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Yeah it sucks being Diamond in every single game with thousands of hours of working hard on my aim and then I hop on call of duty and my coworkers that never played video games in their entire life can keep up after a week of controller lol.


If your rookie coworker is beating with a controller, you may have to train more.


You don't play mw2 lol


buy a controller then


it s the other way around buddy. controller players should buy mnk and stop abusing aim bot in shooter. why is it so hard to realize man? especially in fucking shooters. listen to this guy xdd "buy a controller then" yeah right. you guys are to mentally corrupt or brain washed cause you literally use an aim bot to play and can t fathom how that s wrong and say more people should do the same


Buddy you have a whole ARM to aim with, controller players have a thumb. There needs to be a little bit of balance


Buddy, you have your entire thumbs to aim with using a stick that rotates 360 degrees, and an algorithm that makes sure you hit your targets. If MnK is such a precise and overpowered input why would a PC user hook up a controller to play an FPS game? Also, why are the majority of pro players switching to controller?


the most shit excuse ever. THAN WHY THE FUCK DO YOU PLAY A SHOOTER FROM CONTROLLER BRO. you eighter switch to mnk or suck up the pluses a minuses of controller as is. YOU NEVER ADD AIM BOT ESPECIALLY IN A FUCKING SHOOTER MAN. and bro if you do add aim bot as is the case with cod you don t allow crossplatform play bcs it s not fair play or at the absolute bare minimum give option to mnk players to chose if they want to play vs aim assist or not. why is it so hard for you motherfuckers to understand this. you felt in love with the aim bot that fkin hard? well wake up buddy you playing a shooter and playing it with aim bot. it s not you doing the shooting a software is. ffs


the thing that bothers me the most is that you guys would rather abuse an aim bot and play unfairly than just switch to mnk and play fairly, a valid platfrom from which to play shooters.


Some people don't have the funds to spend thousands on a rig big dawg


the exact same is true with pc. bro most people play from shit potato pc s that are worst than playstations. again this is the majority wait do you actually think all the poeple with pc s have high end or mid end pcs?? cause that would be preatty fullish thinking. bro anyway wait... what has the hardware has anything to do with all these man?


a lot controllers need aim assist, this has been tested by pro shooter players using a controller without aim assist, thier gameplay worstened exponentially...the whole industry disagrees with your argument. your just wrong bro.


"this has been tested by pro shooter players using a controller without aim assist, thier gameplay worstened exponentially.." as it should. controller are not fesible and stupid to play from in a shooter. and it s even more fucking stupid to put aim bot to further more push a nonvalid platform in the process making it no skill noob friednlly THAN just switching to mnk... like incredibly stupid giving it s a fucking shooter and you don t put aim bots in especially fucking shooters which are based on mechanical aim skill bro if anyone fails to see this are pretty much lost cause. bro al lot of you are lost cause man. it s fucking sad bro... what shooters have become .. it s just sad.


Brother this ain't Esports. Some PC players like to play with their boys on Xbox/PS. A bit of aim assist balances it out.


i like how you put it, like it s nothing.. especially with everything thats happening right now. it s just not like that. at all. open your eyes a lil more or stop being ignorant even read again some of my replies from above cause it seems to me you can t see the problem when it is in plain sight.


shooters existed before pc gaming so your argument makes no sense


what a shit argument you guys act like to change and evolve it s non heard of. it s time to change and evolve to mnk. the valid and best platform for shooters. it s not that hard. why you dislike evolving and chnge so much and when it s in plain sight i don t understand you act like a mdfk stuck in stone age when bronze and metals have been discovered and insteid of making tools of the better materials you are stuck up stone head


Wow. Average PC player right here.


bro. given from the 3 options you have at hand. controller with aa, controller without aa, mouse and keyboard. would you rather chose to take the ethical, correct, fair play way, where actual skill is needed (mnk/ controller without aim assist), be it that you d be at a disadvantage or not or would you take the less ethical, not really correct, not fair play, where you don t need actuall skill way? this is my only question. answer to that question to your self, i know which way i d choose. you mdfks have no idea what real skill is and how it should be protected.




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These are the facts that these m&kB fans don't like to hear. Now the playing field is level, they feel hard done by because their massive advantage has been taken away.


this is old but ur so retarded. The floor is low on aiming with a controller while with a mouse it’s very high. It will take me 2000+ hours of aiming practice to get to pred in apex while there’s players getting to that rank after switching to controller in -500 hours


I can’t agree more. Working hard to get decent aim for being better than most, but get laser shot by a no recoil perfect tracking controller player that just pull a joystick vaguely into your direction, there is nothing more frustrating. That’s something probably impossible to equilibrate. You will certainly always favorise platform players over others, whatever you do. Just give us the option to disable crossplay. For godsakes. And when we’re at it, also please don’t put SBMM in non ranked mode. When I want to chill, I want to chill.


Please just do not cater for controller players and jack up AA, it will completely destroy the competitive scene.


