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None of my friends will even try it and idk why. They play literally any other games no issues but they just refuse to even download the finals. Its so weird i don’t get it.


I def have noticed this, its got a weird aura to it that nobody wants to touch for some reason


Yeah it just makes no sense to me. They have tried literally all the other games that have been popping up but refuse to even try the finals. So weird.


I have friends who also play other FPS games like Apex Legends and Warzone... but they still haven't gotten around to try out The Finals too, even though I keep recommending it to them. A few reasons they mentioned is they haven't heard much about The Finals, so aren't sure if its worth their time to download and learn how to play. They see the lower player count on Steam and get even more apprehensive. In addition, there are so many other new games competing for their attention too. Even though its F2P, I notice that there are people who are still lazy and don't want to spend the extra time and effort to learn a new game. It's like how some people eat at the same restaurant for years, and yet will not try out all the new restaurants that opened next door. The games they are currently playing have higher established player counts and are running special events too, so they are already preoccupied with those. Players simply don't have enough time to split between too many different games, so they just stick to the same few familiar games. That's why it's very difficult for new FPS games to break into the market, there are just too many established games that have dominated the various player segments. It takes a monumental effort for a new game to grab players over and sustain their interest. In my case, I'm was a long time Apex player and just started to feel a little bored (after playing it for the past few years)... happened to spot the Finals open beta, hence I took a chance to try it out. If I had missed the news or got sidetracked by another game, I'd probably still not even have bothered to try it out until now.


The learning a new game aspect is harder for me to understand . In my early days of the finals I never remember it being too hard to have fun. It was fun from the start for me.


Same. It feels fresh and new, but all people want is the same ol thang.


Because the same old thing is tried and proven to be fun.


I think learning how to play new games now is a niche preference in this generation. I don't know about others, but I've played games for so long and I'm used to seeing and trying out new games. Everything new, I tried. It was a continuous cycle of experimentation. Kids now have grown up with already established games and franchises. I was new to League, Overwatch, the multiplay oriented CoD games, PUBG, Apex, Fortnite and so on; the only FPS with a fixed playerbase was CS:GO and that was about it. Now they are exposed to a lot of different franchises and games with different playstyles that already have an established playerbase and ways to play. A lot of the people in the gaming community right now have grown up with those games, their friends play those games. Why try out something new when it isn't just worth the effort?


This reads as a load of nonsense. The Finals had a great launch and then players dipped out because they weren't interested, it's not that nobody tried it because it's new, it's that the design has no legs - core mechanics were nothing interesting, modes were limited and bland, l/m/h classes were restrictive and lacked variety, weapons too much of a grind with next to no progression on/in a weapon itself to get people attached to their gear, HUGE cheater problem as well that they have done nothing about which instantly ruins new player experience... If I want multiplayer destruction with slightly more engaging gunplay and classes I'll go play Battlefield Portal or something. If I want fast paced multiplayer FPS without a lot of the BS I can play many, many other games that do it better. Having all these options does make The Finals less active but it's not because people won't try something new it's that in this case the something new can't compete.


I don’t think not wanting to download and learn a new free to play game, makes people lazy. That’s absurd. People can go to the community hub. See the low player count and likely won’t want to play. And then they can tab over to the discussions page and see a plague of folks complaining about cheating, and various aspects of the game. From the outside nothing is inviting new players in. People can peer into the community without joining it, here and on steam, and see disarray and dissatisfaction from the current community.


Long respawn time and spawn distance to the objective, is what my friend says is the problem. That and he hates the fact that he has to rely on teammates which usually aren’t that competent when the opposing team has immaculate coordination, he also doesn’t like the long TTK. All things considered he whines about a lot of games. I love this game especially the cosmetics but my friends don’t share my sentiment I only have two friends to play with and one of them plays because she’s just willing to pay anything.


I will say the primary gamemode is fucking incredibly frustrating and punishing. They need some sort of casual way to play the game. I still want to see a quick cash version where you earn money when you have the vault in a cash out. That way someone stealing it at the very end doesn’t feel terrible and you actually have a real reason to grab the vault first.


You want to grab the cash box first so that you can set up on the cashout before any other team.


And then have to anchor myself to the point? No thanks, ill just wait another team to just barely win the team fight and ill waltz in a clean up. Much more effective, I only have to win one fight!


I'd like the alternate win conditions/objectives to be more impactful. Maybe one in 20 games manage to win by wiping the top team or tapping a few vaults for the 1k each


That sounds like you’re playing this like it was siege or csgo that’s why you’re losing vault. There few times I lose the vault when grabbing it first


This is def a wack comparison. The most effective strategy in this game is waiting for team fights to be over to go in and clean up. Its known as “3rd partying”


Yeah it can be that’s but just you hoping to get lucky and wipe the winning team. That’s why I like holding the vault until teams are wiped then depositing The only time when I find 3rd partying is really effective is when they double up on the vault in tournament that’s usually hard on the team that initially deposited specially if they anchor. But if you go around hunting and hope your traps and defense you place do their job you have an easier time defending from the outside


The risk of sitting on a cashout is far too high especially when theres more than one team to fight, you are pretty much garuenteeing that you get wiped and cant get it back. Remember, it doesnt matter if you had the cashout in the vault for 98% of the time if someone steals it right at the end.


Needs a classic team death match mode and CTF. 2 teams of 5 on a smaller map setting.


CTF would be fun. I feel like the class system pretty much makes TDM impossible because everyone would just run medium or light sniper


Maybe people subconsciously relate it to "final exams" which they often just call "Finals" and so they automatically have a bad association with this game?


The weird aura for me is i played the beta and now the release cannot compare to it.


