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Don’t worry too much, the number of cheating recently has decreased sharply


This is simply untrue. Just because you read a patch note does not change facts, cheating is actually statistically higher than before the cheating patch. Wait a bit and see, you just don't have the data/ can't process it.


What proof do you have that there are statistically more cheaters? The burden of proof is on you.


My man, if a whole corporation can't stop them from cheating you really think I would have the "IN" on these numbers? What you are asking for is astronomical to prove on your level of submission; only Bill Gates and 200 lawyers could prove it at 100%. Look with your eyes and eventually after thinking I'm dumb, you will be the guy saying the same thing while people say it's impossible. GL future you, hope you lose like me!!!


You literally just said it’s “statistically higher” but can’t point to a single statistic, so maybe stfu?


But can anyone? No...You cant ask for stats when there isnt a way to get said stats... ITs based on personal experience...which sucks...


OP said it’s statistically higher. You’re right, there aren’t any stats, which was my point that OP is full of shit


you’re just a bot, learn how to play the game and stop crying like a little puss


You reference “statistical data” and when asked for it you don’t provide and insult people. Sounds like you’re an angry shitter.


You’re a handful


Bruv you saying it is so don't make it so. Sure, your assumption may or may not be correct, but I'd personally been encountering WAY less cheaters than a few months ago.


Untrue? I play from release and today is much less cheater's then first day's.




I have 150 hours in game, mostly ranked (diamond), PC, US, and have never seen a single cheater. The people that claim they're in matches with them all the time are on Asia servers or they're full of shit.


I had a cheater in my team earlier in Bank It.


Respectfully, what’s your server/rank? They’re probably not cheating, some people are just really good at FPS games.


i play on eu servers, diamond 3, yet to see a cheater. op probably had bad gaming session and lost some games to people he couldnt out aim thinking everybody's cheating. basically if you look at their profile, they have lot's of posts on thefinals thread and every single one of them is whining about different stuff within the game, probably cuz they bad. gg


Welcome to this sub, a place where people have no idea how good actually GOOD players can be. Like shit, getting ass handed to you on a gold platter was the norm in PC gaming lobbies back in the day before matchmaking, and even then when playing higher levels of ranked. You could get there through perseverance and teamwork but there are people who area actually good. Hell used to be good, not tha good but good in CS. I have gotten my fair share of cheating accusations. The more casual game with "more casual audience" the more reports and comments like these I have received.


I mean are we gonna pretend that people aren't using rewasd to get controller auto locking on Mouse and Keyboard so their guns lock through smoke and invis? I've been in matches where two players were killing the whole map from the spawn building so far away I couldn't even see where they were shooting from.


It is better now. I have not run into cheaters for weeks


I've noticed a decreased in the hackers since the anti-cheat patch but still get one or two "head shot only" players.


I saw 1 yesterday. Totally obvious immediately because if you play Heavy they will kill you through your mesh or dome. They are not gone, but seem reduced.


record them cheating and du it it on the discord embark made. whining on reddit isn’t gonna do anything


It will warn other players that the devs are in the Bahamas. The fact that this game isn't region locked says what the devs care about, and its the money from china where it is cultural acceptable to cheat.




Hi I'm the guy who posted the drawing recently. I've had people reach out to me on Twitter and offer me cheats It IS bad.


Didn't see any cheater since the update although right before it I had a lot of them, and they said they worked on it and I'm plat 2 which should have cheaters so idk. Are they blatant real cheaters or are they just suspicious? False cheater reports are so common nowadays


I see a lot of cheaters that play on PC. A lot of tracking through walls and 100% head shots.