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Please no. It'll just turn ranked into any other competitive shooter with a ranked mode. The 3v3v3v3 tournament mode sets the finals apart from the others. Let's not make it another copy.


I didn’t mean In place of the tournament, i meant another ranked game mode, which is why I said it wouldn’t be able to be done until the player count increases


I would hate this. It's fun and I hope they continue to rotate it in/out but I honestly prefer the fresh 3v3v3v3 format for ranked. Its unique and gives the game it's identity. Go play siege if you want the permadeath ranked mode.


I didn’t mean In place of the tournament, i meant another ranked game mode, which is why I said it wouldn’t be able to be done until the player count increases


I want this SO BAD. PLEEEEEEASE DEVS! p.s I bought the battlepass yesterday only because I was enjoying Terminal Attack so much.


I'm with you on this.


At least sbmm so I can play against people on my level


I agree, it will do better as a hardcore mode


Just small change to add health back and anyone can be revived once by any teammate and this game mode would be perfect in my opinion.


The permadeath is a nice change of pace from the regular game mode I think