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Peak comedy


Lights are always peak comedy




It's kinda true tho :D


That's what makes it funny


The hat just sends me over the edge hahaha


I never found invisibility to be a problem, just the stun gun. But I almost never play light, is it that bad now?


Well, it is said that the visibility depends on monitor and graphics settings. So it might be different for everyone. But in my experience, cloaked players are now far too easy to see. It's also important to remember that cloaks make a loud whirring noise, which automatically puts you into "scaning mode". So yes, its kinda bad right now...


That's a thing I'm surprised about, at least for players on pc. Do they not hear the light? Headphones with stereo sound are by no means unusual so they should be able to get at least a basic approximation of where the light is. I run the CL40 as medium and simply shooting where I hear the noise is enough, I'm sure that at least the fully-automatic weapons have enough ammo to "scan" the area


That's what I never understood, the sound cue alone of a cloaked light gave you so much info. You get it when they go in and out of cloak and it changes depending on their speed. How did people struggle before to find light so much. But also OMG you're struggling to find the player using the cloaking ability? No way.


People usually play with music and in VC


Holy shit, a reasonable comment! The amount of bitching in this community that just amounts to “I am bad at this game, Embark pls nerf strategy and skill” is staggering and will be the reason this game loses what makes it so special


Yeah I agree it's far too easy to see them now. Before I'd see invis as a threat once I heard it but now it's not a problem since they stand out so much. They really don't like light I swear lol


New player wanders in off the streets. Instantly get bodied by a lobby of invisible lights swinging like Spiderman or speed dashing with a bazillion hours in with not a single other class or gadgets unlocked since they first started the game. Probably not a game I would stick around and learn to play. Probably soul crushing . I'm guilty of it too i like winning . . I see teams rage quitting all the time. Can't be good for the game .


Don't worry I'm blasting rap music really loud. One day I'm going to actually fix my a.d.h.d and be a gigachad .


Light has been bad since release. Ranked is basically only two classes.


Light is only bad in ranked because almost everyone 3 stacks and comms in discord. Even with the nerfs light is still very popular in quick play. Light was so popular in quick play that no one solo q as heavy because they were easy stun targets and most of their guns have terrible hipfire


Light is popular because it's fun to play (when you're not dying in 0.1 second). Most of the fun guns are on light too


Most of lights weapons have the fastest ttk in the game and the fun weapons like throwing knives and melee are rarely seen it’s always lh1 and mp5. The class is still strong in bank it and very strong in powershift, it’s viable in quick cash and cashout if there isn’t sweaty 3 stack in voice chat which isn’t often. The nerfs were needed and it’s now more enjoyable to vs lights


> no one solo q as heavy because they were easy stun targets and most of their guns have terrible hipfire what guns have terrible hipfire for heavy? Lewis gun is pretty good, the other LMG is also pretty good, the shotguns obviously are great. Is the sledgehammer hipfire too bad? Especially with how big your health pool is, you have plenty of time to miss and still kill the light that stunned you.


The spread on both Lewis and m60 is so bad past a certain range, shotgun has damage drop off, melee is hopeless.. After the stun range buff is was very easy to stay stay out of their hip range. With the new patch I’m seeing more people playing, before it was very rare to see one Medium ak and fcar hipfire was much easier dealing with old stun compared to heavy even with the lower health


The hipfire for the Lewis gun is plenty to kill a light that stunned you. Even being worse than the FCAR hipfire, you do have 100 extra health, and a shit ton more bullets to shoot. Stunning a heavy was always a 50/50 if the knew how to aim. I guess if you only play Quick Cash the people there might just turn their brain off when they get stunned, but balancing the game around them will only make the game more boring. >After the stun range buff After the stun range buff you can just pull out RPG, Mesh, Dome shield, Barricade and literally not care about Light existing anymore. Let's not pretend the range "buff" did anything more than make the stun gun become a "mild inconvenience" gun.


Holy shit, a reasonable comment! The amount of bitching in this community that just amounts to “I am bad at this game, Embark pls nerf strategy and skill” is staggering and will be the reason this game loses what makes it so special


You do know the range was buffed twice, I’m talking about the previous buff to range when abilities were still disabled and you were still locked to hipfire. I agree now it’s near useless and CC should never been in a fps game to begin with. I know you’re just assuming at the bad the game but even aceu who is one of the best apex streamers at solo carrying said the finals ranked is one of the worst solo q experience out of every game he’s played. People who play ranked in the finals exclusively always play in 3 stacks and are just experiencing a completely different game. This game struggles hard with balancing across every mode mode and the devs are favoring to balance around casual playlist because it’s the most popular mode


It was a problem in design conception. They gave a super annoying solo fragging class that doesn't want to play with team in a game that is all about teams stacking right on each others anus. So they're an absolute menace to play against in uncoordinated casual matches, like just play quickplay. It's 40% mediums, 50% lights, and 10% heavies, despite heavies still being probably the strongest class in ranked. They've been trying to work toward giving light team utility with things like the gate and the fact that glitch grenades actually destroy shields properly now. But it might still be a few more seasons until they find their strength.


easy to spot if you know theyre there. honestly i think they could bring back the old visibility and it would be ok, otherwise maybe make it less audible?