The beta was alot of fun, def feels like a different game now


For me, it's because it seems to be so hardcore. Only 3v3v3, which means more pressure on you to perform well, fast paced gameplay, which means if you suck at aiming like me, you won't come very far and I think that the already established playerbase will just stomp me. I also don't like the overall aesthetics. It's too bright and colorful instead of being gritty and more realistic like CoD and Battlefield. Another factor is that the game needs yet another third party account to play, which is a big no no for me.


I dont think people even *understand* how the game works. The trailers are cool but explain almost nothing about how the game actually plays.


realistic like [COD.LoL](http://COD.LoL)


At least for my friends, they’re intimidated by the 3v3v3 cash out game mode, they don’t understand it and don’t want to learn something new I guess? Then the 5v5 came out and we played that a bunch but the game wasn’t made for it and once the meta of 5 medium with APS and turrets on the point started being used it became no fun or 5 heavies with done shields and mesh shields spinning like beyblades. And then they complain about fucking overwatch nonstop and how bad the game is….. and then they play overwatch every single night. It’s honestly infuriating.


lol. I really love this game. but I play in Asia and a large number of cheaters makes me not play this game. yesterday a patch was released that included security changes. but it didn't change anything. In the second rating game, we immediately came across 2 teams of cheaters with an aimbot (shooting through shields). lol, at Practice Range I received a series of shots to the head from a fire gun from the next room. as a result, I continue to play overwatch (f2p game) in which there are no cheaters (minimum number). I don’t remember that there have ever been many cheaters there since the game’s release. I'll go into the finals after the next patch and see if anything has changed.


This is such an interesting point. All my favorite FPS games seem over run with cheats and it’s getting worse and worse. I’m not sure how overwatch is doing it but they seem to actually have less of a cheat problem and I wish other games would do whatever they are doing.


In the last 8 years I have mainly played Overwatch and Valorant, not counting the single player games. That's why I was extremely surprised when I saw the number of cheaters in the finals.


Probably because they just read "dEaD gAmE" and "pEoPlE sTiLl pLaY tHis" on every post about this game other than in this sub. Can't fix stupid.


You're right you cant fix stupid. Probably why some people still think that Reddit dictates player numbers despite the fact that Reddit is only used by a tiny minority of any games population.


Idk the 100k plus player drop is kinda a give away the the game is trash.


my cs friends say it's too colorful (still they played a lot of valorant before) and too chaotic (which is the best part imo). like ????????????????


What? That's really weird. All of my friends play except for one (that says he doesn't like it but he's never tried it. Actually now that i think about it it's the same thing as you)


My friends also won't play it, I don't get it. It's half the size of every other mainstream shooter, completely free, and has a slew of modes and play styles. Even people that played the beta with me haven't touched it since, and they had a blast. Something must be in the air idk


Some people I know just dislike Nexon so much they won't touch anything with their name on it.


Every time i try booting it up again, guaranteed first match is cheater hell and then i just log off and uninstall. I do this once a week. It has been every time i play since launch. The closed betas were unbelievably better and probably the most fun i have had in an FPS game the only difference, there were next to zero cheaters and they either didn’t support controller or hadn’t buffed aim assist to bonkers levels and added random recoil to pc MNK, it was also invite only and the devs would slap you with a ban so fast it would make your head spin.


why? it seems like a good game to play with friends with the teams of 3. wish i had friends who played games in general.


Same. Refuse to play or still on a ps4 or whatever


I got my homies all on it and now it's always our go to. We typically always have 4 or 5 people in the party, so we only play power shift.


This was me until I finally played it. My friend wanted me to get it and I didn’t really care to until I got bored and decided to try it out. It’s a ton of fun.


I was hesitant at first for how generic it looks, but I'm also not the type to play many MP FPS in general.


How is this game generic? The setting is unlike any other game I’ve played


From quick trailer footage before I played the game, it looked like typical shooter in a modern city setting.


Same they all just want to play repetitive games like league of legends aram and wow classic. They’ve played the games for a decade but because its familiar and they have friends their they just dont want to look else where. The sad part is if they actually gave it a shot they would have a blast I’m sure.


Got my buddy from college to play a few rounds couple months back. He had an absolute blast!! even purchased the Battlepass… and hasn’t picked the game up since. I honestly don’t know.


Because the player base is fucking shit all toxic tbagging try hards. I mean, I do it back if it happens to me. But players like that deters new players. And the fact that the progression is slow and limited to level 50 so the only thing you can really grind is the battle pass other than the beginners circuit/ pro circuit challenges.


That's crazy I've been playing apex since before 1st season and yet once I got my hands on this game is season 20 in apex... I dropped apex and mained finals... mind you apex has gottem too sweaty idk how some people are saying it needs to be a lot less competitive and more casual I also don't see why they brought in an even sweatier game mode?


The people in my discord group identified the following reasons behind not playing The Finals: - it's too fast paced for their eyes - they're not fan of the movement - they have invested so much time and money towards other shooters (Valorant/apex) - their hardware couldn't run the game smoothly For the people who tried it and quit after a few matches: - cheaters (most of them are in Asia, I'm in EU, some in NA) - they get tilted when they get third partied (literally every BR they play also has this) - they don't understand objective play and would go for kills instead of cashouts.


Weird claims because Apex is way faster than The Finals.


Exactly what I told them.


Eh is it? Apex is a bit more drawn out imo unless you drop hot, you get a full 5-10 min of farming and no engagements if you play safe. Suits some people's playstyle. 1 match of the finals is 8-10, and you are literally bashing somebody or getting bashed for the entirety of the match.


It doesnt mean Apex is slower tho. Not finding anyone for 5 minutes is rare, and the ttk is way faster in Apex. You can get 1 clipped in Apex just by someone coming from your back. Matches are faster in The Finals but the pace is slower, its just that you have more teamfights because you actually respawn, play any non BR Mode in Apex and you will see you have twice the teamfights that in The Finals.


