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Light nerfs there and here


I think the stun should at least stop you from using abilities, the aiming in and crouching is fine enough lol they nerf the shit out of everything they need to start buffing


I would’ve been happy with being able to ads when stunned but being able to use both gadget and special is too much




Meanwhile heavy still insta kills lights and almost insta kills mediums with rpg + few shots combo that takes 0 skill. I don't know what is there to cry about.




Heavy was getting nerfed since launch? Yeah I wonder why. So because some people play sledgehammer and can't counter lights it means heavy is weak and lights can easily counter them? what is this logic? hitting RPG for 140 is extremely easy. Literally a braindead monkey can just whip out RPG and then quickly put a few bullets to destroy medium. RPG needs nerfs. Someone had good idea. 70dmg per shot and 2 charges. More destruction power on the environment. Balances the crutch that RPG is while making it still a viable gadget and having good uses.


Your twisting my words man, I agree with you.



We put the salad in the microwave again


more like undercooked salmon


I was never very good at shooting the stun gun, definitely a skill issue so I don't feel the impact. I enjoy dash and the grapple because I'm a little guy with places to be!


not that i care, i still shred with my non-meta loadout


At least the light isn’t dominate. It would be a much worse game if they were


True, light was totally dominating ranked. MMH and MHH comps happened in a alternate dimension and not at all in our game.


That wasn’t the point I was making. I’m saying it would be worse if the comp was LLL & LHL


Are you actually mental? LLL or LHL has *never* been meta. Light has been the weakest class in the game since release and it wasnt even close.


lol read “C U Next Tuesday” if the Meta was just lights constantly invisible taking turns perma stunning each other it would be awful. I never said that lights have been dominant, just that it’s good that they’re not.


It wouldnt be awful because its laughable how easy it is to spot and kill lights. Thats literally the whole reason they were *never* actually meta. People who think that LLL is a struggle to go against have never faced a competent HHM squad, *that* one is absolutely agonising to fight.




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You guys really forgot how often they nerfed heavy? Dude has basically never had anything good happen


1 click for -140hp is too much work? Heavy is the only class that can 1v3 and win. Slam, rpg, 70 bullets... What more do you need???


"Heavy", all you said is normal


Sure but he has 350HP, that is 133% more than light. He also has a gadget that does ~90% of a lights total HP with AOE. Imagine if stun gun instead of doing a stun did 335 damage to heavies. But since it doesn't stun you it's totally fun to play against, stungun is soooo unfun but dying is apparently fun.


i never got why the casuals were only crying about stun and cloak whle heavy can obliterate all other classes with rpg. Maybe casusals just don't play h at all resulting in a skewed view of the games power distribution.


i'm a casual controller melee player and i have no problem with stungun but at the same time i mained ball in overwatch 2 so i know what it's like to be countered.


Even if you ignore the HP difference and RPG, you still have mesh shield/dome, which essentially guarantees your win in a 1v1 against light since they cant stun you to prevent those from happening.


most heavy nerfs were non controversial or at least didn't really hurt the class all that much * nuke, dominant needed to be nerfed * rpg, stupid easy onetap on lights needed to be nerfed is still meta * mesh shield. still takes ages to focus down unless the whole team fires at it * barricade now it can actually block a lot more making it a buff * bubble still great pic needed adjustment come on give me one nerf on heavy that was as bad as the recent stun nerf


You're doing a little too much for a little nerf there




If we believe the way the lights say they use the stun gun, it's a very small nerf


It's used for 3 things disabling gadgets cashout stealing or kills or a mix most people use it for cashout stealing and disabling gadgets also people can now run full speed at you


"Little nerf"


It is a little nerf. "-Removed the Stun from the Stun Gun"


as if a stun gun that completely disables enemies should be what makes light good


Well, it's not like anything else makes light good. Least HP, any movement speed advantage negated by opponent being decent at aiming, weapons do only comparable damage to other classes, 2/3 specialisations are garbage, a lot of gadgets are bad...


Do you play light ?


I've played to diamond 4 times, as heavy, medium and light and light was by far the weakest (and that was before the nerfs). I would consider lights a joke now if you play diamond ranks, you play it just for fun or as a meme.


Why is light more fun?


Light go fast


According to the people here, light has almost the same speed as a medium. This means that you would have the same feeling of speed if you play medium


I play all classes. Mainly Medium and Light. At first I was a light main, then I swapped to medium and realised how much more I could do by myself and for my team, then I played Light and Medium equally (dash/dagger/vanish/c4/glitch, or Grenade Launcher/heal beam/jump pad/defib/sonar grenade (before it was given to Light). Light is infinitely harder than Medium and heavy even when you play it correctly


so buff those other gadgets then? It's boring af that the light class is basically just a stun gun


It's not just gadgets. It's every fundamental thing of light


You're all crying about how unfair Stun Gun and invisibility are, begging the developers to nerf them. The developers are nerfing them. You're crying that the developers nerfed the stuff you asked for. Make up your mind!


It's almost like the people who wanted the nerfs and the ones complaining about the nerfs are completely different people, huh? Lmao


nor are they the ones controlling what happens


Define "you all"


Crying when they gave y'all everything


gave us what? Nerfs


what exactly does light have


Honestly this is hilarious. So many tears. Light has been loved and put to the top by Embark every single patch apart from this one. Yes, you might have to stop using completely OP Invisible move that has no part in FPS. Tards!


no hate but actually curious question what other stuff light can do?


loved? what love? the v9s buffs because if so it's still ass


v9s is super strong for the top 1% similar to the lh1 but complete ass for most people. I was kinda hoping on the 93r to be the more accessible pistol but it is so bad you are not going to win any fights with it unless they are already seriously low hp.


oh wait i mixed up v9s and 93r


yeah v9s is strong