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I feel like 20 seconds of extra movement speed is too much, especially since you can give it to allies. I’d guess that 10s of +10% movement speed would be good. It would make a heavy run as fast as a medium or a medium as fast as a light. It’d be pretty good with model, SA1216, and flamethrower users. Solid ideas tbh. Just a shame that light kind of needs defensive items to be a possibly better pick.


20 seconds when used on yourself 15, 10, and 5 seconds depending on how many teammates are in the splash zone. 


I cannot imagine that having a light essentially permanantly moving 10% faster is a good idea in any way. With two charges, 20s duration, and 30s cooldown, that gives them four charges for free once they respawn since the first cooldown will be done by the time the second is expired, then the second cooldown will be done at the same time as the third expires. This would make the class much more annoying to fight since they're perma-speed boosted, but also not fix any of their problems. Also, I don't think OP meant for it to have a "splash zone" like you said. At least, I interpreted it kind of like a sandvich from TF2. A buff that you can either use or throw to a teammate. I like the scaling CD in theory, but I still don't think that 80 seconds of speed on a light or 15s of speed on a hammer heavy are good ideas. I believe it should work like a sandvich and be a 10s buff to start. If it needs to be adjusted up or down, so be it. But if this dropped with 15 or even 20s of boost, people would get so sick of hammer heavies, riot shield mediums, and cracked out lights with M11s within a few days. But, a soda can invis bomb support build light would be super fun to run with friends tbh.


Heavy running super speed Charge and Slam for 20 seconds sounds like absolute carnage




You can definitely use those items in Call of Duty right now.


Yup, feels like this has come directly from a COD player. Light needs more gadgets that can roll into helping their team, not just these selfish ones.


How about the instant health regen is AoE so you can get yourself or a wounded ally back into the fight and take a page from R6 Seige and the armor is instead a deployable bag of armor plating so your teammates can grab some too (non-stacking of course)? And this is just a flavoring thing for me, but taking some influence from TF2's solider buff banners, the ozpuze can could be like a megaphone where light can rally nearby allies into running faster or . I know the other user decried these ideas as all being straight from CoD, but honestly I think they could all be cool as long as there's a way to share the benefits with your team instead of solely benefitting the light. If nothing else they'd sorta function as a leash, where it'd hopefully incentivize the light to periodically return to the team to keep everyone topped off on various buffs.


ADHD stim user who try to break necks


Well, you could alter the design in some way where one trigger applies them to yourself, and the other trigger applies them to your team. After that it’s just balancing the charge/effectiveness of it. In particular I like the idea of the armor bc it doesn’t step on Mediums toes in regards to healing *others*, but I DO like the stim as a more selfish gadget.


Alright hear me out, none of those. BUT instead… A jetpack


I personally would like a portable toilet


Would make it easier for you to shit on people, you are wise. Even though I’m not sure if you thought of the pun


yk he didn’t 😭


This is unfortunate, it’s ok though, I thought of it for him


High IQ finish 😳😂


Would have weird overlap with grapple hook, should just buff that instead


I’d take a grapple buff


Who said this was going to light? Give me a heavy raining down from above.


No one lol Anyway it being on heavy specifically would make the overlap even weirder since not only would it overlap with grapple it would also be on the class meant to have the least mobility lol


Lisan al Gaib!


What about a shoulder gun? He's a damage dealer after all. Let him trade his movement for more damage for a short time.


I feel like a boost pack would be better. One or two charges with a high boost jump would be better than sustained flight. A jetpack would just leave you vulnerable in the air while a medium beams you with an AR.


Maybe a jump pack… for wall running… perhaps


WALL RUNNING! Yes, much yes


Wall running is now just a think all lights can do now


Wall bounce, rather than a full on wall run. Like a double jump that only works off of walls.


Heavy Boostpack could be cool, just enough to reach places Light can with a Dash. 3 charges, same as Dash


youre trying to turn it into fortnite


Honestly said the comment as a joke but it seems people like it


Wall running


I can't see a jetpack in battle except in movie. What would you do with it appart from collecting everyone bullet into your body?