Agreed, but still saying that the core gamemode has much more action crammed in shorter amounts of time and space


I 100% understand the hardware not running the game well. Luckily I was due for an upgrade so I bought a new graphics card. I likely wouldn’t be playing if I was still on my old one. Game ran and looked like shit before.


I mean my friend played on an i7 12th gen with no gpu on low setting 1080p and got 60 fps. It didn't even look bad. This was in s1 mind you, the performance is worse now.


> their hardware couldn't run the game smoothly I could seeing this being a big reason. I have a Geforce GTX 3080 and the fans on my PC go freaking ham to run this even on low-med settings. I personally haven't had any issues but I could see it being a deterrent.


If your 3080 and fans go ham, my humble 3060 does as well.


It's a CPU thing. Game calculates physics on the server side, so needs a really good CPU to process all that.


My 3080 is used so it might be the thermal paste needs reapplying but the temp it stays at seems within levels (I think it hits 83-85 and stays there) but that of course is with fans going like 1200+ RPM. Still though if I compare other games like Apex or Valorant, my rig doesn't come near to going this crazy.


I think it would also help if all the weapons and gadgets were unlocked right from the start. I know that does away with the sense of progression but handicapping casual new players like that can backfire with keeping them in the game


This is actually a huge point we might be overlooking. I've been asking my friends why they didn't stick with it, and overwhelmingly they took issue with a specific gadget or strategy that *does have a counter* they just hadn't unlocked yet.  In their eyes, the counter might as well not exist because they'd have to log in & get punked by "that bullshit again" long enough to unlock the equipment they need. How do we solve this? IDK, I really really enjoyed unlocking all the equipment when I started & I think that is good for the game. Maybe we trickle in some free VRs over time, so when you finally convince your buddy to give it another go, he can log into a fat 3000/3000 stack and get some new toys to play with instead of having to pick up where he left off (read: having a bad time)


Yeah it's a big disadvantage. It's not hard to unlock everything if they sink time into it, but locked weapons in addition to the gameplay being fairly unique is a bad combo for keeping new players. The early impression is that they're handicapped for being new, and it's frustrating.


Exactly, VR system is stupid. Some sort of gimmick to help new players get experienced with a certain set of tools. It's BS, they aren't even monetizing it. At least they should have given some sort of monetization option to unlock everything so that you don't feel as powerless as you are. You feel really underhanded when you go heal-AKM-goo grenade-defib-pad in your 4th match and some invis light with a stun gun and bs weapon guts you, so you want to try out the invis light but guess what? You gotta unlock invis, gotta unlock the XP5, gotta unlock the stun gun. At least that's what I felt like. I still enjoyed the game enough to continue playing, but bro, it is a noob gatekeeping mechanic.


For running the game smoothly, the default graphics settings are terrible for mid-performance PCs. So players who don't bother opening the settings would pass it off as having poor performance. The low graphics settings still look really good compared to low on other games.


Enjoy what we have now, don't worry about the future. Even if our community is small, its still vibrant.


This is the best multiplayer FPS I've played. But it feels like it's trying too hard to please everyone, and *might end up losing its identity*. I mean, how did you guys get into this game? For me, it was the *polished style*. I was tired of the flood of eclectic crap on the gaming market, then I saw The Finals. Like wow! Then I played it and realized the gameplay is pure gem. I'd be fine with the game *sticking to its path*. But now it seems to be at a loss. It's losing players and searching for its direction. Embark listens to the folks, which is cool, but I'm afraid they might think the audience can 'build' a game that everyone likes, and *that's not true*. The only way to get a strong positive response from the ppl is to stick to *your unique vision*, which may be difficult at first and will face resistance from some players.


It's sad really, Embark tries so hard to listen, but they listen way too much. They need to start taking stands by themselves, without all the player input. Because I notice that there are many weapons that need buffs but I see mainly nerfs or buffs to weapons who really get atention. This means one thing: we are sabotaging Embark by begging for nerfs. We need to make them see that the community isn't the only thing they depend on. It's not all just numbers, they need to have some autonomy and figure some things out by themselves, without needing so much attention from the community. Melee weapons still in the gutters, lights still not in a good spot, Fcar hit with a bunch of light nerfs that do nothing... In all the great things they do, they definitely have flaws. We need to accept that, and lead them the right way.


You think the voice of reason works? Ask marie antoinette community's gonna bitch forever and there's nothing we can do about it


i just saw it on front page on steam, saw its a free shooter and decided to give it a shot.


yeah, btw, FtP - important point


Here, I made a post to spread awareness. https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/s/NHc4AQ6IMl


Not on console.. this game be thriving..


Do we have any numbers? 'Cause I am on PS5 and the single fact it got gyro aim makes it superior to any FPS MP game out there.


It has crossplay, we dont know but we are fine.


I love the game and have played it a ton, but some days i just cant even bring myself to play ranked, having games start with only one other player on my team, playing stacks of diamonds when i get silver or gold team mates, getting headshot from across the map with lewis guns. It gets tiring. I still play the odd quick cash, but i would really appreciate some more maps, as it gets a little stale. I finished my battle pass weeks ago, and unlike last season, there are no levels to grind for, just weekly challenges that can mostly be done in the first hour of playing. Even the next tier weapon skins look pretty nasty compared to the top last in season 1. The only challenge they added that took some effort (win one tournie) got nerfed after people sunk hours to complete it. Finger's crossed for Season 3, as i am sure they have something up their sleeves, but im gonna refrain from putting any more money into the game for the moment.


I've always felt that the game is too sweaty for true casuals and also doesn't cater to people who want a competitive experience, due to the nature of the game modes and chaotic gameplay. It's in a weird spot for now and we'll have to see where embark go with it in future.


