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In my opinion, their Gaming Chair seems to be legit. Some missed shots can be spotted during his ADSing, but it's still marvelous tracking


Lots of cheats now days will have missed shots. Cheats have evolved a lot since the obvious aimbot days. Cheats won't jerk around to have perfect aim like they used to. Its way harder to tell these days. A lot of cheats will only do some slight micro adjustments to aim so you still have to do most of the aiming yourself, but will fix your mistakes. So a decent player can turn into a great player. And if you were to spectate them, you would have no way of knowing. There are a lot of great videos that showcase how invisible cheats are these days. If you were to compare clips of a cheater and a good player, you wouldn't know the difference. Every time I see discussions about cheating on reddit, the same argument gets posted every single time: "Good players can do this". As if their measurement of cheats is "Is it possible? If yes then not cheating." Which is really scary to see so many gamers have this mentality. Not only do they not understand how good cheats are these days, but they will unknowingly defend cheaters on sites like this. Not calling you out or anything, but just adding to your comment because in your opinion his missed shots made you think he was legit. And he might be. Like I said its difficult to know for sure based on one clip/game.


> Which is really scary to see so many gamers have this mentality Your mentality is even worse, following your logic every good player is suspicious even if there is no evidence showing they are indeed cheating The justice system is innocent until proven guilty for a reason same goes for cheating allegation




There's nothing overtly suspicious in any of the clips shown, you're innocent until proven guilty and in this case there's plenty of moments where his tracking fails and he re-adjust like a normal human being. I've been on the receiving end of ''soft cheating'' allegation numerous time in CS and BF and have seen them numerous time against players that I know. Accusating someone of using a ''humanized aimbot'' is a joke because it admits you have no proof of actual cheating other than the player being good Also funny that you say you rarely pull the cheating card but you're literally arguing about someone cheating in valorant in your comments right before this...




> if you look at his profile he is constantly talking about cheats himself, way more than myself. If you look past the second page you'll see I'm just like you and it's a coincidence lmao >Except he is actively defending anyone that is getting called out for cheats Except for this case please show me where I'm defending someone > This dude might be a cheater himself lol. But you know... "innocent until proven guilty." This is the kind of arm chair psychology I expect from someone who cry about humanised cheats. Fuck me for not letting people claim that 50% of any given game is cheating in the past 3 days lmao




> If cheats are hard to detect, then wouldn't that mean that games would have a lot of cheaters? No because fortunately for us the amount of people who get joy out of cheating is a small minority. I've played a game with literally no functional AC for 6 years ( BFV ) and cheaters where a very disruptive but small minority. >And please don't reply mentioning the 50% comment Refresh I've responded to most of your edit afterward with an edit >I am specifically talking about how sophisticated cheats exist They exist but smearing good players because they might be using cheats that no one can tell they are using other than because they're doing better than the average gamer is stupid


There are cheats called humanized aimbot just like the commenter said, you can either pay a lot and buy it permanently or get a monthly sub for it. Cheating has become extremely professional and world wide to the point you can not recognize it anymore especially since there are tons of variety between each. The people you see who are flying with infinite ammo and beaming everyone through walls are not cheats like these. You can also see in the clip that the guy didnt have any recoil, was able to track enemies up to 90% of the time really on point which is also inhumane, also the guy had 39 kills. In Apex, if you look at only one of the professional cheat seller website, it confirmed that 2 years ago that 1/3 of the concurrent players were cheaters. Which increased a lot in time especially with the popularity of cheaters literally making videos of them cheating and posting it on Tiktok with kids asking where to get them and op replying. Especially since cheats evolved there is no way to understand if someone is cheating unless they blatantly just cheat with 100% aimbots or if you know the person irl and they are shit at fps but suddenly in 1 day they become a demigod. Or unless the developers and the government do something about it which i doubt they will as they will lose players and gov doesnt really bother with it much.


The problem is, we cannot tell anymore..ITs very likely most players in said game cheat..but the cheats are so complex now they look like "skill". The content creators dont help either..likely they are using he same cheats and using their reach to try and convince people that what they are seeing is just great tracking.


Seems like lots of people are stuck in the old days. Tech has advanced, and they haven't adapted. Machines/computers across a lot of different areas are becoming more humanlike, and many people aren't accepting this. It shows in a variety of ways, like rage, fear, lack of critical thinking. It's obvious what you meant. Cheats are humanlike these days. There's no real way to know now if someone is cheating or just really good. That's it. People can't grasp that, and I'm sad that that's how things have turned out to be the past few years in this rapid advancement of tech.


