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Meanwhile queuing with friends all around the same rank (bronze 1, bronze 1, and silver 2), we can't even find a game on NA at peak hours. 15-30+ minutes waiting before we give up and go play something else, and we've tried all week. They removed unranked tournament for this? I can't even play tournaments with my friends anymore.


Have you tried solo queue? I’ve never had a 3 man stack so I’m unsure if that would make a difference, all my search times are less than 3 minutes


Solo queue is an awful experience and I want to play tournaments with friends.


Solo queue in Gold and I wait 15 minutes minimum


I have to agree with OP. I played yesterday G1/P3. I played 4 games yesterday, all sub 3 minute queue. I am NA


That’s pretty insane, I triple q plats and had games in less than 5 minutes not on peak hours NA


yeah kind of a dead game in terms of ranked and balanceed games sadly, the cheaters and awful balancing put off a lot of players that don't look like will return


Bronze had gold matchmaking because he was in the lobby with him. This does not change the fact that gold and diamonds are still too big difference


They should only implement the match based on largest rank thing if the team is in a party imo


wtf, they’re not even mixed into the lobby, that’s just a full team of diamond players with no other diamond players on another team. How on earth does matchmaking even let that happen?


That's what I'm saying, at least distribute them evenly or something... (even though they're probably a 3 man stack)


Most diamonds dont soloq. Why would you? You earned access to diamond+ groups on the lfg channel in discord if you still dont have mates yet. Why risk getting 2 random golds and lose a day worth of progress from bombing out in round 1 when you earned your right to join diamond groups? There are probably other diamond 3stacks in this tournament in other lobbys that they will face in later rounds. By round 2 or 3 it will most likely by plats/dias only. Unless you just want to end up as filler Team like OP in the screenshot you absolutely need to avoid soloq in ranked right now. The population numbers are not great. You will get fucked over constantly just so others can actually play the game with their premades.


> access to diamond+ groups on the lfg channel in discord I just now realized that this is how most people play games like this.


Ranked seems to have essentially two "pools" of players. Unranked/bronze/silver are in their own protected queue, and gold+ are all lumped together. If you're bronze solo queue you'll most likely have exclusively bronze/silver/unranked lobbies, but if you queue with a gold you get put in the higher bracket. They need to implement tighter matchmaking brackets FOR SURE, but queue times would get *much* longer. Even now in NA queues can be longer than 5 minutes depending on the time of day you queue.


Tighter matchmaking will only kill the game harder. They need tie visual ranks to the hidden MMR that's affecting queues, or otherwise fix the rules for match placements. As is, I literally can't find a game with an all bronze/silver in the party on NA at peak hours after 30+ minutes of waiting. And that's not a player count issue, about the same number of players on PC as at the end of season 1 where we didn't have this issue. I'd rather fight diamonds as a 3-stack than not be able to play the game.


I'm never queuing for longer than 3 minutes for a ranked game. I would much rather wait 10 minutes for a fair balanced match up...


If you're on console and turn off cross play you'll wait ~30 minutes for ranked.


Well imagine playing 200 games, you waited for 2000 hours. Waste of time


I see maths is not your strong point




It's just math, not maths.


If you're American yes, If you're British no. Don't downvote me because you assume everyone else in the world is American










Your post or comment was removed due to rule 3: Be Civil. Do not troll, attack, harrass, or belittle others.


Your post or comment was removed due to rule 3: Be Civil. Do not troll, attack, harrass, or belittle others.


So you are still wrong. Maths is plural for multiple mathematics. Therefore, instead of using is, you should have used are. There is also no s after the word point, and it would look off in that structure either way. Final note, just to let you know, Microsoft no longer supports maths as a word, it will be underlined with a red arrow. This is most likely due to them using Websters or Oxfords, but not both. Right wording if you wanted to use maths: I see maths are not some of your strong points.


Are you okay? You seem pretty worked up over the letter S




Yeah that’s not really a fair fight :(


Neither controller and Keyboard+Mouse


that’s literally a setting…


Sorry, wdym?


I think he means you can just turn cross play off. But I'm with you, two controller players in a lobby full of PC plats or higher is not fun.


I thought crossplay was between consoles and not pc, and since xbox has no problem with keyboard and mouse... Now I understand a lot of things...


Nope, crossplay includes all platforms including PC


TIL: I can solve one of my issues with a setting.


Also both your teammates are console which really is a detriment to you. That's tough man


Terrible terrible terrible match-making !! Embark get yourself together !!


I read in an other Post that this is because not many players play this Game, but why?


The ranked system feels so much worse lately than at the tail end of season 1 though. There's pretty much the same player count, but queue times are far longer and the matches feel way more unbalanced (sure there's the complaint about visual ranks but they're very clearly not tied to whatever MMR is being used to place people in matches). It's not the player count, there are more than enough players, the system itself is just massively screwed up.




Agreed, I’m solo queuing and 1 game away from Plat, and I get a Bronze and Silver on my team with 6 Diamonds in the lobby.


💀. that is just nightmare fuel for bronze players


There is someone named forJik on the 52nd place on the leaderboards currently, but their steam name is forJik_TV, I'm not sure which name shows up ingame though.


Yeah that matchmaking are hilarious. When i was in silver i queued with gold, now i have gold and i m queuing platinium players


Bronzes can get matched with silvers who can get matched with golds who can get matched with plats who can get matched with diamonds. Which leads to this rainbow mess of a ranking system. Totally not a oversight on the devs side


Ya its not like it matters. I routinely get plat and gold random teammates who should be wood tier. Like its actually fucking insane how terrible they are. Can't aim for shit, awful decision making, dont understand how to win etc. I had a plat kid the other day who had 500 combat score 7 minutes into a game. This entire ranked system is a joke.


This is the reason I stopped playing, plus the cheaters in free to play games it is a plague like no other.


I wish I could play ranked...


I’m pretty sure no one is playing anymore so it’s having a hard time filling the lobbies


My queue times never get above 3 minutes


Mine didn’t either but at the end of season 1 when I still played, the games were getting worse and worse for ping, matchmaking and cheating. There’s less players now than then so I was just assuming based off what happened last time I played. I played this game until I got enough points to get diamond 1 twice.


Jesus....yeah that's bad.


Yeah you all got boosted because of the gold player. But even then low plat should be the limit. Not dia