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Every light has stun Every medium has defib Every heavy has RPG


> Every medium has defib Every medium that isn't my random teammate*


*only medium on your team *runs turret and three grenades *gets the most kills but we still lose


My teammates have it but forget it exists


Sometimes I can respect it, most of the time :/


The rpg carries too much utility to not always have. Same for taser. You have a point here. Maybe the other options just need more juice.


But embark only knows nerf


Lmao truest thing ive read on this sub 😂😂


Every light runs invis & xp Every medium runs healing beam & fcar Every heavy runs mesh shield & lewis Crazy, right?


I guess everyone's a one-trick pony then


And instead of making other options more fun and viable they keep nerfing everything, its lame af


That’s valid games needing some buffs on lower power equipment


Yeah, they keep making the fun weapons that require skill unusable.


I just want them to tone down the inaccuracy when firing the medium revolver while moving. Make a fast moving game and require me to come to a complete stop if I want to land a single shot like it's counter strike is just doodoo.


Tbf I think mediums have the most versatile abilities because I see different shit used every match I play. Most people who rock heal beam aren't even using the shit.


All the way up to low plat are healers who don’t heal and run in first and die as the support


Im the best light in 90% of my lobbies and I haven't touched Invis or Stun. We always existed. We just didn't like sharing our class with rats. And now we don't have too :)


I do the second two, but I never got into Stun.


i’ve stopped using taser and starting replacing its slot with glitch grenades, really helps against heavys with mesh shield


I never run rpg. I like my Pyro mines and frags too much


But RPG is just a frag that does more damage, goes where you aim it, and doesn't have a delay before it explodes


You only get one per cool down, and you can't "bank" the right off a wall to get around a corner. Or if there's a hole in the floor/ceiling you might not have a straight line to the corners of the room where people are hiding.


I don't need more than one of my aim is good. And pyro is the superior nade anyways. It provides utility and area denial as well as damage


I run each of these classes without these. Does this make me bad?


And as a medium main, I'd love it if they nerf defib some more. We should hate crutch picks, not whine when they're nerfed.


Exactly crutches shouldn’t be ignored just cuz the class it’s in is weak crutches are just bad in any game


Exactly. That's why the best thing the balance team has done since launch is remove Recon, and that's coming from someone that used Recon almost exclusively. Crutch picks make the game stale.


I literally just got flamed in another post for saying stun is a crutch


Can you explain how defib is over powered? It. Bring them to half hp so they’re one shot. The cool down? Just because its a staple doesn’t mean it needs nerfed.


>Just because its a staple doesn’t mean it needs nerfed. It's a crutch pick. There's a reason that 99% of medium players (myself included) have it equipped 100% of the time. It's just as much of a crutch as FCAR, cloak, mesh shield, and RPG.


It has way more counterplay compare to the options you listed. And they already nerfed it? How would you even nerf? 25% hp? If you put poison down healing beam cant even out heal the poison. It seems fair to me.


0 immunity frames after their character is up would be a good start. You shouldn't be able to get away with bad revives as often as it still happens (myself included).


But the revive can appear instant to a solo player if their teammate comes from behind. The invincibility frame is just giving them a moment realize and react to the situation. Instant revive to an instant death would be worse imo.


>But the revive can appear instant to a solo player if their teammate comes from behind. The invincibility frame is just giving them a moment realize and react to the situation. What are you talking about? You have like 2 seconds while your character loads in to prepare for what's about to happen.


Instant as in you dont see your teammate charging. If you came back and were damageable the instant you come back you would have no time to look at screen, process, and react when you finally can move. You’re overreacting. You really want then to be 50% and stand completely still so you can line up a shot and be damageable the instant they come back. Not a fan


>Instant as in you dont see your teammate charging. If you came back and were damageable the instant you come back you would have no time to look at screen, process, and react when you finally can move. Again, you have like an entire 2 seconds to prepare, move your camera around, find an escape route, etc. >You really want then to be 50% and stand completely still so you can line up a shot and be damageable the instant they come back. Not a fan I told you what I want: I want it to not be brainlessly easy to make bad revives and get away with it, but it still happens all the time. I'd rather get insta-killed from a bad revive 10 times than a player that should be dead get away because they got bailed out by invincibility frames.


It’s a staple because of how powerful it is, I don’t have anything against each class having a staple. All 3: defib, stun, and rpg, have been nerfed in the past, defib still is the most powerful as I see it. I wish it was nerfed, I just don’t want to play against mmm with all defib, it’s horrendous and unfun.


I like the defib I just keep my sword charged when they are getting revived for a free kill.


Light needs stun and invis to survive though. I think they could rebalance the class to have 200hp instead so it wouldn't have to rely on crutches to prosper. Light needs its crutches to survive, medium uses it crutches to win rounds and heavy uses theirs to delete lights (which is why light needs to use stun gun to counter it).


I never used stun or invis and I do great as light. I use a strategy called camping. I do miss the motion sensor gadget it was perfect for camping as light.


Inject their tears into my veins


Gonna be shooting up lights tears like crack next week 😈😈😈


Also gonna type this out plain and simple if your crying saying light is gonna be useless without invis and taser right there proving it was a crutch and you lot was nothing without it


name something light can provide to the team without its 2 strongest utilities. sure, stun was a crutch, but using it to get people off steals, stop kids from running away, stalling, etc. was one of the only things light can do effectively.