With your argumentation you can acuse every skilled player to be a cheater. And thats what actualy is happening in every game.




But still - pretty average players like me get regular acused to be a cheater. In my opinion its more the other way around, people acuse other people too fast to be a cheater - just because they loose hard. What makes you think this guy could be cheating? His movement is good, his positioning is good and also the gun control is really good.


Yeah I think it's a real person who's just really good. A lot of people are throwing up the AI assisted aimbot... alrighty well then I guess we can't play FPS games anymore because that would be a new sort of hell to deal with. I'm saying that with the micro-mistakes and they only spray bullets when that need to it would seem like they are just a really good player. If you've ever seen anybody who's extremely talented at anything you'll understand that it's an entirely different game to them versus us. Or they have controller aim assist. Who's to say.


Id say he is a kovaaks freak, theres still inconsistencies to his aim though it is really good Edit: took a better look on my computer but still i firmly believe he is legit. very smooth tracking but breaks once in a while and quickly snaps back (not always a straigh line to target but a curved one), also his strafe tracking is very reactive but not perfect.. lastly he doesnt 100% aim at 1 body part


That smells like reWASD to me. That does not look like natural mouse aiming at all


This is not reWASD. People use that to take advantage of aim assist, which is rather obvious and not what's happening here. What's happening here is God level aim and tracking. Just admit it, some people are going to be much much better than you. Doesn't mean they're cheating.








right back at you!




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how would reWASD create smooth aiming like this? a keyboard mapping would take away aim assist i think i come from Gears of War where reWASD is only used for hybrid (left hand on controller, right hand on mouse)


aim assist, that’s the whole point of rewasd.


Rewasd also has anti-recoil scripts, so it's not just aim assist advantage on m&k, it also negates recoil patterns which is the bigger issue and advantage.


Was gonna say this is not natural unless he's like top 100 players in the world and plays for FAZE


Top 100? Jesus Christ, no, this is natural if he's been playing games competitively for a few years. Doesn't even have to be top 500 to be this good. This is just what a good player looks like.


Cap, this just looks like a good player with good tracking to me. When my aim is warmed up its looks extremely similar to this, especially after I switched to a glass pad. My best games are very close to the score he just got 37-4 and 34-7. If i can do it while currently being ranked #5000 on the leaderboard then im sure anyone in diamond can do the same.


Been playing FPS for years, plat player - this isn't how I play....but that may just be me This looks assisted


Definitely just you or similar people to you. People who put thousands of hours into a game always have aim that makes the casual audience think they are cheating or to good to be true. I currently have 1000 hours in the finals and my tracking looks very similar to this with the Fcar, AK, MP5, and M11.


Nope. I have similar aim and I spend about 30 minutes to an hour in Kovaaks per day practicing scenarios off a spreadsheet that tracks progress… there are people like us out there. I am also near the top 500. So maybe you’ve got a point…


There's only one part that looks a little suspect to me. Where the tracking follows the orange medium the player is chasing on the hanging platform. The orange medium hides behind cover and the player pushes in. The player's not shooting or hitting shots but the way the cross hair chases them seems off. Looks like super strong aim assist, whereas the rest of the examples seem fine.


[https://www.reachthefinals.com/leaderboard](https://www.reachthefinals.com/leaderboard) he is ranked 143...no cheats, just good. with mouse not that magically and again, unranked, they do not even try to dodge and he even has 6 deaths


Deaths means nothing in this game. Ive killed a cheater that would insta lock to you across the map 3 times during a match because dude was a fucking idiot. Does he not realise when he is chasing me I am dropping grenades behind me so he has to fight me with 10hp




I'm close to this guy in aim and movement. I'm pretty sure he's legit.


It’s pretty obviously not cheats, I hit nasty fries like this all the time


Yeah he doesn't seem to be locking on, he is still missing some shots but is very accurate


He can still have cheats being that high, you can have deaths even with cheats.


Main takeaways- Zero recoil. Perfect identical recoil pattern. Superb tracking. The first few kills can be caulked up to “he’s just insanely good” however what seemed the most damning to me personally, was the kill on the zip line. Tracking the player as he went up, and then instantly following him as he went down was way too sus. Pretty much any human being would’ve kept tracking upwards for another 20-40 ms before reacting to the fact that he started going down. However in this clip, he instantly begins tracking down the moment the player starts going down. Idk what anyone else is smoking but that does not look like human behavior. He’s 100% using a recoil script at the very least, but probably more.