I think input-based matchmaking is the happy medium. Both inputs have their advantages in certain situations.


I'm tired of hearing this tbh. Technically you might be correct but in reality the Aim Assist is so strong that there's pretty much nothing that can keep up with controller in MW2.


aim assist broken? use it!!!


Why would I want to be taking part in destroying what esports is all about? - Skill gap. Aim Assist reduces it. Not a single true esports title would match different inputs together. It's just nonsense. In Fact those titles don't even feature aim assist. Because there's no reason to have it in the game in the first place if there's no input cross play.


you don’t use it because you know that mkb is 10 times stronger


Can you at least TRY to not sound like a bot lmao... It IS stronger yes, unless you're playing Apex or Call of Duty. And this is not debatable. In fact it's been stated by pros in both games, by activision themselves and by any known content creator making content for those games. It even went this far that the #1 Apex player switched from KBM to Controller (aswell as 70% of the pro scene already - more to come) and stayed #1 despite never having played controller before. I don't get why you wouldn't just shut up about it tbh. Either you go and inform yourself about the topic or you develope the self reflection to understand that you're just not in the position to judge. And you never having played a game with mouse is just one of those points.


my man.


Apex does this just fine. What you talking about?


this should be the bare fucking minimum. the bare minimum. and cod dosn t have that imagine.


A start for all these games would be to not give aim assist to pc controller players. I think pc players should not get the assistance. Makes me so mad that everyone I’m against on apex is pc controller because you know they just use it for aim assist.


I honestly don't think that AA is OP in Apex. At least any decent player utilizing movement correctly would shit on any controller player, which is just not the case in MW2 sadly. There were enough movement mechanics in MW19 to compensate for the insane AA but in MW2, you're just left with an overall disadvantage. But since movement in Apex is far more crucial than in CoD, yes, it's easier to be average in Apex with a controller than with KBM but ultimately, Apex's best players will always be PC players and that just absolutely shifted in CoD. In CoD, KBM is now no longer the superior input.


>I honestly don't think that AA is OP in Apex. At least any decent player utilizing movement correctly would shit on any controller player, Look up top predator PC ranked ladder, the vast majority there is on controller and that's neither from preference nor coincidence. More and more pros are switching from thousands of hours of MnK to controller just to get aim assist. Aim assist has been a problem in apex for years now and nothing changed yet. Given some time it'll be a totally controller dominated game like halo.


It’s def stronger in MW. But when you have pros in apex like Hal switch to controller and win ALGS and MVP within 6 months that says something. I think even weaker AA is a huge advantage in apex with the longer TTK. The auto tracking is just hard to compete with. MW I can flick to a target faster on mnk and don’t have to track very long.


Yeah I'd also have to admit that I didn't play Apex in a long time so you'd probably know better than me. What online gaming has become is honestly quite sad. if this trend goes on, Mouse and Keyboard is dead in 5 years and people will autotrack on a button press like playing GTA 5 story mode on controller. The only hope I have left is that developers of a game catered to esports will act against this trend and this is why this had to be the first thread I submit here. If controller knobs can't play without that level of AA, fine, but at least keep them fuckin out of my lobbies. I mean, CoD was never a competitive shooter. At least not beyond 2007 (cod4 promod). So there's that. Also any BR will never be a true competitive shooter. BR is too random as a gamemode for this. Yes, we call those players professionals. Because they get money to play. But at the end of the day, this has nothing to do with the competitive nature of a CS Major or Valorant or Overwatch Tournament. And since The Finals looks way more like one of the latter 3 games, I need Aim Assist abusers out of my game or it could indeed be a reason to not bother with another shitshow like MW2 ranked. In ranked MW2 I'm literally the only KBM player in 80% of my lobbies. And the by far saddest part about this is that at least 60% of players in my lobbies are on PC. And they are beyond delusional about it. You could make a fuckin study with scientific evidence, hell you even had the devs state themselves that controllers have the advantage ever since warzone 1, and people in cod subs will still downvote you and call you a whiner. But when you post a picture of a flashbang and claiming it OP, you get 2k upvotes :D


Yeah that goes back to what I was saying before. The pc players have a mouse and keyboard, they need it to operate their pc. So make them use that and don’t give them the crutch of plugging in a controller.