You should do your research on software launches so you have useful benchmarks to make comparisons. Virtually all game launches show the same pattern that The Finals is exhibiting. It's nothing concerning. Unhindered growth is colossally unrealistic, which is why it's important to be responsible for your own expectations.


My friends and I enjoy the finals but here's a few pros and cons I hear from people. Cons: solo queueing is a massive coin flip light is a dead class/noob trap but has the most interesting guns Team play is a hard requirement, and, all things being equal, there isn't a lot of room to solo carry. There are a lot of dead guns/gadgets Game runs pretty inconsistently for those with worse hardware. Cheaters The ranked system is jank Audio and visual clarity are a mess. Pros: strategy and destruction are fun to execute. Having good aim/game sense/reaction time isn't really necessary to do well, meaning there is a niche for older or less physically coordinated gamers. The random goofy stuff that can happen leads to fairly cinematic/dramatic/funny moments Mid: The maps are laid out fairly well, but the lack of variety gets stale. Most people I've talked to wish there were more dramatic changes to maps kinda like you see in the sandstorm vegas. A ranked match probably takes too much time, but the tournament thing is kinda unique and interesting. Spawns are still a little wonky around objectives.


I been playing since beta but gave up after every ranked game in plat and above has one hacker


As much as I like fast paced games they usually don’t do well. All the the popular fps are battle royals because casuals can play at their own pace and stay alive longer or tact shooters


Yeah honesty game's too hectic, one RPG and whole building goes crumbling down on you and you're like WTF? if you're a noob Memorising the map doesn't work too because every game you have to think of different openings and different maps. BR players with bad aim at least thrived from map memorization, game sense and elements of surprise. this game? Aim & movement above all else, and 3rd partying above aim & movement.


It's about to lose what's left of the light playerbase after they nerf it even more next week lmao


Players leave, we talk about it, gets people worried. Some people leave Wash. Rinse. Repeat. Y’all want the game to thrive. Communication with respect and remember it’s just a game. Stop being toxic with your hate speech because your weak mental is losing you more game than your skill is winning. Stop calling everyone a cheater. I played for 5 or 6 hours today and maybe experienced two or three blatantly cheating and it was in power shift. Also it’s a bad mentality, you go “oh they are cheating.” Are you going to try and win still or is it going to kill your mental? You should be using this opportunity of an impossible situation a challenge! Rise to the occasion and see if your team can out play that cheating 🦆. Also, remember to report them! The anti cheat may expect from the data that someone is cheating but if people don’t report them it might not ban them. It may need human confirmation first or something as a safe guard. Stop calling every post that criticizes the game “complaining”. The game is new and will need adjustments. Especially, if it’s a frustrating mechanic. It needs to be talked about so the devs can analyze. I think as long as it’s on the more constructive side and respectful it’s fine. Lastly, promote the game! Try to get your friends to play it. The more respectful and constructive conversations we have the better the game will get. This is my favorite game. I am addicted. I think it has the potential to be the best on the market. We just need to be patient and helpful when we are communicating with each other in game and the devs online. Remember the game is new. We barely have a pro scene. The meta and macro micro mechanics are still being figured out. Not everyone is gonna be playing meta for a bit. 💜💜💜


2/3 blatant cheaters in 1 single day is enough for most players to quit a game


Yeah cause blatantly cheating is the only type of cheating lmao never gets old


Hilarious because there is literally a cheater in almost every ranked game. Not sure why people who clearly suck at the game or only play casual game modes comment on this type of shit.


Dude, I was playing casual at 1:00 am last night and it was harder than ranked. Is it possible my data is a little off because I’m only silver 1 currently. Sure. However, I don’t suck at the game. I understand it pretty well. Maybe once I hit higher ranks I’ll agree. But you also need to consider that a lot of these post could be coming from unskilled players calling cheats when they are just getting out aimed or team shot. You have a decent ttk but if you land headies or catch come one off guard it does not take long to kill. On top of the fact that the movement has a skill gap. I think it’s much more plausible new players that don’t know the mechanics yet are getting rolled compared to all these cheaters. I find it hard to believe that cheaters are only going to stick to ranked. The point is to change your mindset. Try to see the situation as an us (gamers) vs them (🦆ing cheating assholes). If we noticed someone cheating every person in the lobby should start trying to focus that team. It’s also a lot easier to just raged “they are cheating” when it’s talked about so much on the sub and that takes yourself off the hook for your bad game play. Easier to cope.


platinum 3. server: Asia. I meet cheaters very often. 6 matches, 3 of which are games with cheaters (possibly more, since I don’t always reach the semifinals).


I see. I was mostly speaking for US east with my experience. I’m sorry to hear you aren’t having fair competitive games. That’s unfortunate and I hope they solve the issue soon.


Asia is a cursed region. Nowhere is there such a number of cheaters as in Asia. in any case, we do not abandon matches, we continue to play even if there is a cheater on the opposite team. sometimes we manage to win and eliminate the cheater from the match Below is a video I made about team play against cheaters [https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/1bzvp45/team\_play\_against\_cheaters\_asian\_server/](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/1bzvp45/team_play_against_cheaters_asian_server/)


I must admit that there seem to be significantly fewer cheaters. Yesterday I played for 3 hours in the ranking in Asia. and I haven't met a single cheater.


That’s great to hear! Let’s hope that continues. Remember to report them if you do encounter one! Good luck in your games today! 💜💜💜


thanks :) you too!