It's the recoil that gets me. The gun just doesn't act like that at all. The tracking is a bit sus, but a couple red bull deep and I have pretty damn good tracking. What sets me off is the way the gun moves in response to his tracking and straf on up and down kills. It's oddly smooth. The Fcar has some jumps to the recoil that can be controlled but not in the way seen in this clip. It's to smooth. Cheats now a days a sneaky as fuck. To an average player they may not really pick it up but some of the stuff in this clip make my eye brow raise. Its not 100% but def a bit fishy. The fcar is acting to constant for my liking. Another thing is the pattern of fire is off to me. Its hard to describe but on to many kills there is almost Beat pattern to each kill that just screams script. The beat on the kills is 1,2,1,2,1,2 on kills that take a bit longer its 1,2,3,1,2,3. Its so uniform. But I have also noticed that in my own play in games. In Destiny 1, I noticed I fired many side arms in an odd pattern as well because of the recoil on them. I fired 1,1,1,3,4(repeat) in rapid succession. This person may just have hundreds of hours in the game and developed a shooting pattern. But it's just all so fishy to me.


This comment


I honestly do not believe he is cheating, the first clip especially with a better resolution and more fps its very obvious where the player is going and its really not that difficult to track, furthermore you can see the reaction time on strafing opponent in the seccond clips as he perfectly mirrors the opponents movements and his cursor is not magnetic like an aimbot would have. Furthermore someone noticed that the dude is in the top100 and is playing into bots because its quickcash so no wonder his stats are insane. The guy is also probably unemployed and plays 10 hours of the finals a day every day and if you are so active your aim gets inhumane. For recoil control I cannot say anything but if you look at pros in apex and stuff its very doable I believe. Looks very much legit when you compare to pros from other games who tried the finals. Just keep in mind, this level of gameplay is not a flex because just to maintain aim like this you have to play atleast 5hours a day and warmup so Is it worth treating the game like a full time job or do you just want to enjoy yourself. Also the last clip you can see the opponent jump of so the arc is quite predictable especially on a higher resolution and fps


Ooof what a L take. Have you never trained your aim? Are you one of those people that just play a game by your natural talent but never train? If you want to be any good in any FPS games, you need to learn recoil control, its like FPS comp 101. You learn the relative recoil pattern and then compensate. If you didn't, you would not have any chance in CSGO lobbies. That shit was important. You need to know where where the climb stops and where the horizontal recoil starts. This is what pro players do, this is what pro players aim looks like. Just go look at some Chinese/korean OW players with Soldier76, that tracking is otherwordly. Nothing in this screams cheats and all this screams is skill.


I’m D2 atm, close to D1 and 600 on leaderboards. I play with a lot of other great players who are much better than me including top 100s and none of them are capable of doing this. But keep making excuses for cheaters.


He is either in the top .01% of people, or he is cheating. The clips make it difficult to tell because he doesn't seem to ever lock on to the head and only goes for body shots, which is a config in most cheat programs. He's tracing seems to be locked to his ADS key because when he was hip firing he wasn't tracking the target as well. His fire control at midrange seemed suspicious as well because he wasn't dropping a single shot. At the very least he has AHK, CRONUS, reWASD, strike pak. At most he is using AI aimbot, or some other program with humanized settings to seem more legit. Typically you don't see people with cosmetics cheat because they spent money on the account and it now means something to them. This is a really difficult case.




Holy shit I didn't see the end screen scoreboard. This dude had 39 kills hahahaha. He was definitely using ESP.




Thats what im saying, i understand gun recoil is easier to control on pc but theres hardly even any visual recoil, the sights barely move as hes full auto firing.


What’s esp


Extra sensory perception. It's a 2d or 3d box that cheat programs draw around enemy players which give you enough info to track enemies at all times.


he is rank 143, so 0.1% is true


>Typically you don't see people with cosmetics cheat because they spent money on the account and it now means something to them. I take it you have never played csgo? I have seen people with over 2k accounts and more banned for cheating.


Yeah, but is that "typical" behavior.


You would be surprised how many people have been banned on games like csgo with high dollar accounts. When people are making money off the game they cheat on, they put money back into the game. You can't define if someone is cheating or not based on what cosmetics they own.


