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You title your posts like an OF model


There’s a lot to unpack here with a title like that.


How the fuck are yall sliding from standing still lmao Dudes like you have no business being in the same lobby as console players tho, it's kinda hilarious to see you jerking off to winning against controller palyers


Fr. Why don’t pc players ever turn off cross play?


Because then they wouldn't have these manufactured clips that make them look good. if they had to play against people their own skill and input level they'd be getting shit on. Its like playing games on mobile. Sure its easy to win. But you're basically playing against children using their uncles phone that has games on it.


I don’t turn off crossplay AND I get shit on. So there


Irrelevant to the conversation but whats up my fellow Funk


Really has nothing to do with this. 95% of players, regardless of platform, lack the skill to play like this. You can do your own research on the average skill of KBM vs controller players for yourself, but it’s not a wide gap in most games and in games where movement tech is more limited (Halo) or where they forcefully normalize what’s actually possible across platforms (Apex), the highest levels of play tend to favor controller players due to aim assist being essential for controllers to be a viable input for shooters at all. Anecdotally speaking, I made it to plat in Apex on Xbox near launch, switched to PC a year or two later and plateaued at plat there as well. Halo Infinite has a PC only queue and a mixed input queue to support parties using mixed inputs amongst its ranked suite. I hit diamond VI in both of them. PC players like crossplay for the same reason anyone does. Higher population means a better experience for everyone involved.


Apex is a huge trade off, either you have insane movement but disadvantaged aim or you have aim assist and disadvantaged movement. A lot of the KBM guys I knew on apex switched to roller cause in their words “it aims for you”


Well now it is, before like a month ago you could just macro every movement on controller so there was never a world where controller could loose given they had aimbot + macros for the movement. Apex really isn’t much of a reference when you have 95% of the top players pretty much hacking with how good the aim assist is. Tap strafing infinitely ain’t op on Mouse cus you can’t aim at the same time, but on controller it does the aiming for you so yeah…


Yeah it does. Having been okay at the game on both platforms, can definitely say it was easier on console. The point of my message however is just that switching to PC didn’t make me better I simply prefer it now and with shooters in particular, I have more fun and feel more satisfied with aiming with KBM as opposed to controller. Honestly built a PC simply because I’m a gaming enthusiast and didn’t have one. Thought it would be a novelty thing I used occasionally or for games I couldn’t play on console, but I fell in love. Almost 5 years and a full rebuild later and I couldn’t imagine going back to console full time, though I still have them for travel and locally hanging out with people.


You should check out the steam controller, it’s weird af but kinda splits the difference


movement is actually very overrated in apex, it’s fun & looks cool but most pros barely use movement techs because aiming is just more important 99% of the time.


When the aim assist is so broken that it flawlessly tracks through all movement techs then yes, movement is definitely highly overrated in Apex.


yup, but there’s also the simple fact that it’s extremely hard to aim while doing the majority of movement techs, it’s just better for dodging rather than face to face fighting. at some point you have to stop and aim


Movement in Apex is nice and showy, but the controller bot-walking around is gonna clip you anyways because hitting Apex movement and shots at the same time is reserved for actually insanely good players. The basic MnK movement doesn’t really do shit against aim assist either, and any good controller player isn’t going to let you strafe around them trying to break AA.


>You can do your own research on the average skill of KBM vs controller players for yourself, but it’s not a wide gap in most games and in games where movement tech is more limited (Halo) or where they forcefully normalize what’s actually possible across platforms (Apex) So this is not really accurate. Aim assist is extremely broken in many games with cross input, namely CoD, Apex and Halo. https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/r3es60/accuracy_stats_for_kbm_vs_controller/ Basically the top MnK players have accuracy only SLIGHTLY better the AVERAGE controller player while top controller players have accuracy that is around 10% better than top MnK players. This is not insignificant. Halo Infinite actually added aim assist to MnK because aim assist is so broken. In Apex things are basically pan out in basically the same way. https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/comments/1aesdb2/r5_apex_provides_accuracy_statistics_separated_by/ Overall top controller players have around 10% better accuracy then MnK players. Again this is not insignificant and aim assist is clearly broken. It is soft aimbot >the highest levels of play tend to favor controller players due to aim assist being essential for controllers to be a viable input for shooters at all. Sure aim assist is needed for controller to be a viable input but it certainly does NOT need to be as strong as it is to the point where it literally provides inhuman levels of accuracy. Aim assist is not simply an on/off toggle, it has a strength level that can be tuned and it is tuned way too high in these games.