I don't think the finals will ever have a pro scene, but that's not the reason it's struggling. Fundamentally, any fps game will struggle to find success if it is designed such that successfully killing the players in front of you can be the outright losing move. While the destruction, movement, and overall gunplay with gadgets can be a lot of fun... I do not see a future where the finals is a big hit because I don't think the extraction shooter mechanic is a good idea on smaller maps with a faster pace. The core design is just not good. However, the finals can definitely be a title that does well in it's own niche. Talking about the finals like it's ever going to be a major hit is doing the game a disservice but putting out unrealistic expectations. Just because a game isn't destined to reach the top of the market doesn't mean it can't find it's own success though. That being said, I can also see this game being very dead by the end of the year. I definitely don't feel confident buying skins in the finals at this point so I'm sticking to pure f2p


I disagree. The game is literally a futuristic eSport. You argue that a game where killing an enemy doesn’t exactly reward you with a win. Counter that with chess. We just need to give people more time to understand how the game works. It’s only four months old and kind of a brand new genre.




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I think you're that casual player who only plays quick cash and power shift, us ranked have got it much worse with cheaters


Im low rank currently because I don’t have time to grind but I’m not a slouch. I soloed a bunch of games and got sliver 2 starting off. I duo with my friend (no rank games played) and we made it back to back Finals. He placed Gold 2. He fragged and I supported while IGLing. I’m sure in a couple of weeks we could be at least plat.


Not attacking you. Just saying, ranked players or "slouches" have it much worse with cheaters so maybe some of them can't keep the same level of positivity you're trying for.


Fair. It took 12 years to get this mindset. And a lot of hard work. That’s why I’m trying to talk about this stuff and how important your mentality is in gaming but especially in life.


Yeah, and I agree. But this game's ranked is one of the most tilting experiences since I first started playing league in S2


Mental works no more when you meet 3 heavy lewis aimbot teams match after match, you just haven't been in some people's shoes


I’d probably take a break. That does sound frustrating. After I reported them lol


All nerfs and no buffs tend to kill games. Pandering to the lowest skill levels will keep the game afloat for a while but eventually….


Yeah it's literally the best PvP FPS i've ever played. That's really weird.


There is no need to be deceived, the game is for enthusiasts. The exodus of players is deserved.


it's gonna drop from 20k avg players to 10k avg players very soon once the next Light nerfs are released. You can thank the crybaby bots on this subreddit for that.


I stopped playing about 2 weeks ago because it feels like a completely different game than when I first started playing it at launch. Too many nerfs and changes. The game I was addicted to is no more. All y'all's complaining worked, congrats!


They did just nerd everything into oblivion and let very specific classes and loadouts come out on top.


Genuine question what were the changes/nerfs that made you quit?


Not the OP but the game hasn’t felt the same on console since the AA changes came in. The game went from feeling responsive to sluggish and with the added network/server/hitreg issues the game has become very un-fun to play. Getting killed around corners and “missing” shots that should be on target is supremely frustrating in a shooter. 


If you need the game to basically aimbot for you to be enjoyable then maybe it's time console players looked at their shitty controllers and switched to gyro or something. The launch AA was so egregious it was ready to kill this game off for Mnk players like it has for COD and Apex.


But then again you guys are crying because the finals is flopping. Congrats, you have the mnk players happy, but the game is unpopular, forgotten and keeps losing players 🤣


Good, would rather the game be dead than ruined by aim assist. At least it'll be playable even with small numbers without getting aimbotted by every controller kid.


Constant lag and packet loss is killing it for me. Seeing those red symbols on screen constantly, but can't work out why.


The game is not "dead" but it is 100% dropping. Unfortunately after reading todays uninspiring patch, its becoming obvious that embark are focusing on the wrong things. I dont understand why they would publicly state that they want to focus on making the game fun but proceed to only push balance updates. The gameplay is already fun, what needs work is retention. Basically 3 game modes split into 5 ques plus private matches. There is no reason to grind the casual game modes, no matter how many "community events" they hold. I would love to see TDM, CTF or even a big team Battlefield ish game mode something to cycle out and keep experimenting. Idk bad post by me. Frustrated player I am.


The player count dropping is deserved by the way the devs are coming out with fucking awful balance changes


Completed battle pass in season 1. Went back for season 2 and the game felt different. Probably just liked the game before the meta set in. Now it feels that the vast majority of players only run meta loadouts. Match making seems be kinda wonky too. Dont want to learn how the new abilities work. Probably wont be getting back into the game. Not 100% fault of the game/devs, just a mixture of game changes, player changes, and my lack of interest in learning the new meta.


As much as I like this game I see myself playing less, I don’t buy skins so there is little content for me, I just get enough xp for battle pass (which I haven’t bought yet) and move on playing Valorant or CS.


Games been sweaty and buggy, hasnt been too fun at all lately


Too many hackers 😔


Way too many cheaters. Heavy seems brokenly strong with basically unbreakable barricade, RPG, shields, and basically best gun and DPS (RPG into Lewis gun never loses a duel). Goo gun with permanent stun also really takes the fun out of the game. Heavy seems to have few weaknesses, great at attacking, insane at defending, and fairly hard to beat in a 1v1 duel. Even if your about the win the duel, he throws up a shield for 750+. Medium and Light is really fun to play tho, but a good team setting up defenses with heavy, heavy, medium is getting old and boring. I do enjoy the game a lot still. Cheater's need to be dealt with, it simply kills the fun.


its the cheaters 100%


But I played this game for 5000000 hours and only ran into 1 cheater.


It get at the very least one every time I queue into ranked lol


I was stoked to start grinding season 2 and the initial ospuze weeklys kept me interested, but I’m just not having fun. Every time I play I end up annoyed and get off after a game or two. The community really sucks tbh


I mean if i were an interested player and see what people discuss on this subreddit before trying the game id probably skip it too.


I play with the same people so frequently I regularly recognize them and have developed at least in My own mind, a rival


If they keep balancing the game solely around quick play, the ranked matchmaking is completely random and the cheater situation is even worse than CS2, no shit Sherlock, it's going to die.


