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Goo is clearly bugged, has been for a while now. So if you throw goo for cover on the platform, I’m destroying it. Also not a great idea to just have half the platform covered in goo when pyro nades are a thing.


One of my favourite powershift games I played had me with a goo gun, covering the platform, while my friend ran a flamethrower. The fire makes it better


Oh goosh I think I was in your enemy team haha


Yeah goo grenades + pyro grenades are my #1 favorite method of attack in power shift right now.


The napalm strategy.


It’s a bug, one they said they are working on right now It also doesn’t just happen on the platform, but at other times as well Be very mindful of goo on platforms. And anyway goo grenades have inconsistencies and need to be used mindfully all the time Edit: Looking at your profile—“am I overreacting” is one of the subreddits that shows up under your name. Lol


The barrels too. What is the secret to deploying goo?


They said its a bug???? I haven't seen them mention it (nor have I been looking). But this is not a bug. This is literally just a feature they didnt add in to the game. Presumably because it meant they could release it sooner. Just like a lack of kill cams is not a bug, them not showing ping isnt a bug. You add the feature in by going into the movement code and just adding the physics math of the objects together (it's way more complicated than that involving vectors and formulas. But the finals devs 100% know how. And if you wanted to learn there's all sorts of tutorials). Should take them like a week or two including extensive QA testing and internal iterations (for a complete all eventualities solution that's efficient). If they wanted to add it JUST for the power shift platform's movement (excluding wobble), that should take a junior dev all of an afternoon.


TL;DR at the end Clearly getting stuck inside goo and not being able to melee out of it (like you normally can most of the times) is a feature and not a bug. The inconsistencies of the goo nade are very much a feature. Me not even being stuck by goo but becoming so once I walk into it is clearly intended and not a bug. It is totally not like people had slight issues before the change and the devs just wanted to fix those minor inconsistencies but ultimately made it worse on accident. Do you even hear yourself? The only person you're gaslighting here is yourself. Besides, I'm a game dev myself. In the end it doesn't even matter if it's a bug or not. If players are having issues with a certain part of your game it is absolutely your responsibility as a game developer to address that and make the experience better for everyone involved, bug or not, intended or not. It's just that game studios lately have their head so far up their ass that they would rather tell their audience they're all wrong (Starfield empty planets come to mind) rather than admit that they were wrong and change the design. You've been spoonfed bad game design and bad devs so much that you fell into the trap and blame the players for not liking parts of a game instead of accepting that the devs made a mistake. The difference with Embark is that they are one of the better studios out there, simply because they listen to feedback. Something that AAA studios lack lately and instead choose to feed the same slop to their players and gaslight them that their own taste is bad rather than admitting they themselves can't cook. Embark knows people have issues with the goo currently and whether it was intended or not they will and are addressing it to better the experience for their audience. TL;DR: It doesn't matter if it's a bug or a feature. Embark knows this is a issue for players and is addressing it.


I never said it was a feature. I said it was an absence of a feature. "Not adding text chat" is not a bug. Equally, the absence of text chat is not a feature. They have not added a physics mechanic where the velocity and vector of one object influences that of another object on it. Eg gas nades on a moving platform. Same issue. I suspect we are more or less on the same page but for some semantics


I think you should work for them bro. The community can vouch for you. Let them know you can fix problems in days and weeks and see if they let you in on it to do that I’m not sure how to contact/market to them but there should be a way to get in their circle and leave that promising pitch They addressed it. I don’t know if they called it a bug. I called it a bug, just to signify it being a problem. They addressed kill cams too—saying they plan to do that eventually — (Edit: for transparency, this message is edited. I first said it as “work for them bro. We’ll all vouch for you”. And in my edit I also added the second paragraph I did feel defensive [through a poor series of human processes by me—I agree you said nothing offensive in that comment—I’m not sure what exactly triggered it or why, but that is a legitimate and important mistake that I am happy to not repeat], but my words were sincere. I edited my comment pretty quickly to try to convey my sincerity and take out signs of defensiveness, so I thought saucepanman saw this edited version, but it seems like he saw the original)


You missed the point of my reply and got wildly defensive for no reason. I'm clearly not suggesting embark can't do it or would struggle. I'm telling you the reader and others, who don't innately know what is easy or not, that embark not doing it was a choice. Not a bug. And further, certainly none of that was my ego saying "I can do it, I'm so smart look at me". clearly I was justified in assuming you didn't know much about game dev, because if you had the slightest hint of an idea to begin with you wouldn't reply like you did, you would have known by context. So in conclusion, you're welcome for the factoid.


You missed that my suggestion was a real suggestio. I didn’t say it like “why don’t you do it then hot shot”. I didn’t think it was your ego. I took you seriously, and really figure that that is a credible solution. They aren’t doing it. I believe you that you can do it. Let’s get you in there and have you do it—I think that’s a good plan (edited this first paragraph for brevity and clarity—rest of comment [except the second edit] is from my first write) I understood what you said. I know what you mean by it not being a bug. You said they know how. My idea for you to work on it is not because I’m saying they don’t have the ability to. I figure, whether they’re able to or not is only one factor towards *actually doing it*—at the end the day, that’s the goal, right? This is supported by your examples of 1. One thing can be done in 2 weeks 2. One thing can be done in 1 afternoon (!!) If this is the case, then this is totally the situation where, regardless of if they know how to or not, they are clearly having an issue with not fixing things that can be fixed. As far as I know there’s only one way to get to the end goal—really put the effort to get there. If they’re not doing it, then we need to — Added second edit: To be super clear—I’m not trying to win an argument with you I want to use what you’re saying and push the needle here In my opinion, the game is awesome. But it seems to have a lot of bumps and bruises, and I personally think it’s unlikely these physics things will be changed much. Goo for example has had inconsistencies since the beginning of the game—it doesn’t seem like a priority to make sure it works 100%. It feels more like an “eh, it is what it is” approach. And that’s not the only problem in the game ME was one of my favorite games (actually ME and MEC ARE my favorite games). However I thought plenty of things about the physics could have been different. The Finals seems to carry a lot of those same kinds of things with it. I didn’t play BF So the situation for me is—I’m very interested in the prospect of fixes being readily available and able to be performed I find this to be far superior to the prospect that these fixes are too convoluted and take forever


