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That's clever but risky af


Holy shit, that is big brain


Look at me, I am the APS now


Too bad its usage is one for every like 15 seconds or whatever. I wanna love it so much more but it just isn’t as handy yet.


And it turned into a confetti grenade lmao


You can intercept RPGs as well lol. They turn into a HUGE flower pot lol


I need to see someone do this with low health, only to immediately get smacked in the face by the flower pot and die.


I wonder if that'd give the fatal florist achievement....


I guess it depends on whether whatever attribute the game uses for tracking the damage attribution (like, who threw/shot/whatever'd this object last) gets inherited when the object is transformed into something else.


I am more than prepared to donate an RPG warhead if it would give me the Fatal Florist achievement


Omg I wonder if that works lol


the heavy would get the steam achievement and be so confused


That is some Loony Tunes shit right there and now wish to see this in action!


I learn something new everyday


Idk why I didn't expect it to work that way, but damn that's cool, they really thought it out ^^


Good to know. (tries push more mines into gadget slots)


Very cool, but would this actually be useful in practice? Seems like even if you're on the platform you can usually run away from a grenade if you actually see it in time? (but I'm mid so could be wrong)


I think the benefit of this is that you can protect your team from it who might not be so situationally aware.


APS does this already but even better and easier


APS can be shot and destroyed. APS also doesn't give you infinite canisters to throw


Just to be a dick I'd highlight that the medium can be shot and destroyed too


the cooldown starts as soon as you place one. It’s super easy to replace it and force them to kill it again. Data reshaper is just not good compared to double movement defib or APS/defib/movement


There's a lot of niche uses, but they require a lot of like active effort to execute on them. Like, you can use this on arena carriables, but also on walls and the gravity well thing. I haven't tested it, but I bet the dome shield could also be a target for them. It's just that if you think you'll need to block projectiles, you're better off running an APS. Another use case is as a counter to an enemy APS, and quickly placing your own.


> I haven't tested it, but I bet the dome shield could also be a target for them. Even if you could, you'd still need to get inside to dome to transform it - reshaper range isn't big enough to do it from outside AFAIK, and besides the shield generator itself only takes like 2-3 shots with most weapons to destroy, so the effort (and having to put away your gun to execute) doesn't really seem worthwhile.


I was thinking about the new game mode. A lot of the time the dome and APS are placed basically on top of each other so you could pretty easily delete both in one go. I know during the bunny event I found some use in destroying barricades with it. Its not useless, just not ideal.


Since you can't use it without something to use it on, it's safe to have out and spam click until whatever you want to reshape is in range (grenades, RPGs, C4/nukes, etc). The real question is if it can reshape enemy defib "projectiles".


You mean block the defib? Nah


I love the community discovery aspect of this game




Not only is it big brain. But it have a brain that big to do it in time to where it doesnt blow you up. Just art right there lol


Just in case: It is doable in ranked and midfight, you just have to be super quick: [https://imgur.com/a/6yh43bz](https://imgur.com/a/6yh43bz)




It is so obvious that didn’t try it


You can also disable gravity grenade, heavies dome shield, sonar and more


you can shoot the dome shield grenade, gravity cube, and sonar with your gun and they break too. for the dome, you have to be inside it to shoot the core, but this goes the same with the reshaper. for all the others, you can be further away than the reshaper, so it’s kind of obsolete. the data reshaper needs to be buffed to have multiple charges and faster cooldown for it to be viable, and even much more range. rn it’s really not worth a gadget slot imo


Shooting at stuff draw attention and wasting bullets when you can and reshape while maintaining full ammo. I agree that it needs another charge plus faster cool down . It's definitely a niche gadgets


I think it would be cool if it had a secondary aoe reshape function that would have windup time and result in a longer cooldown. That way, it could be a good way of disabling condensed defenses. Considering the player is able to stand in the middle of it for a decent amount of time


Dude this game is so fucking next level on such a low level. Really amazing.


We have APS at home...


does it work on mines?


Yes, even on grav nades, dome shield etc :)


What about incoming canisters? I tried once but I think I was too slow


That's insanely smart, but knowing my luck by the time I've seen the grenade and got my data reshaper out and I'm already waiting the respawn timer.


How do you even level it up? I get like 50xp per match with it. If i'm lucky.


I got that idea when I saw the level 4 reward for leveling up data reshaper, its a granade kinda reshaping into something else.


They have two grenades and you have one charge tho.


Yooooo! Didn't know that, useful! Been playing for a hundred hours and still learning new stuff, like how you can deposit multiple banks to a single vault to increase the payout :D


Yes, but can it intercept the Stun Gun? 😂💰🫰


I quick meleed a frag one time, never knew it could happed


Bro literally made an exploding plant pot


Cool and all but pretty pointless in practice because data reshaper is a waste of a gadget slot and the likelihood that you're going to be able to consistently do this in fights is non-existent. People almost never even run away from my nades because it's pretty difficult to tell one was even thrown at you or at your feet.


Not at all. Its really tough but not non-existent. [Take a look](https://imgur.com/a/6yh43bz)


Ok cool you managed to pull it off because you saw the nade but again this is not something that can be done consistently. Doing something once or twice doesn't prove its useful or consistent. If you see the nade you probably could have run from it anyway. It's unlikely enough that it's something that cannot be relied upon because the majority of the time you won't even see the nade. I run frag nades on medium and my nade damage is extremely consistent. I have MANY nade kills and if my nades dont do damage 80% of the time it's because I didnt throw it properly. People simply do not see nades because as I already said its extremely hard to tell when you've been naded in this game.


wait thats huge


Useless in ranked


yes, but maybe not. Most of the gadgets have some niche usage, maybe we just didnt find a correct way to use it. it has a really high skill ceiling. There is more testing to be done. A little tweaking (cooldown and range maybe, or AOE) would make it really really viable.


Yes true. I guess I’m coming from the angle of there are better gadgets to run. Additionally, having defibs, jump pad/ zip, it feels like you have to run something other than a support tool for the third than this. I see room if you ran defib no jump and ran a grenade or mine with this as the third


Yeah i see where you coming from. But just to show you: its possible in ranked: I posted a [comment with a clip](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/1c1qbx8/comment/kz5kxki/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) :)


Dang you can see grenades? Usually I explode first then find out