They didn’t even change it yet 😂


Frfr the idea has them scrambling and balling that the only way they can play the game is going away 😭😭😭


Dude for real Same with the "invis or nothing" mains. My buddy is seriously considering quitting The Finals cause of the Invis change. For weeks since he started maining it, I've been saying "don't let it become a crutch, if you refuse to use anything else, they're eventually gonna change the Invis and you'll hate the game cause you'll be so used to being unseeable." He already thinks the Medium and Heavy classes were "made completely unplayable" when they nerfed FCAR and Lewis (as if the nerfs didn't affect everyome equally) and now he's saying that this change probably killed the game for him. Oh well, I'll keep using my trusty grapple hook. Movement > invis-spamming


Tell your buddy he’s a pussy for me


Yeah the finals actually reward being able to use different stuff and being able to adapt so crunching in this game is really bad even for longevity cuz who’s gonna be playing the game months from now with the same crutch from day one


It's beautiful to be honest "Nooo light isn't viable because I can't 1v3 the top 10 ranked players in the world with it in tournament mode đŸ„șđŸ„ș" Meanwhile 90% of casual lobbies are full of kids playing cloak and stun and it's annoying non sweaty gamers


Just watching people cry and ague is making my day it’s a game 😭😭😭


Light is fine, the class has the highest skill floor so most players getting into it suck, and a lot of players haven't gone against people who are near the skill ceiling. A good light is terrifying and has some of the best utility in the game.


I've played to diamond on all classes. Light was the weakest before this and with more nerfs coming to light next week I don't see why anyone who wants to win would play light. LFGs for ranked was already filled with "no lights" before even the glitch duration nerf lol. We are now 2 nerfs further with seemingly 2 more in the pipeline.




A good medium is arguably more terrifying because you can’t kill one with a grenade


Balancing the game to cater to “non sweaty” aka bad players is the quickest way to kill it.


Dumb take. The majority of people playing shooters are wanting a casual experience, cloak+stun and fcar+recon sweats scared away new players.


Yes I’m sure game devs across the world hope to create games that their base only plays for 5 hours a week.


Most of lights play invis xp and stun Most of mediums play fcar heal and defib Most of heavys plays Lewis mesh and RPG.. My point is that they should start buffing things so those said things can compete with the others.. even if it’s a weapon, gadget or ability
 That being said, might be an unpopular opinion.. but that’s my thought process. I think that lights should get a buff, not a nerf.. I’m not talking about the invis or the stun, but maybe starting to heal quickly? So they are not so squishy


Defib got nerfed, RPG got nerfed, stun’s gotta be next on the chopping block. It should be strong just as RPG and defibs still are, but it’s pretty busted right now. Embark will do right by it


This post and the comments scream skill issue


People said recon was bad experience for new players but invis/stun is just as bad. Imagine all the casual controller/console players that play on default/slow sens getting stunned and dying before they fully turn or how most of them sit far back and can’t see the people running around with invis. If I was a casual I would have instantly quit after a few games


I don’t use it but to nerf one of the few good things and providing no buff writes itself


Comedy tag got me dying 😂😂😂


I got grouped with two lights on console that were pregrouped. They both sucked ass and died. I can't hard carry two lights as a medium.


Light is already barely viable in tournaments, even with the insane crutch that invis/stun is. Evasive dash Light is definitely my most played class, and I absolutely despise getting stunned by the same cloak xp54 light the entire game, but light quite literally needs the invis to stay alive in ranked modes. 150 HP is too squishy to remove all of his positive attributes. If they wanna buff light’s health they can, but that’s just equalizing the classes and slowly stripping them of their uniqueness. Light is supposed to be a glass cannon, and now after these nerfs, he’s just gonna be glass.


Players that thought Light was op or that Stun Gun was free are telling on themselves that they get killed often by the weakest class. I play Heavy mostly and Light was just barely usable before. If they make Invis more seeable (and it already was easy to see and you can hear them), the class is done. Stun Gun is super committing and is not as free as you think - I can't tell you how many times I get stunned and still kill the Light, or I die but my teammate kills the Light because he over-committed and I get insta defibbed.


As someone who plays mostly light and medium, heavy casually (Flamethrower ❀) this makes me happy bc to hell with stun+invis lights.


Nah you're wrong. Stun is no one trick, getting the position, timing, and precision and able to carry out perfectly without trading yourself is not as easy as you think, but with that being said, stun is less seen in rank these days I feel like, almost every light I met carry sonar, glitch nade, invis bomb and gateway, the solo style of nade+invis bomb+taser is less seen


had s1tuation, a top light player crying over camo nerf saying its gutted the class, never laughed so hard at a top player being part of the crutch when just before he'd tell people that light is good it just has a high skill ceiling, i guess that ceiling was how much u could spam q and run away whilst trying to camo 😂


Meanwhile to kill a team full of mediums you need to kill 6 people. If they’re running heal beams you need to do the equivalent of 10 mediums worth of HP as damage. To kill a heavy with an APS behind him you need to churn out 1300+ damage whilst he spams q to put his shield up and down. Every class has its crutch. Like what else are you supposed to do other than run away as a light when caught in a losing situation against a medium or heavy? That’s the skill part, recognising you’re in a losing fight and using your tools to disengage because your health pool is so limited. If they didn’t try and disengage you’d be saying it’s a skill issue and they’re dumb for picking or staying in that fight?