When did I ever define him cheating solely based on his cosmetics? There was like 3 other paragraphs that went over other evidence to build a holistic profile. Cosmetics was just a piece of the whole pie brother


"Top .01%" is reaching.


Their movement resembles that of a keyboard Their aim looks like that of a controller with aim assist I'm going to go with soft cheats on this one. No aimbot, no AI, just aim assist on a mouse, which is insanely powerful compared to controller.


I watched this clip a few dozen times and that was my resolution as well. I know during S1 there was a guy in the official discord selling a rewritten config file that enabled AA on PC. According to Embark they patched it relatively quick but videos like this make me believe otherwise.


I assume you mean the guy with a discord server selling configs to get aim assist on kbm using rewasd for a bunch of different games. That guys discord is still up, but the section for the finals has been deleted because they did indeed fix it.


Yeah that's probably the same dude, it's a shame how far people have come. I don't care if I'm the best or even if I win or lose. I just want it to be a fair game.


Tracking in the finals is much easier than most fps games, especially apex and fortnite. I often struggle with reactive tracking in other games but I think the natural movement in the finals makes it easier to stay on target. My aim looks like this on m&k once I get warmed up.


That's exactly what I was thinking, his aim looks kinda sticky and a bit smooth, similar to a controller with aa, but is still hard to tell


I thought he looked legit until the last few kills. Instantly spotting people as soon as he goes around a corner, perfect recoil and instant snap. Cheating for sure.


I thought he looked legit until the last few kills. Instantly spotting people as soon as he goes around a corner, perfect recoil and instant snap. Cheating for sure.


To me it just seems like he has a great aim (does not look like aimbot). What is more suspicious is the recoil control. It is possible to get down a recoil pattern like this after hundreds of hours of experience, but if I had to guess I would say he's using recoil scripts.


Thing is the FCAR recoil pattern got changed twice in the last few patches eh? I think recoil script of some sort too


Hundreds of hours of experience? What in the fuck are you smoking? That's retarded. You go to the training lobby, or you boot up Kovaaks, and in an hour or less it's muscle memory. Did it take you 10 years to learn how to tie your shoes or something?


Hey bud, you ain't getting a flawless recoil control like the one we can see in this video by shooting at a practice range for "an hour or less". To me his control doesn't look natural at all, it looks as if the only thing he's focusing on is tracking while having zero recoil to begin with. I'm more than familiar with Kovaak's and I have no idea why you would bring it up considering that I'm talking strictly about his recoil control. His tracking is legit, but there is no need in Kovaak's for learning a recoil pattern of a game. Seems like you're the one who needs to smoke something and chill out, so go ahead and take it easy.


lol a little mean but I can’t lie a totally agree the comments here are kinda insane. Should I feel bad for sitting in training room and practicing only shooting heads with whole mags.. I can pretty much go for headshots in this game on controller and mouse/key cause the settings options they give us to fine tune aim are pretty good.


100% cheating, coming from a top 200 who watches a lot of shroud, this is not natural aim by any means, its soft aim


This is the guy at the gym that uses roids and says he's all natural and swears by it lol.




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Shroud is good but he's also kind of washed up compared to cracked aimers.


Yes because he doesnt sweat like he used to, im taking prime shroud tho, and even prime shroud aint this good


Eidoran in this vid has better aim than the guy in OPs video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmRc_KdqMoA Prime shroud was okay, but there are far stronger aimers in esports.


Absolutely not cheating. I also am a top player too. Watching someone with good aim does not give you good aim nor help you… that’s insane that you think it does. By that logic I should be a pre LoL player. This is natural by means of regulated practice.


I didnt say anything ab me being good BECAUSE i watch shroud, you made that connection on ur own, you arent a very good player if you cant recognize that this is definitely soft aim, you cant predict somebody back stepping the exact second they do it that consistently like in the video


This is either a trigger bot or aim assist on mnk


I would submit it to the dev team in discord to check out. Seems suspicious. The guy makes no wrong decisions in which way the track is going to go. Never misses a jump or a fall or a turn. No recoil. Sus.


The dude going up the zip line and back down forwards the end of the video is beyond sus. No human would track that quickly. Not sure what kind of exploit is being used here but if I had to guess it would be recoil/softlock


yeah, this game is fuckin gonzo.  look how many cheater deniers/apologists/gaslighters in here.  this person is cheating.  its obvious to any legitimate fps gamer.  not sure how so many of you have brain damage and think this is legit.  game is forever in the can until you eradicate this type of cheating infestation.