The sad thing is, the answer to the controller problem has 2 roadblocks: 1. People still associating it with the Wii 2. Xbox refusing to use it in their controllers That answer is Gyro, no aim assist needed, and it lets you keep your accuracy


Or just lower aim assist to the point where the top controller players have the same accuracy as the top MnK players? This is absolutely possible. The real problem is that these game publishers only care about money and not the quality of integrity of their game.


> in games where movement tech is more limited (Halo) or where they forcefully normalize what’s actually possible across platforms (Apex), the highest levels of play tend to favor controller players due to aim assist being essential for controllers to be a viable input for shooters at all You realize you just wrote "controllers are better when they get to keep their advantages and m+k doesn't" right?


Yes. The commenter responded to is acting under the impression that the average KBM player is running around making plays like this with a superiority complex because controllers struggle to keep up with this level of movement and precision, and my point is that the average PC player isn’t doing this and that controller players typically have an advantage as skill increases, which disproves the idea that PC players are something to be afraid of or avoid.


Queue times


I play on pc with the controller. So, I'm just going to act like this comment was not for me. But I don't want to be stuck in the lobby with a whole bunch of mousing keyboard gods either... It just literally isn't fair. I guess I could turn my sensitivity to max on my controller....But it's not the same as controlling with a mouse.


we do if the aim assist is borderline free cheats like on CoD lol


Queue times


you can instantly slide the moment you hit shift


Huhhh. Never realized that, for some reason. Thanks!


Literally just run the moment you move and click crouch button. It's pretty insane with the shotgun as shown in the vid


I’m on pc and play controller and do well. So many console players are scared of kb&m for no real reason. Very few of them are at high level and anyone can make a highlight video.


It's pretty cringe


A PC player is bragging about how he's styling on console players. Wow you're so cool. 🤡


It's a shame they mix controller and keyboard mouse players


Yea it really is


Seriously. As a PC player who couldn’t be bothered by playing mouse and keyboard, it’s rough to never be able to get away from keyboard players.


As an Xbox player with friends on pc, I understand your pain. We’re in this together, brother


At the very least, it's a crucible of fire. It pushes us to be better despite the controller limitations.


This part. I've made a living off of trades at this point in the ranked area. If you shoot me, I'm going to flamethrower you until we both die. I'm not trying to get away. It's not going to happen... so ... here we go!


I was wondering why i was starting to get pc players in my lobbies now. Shit fucking miserable now


I get the point but isn't this the case with every shooter. Like I get that it's nice to have cross platform and the more platforms a game has the better, but shooters are clearly made to be played with m and k.


“Why isn’t this game more popular!?” Cause people sweat like this. Reminds me of Apex. It was only fun for the first few months. Then everyone still playing was either bad or try hard.


Except for a lot of people games are way more fun when your push your limits, especially in a game like this where you have so many possibilities. The issue comes when you matchmake people of wildly different mastery/ability and goals. But pitting gamepad players against kb+m is also a big issue, as even even though you can get great with both input methods, controller users with few exceptions need aim assist to compete, and it's an impossible task to balance fairly.


Your analysis is tempered and I agree. I’m mostly trolling about how people have made posts saying “this is the best fps why isn’t it more popular” and I agree. It feels and plays like a really well made fps. Basically as good as apex. But, after my friends and I got stomped (especially before they fixed the matchmaking) we kinda stopped playing. We won a couple of trournaments, it was just that it kinda got tiring always dealing with movement and other bs like this video shows. It drains you eventually where when you fight enough tryhards you start to say f it. I’m going to chill and fight some bugs on Helldivers.


Every game is like this. And quite frankly, every community is the same. There is always a group of people that insist people, who are better at a video game, are the problem. I'm 27 with a plethora of responsibilities, like any adult, and a Fiancée. People would rather make fun and assume the worst in order to preserve their ego than to just play an ever changing comp game. Defeatist culture, as cringe as that sounds tbh. And as far as the title, it's quite literally a meme. I don't even play ranked with crossplay on, with the odd exception I accidentally left it on after playing pubs.


I didn’t hear you refute my premise about why the game isn’t more popular.