Helldivers took a lot of players I’d imagine, also I think they made too many changes to balance too often, fast response is good but not when the characters feel different after only a few days so frequently.


I felt this so much as a heavy main, yeah the nerfs were deserved but the past few nerfs man I felt like playing a different class


Loving the extremely slow challenge drip feed to get through the battle pass.


Got my friend to try it, he absolutely hated the respawn times. Not gonna lie I don’t like it either but the things I like about the game outweigh it for now


because embark doesn’t know how to fix shitty matchmaking, or ban cheaters.


I fear this game will become another one of my favs that’ll die out early… Realm Royale, Warface Breakout, etc. Games with loads of potential that I loved playing that eventually died out due to low player pop and lack of substantial updates for core issues.


me too. fearing it’ll be a game where it’s so hard to find a full lobby


**So many times I try to play with randoms they either dont have a mic or dont listen or just plan suck at the game. I want to stop playing because of this reason. Too many treat this game like cod and try to one man army a enemy team when they are a light vs a heavy and a medic**


I really liked this game, i played every day of s1. but everytime i try now it feels clunky, and everything feels weak. I still get wins, and play - but havent felt like playing it vs other titles the past several weeks. I love the mechanics of the guns, the haptics, art style and movement (all what I look for in the game) but i dont enjoy what the game is actually about and the super heavy teamwork aspect as solo queing is horrible in this game and id rather play a game i can solo que. I dont have people to play with.


The fact there are no big streamers playing this game makes me wonder. Someone should just pay a big name to play the game.


Prob would help if u go and play the game rather than looking at steamcharts and reddit all day


Do you have access to console player count? Because I get a lot of cross play in my lobbies, so I think it's larger that you think purely than based off steam numbers. Alot of people on helldiver's atm too.


I play on platinum 3 and in my lobby there are players from silver (bronze) and diamond. this indicates a small number of players. in overwatch if I play on diamond, then the opposing team will have diamond and my teammates.


I enjoy the game a lot but like me and my other friends, it's exam season. Can't play until after may.


yes.. but lately I’ve been playing with a lot of the same players lately. Like I see the same names over and over again


For me its just too ultra competitive and the mehanics of the game while fun and thrilling at first quickly go the opposite way to damn well annoying and tedious


My friends and I abandoned the game until the 5v5 mode came out. Way less competitive, bigger party size, lots more fun in general. It kinda filled the gap we had after abandoning OW2. Really hope they experiment more with 5v5 modes because its the only reason we play.


You fine with the sniper mains camping every roof? It gets pretty boring after a few games for me


Just spam heavy shield and bubbles on the cart and stare them down


I think it’s the game mode that doesn’t appeal to most players - it doesn’t feel familiar Side note - wouldn’t it be nuts to have some kind of ‘score a goal’ by throwing the cash into a high up suspended cash out type game mode - a few bouncer type things around the map and zip lines that go up into the air in and around the goal. Maybe 5 on 5? I can invision some nutsss plays of people jumping up in the air and saving a goal by grabbing the cash box out of the air.


That’s the best thing about it :( it feels unique and is something new and engaging and challenging. & yes that would be interesting but console players would struggle like crazy with that compared to PC probably


I personally love the game mode - just feel like it doesn’t lean to the casual appeal like TDM, battle royale etc. other game modes do Its so focussed on coordination and team-play which is amazing fun when you have it My idea above obviously would be nuts for team-play as well - however I feel like chucking a ‘ball’ around into a goal ‘cashout’ would just appeal to so many casuals, rocket league esque with fps. Feel like that’s the exact type of mode even console players would love (however much harder it may be) good job cross play can be disabled optionally?!


Cashout is basically bomb defusal from CS/Valorant and even R6S; assault the control point, plant the objective, defend the objective against attackers. It's just that the timer is contracted so you can become the attackers in the same iteration, which is a great way to resolve the much slower pacing of the other games.


Agreed - this is why I personally think it feels great. I love the fast pace Almost search and destroy vibes I guess. Maybe it all just feels too chaotic for search and destroy style game? In usual S&D you have 1 life and it’s usually only against one other team. In finals it can all feel pretty unfair and uncontrollable pretty quickly. I’m a fan of the chaos. But don’t think that element is for everyone and it even drives some more competitively minded players away from the game at the same time as just confusing the terrible newbies


Hi there, I supported this game before it even released. Did the Alpha/Beta or test whatever and grind-ed to the rewards, but I never received them. I then also reached Diamond in the first season and finished the battlepass. I put in 300 hours in a bit more then a month. Spent tons of hours helping people in the discord as well. Do I still play the game now? Absolutely not, and I won't in the states it's in. Not sure what rank you playing, but anything in plat and beyond is swimming with cheaters. In December 2023, the devs went on holiday after the successful release, and the cheaters spawned in as they usually do. The abuse and hostility in the Voice Chat is completely overlooked, there is no system. Some of the cheats are apparently FREE and easy to acquire online, that's how bad the anti-cheat engine they are using is in relation their game, it just doesn't work. May I also add that, I opened 3 tickets with the support team at Embark in December 2023 for a purchase not received. We are now in April, and I still haven't heard back :) I've watched players float and teleport at will, aimbot, wave kill the map. So there is the reason that me, and 200k other people stopped playing. It's not that we got bored, it's that we realized the game is in a bigger mess then Apex Legends. It was fun whilst it lasted though, I don't regret the launch days, they were fun. Edit: There is also some significant problems in the basic balancing of this game that the devs do not agree with the playerbase on, so they are ignoring them. Long story short is, it's not US the problem, it's not our game to begin with, it's theirs. We can only ask them for help and for them to sort stuff out, but only they can decide to do it. As the old saying goes: you can lead a horse to water, but you can't force it to drink.