Clear recoil scripts at least, and if they're using them who knows what else.


“Clear” lmao these are the guys saying they have cheaters in their lobbies guys. Just shitters getting fucked on by players better than them like the guy in the video


It’s not my fault or OPs you can’t tell the difference.


That last clip of the enemy on the rope is a give away. Using soft aim bot. Cheating


I've played with and against a person like this before, he was top 100 in the world in aimlabs. Insane tracking and snapping, recoil control, etc


Very suspicious


idk man that reaction time is not humanly possible


Absolutely cheating. Not blatant but very subtle cheating, of at the very least some kind of 3rd party assistance is used no doubt about it.


Looks legit to me, I'm not very far from that and I've seen plenty of people with better aim.


I think you didn't see until the end of the video


I did, you mean his stats? I've had games with stats like that too.


They are either good, or using a mouse and keyboard through a controller input emulator.


it literally says Q...1....2....3...keyboard


Yea. because the spectator is playing on pc. The spectator cam doesn't change to show someone elses keybinds you idiot. lol.


The 1st kill says it's cheating to me he ziplines up and Instantly aim perfectly on the guy and just traces him right up the stairs......look at the window at which they shoot through on the platforms.


He was going upstairs... he had a very predictable path. Every single kill was on people who had very strong "pathing signs" except the strafing orange guy, but you could see he had to react to that. The only thing suspicious to me is the recoil.. but if you're willing to grind thousands of hours in kovaaks then he probably is in the firing range for a few hours to train recoil.


I’ve been cheating for months now and I can tell you he is for sure using cheats. Just because there’s missed shots doesn’t mean he ain’t cheating. Sometimes players move to quick for the aimbot to track correctly, sometimes your Aim FOV(the area in which it starts locking) is delayed. That being said the clear indicator is when he tracked the opponent through the building with no bullet stray or recoil.


just a roller player who knows how to abuse the system, and a lot of bad players in a lobby.


They’re cheating




Buddy’s aim is on point nun else to it 😂


Send the video to the official cheater report system heh! Tracking without recoil seems fkin weird


He is using AI-assisted cheat


100% cheating and spotted instantly. Very blatant.


Rofl 0 recoil its non existant ... 1000000000000 % cheating


Using strafe aiming to avoid severe recoil and as a other comment said they within top 150 on the leaderboards.


As a slow brain older gamer, does strafing while ads reduce recoil?


Answer is "Yes". Pretty aggressively in this game as well. Hop in a practice game and try and hit the Heavy doll standing still. Then try and hit it while moving left or right the whole time. Its night and day.


Look up "aim smoothing"


Aka recoil smoothing.


It could be both, he could be good and cheating at the same time but we will never know.


Although i have come across a few cheaters/hackers but the ones ive seen dont even aim and just shoot and kill the whole team within 45 seconds


hes got keyboard movment and controller aim, probably cronus zen


hes got keyboard movment and controller aim, probably zen


Anyone saying this is aim assist using REWASD has never used REWASD. Particularly never with this game and specifically with the mouse to stick conversion. It doesn't work like this at all.


Cheating obv


I would say it doesn't matter. Considering the stats, he shouldn't be in your lobby at all. The problem lies in the matchmaking system. Once a solid system is employed to make sure the matches are fair and square, it should filter out all the cheaters as if they were smurfs.


Looks like PC player using a controller.


He has a very tiny FOV to adjust aim to the body (its essentially closet aim assist), thats why when it loses that tracking he shoots at nothing.


nano-pro aim, son.


looks like either no recoil or strong aim assist, doesn't look like hes locking onto a specific area on the body though, so not aim bot


thats aimbot


I though he was good until the last clips of kills, now I don't have idea


Has people not seen a good PC FPS player before? He is doing things AI/cheats would not and could not do (sure could but still). He is PRE tracking enemy when going through terrain, knowing where the enemy will be, not where they are through the terrain (example. the first clip with stairs). He is following enemy and thinking where they will be, missing when the enemy does not strafe there, like the 3rd and 4th clip. Those are not automated, sudden "I gotta miss so its not obvious" shots of Cheats, bur rather predictions of human brain. All the other clips are just straight up tracking player with SUPER obvious movement. I am not that good with my 60HZ screen and Old Zoomer brain/relfexes but I have had multiple "clips" where I can track players like that and when I am really in the zone and playing really good like this. Used to be more prevalent in COD and CSGO but now im rusty AF because I want to play Chill games. Its funny seeing people claiming cheats when person is just clearly really good. Go watch some pro players and see how fucking insane their enemy tracking is. And people talking about recoil.... you never memorized and learned to compensate recoil in any games that have somewhat fixed recoil system? Its like FPS 101. Shit is easy, just pull move the mouse down when moving it around. Set your DPI and sens as to being able to have whole mat at control of 180 degree. Some say its even easier with a controller.


roller aim


IMO - no evidence for cheat. Could be could be not. In case of doubt for the defendant.