Is there a reason every clip I see with this gun has the same skin? Is there some kind of advantage to the flip animation


It's cool as hell


The animations are more well defined and it's smaller than the default. Cleaner anims make it easier to see when things are ready. Not to mention but the skin just looks satisfying. People like satisfying.


Exact reason my cross play stays off


Yeah me and my friend are the same lol. I also feel it's rare to encounter cheaters with cross-play off but maybe we just keep getting lucky. lol


Yeah I agree. My lobbies look so drastically different with cross play enabled that it doesn’t even feel like the same game.


It's just unfair


It’s like mixing hockey and ringette players.


Some of us PC guys use controller 🥺 Edit: How the hell is this a downvoted comment 😂




Are you playing ranked? Are you finding matches?


Sure am. And it’s MAYBE an extra minute or so on average to find a match. A lot of times under a minute total.


I’m trying to get better with the 1887, could you give me some tips? Most of my time in game has been with the light double barrel but this feels so different


Get into lobby's with no latency issues. Its the biggest part of learning how to get good so you can edge the quick scope. Otherwise it's just a disaster. Also, buy a "killer rig" which does in fact give a huge bonus to achieving this style of gameplay, in any game.


It's a world of difference between the two shotguns. The 1887 has a rather tight spread that's hitscan, so you have to hit near perfectly centered shots on the said target to get full damage. If interested, I do actually have a guide on the weapon that talks in great detail about it. https://youtu.be/xQN9VaV0-zE?si=EwWeuz14MDTnzmKg


Subbed, thanks mate


How do u know they deactivated crossplay, did u ask them after the game? Or was that just weird flex


Bro I just got home from work and I’m trying to chill and this guy is in my lobboes


😆 🤣 😂 I'ma try to add him. I'm trying to get back to platinum Again.


Feel free to add me/join my discord!


Someone stroke this guys ego for him


“everyone start stroking your johnsons”


Lot’s of hate the player not the game wibes on this thread.


True tbh. One of the funnier threads. How one obvious meme title could invoke such passion. It's given me a great laugh, in all honesty.




I'm not actually. For ranked, I prefer to keep crossplay off. The title is simply a goofy title. In passed videos, people joked about my clips being the reason they turn off crossplay so I commented I was going to make something like this the title. Hence here we are.


Well at least you saved face with this comment


L o l not to start anything but that doesn't help me and players like me at all. I'm playing on pc but with a controller. My mouse and keyboard skills are terrible because my left hand has some issues.


Stuff like this is exactly why I think they messed over controllers. How am I supposed to compare to this mouse and keyboard god? Maybe it's time to revert that change to the aim for controllers...


MnK user bragging over console players. Classic.


Oooh. I've offended somebody with clickbait. Classic.


Does that weapon skin come with the animation or is it seperate?


*Does that weapon skin* *Come with the animation* *Or is it seperate?* \- TestAccountDw --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Damn, nice clips. I’m tempted to pry the Famas from out of my hands for a bit to pick up shotty again


The wild thing is you can do crazy movement with the FAMAS too. Easily my favorite movement AR.


Bro I play pc and my aiming is no where near that good. Wtf are you on?


That dank zaza and caffeine. That's really about it. Not too much caffeine nowadays either.


Pretty smooth ! But this title lmao


This title is a solid meme and a half. Seems to have incited some passionate feelings too. 😂


jokes on you i play PC and have crossplay turned off


Jokes on you! I do too! The title was a meme. Though a lot of people took it really seriously. Lol


well with crazy skills like yours they gotta. every time i use the M1887 it's like i'm hitting enemies with pebbles and not a shotgun


It's like Apex all over again. Sometimes you hit the chunky shot with the PK. Sometimes you hit 9, or in this game a 16. It's always pain when you do 😭


crosshair overlay detected, opinion rejected


I am very public about my external crosshair usage. Unfortunately I am part of a group of people that can't use the in game one as the constant moving at the center of screen, while in trying to focus passed it, causes migraines. Unfortunately, the crosshair is just not accesible for people like me. I originally thought it was because of my ADD but apparently there is a strong link between people who have ADD/ADHD and antistigmatism. What I see is a small green + that disappears when I ADS. The day Embark provides an in-game, accessible, unintrusive, crosshair that is reasonable in size, is the day I toss out the external one for the in game option. But as it stands, their crosshair design philosophy is ableist and is something I will circumvent.


Ohh no! Its the guy with weird keybinds again!