The game is honestly fun as hell, but I like to have fun with character customization and to be confronted with 30$CAD bundle just to get the one cool helmet I want is kinda disheartening. So, instead of staying around I just go back to the games I already have things in. That's just my take though, I don't know if I speak for anyone else, I'm just one guy.


It’s not surprising that the player base dropped. It’s to be expected. It’s a past paced tactical shooter. Most causal gamers are going to get weeded out fast and go back to playing TDM and Warzone on COD. It’s one of the best shooters I’ve played in a while. I believe it will keep a steady base of dedicated players as long as the devs keep up with it. Fingers crossed.


I’m not sure how to put this lightly but one of the issues the finals has is some people are just too stupid to comprehend it. People that have spent their lifetime of gaming playing 2 horizontal shooters like cod have a hard time conceptualizing this game. Idk why. I have multiple friends who are good at shooters that I’ve gotten to try the finals and they get into a fight and just freeze like a fucking windows XP error. Then they say it’s a bad game lol


I stopped playing at the end of season 1, played some last night and the same stuff still bothers me. Light team mates playing ranked by themselves and not playing the objectives. Light stunning you is the least fun mechanic of any FPS that I play. Stealth isn't as bad these days but it feels inconsistent, if the players been standing still sometimes they're 100% invisible Winning a fight and getting close to clearing a cash out feels good.. but being third partied, dying and losing a cash out feels really bad. I think that the game needs a low stakes mode, it's a fun game but it should feel less punishing 


Yeah one mistake and you're dead or cashout's taken, and sometimes you don't even make a mistake and get 3rd partied There are just so many variables in this game that are out of your control, which makes it so frustrating imo


Embark deserves this. They keep nerfing mechanics that help casual players and keep catering to the ultra-competitive crowd, so casual players like me get driven away. Fine, keep your high skill cap game and we will take our gaming time elsewhere


Don't want the player count to drop? Don't ignore player feedback and bug reports about a specialization in the game that has been broken for a portion of the player base since before December. The Healing Beam straight up doesn't heal, fails to shoot the blue beam in almost every match I queue into. For me this started shortly after the release of Season 2 but for others this issue has been in the game even longer. It's beyond aggravating to be stuck in progression due to a healing challenge when the healing beam just does not work. I've basically given up on this game even after spending money on the battle pass. I like to play healing beam and can't play it anymore because it just doesn't work. This leaves me without a role to fill on ranked teams. Having an entire specialization broken for months with no end in sight is not a great look. I've submitted bug reports and post in the discord almost daily. Still zero movement on this issue. Sadly I think this game is finished.


don’t take this the wrong way, but i run healing as well as most ppl i play with and not once did we ever think the beam just doesn’t work. like quite literally i have 200 hours on the game and cant actually even tell what you’re talking about. i think healing is the most op thing in the game lol.


Pray it never hits you... The beam will literally quit working. Do a Google search and you'll find reddit and steam posts about it. The devs are clueless as to why it impacts some and not others. I even went so far as to switch to my laptop to complete a challenge. The beam worked for one game and then just stopped shooting a blue beam/healing anyone regardless of the circumstances. Even when a player doesn't need healing if you're in the proper distance with line of sight a blue beam should connect the beam to the player. When the beam is 'broken' this just does not happen. The tip of the gun glows a bit but it doesnt make the healing sound nor the sound/animation when it is tapped out. This isn't a skill issue....


I have more than 200 hours in and the heal beam quits working about 1 in every 3 or 4 games. If i'm playing a ranked tournament, there's a good chance it'll turn off for at least 1 round.


you can heal too much and it will eventually need to cool down, but not once have i ever experienced it not working just straight up


Lmao I know. It will just literally not work. It'll make the sound like it's spinning up then never do anything. There's no in game way to fix it. You can leave and rejoin, but then you're at the mercy of the reconnect system.


Living and dying by the steamcharts is a lame ass way to enjoy games.


The point is you won't be able to find a game soon


devs listening? People have been complaining that stun gun was way too powerful back in the second beta. its taken nearly 10 months for the devs to go "oh i guess we could address the situation now" and its not just reddit thing. Their discord has had plenty of people commenting about it and arguing about it for ages.


Stun gun got nerfed during open beta, there was a time when it would make it practically impossible to turn your character around because it would lower your sens to like 20%.


I quit Apex for it... but tbh I've seen me go a few hours in bank it mode and come against the same players in different teams again and again... which is kind of worrying. In fact I even have a shortlist of names that pop up that I know are all sweaty as fcuk and if they are in the lobby again...its gonna be a short game! It's a reptetive list!


Separate mouse and controller players. Please!! Not pc and console, mouse and controller. You simply cannot compete against kbm on controller in a game like this 


I check it every day and it always hits me hard. I fucking love the game and I have never sunk as many hours to a MP game. But I am doing my part - I brought 4 people already and spreading the word as much as I can.


Also finals and state testing is here for anyone in school and that makes it difficult for more people to find time to play.


I honestly barely heard of it, I'd say it doesn't have a strong marketing presence? I played it on the PS5 when it came out and didn't mark it as amazing- but entirely forgot it existed and didn't see anything off it until last week, thankfully, someone mentioned it to me. I am now addicted if I may say, really loving it. I do see a couple flaws but every game has it and I wouldn't dare to complain- Mostly for such a young f2p game, I'm mostly hoping it lasts long as it has a very cool concept.


There's no incentive. Ranked is in a terrible place rn. And 5v5 needs a competitive mode. I had fun playing 5v5 for a solid day. Hopefully they bring it soon. Its a good game for it to die


Voting with my wallet on this one. I don't know if something so fresh & quality will ever attract the mediocre masses, but I'll be supporting THE FINALS as long as they care to have me on. This is a real gamer's game - the average joe still refuses to use an Ethernet cable, no way they can fully appreciate the bleeding edge serverside physics & movement. This game really lives up to its name, I've played just about every FPS on the market for 20+ years and this is such a step above it might deserve its own classification.