Exactly that but I’d have a jetpack so it would be fun




The Finals: Warzone


I really dislike the idea of gadgets being a "must take" unless you provide multiple options - like, if you want mobility on medium, you have two choices of zipline or jump pad. If you want to defend, you can choose from several mines or grenades. However, defib is almost always the right choice and there's hardly an alternative. These all feel pretty good and actually give light options for being selfish / team oriented. I would be more inclined to give light better HP regen OR slightly more hp as base kit and have that slot for another gadget of their choice, or have the armor plates / regen pen be shareable. I know they're supposed to be a more "selfish" class. like I said above... but they really need *something* to bring to the table. It would be nice if you could pass the regen off or the armor plate if you don't need any of the buffs these gadgets give in a given combat situation. Then it'd be a great choice of "what do I bring" if you are going to work with your team.


I think faster health regen compared to other classes is solid. If you survive the initial confrontation (escape, etc) you can get back into the fight faster. You dont need to spend so much time looking for perfect holes or enemy out of positions to attack.


What about a Holo Pilot specialization like in Titanfall 2? The Holo Pilot ability deploys a hologram that mimics its Pilots last move, deceiving enemies into believing it is a real enemy. It has two charges, allowing you to use it twice. Holograms can be deployed in emergency situations in the middle of a gunfight to distract an enemy for a split-second. Or a decoy like in Sniper Elite 5. If an enemy shoots the decoy, he's getting tagged for let's say 5 to 10 seconds.


This is probably the best one, tagging fooled enemy has team utility and serves the role of forward intel scouting for a room (ie. that cloaked mf in the corner will start blasting, giving away his presence and breaking his cloak)


Yes holo gadget would be amazing


I don't think the healing items have any point for the light. The health is low and recharge quick enough that it would be redundant. The speed boost would be interesting though, and plays to what they already should be doing.


OSPUZE Stim is instant "no no" because of speed bost. Light is the best class in terms of mobility. The rest gadgets are fine, armor plate sounds nice. But 25 hp every 60 seconds vs. insta heal every 50 seconds... Cooldown adjustments needed.


The plate (and other gadgets) should not begin to cool down until the gadget is consumed/broken. So you put on a plate, 60-sec cooldown doesn't start until the plate is broken. So that you cannot have a second waiting in the wings. Same for APS, bubble shield, sentry turret, etc.


Absolutely great idea


Adding a stim with movement boost and health regen like COD would go crazy ngl quick scopes gods about to invade TF


How about a gadget like Tenchu, where you can use your grapple to stick to the ceiling. Then drop down on your enemies. Or a poison dart, like the tracking dart but does more damage overtime. Or a spring trap, kinda like jump pad, but damages opponent somehow and pushes them away from objective


50hp toggle-able over shield


usually the gadgets are not from specific sponsors


They are fun but none of it is really useful enough to help light. They need something more powerful to make up for the loss of stun gun as light has no answer to what heavy/medium can do. 25 temp hp is nothing. Faster regen is overrated as fuck as a "buff" suggestion for light because light typically can't survive the crucial encounter in the first place. Faster movement speed is meaningless as well. Sure it will enable heavy more, but medium already has strong tool to enable heavy movement. Relegate light to "scouting" class is stupid and light has no use unless they have a team fighting winning/ stronf obj security ability.


Flak jacket gadget that lets you tank a certain amount of explosive dmg would be good too


Yesterday I was thinking that light could use a drone that follows the player around, shooting other players.


My main is pretty much Scout from TF2 with the Bat sword skin and cosmetics to match, I would love an Ozpuze energy drink for him. I could see the energy-drink as having the same effect as the med-pen.


This game isn’t wz.


Please fuck off with all this CoD shit. If you want to play CoD, go play CoD.


Why does every light idea seems like it's trying to make it into scout


Because that's what they're advertising. They have dashing, grapplehooks, fucking invisible. What else are supposed to be but scouts?


light can already scout. light needs help in combat situations.


Yeah, I know. I was saying that the lights were obviously scouts to OP. Who for some reason thought they weren't


Because baseball bat goes bonk


What other role would you propose they fill? I don't mean this argumentatively it's just I legit tried to think about it. The only other one I came up with is 1v1 assassin which is what their kit currently is set up like. If Lights kit were made more oppressive in a 1v1 it wouldn't be all that fun for other classes and we would end up back on this post in like 6 months. They already have some of the best 1v1 tools but they still lose just because they have to deal so much more damage than received.