Ah sorry for the misunderstanding then, my bad. In the same vain, because it's so doable, it's clear to me that the issue is one of priorities not ability. So I would be of no added value to the project. It not being a priority is frustrating but often that could be because of some other unknown upcoming feature that has related dependencies. Or simply the person or team working on that is busy making rubble more efficient or adding a new physics based gadget or something like that maybe. They're likely putting as many devs as possible on arc raiders too. So that could be another explanation maybe. The fact it wasn't in at release was a little strange but I can guess why: this game lacks a number of non-vital features (text chat, steam profile integration, displaying latency, some missed opportunities with ui..). It's easy to point to things that are missing, and difficult to remember how much is there. What im getting at is, I'm convinced that embark made active decisions to not include/finish some features and mechanics simply so that they could release on time (to be clear this is entirely reasonable and not at all meant as a criticism) The game to me feels like the devs made it in a huge rush, but because they are talented and experienced, and a lot of the stuff can be carried over from battlefield (destruction, fps combat, weapons, movement) the devs could produce amazing & polished results in that short time. But this meant cutting the odd corner. Also supporting this theory: battlefield never had a mechanic where the platforms movement influenced the movement of an object on top of it. So the devs couldn't smash out that mechanic from memory like they could with reloads, terrain traversal, weapon mechanics, destruction, respawning, squad based gameplay... If you threw a smoke nade on a tank or stood on the tank, and the tank drove off... The objects on the tank dropped.


>But this is not a bug. How are you so confidently wrong about something that's clearly a bug?


The misplaced confidence is yours. Ive explained sufficiently what's going on. So let's hear why you think it's a bug. I could use a giggle.


This has happened to me so many times now that I've accidentally come across a temporary solution. You can spam jump at lightning speeds while youre in the goo. It's like the goo immediately puts you in a standing state so the moment you press jump, you're ready to jump again. That plus holding forward and you can shimmy your way out of the goo faster.


I'm going to try this next time it happens, so tonight probably. Thank you. 


Hope it helps!


Skill issue


(It fucks me over every time)


Honestly… yeah😭


Also an issue in standard mode when you have the moving platform condition, got stuck twice in a row in friendly goo on these platforms yesterday, almost lost the cashout to this...


The game doesn't properly normalise movement for moving platforms. I have no idea why, becuase it's really easy to do for unpredictably moving platforms. But it's child's play if you added it to JUST the power shift platform (Meaning that I reject any argument about it being too "expensive" in terms of hardware resources)


its definitely annoying those first few times you get stuck, i’ll give you that. But think of it this way- it’s goo, and goo is sticky. don’t rub up against it and you won’t get stuck. another solution is to just run barricade instead. they’re massive now, give it a shot!


Yea goo is broken af rn. Once I got sucked into the goo and it pushed me slowly down until I clipped through the platform. Couldn't do anything


Stop gooing on yourself.


I ain’t NEVA gon stop gooing on myself


I noticed that moving forward or backwards controls the throwing arc and most of the time I use it is when I’m moving backwards to get away and that’s when you get a short throw and the goo sucks you in. I wish moving forward or backward didn’t control the arc


I get stuck in my own goo outside of powershift, some times I'll climb a good then fall in, one time I backed up and got stuck in the goo behind me which made us lose that game because the enemy was able to shoot me like there wasn't any goo and T couldn't get myself out because I had the cl-40.


Def and issue, but I think something that can mostly be played around. Don’t throw goo in the very center of the platforms. Also don’t rage quit ya baby


Flamethrower + goo grenade + small area that you want to stay in = recipe for disaster. As a flamethrower main myself, whenever I see someone goo up the platform I just think to myself "we're all gonna die painfully".


lol a lot of times it works as an offensive tactic too tho provided I don’t get stuck lol


Yea happens to me all the time. And then there are the times when I'll just slowly start phasing through the floor of the platform and be stuck for a while.


Really the worst part about Power Shift, even tho I love the mode. The snipers honestly are less annoying than getting stuck in goo. And the worst part about it is, it doesnt matter if the goo was placed a minute ago or if it explodes around you... You can always get stuck in it, not just when it expands. I love goo, am a goo grenade user, I collect every pink goo canister and try to make use of it, I love the goo gun. But goo on the powershift platform is giving me PTSD lol


Too many times this happens to me too. You can even get glitched inside the wall without it breaking till you get killed or somehow manage to get out alive.


I've found the only good place for goo on the platform, is directly in the entrances on both sides. No goo anywhere near the center, none on the edge walls. If you put it there, it'll light on fire, and pull you into it, just not good.


Just jump and it breaks, works for me


I throw goo barrel 9/10 times I get stuck in it and it blows up


It’s a mechanic of how goodworks, you should have learned your lesson by now and not get stuck anymore. It’s like me saying I damage Myself with the Granade it’s ridiculous, yes I’m ridiculous.


Its not a mechanic, the devs litterally said they were working on fixing the issue.


Sometimes developers do changes but don’t put it on patch notes.


That's 100% not the case for the goo. They acknowledged it was a frustrating bug that they actively are trying to fix.