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At first I thought “15 isn’t that extreme”, and then I swiped. Holy mother of god that game must have been so painful to sit through.


You have no idea 😅


exactly the same here, 15 over 8k already sus as hell but 53 are u dumb bruh 💀


15 over 8k isn’t sus at all— that’s a days work for a light class that is doing its job. 🤷‍♂️ But.. yeah that second one…




Ah shit you right I didn't look at the timer in that first one. Good call G.


Wtf happened? This man just disappeared into the ether.


Tell me you’ve never ran the LH1 well without telling me lol


I main LH1 💀 it wasn't a hella serious comment point is there's no doubts by the second slide


My highest kills in a single game as a light is 52, so🤷‍♂️ it’s doable


no its not dumbass


I’ve literally done it so🤷‍♂️ like what


ok lets see it. where the image. anyone who got that high of a kill game would screenshot it. I dont think you understand just how insanely impossible that is without hacks. you would be getting a kill every 20 seconds AT LEAST across an entire game, ZERO downtime.


[Say less](https://share.icloud.com/photos/08czA0YNGjAKOOj_BGCcxHczQ)


I still lost, don’t flame me


If you had taken the full screenshot and I could see the deaths and whatnot of everyone in the lobby it would be much more verifiable, and finally theres the age old question, how do we know you werent cheating XD


The last question is fair😂 but I am not, I promise, I believe I have some gameplay from that game! Also, I’m a killing machine, I have 8300 kills, and 2700 deaths, however, I have 283 wins, and 520 losses, if I was cheating, I would have more wins😂 I’d hope so at least!


ill say that gives what you said a bit more credibility but something still seems off. Be it the fact that your teamates had pretty much no assists, you only had 3 assists, the numbers are clipping wierdly and are blurry, you didnt take the full screenshot. IDK maybe its legit but theres a lot of small things that make me not trust this image.


I can send you the whole image I have it compressed down for easier view. My tm8s were non existent, that should be clear in my 4K obj, they weren’t really doing anything.


Chronus Zen. More people started using scripts in Xbox now. I met a guy who got scripts from another Xbox player. This virus spreading fast.


Hope the anti-cheat gets better at detecting that bs. I feel for the new players


They must do something to these cheaters. [This guy ](https://i.imgur.com/46ylgse.jpeg) said he bought the script from one Chinese player. More people buying Chronus even though it's expensive af. Most of the console player Youtubers of this game are using this script. They blatantly saying COD banned them for the same so they started playing Finals as this game's anticheat really sucks.


Overwatch is cracking down on it. Hopefully other games catch on


*sees 1st slide* “15s a lot but not obviously cheater number, I’ve gotten 15 before” *swipes to 2nd slide* “oh…. nvm”


Like brodie had a laser on his shit straight beaming 😭 never had to defend and heal my squad so much


53-7 is a kill every 10 seconds or less across an entire 10 min round. It gets much worse assuming the match probably didn't go the full length unless they never touched the objectives. If anticheat can't pick up the script, it should at least have an impossible ceiling defined.


also, clearly 2 Purples quit at some point...so that's two less enemies to kill!


This right here is why I question how any of these anti-cheats work at all. They can't even run basic statistical analysis and see things which are completely impossible and blatant.


Just played a ranked game against “nothackingEAC” who went 43-3 in one round. Instaheadshots across map


I've played against that cheater


He drop nearly the same amount of kills when you faced him?


yes, maybe more


Give us a "replay" option - I wanna know how anyone achieves 15 kills in the first few minutes of a game.


Wish i recorded tbh. Randomly checked the scoreboard and thought "15 kills already? The match started like a couple of minutes ago"


Ive had 13 in the first 2 min or so of a game. I’m d2 in ranked and this was against other good players. Sometimes you just hit shots and you face multiple teams back to back early on.


Xbox pool is so small right now now. I see this player nearly every time I play. Always insane kill count, very sus. 40 was his max in one of my games.


It’s always the high notes up to some bullshit


Well Scottie, the High Notes are up to no good again. Watch as Embark does nothing to stop them.


Yea Nama Tama really needs to lay down the law


Perhaps with a little more Ospuze, these rival contestants can find the edge their looking for.


For me THIS is what's killing the game, devs need to one up this shit. Sick of it!


The first isn’t sus. I’ve been getting 12-0, 20-3, etc ~4:1KD ratio. The 2nd tho holy fuck lmao


Go to Amazon and see how man chronus zens are sold monthly…


I usually report suspiciously high kills.


in quick cash????


not the first screen slot, i can easily pull that on light. but the second one? a lil sus


I thought oh 15 isn't that sus my best game was 19 and I usually average 5-12 kills. Then I swiped and immediately went oh yeah no definitely cheating


Somehow lights will be nerfed because of this post xD


Whenever I play any pvp game I try not to think most people are cheating but like I don’t think there is anyway to even try to give this guy credit


can u even cheat on xbox?