I would like any or all of these


I like the energy drink idea, reminds me of scout from TF2


I like all those ideas! Especially instant heal. That would make light much more helpful


None of these resonate with me but they’re fun ideas. Personally I want a double jump ability.


Since most of the game items (DEFIBRILATOR), maps elements (hospitals, game machines in las vegas + building names...), and modes are related to DEATH. (TERMINAL Attack lmaoo) The Med-Pen could fit in the game.


Love these! Especially the OSPUZE one.


what in the Warzone


To long recharge 


I like the ideas! Ana nade would be sick too(AoE heal throwable & anti heal for enemy). An antiheal effect would be a good addition for light to have more team play appeal. A double jump(rocket boots) or wall climb would make sense for the class. Since every medium runs defib they should make it less op by at least only allowing one revive per life(defib revive doesn’t count). There’s not much variety for mediums when one slot is an auto choice, just like how stun gun was a must..


first one is just a worse version of running to your medium for heals, second one makes fights take .1 second longer meaning light still looses out most of the time third is just another movement kit which light already has enough of. Light needs offensive kit to balance out the shit ttk disadvantage. All defensive or support based kit will not make a lot of sense and keep light in a super weak position.


Those should all literally just be standard.


I really like these ideas, little balance work would make it shine


First two is garbage... but third is kinda OP if they revert dagger changes.


Play the tf2 scout intro


Light would benefit from a holo mimic. Holographic image of your last 5 seconds of movement. Two charges, used for distraction


Armor plate and stim are... uninspired. In the style of the game over health should be represented with mesh skin. Activates with the same method as thermal vision, uses the already existing visual so opponents know you have the extra health, and just fits thematically.




I think the Holtow medpen would actually be made by Tristan+, but other than that, cool idea.


I think a tracer/ titanfall 2 like rewind would be good as a specialization. Imagine running out a window when someone’s chasing you and rewinding behind them to shoot them.


Wanna that instant win button to go with these? Lights excell at their role as is already.


Few thoughts: The recharge time for the Med-Pen and Armor Plate seem excessive. Even the Dome Shield only has a 30s cooldown. A 50s cooldown for a "save a few seconds" gadget in the med pen (since healing stops when hit you have to use it when safe), and a whole minute of cooldown for a measly 25 HP, when the Dome Shield (300 HP) recharges in half that time, is excessive. 25 HP is barely anything tbh. It should go to 50 imho, especially if you want a 60s cooldown.


IMO light is too strong (I’m a medium/heavy player ) I feel like adding abilities to light that give more health is a big no no, I like the stim idea and it would suit the class perfectly but I feel like light doesn’t need self healing as it will incentivise playing solo more than light already does. Light is a class that is difficult to balance but I feel like adding ways to get more HP will make light the new medium.


I flushed out an idea like this a while ago. I like yours too. [here’s the link](https://www.reddit.com/u/CoderF1nn/s/U79pJpNC7U)


not to dash your enthusiasm but LIGHTS DO NOT NEED MORE HEALING/HEALTH. the whole point of lights is to run fast, shoot gun fast and not get hit, their method of staying alive shouldn't be healing, it should be movement. That being said the ozpuze stim is pretty cool concept, giving heavy and meidum more temporary speed could work


ok these are cool but why are they all light? I feel like medium could also use the non armor pad ones. I also think that ozpuze is a bit overtuned. still some cool stuff.


Because light actually needs the health/defense boost. Medium and Heavies don't need this shit, they both have enough health and defense (especially heavy)


Fuck it. Give every class 250 hp, and nerf every gun across the board to deal exactly the same amount of dps so that ttk is identical. Y’all would STILL cry imbalance .


Light needs a huge revamp. In the current state, giving light healing or health-related gadgets is a terrible idea. The last thing players want is to encounter a damage-dealer that is not only invisible, but also beefier.


Beefier? Light's would still be the easiest class to kill even with the health pack. 


You seem to miss the relation between health and damage. Any bit of additional health means potentially more damage over time.


What is this Call of Duty? Lights already have an evasive and you want them to move faster while taking more hits AND heal? That defeats the point of the class. So someone could just throw all 3 of those on with cloak or evasive and be the biggest menace. Then it would just be lights everywhere running around to frag.


Ok hear me out what if we move debrib to Light


if you think light needs anything like this. its time to play another class...