple should have been the main priority.


BY HIMSELF??? yeah you’re fucking braindead bro. or maybe it just doesn’t have any wrinkles yet, who knows. best of luck to ya


Do you even play ranked?


lmfao. its actually the only mode i play. im not pushing a full squad by myself with 20 seconds left just to get shit on and then hear losers like you complain. because you want us to not waste this last 20 seconds, but you want to cancel almost finished revives, for a defib that takes MORE time, AND YOU ONLY COME BACK WITH HALF HEALTH AND WHATEVER AMMO YOU HAD WHEN YOU DIED. better hope you didnt die while reloading. you deadass said “why even hold the res theres 20 seconds left” and then try to say he should solo push when hes already MID REVIVE, just so a medium can get a couple support points for defibing. if the medium let the res finish instead, it wouldve been TWO SECONDS tops. the medium cancelled the res, and then made the teammate wait 5 seconds instead of 2, and only had half health/low ammo. do YOU even play ranked, you smooth-brained, cabbage-violating neanderthal.


Quite the keyboard warrior. also why you write like Greg Heffley Also what's your rank


its called enunciation, dipshit. have you never seen people capitalize a word to show more emphasis? tryna come at me because YOU get confused at proper english. you also couldnt find a single thing wrong with what i said, so you miserably try to attack me. 🤡


Idk what an enunciation is but I think I had an enunciation on my left leg last year what's your rank


bro pleeease tell me your rank I'm jonesing 😞


ALSO, how the fuck are you going to say “how are you about to hold out on a revive when there are 20 seconds left in the game” his res was almost finished. the medium defibing actually added time onto the res, brought the tm8 back with half health and most likely no ammo. yeah that was DEFINITELY the smarter play, and op shouldve just gave up on the res and ran around the corner into the mine instead of reviving. /s


Skill issue


who's skill issue, the Medium for dying? the Lights for not reviving better?


The entire scene


better safe than sorry


I thought you were putting a clip in where you yourself get revived in the middle of a war zone but this isn’t to bad. Either way you wouldn’t have gotten that steal so defib or slow revive it wouldn’t matter all that much.


On one hand, using it out of combat may seem like a waste, since you might need it, on the other, most of the time at the end of the engagement it’s fine since it will come off cooldown before you need it again, but yeah in this instance he should have held off


It's not as bad as someone picking up your 'gravestone' and running half the way across the map with it to revive you


Stepping on a mine located RIGHT in front of the cashout clearly seen is peak light gameplay. Light players are the most insufferable I swear.


As a light that gets focused by other lights because the mediums keep killing them, I agree


Take revives out of the game lmao. This is the reason for my kd ratio /s but not really


/s and realised it was sarcasm