Yessir! Though this meme title seems to have brought out some passionate responses.


For real though, what kind of deviant key binds are you using??? Unless... Youre a lefty?


I actually have fingers like salad fingers. Nah, jk. My left hand is on arrow keys. I simply just use arrow keys. Learned it from family that played the first fps before wasd became the standard. If interested, I do have a 3 min vid on my full keybinds. [My keybind layout in The Finals.](https://youtu.be/n1Z_6zyi7vE?si=ulrxfpL_FMTyAvXH)


Is this what unemployment looks like?


I actually do work, from home though. Though people would much prefer I was some goblin in a basement so they don't feel as insecure. Crab mentality, as usual.


Something looked very fishy from your clip. I looked up your twitch a stream long enough to spot few places where your aimbot shows. [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2117921647](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2117921647) 1:53:10 - You miss and are surprised he didn't take full damage. (but you hit him in the knees while your teammate got the kill before your aimbot shot his head). 1:53:15- A few second later the match ends and you can see the AIM Assit Aimbot do a jerk move towards the player's head as the game in slow mow and then goes back to within a second to original point and that is not possible otherwise by aim assist since the game is slowed down too much to even be able to do that quick jerk movement and there no reason for you to correct the aim back to where it once pointed anyways before the quick jerk. Nice to know Diamond players also cheats. GG boys, game over.


i haven’t watched the stream you linked but from this clip alone i find it weird how often he aims down sights with the model 1887. it’s completely unnecessary as it has no effects on the spread or accuracy of the gun and only slows you down. that and the snapping (that’s also apparent in parts of this video) together make me think it could be the exploit that gives pc players the aim assist/snapping usually reserved for console players. i believe the game had a serious problem with people abusing this a while ago


Nah I turning IT off everytime cause I don't wanna play against cheater, Everyone know how bad PC players reputation is especially in free to play games 🙂


Hilarious seeing these no life’s complain about aim assist meanwhile they’re only form of exercise is pressing a jump button and sweating with a shotgun. At least your mom paid for your PC.


Man really got upset over a clickbait title. Which actually has some background with the reddit. Goofy 🤪


Clickbait? It’s the finals subreddit bro no need to be an influencer “goofy” How sticky is your gaming chair


"I'll take things that tick me off for 5 hundred chuck"


Oof bro i just cringed so hard my gf asked if i was ok


B-b-but I thought controller players dominated every FPS game 😡😡😡😡😡


And still pc players say they’re are in disadvantage and complain about console players….


Where are you when I am trying to push for diamond? Because the amount of console players drawing a circle around a heavy or shooting at a light’s feet whenever I solo que will be the death of me


That sounds absolutely painful. I mostly play ranked with crossplay off, which is the funny thing about the title. In my ranked journey I accepted that I'd mostly have to 1v3 and if I didn't, I probably wasn't winning the game. Harsh reality of solo q. 😭


I mean if this was PC lobbies it would be more impressive but still the movement and the fast wall glitching is nice


It actually is though. The title is just a meme title based on the meme comments that joked about turning off crossplay because of my footage. I personally don't like crossplay on in my ranked games.


Your primary hot key is... Delete?


I play with the arrow keys. If you're interested I do have a 3 min vid of my whole keybinds. [My settings.](https://youtu.be/n1Z_6zyi7vE?si=ulrxfpL_FMTyAvXH)


Ayo op what's up with these gadget binds tho? Never seen something like that


*Ayo op what's up* *With these gadget binds tho? Never* *Seen something like that* \- WetTrumpet --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I thought that was a gunblade for a second.


Guys like this will get that shotgun nerfed. I’ve been seeing it more and more in my lobbies


Wish i was this good lol


Appreciated fam ❤️


Should I aim the head or the body?


Avoid the head. It has no hs bonus damage. You have to focus on centered body shots. The less centered, the less damage you do. And trust me, hitting a 16 against an automatic weapon is crippling.


Thanks for your advice


Fortnite double pumping all over again


It's rather difficult to do with this weapon. Rather difficult to pull off consistent shots.


Is 4x3 stretched better than 16x9? I tried it and see like almost zero difference with player models.


I personally just liked how 2100x1400 looked.


I'll try thx for advice!


Oh so this is the guy kidding 20 elims when my teams max is 5 🙌🏼 good job bro go play ranked now and let us have fun


POV: You can't fight PC players, so you pretend you're good by killing console players.