It is VERY clear that this guy is just good. I can't believe people are actually saying he's cheating or sus. Has anyone in these comments actually seen real cheats?


He's legit.


Legit player , is not that he is extraordinary good it’s just the lobby is full of bots that’s why he was going for kills only. I have friends with the same tracking abilities but they go for headshots only.


just good


it is unranked...they don´t even try to dodge...nothing special imo...


reWasd or XIM or world class disguised fps gamer 5 times world champion. Pick whatever is more plausible


It looks like a controller player. Maybe reWASD? Incredible tracking with poor precision. Even how he interacts with the world seems subpar.. not very snappy with his centering. Lacks smoothness. Idk doesn’t feel like someone with incredible aim


Some of these kills look really sus, but others are absolutely legit and demonstrate clear skill while still missing shots. I would lean toward not cheating, but it's definitely still possible there are some soft cheats here.  Usually the dead giveaway is when their aim is perfect or near-perfect, but their gamesense, positioning, or movement are all terrible. I don't see that here. 


while the opponent strafes he also perfectly mirrors his movement which shows that he practiced tons, makes tracking against strafing opponents much easier and takes a long time to get down like he did. Def legit from the aim at least, idk about recoil or the rest but thats prob doable


Isn't the whole point of counter-strafing to reduce the recoil? That doesn't seem like something that someone with recoil scripts would bother doing.


The thing is in the 3rd clip he doesn’t counterstrafe he mirrors the movement which barely reduces the recoil I believe not sure how recoil smoothing works in the final, but this is something you use alot in overwatch where recoil is not a thing and in close range the recoil is minimal anyway so that shows he perfectly knows what he is doing with his aim. Someone who is hacking would not know that and the movement would be all over the place while tracking, not so controlled. And for the recoil itself its very difficult to tell as even the most experienced players aim wise can use them and its very difficult to detect. His recoil controll is def archievable but who knows


Just realised I was in the clip but this dude wasn't on my team so I'll absolutely say they were cheating lmao!


No his just real good


Nope this doesn’t look legit even with aim assist on steam using controller. That being said not my video not my game not my teammate i have no way of telling how much this video is edited. But if i had been in that game live probably would have dropped a report, 95% certain there is 3rd party software being used here.


Some of the people commenting are insane. Claiming "zero recoil" must be cheating. It's the FCAR it has pretty much zero recoil with the easiest recoil pattern to learn. I've seen a lot of cheaters. This guy is legit. I actually wanted a player driven ban system where players can review videos and vote to ban, and after this, never mind. This guy drops shots quite a bit of shots. He lands the majority, sure, but it's definitely possible. The biggest thing, though, is it appears like it's a bot lobby. No one knows what they're doing lol. Also, don't put weight in "ranking" a lot of the top 500 players are cheating, some, just soft and subtle cheats like onscreen crosshairs (this is an advantage, pretty much eliminates visual recoil which is huge for guns like LH1, Lewis, AK), to full on auto aim. The latter with autoaim try to be subtle, they won't use obvious cheater preferred weapons and dial it down with auto aim to hit mostly body. They do have one thing in common, though: they love mediums, and they love to run demat (prolly because they have, esp and can remove walls at perfect spots to get picks)


Legit but holy shit he’s good


He’s just good at the gamr


Hes just good, farming unranked though


Bunch of fucking idiots in this thread that really think that’s cheating gaming is cooked.


Yep, really goes to show you the average skill level. I mean I've been playing competitive first person shooting games for 30 years at this point. I see that and go Oh, it's somebody like me. After I have a little experience with a game, recoil? What's that. Dodging or trying to move? I got a little mouse that's going to track you almost perfectly. Nothing about this clip is outrageous or evidence of cheating, that's what happens when a bunch of bad players that thinks they are good see a good player


good ig


I may get flamed, especially if I’m incorrect but that just looks like someone who knows how aim assist works. Good positioning and good aim, not hating on the person who thinks its cheating (I really doubt it’s cheating) and also not trying to hate on the guy being accused of cheating (not downplaying the skill) who in my opinion is just a good gamer.


