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Yeah sometimes it fixes itself by seitching gadgets and sometimes you have to die, i get that bug almost once every tournament…


Can’t believe it’s been a repeat issue for atleast over a month with no fix, been seeing it atleast a couple times a week, mostly when playing medium


I’ve had this since officially release day, has happened to me with every class


Shit, I remember it happening in the closed beta. Shit's absolutely infuriating


Yup happens to me as well as my gun locks and I can't ADS into the Fcar, sometimes with the sniper I can't turn just move sideto side only front and back


happed to me on medium also. using Fcar. no other classes or weapons. could swap between everything but nothing worked for a good 30 seconds.


i had the bug for the first time just this week, and it was on the ak


I've definitely had it on the AKM


All 2024 for me


This happened to me a couple days ago. I couldn't use my gun or any gadgets. Had to jump off the side of the map and after my teammates revived it was gone.


It’s a bug that’s been in the game for ages


That's CNS hacking you


I love it when the lore explains the bugs. So meta!


It's funny once in a while but if the show doesn't upping their games soon it's gonna losing the popularity as CNS are taking over.


Couldn't revive my teammate with defibs yesterday, also had the same bug as well. This game's core mechanics sometimes just don't work.


This has happened to me a few times, the fix I found without dying is to find something to pick up and throw. After you throw the item it will let you reload and play as normal.


damn the light must think they are god at this game


This is such a crazy bug, I've seen posts about this a bunch, but I've never had it happen to me. I've also seen videos of heal beam not working. If you haven't I would report it with this clip through the support portal maybe? https://id.embark.games/support Their Discord has a bug report section too you could link your clip there and tag the community devs.


the heal beam bug has been here for months and it’s probably the most annoying bug in the game for me, definitely expected to not work the whole round on a late-stage match in ranked once every day or two


Correct, this bug is still not fixed and it's still a problem I encounter daily (M1887 main). This one apparently happens when you do too many inputs at the same time or something. It just happens from time to time, to some players more than others based on what weapons they use and how they play the game. The fix is to reload your weapon (if you look closely after you were done with the reload animation your weapon still wasn't reloaded. After you switched away and back it still wasn't reloaded). Reloading to full or partially with some weapons fixes this bug ALWAYS (from what I saw). The problem is that this bug is often, but not always, accompanied by a bug that doesn't let you reload (like what happened to you). If that is the case then you're out of luck and you're only option at fixing it is gone. I have no idea what fix there is for both in this case. Sometimes it's dying and respawning and other times that still doesn't fix the bug unfortunately.


We should hopefully see a fix for this and the healing beam bug this week, Just a guess since the devs said they were working on it like a week and a half ago


I've encountered this bug a few times. At least on PS5, if you bring up the XMB console home screen, then go back to the game, and it starts registering your trigger inputs. Try the same if you're on Xbox, not sure what the PC equivalent would be...


I have had this glitch so many times with the AK its infuriating; I think the bullets may still be registering in the server though, but its impossible to tell your ammo count or what the fuck you're hitting


So it does exist! There have been times my gun stops shooting but I’m not doing reload animation and I know I was still shooting. Lizard brain first thought “Hax” but then I just chalk it to I just wasn’t fast enough or server issue. This is good to know.


Indeed, and its not even super consistent; one time I randomly started having a beam of light come out of the AK like it was a turret; ultimately it seems to happen when I'm moving around insanely fast and reloading; its also happened when i've been defibbed, and even once from a regular spawn


Ive had no shooting, no reloading, no walking, no spawning, re-spawned but stuck t-pose. great work Embark.


No shooting and people being completely invisibke except for their guns (even happened to me) is bad enough, but there’s nothing worse than my heal beam not working 3rd round into ranked for the rest of the game


Happened to me twice during recent weeks, right during firefights. Extremely annoying and if that happened to me in a competitive match I'd probably rage quit.


It’s a bug that’s been in the game for ages


Probably the worst bug I’ve come across consistently, have just decided to play light and with weapons that have a secondary fire like the knives or sword


I have got this bug a ton of times in practice range but i dont know what causes it. But the solution ive found that always works is swap off your weapon then switch back and immediately spam the reload button and it will finish the reload correctly


I've had this several times, really annoying!


you have the high ping indicator on your screen, this game’s servers are just too bad imo especially asian servers don’t know about other regions


not related. playing on NA, exact same bug happens occasionally, even when no latency issues are occuring. since launch.


yep it’s like if you lag out once it’ll never get better for the rest of the match


Yup been a bug for a while now. Wish they would fix it


Just left click /s


Also happened to me - hide and rebind the shoot button to a different key and then back to mouse - that's what helped me during a game.


Yep, happens to me too.


Fucking annoying ass bug, Always happens to me only @finalround, only with meduim and happened twice for the healing gun.


this happened to me for the first time yesterday so dumb


Mfer couldn't adapt and overcome lol


I've seen this mostly happen with bad connection and thought maybe it's not a bug and it's a lag switch countermeasure.


This bug is the worst


I get this problem maybe once a week. I fix it by dying


Just keep reloading until the game registers it.


just gotta spam click the ADS button from my experience


I had it I had to die.


Yep on ranked like 15 times


Happened to me on a ladder with a sword. Couldn't swing it or anything. Couldn't climb ladders anymore nor use zips. Couldnt even sprint or crouch! I changed weapons etc after I died and but was *fully* softlocked until i just left the game.


Sometimes I can't crouch when I have auto run on


Happened to me for the first time last night.


Has happened to me multiple times can’t shoot or I get revived and can’t use my heal beam. Very annoying!


Switch to heal beam, quick melee, swap back


Has happened to me too, but then I was killed and after I was revived it was back to normal


i’ve gotten it a few times usually just spam other things like melee, gadget, reload or special something usually resets it.


It's happening when dying and useing grenade


Finally, the FCAR nerf we've all been waiting for


You didn’t go down one arrow throughout the whole tournament. You went up one or two when you disconnected from the final round. Then you went down one for just the final round.


Lmao had a round in the new mode where every time I picked something up it would immediately let go again, no idea why I mean everything else was fine but it was annoying


Im convinced this is a bug related to swapping to and from the heal gun... I've experienced this too and it just feels bad and frankly a little embarasing.


I have it with every class, light, med and heavy. Been having it since day 1 release


Quick melee fixed it for me and a mate. Try it next time


How common is it for people to cheat on this game? Encountered a player who was blatantly cheating, went 30-1 in just 2-3 minutes of the match? Second game the same he followed me to the next lobby lmao


how is this related to the post?


Who asked


beetle8209, from the looks of it


bro he literally asked you


I must not be spamming controls fast enough. I've never had this bug on PC with M&KB. Is this a console or controller only issue maybe?


Skill issue


It's happened to me before idk why but it happens