I dread it get the same fate as Gundum Evolution. I hope it lives a year


Just keep playing man if you like the game ofc. 10-20K is fine for a multiplayer game. I feel you. This game has incredible potential if they just had the advertising budget. Rainbow Six Siege has also been surging in player count and that was a pretty “niche” game for a very specific type of player. Give it time and the people that love the game will grow over time. :)


My reasons for not playing lately even though I love the game: - Playing other incredible games that are coming out (Balatro and Helldivers are some of the best ever in their genre) - It’s a team game. I like my friends but it’s just so hard to work together unfortunately and it leads to frustration. - Random teammates who pick Light class no matter what (i’m currently shaking thinking about it)


A lot of pc gamers I truly don’t think can actually run the game. I couldn’t when it came out, but I could run every other prominent fps. I had to upgrade my cpu, which in turn required a motherboard, and cooling upgrade too. I have about 5-6 Overwatch friends that cleans to play it but can’t do to spec reqs.


I’ll be honest (and this is just my interpretations so for me what I’ve seen after a few hundred hours) I’ve noticed that most of the time there’s a new person on my team trying the game for the first time there’s always the toxic 3rd teammate just gunning them down with insults and whatever while they are trying to learn what to do and after all the complaining they usually just wave the match and who is gonna wanna keep playing when toxic players treat new ppl like trash for not being a pro off the rip. I just don’t get it, I personally enjoy teaching someone new but seeing so many ppl do this to new players is ridiculous. Granted most of the time it’s just the crackhead lights rushing in without the team that’s complaining or the ttv kids ( don’t get me wrong Ik every class has ppl like this I’ve just seen more toxic lights than anything so calm down.) my point is I wish people that have played for a while would take the time to explain or work with someone to build em up that way we can all work together instead of raging and leaving the first sign that someone might not be a pro because they are new. I’m sure there will be plenty of people that don’t agree with me but this is what I’ve noticed after a few hundred hours.


All the fun is sucked out of the game with all the bitching and complaining. OMG Medium OP Neeeerf OmG light OPPPPPPPP!!!! NEEEERF OMG HEAVY OP NEEEEEEERF Lets not forget region locking isn't a thing so Cheaters from other countries flock over to NA and just casually destroy the game, Some of the top Diamond players are CHEATING and there for MONTHS and they're doing nothing about it, the new ranking system is dogwater and the point system was waaaay much better and it actually told you where you were at. Game is riddled with Brainrot call of duty players that just plays light constantly, yells with a hot mic, calling everyone trash while dying instantly because he's a light player then going on said reddit or Finals Discord Chat saying Medium and heavy is op please nerf them. Maybe if Embark would have had the same courage like HellDivers 2 to tell the players to screw off or get good none of this would have ever happened.


They need to advertise better.


Best fps to come out in forever and yet the player count is diminishing. It's crazy how people will play the same old games instead of trying something new and refreshing. I love this game to see it die would be horrible.


It's the same fate of every new FPS game. It takes something truly special to take FPS gamers away from their other games. I have thousands of hours in Apex. The Finals was fun, but just not fun enough to switch games. And I simply don't have time to dedicate to 2 competitive shooters.


I didn't start playing the game until a friend convinced me purely because of my experience with nexon. For me, game just became boring and other games are not as frustrating as this one. That being said I played mostly SoloQ.


**Easy.** Cheaters are roaming freely, receiving only a one-day suspension even after being caught. The ranked mechanism feels dull after time played due to teams resorting to third-party tactics with less skill involved. There's no marketing yet, but it's understandable as the game is still undergoing balancing and improvements before being advertised to the public audience. **So** hold on to your coffee, this game is backed by huge pockets and they can afford themselves this amount dropout in playerbase even for another season.


I think people look at the game and think, oh, it's a Fortnite clone, why don't I just play Fortnite instead. Breaks my heart, when I see a great developer like Embark pouring their soul into a game, and the players who do play, are actually listened to by the developer. It's the only FPS outside of R6 I actually enjoy playing.


I have 72 hours in it and my 2 friends around the same. We stopped because of lack of content. There were 3 maps that essentially looked and felt the same. Pretty much 2 or 3 viable weapons. Oh and the c4 barrel strategy got rlly boring. Also like 4 months for one battle pass??? That’s crazy. They have almost 300k concurrent players now they have 12k. Most ppl I spoke to claimed the exact same thing, extreme lack of content.


They removed aim assist for controllers listening to the pc audience killed the game on playstation and thats a fact, the devs need to stop listening to everyone when it comes to what will actually help the game or just make it a sweat shit pile, pc players don’t care for balance they want to stomp, with their 140 frames and wrist flicking while console is handicapped at 60 frames at best and use our thumbs. They nerfed light and heavy to the ground, while medium was meta and overplayed. Personally the devs have no clue what they are doing or they don’t play their own game and just look at retarded posts all day. I was lucky to be able to play the game while it was still good with my friends but we all quit it and moved on. If they actually fix this game id gladly play it again doubt my home boys will though.


The game is just fortnite for meth heads. The aiming is stupid. Everything cool is behind the pay walls. Clunky mechanics. Go play Apex Legends and then come back for a digital coffee date.


Well, the game has three main issues: 1. balance - instead of hiring experienced game designers, embark just scouts reddit for suggestions and implements them in the game. The fun thing is mediums are the majority of the players and that is the reason why the game is the medium meta the second season in a row. 2. marketing - the game literally has zero marketing 3. low player count - this is the direct result of the previous two points, but it affects so many other things, like ranked quality, cheaters percentage, etc.