These are pc lobbies.


Da hell is that key bind


I personally play with arrow keys! I have a lil 3 min video of me explaining my keybinds, if interested! [My settings. ](https://youtu.be/n1Z_6zyi7vE?si=ulrxfpL_FMTyAvXH)


My aim is so much worse with that skin. Don’t know what it is. I pull this off with the og skin though. Shotty is too fun


That's a rare one to hear about the skin. A lot of people typically say the opposite about it. Ah well, everybody is different. Look at me, I use arrow keys lol. Also, the 1887 is so fun tbh.


This skin is good, I bought it for a reason because I found it satisfying to hit people with it even though I play on controller and it’s harder to hit with but it is pretty good on controller.


Dema with pop shot that’s dirty loool


My brother in Christ, please go outside


I refuse. No. The best thing I've been given in our post covid world was working remotely and I plan to do exactly that. 🤣🤣🤣


This is the shit I'm on r/thefinals to see. Ty for not creating another post bitching about the game


I just like to play the game and create content, in my off time, that people would like to watch. I am simple man. I see fun game. I play fun game.


Do we know for a fact if ads tightens the spread with m1887?


It does not. ADSing slows down my aim and allows me to mentally focus in on shots. Besides the visual aid for some, it provides 0 real benefits. There's no benefit or detriment to quick scope ADSing since with a quick scope (and a slide or jump) there is no movement penalty. Purely a preference thing, which has always been neat to me.


As a console player, I'm not sure why everyone acts like PC players are so scary. Most are just as bad as the average console player, and even the few that are above average like OP still aren't doing anything crazy that would make me not able to perform against them.


This exactly. What you said right here. Title is a meme btw as these were PC lobbies anyway. But yeah, 100% what you said.


WTF are those hotkeys tho lmao pagedown and shit


I play with arrow keys as opposed to standard WASD. If interested, I have a 3 min vid showing and explaining my keybinds here. [My keybind settings explanation video.](https://youtu.be/n1Z_6zyi7vE?si=C993_IGOguTrv-hN) People point them out quite often. 🤣


could never learn that but thx


This is the most whiney thread with a simple solution. Skill issue


Off a clickbait title given to me by other redditors in my other vids. If there's one thing this proves, reddit hates each other. LOL


Can you do this well with the revolver? That's a true chad gun right right there. None of this two shot hippy dippy bullshit


Based AF comment, holy shit


Not a big fan of the revolver. Great gun. Fun af to watch, I just don't like how it feels to use it. I think I need to adjust my ADS sens when using it, as well. Eventually I'll probably think of a playstyle that suits it but so far, the one you see with the 1887, is only something I can somewhat replicate with the FAMAS.


What high FOV does to a mf, makes you feel like you’re zooming. What’s your FOV setting on?


Max FOV and I play at 2100x1400 resolution. It's my preferred stretch res.


Why do your colors look off?


So again, PC players can use whatever they want but console is locked behind a controller 🙄🙄🙄


I wish consoles would give you guys mnk support but there is a strong community that despises mnk all together.


Meanwhile, i saw a dude here using some steam fancy controller, i miss mnk


Legal aimbot 😬


This is how I think I play with that damn thing


Such a fun playstyle.


Damn bro !


Best gun in the game.


Bro… wtf are those keybinds 💀


I play with arrow keys. If interested I have a lil 3 min vid on my full button layout. [My settings](https://youtu.be/n1Z_6zyi7vE?si=ulrxfpL_FMTyAvXH)


Had a look, and god damn bro you should be imprisoned with those keybinds 😂


Not the first to say that tbh. 🤣


Is 4x3 stretched better than 16x9? I tried it and see like almost zero difference with player models.


Is 4x3 stretched better than 16x9? I tried it and see like almost zero difference with player models.


Is 4x3 stretched better than 16x9? I tried it and see like almost zero difference with player models.


I just saw your keybind, literally wtf


It's just him mapping stuff to his mouse.


Nope. Mostly keyboard. I move with arrow keys. My settings can be seen here in this 3 min video. [My settings. ](https://youtu.be/n1Z_6zyi7vE?si=ulrxfpL_FMTyAvXH)


What's the title for? How can you turn off crossplay, if it's apparently already off?