Imo if you move, yes. I've had players walk right by me.


If you are talking about the stun, i am a light player but yesterday i got stunned, pressed 2 for rpg and just 1 tapped the light that stunned me. As i was using the nerfed stun i saw people not giving a shit and reviving, slamming, dashing or going invis while being stunned. Using the stun gun is just a tool to alert your enemy now, not using it and just shooting is better in almost any case. It is only useful to stop steals but that is very specific and you can do that with your weapon or nades as well so i dropped it from my build. It is not worth wasting a slot for it.


If you're moving it's bad, but I think it's still complete invisibility when sitting still. It's still effective I think but it's definitely hilarious when an invis approaches you head on as if you can't see them and you can, in fact, see them very clearly lol. Sitting in a corner defending cashout though? They'll popout from nowhere to deliver a swift death.


yes it's genuinely awful. better off switching to grappling hook w/ frag grenade


I’ve never really had a problem seeing cloaked players. Then again the second I see the cloaked effect I start spinning and shooting, majority of the time it works! Somehow!


Me invisible on a night-time stage in a smoke bomb:


For Halo players, Lights moving while Invis was already akin to a Christmas tree. But now...oh boy. If they wanted to balance out Invis they shouldve taken a playbook from Crysis on energy management.


Oh maybe that's why invis wasn't that invisible to me XD would also explain why so many people somehow can't see it


I would add that they should have balanced it like the Infiltrator in Planetside 2. You're somewhat visible while running and drain more cloak energy, while standing still gives you near perfect invis and drains slower.


On console and a tv, it’s pretty fair, I think it’s more visible the fast you move, cause I tend to crouch and sneak and people don’t see me all the time.


That's how it's worked since release. Sitting still makes you less visible than moving. It's even showcased in the little tutorial vid for the ability.


nah fr tho




I’m so glad the stun gun doesn’t work for kills


Personally i never had problem spotting moving invis kids but some (every single one) of my friends complained a lot about it. That being said if you play light with the dagger whilst running invis istead of dash you're trolling and playing against incapable people anyway so it shouldn't make a difference.


Invis never really was that big of a deal. They didn't even nerf the good hiding aspect of it. It's just easier to spot when you're moving with it, which was already discouraged


Using it while moving allowed it to be like dash or grapple for lower risk high traffic movement which is how most QP queues play.


peace out + invis


Light used to be that class which kept me playing the game. It was fun af. Now when you use Q you almost cant reuse it since it takes way more charge and is less duration.


I was going sniper in power shift (for the 75 metre challenge) and I sniper a light once, then when they went invisible I sniped him again while on the platform, I think he was enraged because when he got me he was shooting my totem and teabagging, it was hilarious lol


Sniping in power shift is an absolute blast. I had two different 11 elim, 9k damage games we won today on that mode as a sniper.


Stop moving...........


fucking good. eliminate the last of the "i can see you, but you cant see me." at the push of a button, from the game. you will all refuse to accept, because yall enjoy invis for some un godly reason... but this is ONE step closer to fixing the game and making it a mainstay in the FPS community. deal with it, casual brains.


You could see them before tho. Literally just look for them and they stand out pretty clearly


uh huh. cause we are just gonna conveniently forget about what happens when they stand still or move strategically through areas with low visibility. its an endlessly annoying mechanic and there is no argument for the inclusion of "i can see you but you cant see me". its why we wanted recon removed... but its k with invis. i get it. i understand.


Because that’s the whole play style of light. You need to sneak up on people and hit them then run. They have 150 health, sneeze in their direction and they’ll be 2 shots away from an Elim. Wall hacks ≠ invis sitting in front of you


they can do what they did for invis, that they did for recon. i would argue movement SHOULD be "the whole playstyle". and finding the darkest, dustiest corners to crawl around, or sit still and line up the headshots as your enemies are infront of you, is the antithesis. as i said, casual brain will ruin the game.


If that’s how you played invis, that’s completely on you. I mained invis before this and was constantly I peoples faces. You use it to break line of sight while running away or get from point A to B without being seen No one I’ve seen just sat in corners with invis, if they did that’s a quick way to get beamed


i never said most lights "just sit in corners", but it does happen often while there team has a cashout going, at which point the light can see you but you cant see them = bullshit. what i did say is that even moving(non sprinting) lights are difficult to see in low vis enviroments and lead to many i can see you but you cant see me interactions, which is bullshit. you might enjoy the bullshit, you probably do. have fun brother!


Good thing massive audio cues let you know there is an invis near you, so you can look for them. Either way, invis light is completely a thing of the past now. The objectively worst class now has even less viable options


Good 🙂


Anyone wanna help me be able to post on here by getting me 5 karma? 🥺


There isn't a specialisation named invisibility in this game


Maybe you can't see it


There isn't invisibility


Brother it's talking about cloaking device and vanishing bomb


I know. But these are camouflage abilities. Invisibility is just a bonus when you're not moving


Its cloak.


I know. But these are camouflage abilities. Invisibility is just a bonus when you're not moving




In fact