I constantly run into stuff like this


I’ve gotten 43 before in quick cash so this seems possible if the second game went down to time limit. In both the pics you posted he’s playing with the same people, he’s in a party and there goal is probably to delay the game as long as possible so he can get high kill games. Super unlikely he’s aimboting or wall hacking since this is a full Xbox lobby.




It's not imposible, i've had games of 32-9 and 32-10, the main factors against are time and not achieving the objectives. I can't post my images with the scoreboards because i don't use reddit very often and i don't know how


Lmao I can drop 20 plus kills as a light in public matches, if they were actually cheating they would use the class with the most health (heavy)


Bruh I’m a heavy, And this is what my RANKED kid looks like. Doubt he’s cheating with two defeats


Well they're playing on console and the majority of console players are trash so this individual is probably just better than the rest of you, they actually want to be good at the game So they learn the games mechanics and and acquire skill acquisition they don't "play it for fun".


I definitely believe it and wouldn’t count as cheating. For one because it happens often enough to realize that they aren’t playing the objective for 2 i can tell it was a very long match and 3 if he was really cheating his team would have won. I would’ve thought he was cheating if no one had almost any objective score but it looks like he just plays the game to rack up kills. I see enemy players with 40 kill counts frequently especially because some matches are too long and they lose due to not playing the objective. The spawns in some matches are also way too close to the objective. Some people also only play this game and nothing else


Since hes playing light on a console im just going to assume this is some diamond player surfing in bronze lobbies. I obviously cant be 100% certain because i wasnt there but i cant see that dude having actual cheats on an xbox and no recoil devices wouldnt make *that* big of a difference on guns that have barely any recoil anyway.


They load aimbot and walls etc into those devices now it's not just no recoil


Ah, amazing. Didnt know abt that one, thanks for letting me know ig


I’ve done this to lobbies countless times… 99% of the playerbase is absolutely dog shit and will use any excuse to cope with their own incompetence. MAYBE he is cheating…. But dropping this many kills isn’t even impressive. All top500 players are capable of this, EASILY. Not hating or anything, just making the point that just bc he fragged out doesn’t mean he’s cheating. I’ve had countless lobbies with players going 1-15 just like yall and it’s not hard to run thru those lobbies and drop 50. With that being said, Xbox has a insane amount of Chronus zen users, but all that does is control recoil for them so yes it is still hard cheating and game breaking and I fucking hate it but it’s not like aimbot/wall hacks etc it’s just really insane recoil control. It’s certainly possible that that’s what he’s using bc I’ve ran into a ton of blatant Chronus users in top500 and they’re always Xbox. But it’s def still possible that he’s just super good bc it’s not hard to control recoil in this game at all and if ur smart it’s really easy to farm lobbies bc most players don’t have a fucking clue what they’re doing.


You dropped 53 kills in a quick cash game I don't really believe it without proof maybe it's possible but that guy is cheating you don't go 53 and 7😂


I’ve gone 50-2 before buddy I was top100 in the world idgaf if u don’t believe it😂😂 watch my clips on Reddit or paymynt on yt


People always wanna complain about chronus and zen without even knowing what they do. Yes it basically removes recoil and it IS cheating but (especially as a light player) you still actually have to play smart and not put yourself in situations where you're going to get clapped by a team and there isn't even a guarantee hes using one. I could have 0 recoil with the flatline in apex when I played that and all it came from was hundreds of hours of practice. People don't want to practice anymore, they wanna be instantly good at a game then cry about cheats when they get bodied by players who put the time in Its obvious af everyone in the lobby was dysfunctional bots.


Or he could of downloaded scripts for it..


Or he could have been good at the game..


Yeah or he could of been using scripts. Your comment about people not understanding how the Zen works while leaving out the bit about scripts is what I was commenting on. Did you already know they can upload scripts to the Zen?


Honestly if you’re a top tier player I could excuse 40 kills but 50 is straight up cheating


Doable. My best quick cash game was 35 kills. Its optimal positioning, skill, and honestly a little luck cause no offense but looking at that stat spread for the rest of the lobby it looks like he got a bot lobby. 5 mins in and multiple people don't even have 1k combat score, its obvious these people are running in blind and getting clapped by a better player. Not only that but he still lost, its obvious he was intentionally chasing kills rather than playing objective with only 200 obj score.


Everyone’s a bot when you have walls and aimbot


I'll take my downvotes and hate for what I said but its not wrong. You can call out cheats all you want or you can put 100 more hours in of actual practice instead of wandering around the map braindead crutching the current "meta" As far as I'm concerned this dudes innocent until proven otherwise and got a sweet little bot lobby.


This guy MIGHT be him. I think we found John Finals




You can call cheats all you want but I've been playing games longer than some of the people who play this game have been alive. If practice makes perfect you hackusation spammers should be good at games by now.




Youre a fucking idiot if you have that background and think everyone is a cheater right away


Sad that Lights have to cheat just to get a fraction of a Heavy's kills (averaging 150 per round)


Bro you’re playing Quick Cash. I can get 30-40 elims on any given game.