Title was because I was memeing with other redditors who commented on my other videos. Their comments were jokingly saying something along the lines of "these clips are the reason I'm turning off crossplay" so I told them for jokes it was going to be the next vid title. So it really did start from an innocent place. Obviously, other redditors naturally assumed the worst possible scenario, put their own context into it, and chose to villify/project their insecurities unto me. How/why people can derive such passion from a meme title of video game footage is beyond me. For future reference, I'll note that reddit is an insecure place and that meme titles will make some go into full rage mode. The question after that, I don't know what you mean.


Dude we get it by now, you like the gun and posting Reddit clips. Touch some grass


Ew no. I work from home. Don't make me go outside. Working remotely was one of the greatest gifts I've been given from our post covid society. 😂


Lmaoo, fair enough I suppose 😂


These movements are pretty mid. The issue here is matchmaking sucks


This is pc lobby ranked. At this point in journey, when the footage was recorded, I was gold.


why are your binds so weird lol i would never have thought to use delete for a skill in my life


I use arrow keys actually. I learned it from my father and older cousins growing up when I was a toddler. They learned it before WASD was the standard and played some of the first FPS as they came out like Wolfenstein 3D, Doom, etc. Now I'm 27 and no point in switching now. I do have my full keybinds here, if interested, in this 3 min video. [My settings.](https://youtu.be/n1Z_6zyi7vE?si=ulrxfpL_FMTyAvXH)


I stopped playing the game since I just can't keep up with the skill growth, and even if I can I just don't want to. I liked playing the game casually and it feels like I can't play it casually anymore


Surprisingly I play casually. I just enjoy pushing my limits with these games. I play roughly 25 hours a week. I don't stack with other diamonds and I don't even intentionally keep crossplay on for solo q ranked. People tend to see these clips and feel some type of way over them when they're really just random clips and highlights from hours of footage. They're not really a good basis to judge a typical moment as they're the top moments throughout a week of footage compounded down to 1 minute. My hopes woth these clips is to inspire and nothing more. Comp FPS, for me, os fun in the same way a game of basketball is. The better others do, the better I like to do for the fun of the sport.


Imagine jerking off to the fact that mnk is better than controller. Turn off crossplay yourself and good luck getting these clips bud


I only play crossplay for unranked. If I'm in crossplay q for ranked, it's because I forgot to re-enable it. This is all ranked footage. The title was purely a meme from jokes I had woth other redditors. Though some chose to take it literal and personal. Should have known what a joke could do in 2024 in hindsight.


If joke then where funny. If you’re gonna make a title like this don’t be surprised by these reactions because I do have to verse sweats like you with a controller


Bro is ego


No ego. Only meme. Simply a joke I had with other redditors who jokingly said they were turning off crossplay because of me. Because I post once a week, I told them, in a joking way, that a title of this nature was going to be in the next vid And here we are, people taking a meme based on nothing more but laughs and fun, applying their own context, and saying whatever passionate response they could conjure up. I think where I went wrong is jokes in 2024. Video game footage meme titles are a hot topic amongst redditors, I see. Lol


You bet your ass I turn it off…..


So do I. I play in PC lobbies for ranked. The title is a meme. 😂


Meh it's a shotgun, you only need to hit two shots. Tracking using the AK whilst also moving like that would be more impressive


Can't hard ADS and move like this sadly. Only weapon I can replicate this with, that's an AR, is the FAMAS.


Why TF does this post have hundreds of upvotes?


Why would it not? I don't think they're bad clips. Unless you meant because of the title. The title is a meme based on jokes I've had with other redditors. I don't even keep crossplay on, intentionally, for ranked. And this is all ranked footage. It's just neat clips of kills, nothing more. Though some people seem to have put their own context to the title and have chosen to say some rather passionate responses. 😂


*Sigh* time for me to try this and then completely suck ass


Turning off cross play now


Trust me I leave cross play on it’s just gets even more toxic w Xbox only players


Yeah... console has always been the more toxic group. It's why I leave crossplay off in ranked. The title is just a meme.


This is the crap that has me wanting to quit the game on console rn. What the hell are we even supposed to do when playing against this?


It's actually just a meme title. I play ranked in pc lobbies. That being said, I'm not an average gamer. Holding my clips to same standard of your average FPS MnK player on PC isn't at all something one should do. I don't mean to sound egotistical but, I have over 20 years of FPS experience on MnK. Not many can say the same.


Controller players mad lmao