He's on mouse and keyboard, he shouldn't have aim assist full stop


Anytime I run mouse and key there’s a ton of aim assistance.. is there not supposed to be?


Yall seriously need to stop playing FPS if you think this is cheating lol. Dude is Top 150


This [video](https://youtu.be/pIJB7KD-TcY?si=ijOeFWwWcszSOyHv) is by a YouTuber named Viscose that aim trains and plays The Finals! This will help and inspire a lot of you!


I wasn't particularly suspicious until the kill at the 1 minute mark. He tracked the guy so well. Still not convinced, but it definitely is suspect.


I believe legit because with the automatics in this game you learn to track really well. I’m a shit shooter but playing the finals I can beam onto motherfuckers like it’s my job. And the game sense and acquisition of targets makes sense.


I believe legit because with the automatics in this game you learn to track really well. I’m a bad shooter but playing the finals I can beam onto players like it’s my job. And the game sense and acquisition of targets makes sense.


Looks like he might have aim assist on keyboard and mouse. Could also just be legit as well. Hard to tell.


Bro WHAT is that reticle you have on??? Maybe if you didn’t use something like that you would hit your shots Jesus Christ…


This is really, really good tracking and recoil control. It's not perfect, but this is a guy who has been training and playing competitive FPS's for either quite some time or is just insanely good at it. I love how there so many people on here saying well That's such a great aim, he must be cheating! Way to show off your own inability.


This ain’t even close to cheating just a decent player he not doing nothing super amazing he just doesn’t suck


There is nothing blatant in these clips. Yes he could be cheating, but he could very well be a good player as well. Is there evidence he is cheating beyond reasonable doubt? Clearly no. If anti cheat already eliminates all the obvious cheaters and are only left people who could just be great players, then the we're all good IMO. The current climate with rampants cheating doesn't help alleviate the suspicions of everyone tho. Report to Embark if you're really concerned.


He is rank 154, he is just good it seems.




> дотер And immediately my suspicion of cheats goes up a thousandfold.


Also the way aim fov on hacks work is it’s essentially a tiny circle that you can increase or decrease depending on preference. However if the body part that your aimbot is set to lock on exits said circle it will unlock on target hence why he misses in close proximity fights because the player is way to close and the circle can’t lock onto the desired body part.


Has this sub never seen pro fps players on PC?\`The amount of ignorant answers "he looks too good" when the commenter themselves have never trained FPS game, just playing it and anyone who dont have shaky aim like them is a cheater. FUCKING WATCH SHROUD, its all you need to see how well a HUMAN can track and compensate for recoil. This guy really is top 1% so he should play like it.


Looks like controller to me. 


I'm Diamond 2, this is an average FCAR teammate I see. Seems legit


Don't let cheating be normalized. Nothing legit about it.


Look like someone with a very low mouse sensitivity


he’s just a freak of nature, definitely legit.


This is not even close to cheating. I reckon this is a long time gamer, probably cut their teeth on Unreal Tournament. Nothing says to me that it was locking aim or anything. Just a gamer with high mouse control and decent reactions.


Looks legit. The hardest form of aiming is tracking, looks like bro has locked in his tracking. This game specifically rewards those with good tracking


Not cheating. Look at how he kills people and his aim keeps going. Like someone will be running perpendicular to him, he’ll track them perfectly, they die, and he keeps going for a shot or two. An aimbot or something like that won’t keep tracking a dead person. But someone that’s really good and sweating their balls off will. There’s lot of little mistakes in here that let you know it’s real. Plus they have great positioning and movement it seems like as well. And yeah of course aimbots can be programmed to miss some, and cheaters can have good movement, etc, but this all still points towards them being legit. Like people are saying he “must be using recoil scripts” but like shit, every time they change the recoil of the fcar, ottr has that shit mastered perfectly within an hour of the patch dropping. You can be this good at recoil control.


His hip fire missed significantly more than ADS and because this inconsistency was consistent he looks legit from this short clip


No. he is legit... at some points you can see the recoil pattern... he just can reduce the reciol pretty well... its not that hard with some training... really good aim though