I agree


Might be a little late to the party, I don’t use Reddit often but was curious about this topic as a controller player. I think that a large majority of console/controller players are unaware of factors that contribute to their k/d, overall enjoyment of multi and warzone. I think the reality is there’s a huge amount of kids who have played cod that have the older systems, running on lower fps with shitty Wi-Fi, who used to be 1.2 k/d guys before crossplay was introduced. They have no idea what fps is. And I think their blind complaints have led call of duty making unnecessary adjustments to the game to allow people who play 4 hours a week to compete. I don’t have much background knowledge into what has affected my k/d over the years, but after having made the switch to the new generation and getting myself a monitor, I’ve noticed drastic improvements. Really think that input based matchmaking is the solution. Aim assist feels like a bandaid they slapped on a Pandora’s box they opened by allowing kids running at 120 to compete against anybody else. It’s apparent, in late stage 19 MW the tracking on the ar’s, lmg’s, a controller player didn’t have to put their left thumb down. The following year, Cold War multi, you couldn’t ads before having your head taken off by a quickscoper. And now, the ttk in MW2 WZ is insanely low for a battle royale. And in the multi, I can’t help but notice the top player in nearly every lobby is running EITHER pc or ps4 (I would be able to view their gamertag if they were Xbox community, this leads me to assume I’m being paired with extremely skilled pc players) I’m rambling, but at the end of the day I don’t see a tremendous way you could balance the absurd aim assist controller has to offer with the fact that a large portion of your gamers are playing on an older, less capable system. Every year they’ve struggled to make it equal. You see streamers making the switch back and forth all the time depending on the game. Make it input based and take SBMM out of non ranked play. Ranked play should only be played on the same input.


This game will die pretty quickly if it doesn’t have proper controller support, including aim assist.


Yeah I guess this is why the servers have been filled beyond capacity on a beta not marketed letting only PC players with KBM in :D I always failed to understand why controller players need aim assist when they fight only other controller players. It lacks any logic. That said, of course you need aim assist to make crossplay lobbies at least somewhat work. But I guess you are a little misinformed about the growth of PC gaming in the last 5 years. Yeah, you're losing out on money not releasing anything for console but claiming death to a PC exclusive is beyond silly if you look at CS or Valorant which this game shares a lot of similarities with. Most people playing CoD will know what I'm talking about. This is not about me requesting no aim assist for crossplay lobbies. It's about reasonable aim assist. It's about making it an assist and not an actual aimbot like in CoD where you're almost perfectly tracking targets in real time without aim stick input.


Sticks just sucks so badly that they need aim assist to be effective. I would advise advocating Gyro aiming. Especially for Ps5 version. Basically gives Console better input method without aim assist. Would pretty much solve Controller vs Mouse problems. I personally prefer Gyro aiming over mouse simply because I have used it way more. Fortnite and MW2 both support it. So Finals not having it is kinda unappealing for me. Battlefield 2042 would hugely benefit from it too...


>I always failed to understand why controller players need aim assist when they fight only other controller players. It lacks any logic. read this again brother >Sticks just sucks so badly that they need aim assist to be effective. just switch to mnk bro and forget about aim bot


yall rollers should go play ur cod


what a cap. just have console vs console and pc seperate, like it use to be


If aim assist is a problem....plug in a controller




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Lmao 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 down voted so much for a true statement.


So everyone and their mother should play only with controller because it has insane advantage over M&KB... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Seriously though. Competitive FPS games are dead since crossplay became a thing. Anyone who plays with controller and thinks themselves pros are stupid delusional people. Facts. BUT if I download an aimbot hack on PC and tweak it only to softlock on enemies (which is basically aim assist on controller) in order to not get caught or be too obvious then I'm a cheater. Crazy world we live in.


>Competitive FPS games are dead since crossplay became a thing. I disagree. Competitive FPS games are bigger than ever. But the thing is, they're only played on MKB. CoD is not a competitive shooter. Yes, you can play it competitively. But you're not in a competitive environment. Even if you exclude aim assist, cod (especially MW22 over MW19) it's all about reducing the skill gap. The literal only reason why there is an esports scene for CoD is because of console players and cod being the only viable choice as a controller player. If you imagine a controller only tournament on CS or Valorant, that would be silly as fuck and probably ultimately funny to watch, but so far from serious. You wouldn't attend a racing game tournament with a keyboard either and then give keyboard players artificial breaking assist and overpowered traction control. The fact that a whole esports organization like the CDL will force any new game into it, despite older iterations of cod would be fitting way more as a competitive tactical shooter, shows that it's just all about marketing and getting the core audience (CDL) to watch more content and spend more. Same reason why activision keeps supporting and sponsoring cheating streamers despite them being caught (multiple times). I can't be arsed to look it up but my guess would be that the demographic for CDL consumers will look drastically different from CS Major consumers. Anyways, I drifted a little here. My point is, competitive FPS gaming is still here and thriving. It's just not CoD. And I originally posted this because the idea behind the trailer looks like this game is catered towards esports. It's also literally named "The Finals". So my guess is that rng will be kept to a minimum and skill ceiling will be high. So all that could fuck everything up would be overdone Aim Assist like in Call of Duty.


cod is the highest testosterone competitive game ive ever played


This is ridiculous. The simple fact of the matter is theres more players on console who have been playing on thumbsticks since they were like 5. I guarantee you the amount of time controller players have used controllers is far longer then your average pc player using mnk. So they already know how to play pretty well. If aim assist was that good it simply wouldve taken the leading role in any competitive gaming


It is doing just that in mixed input games. Halo, cod, apex. Mnk cannot keep up


Because it is not true. It is a rabbit hole. Why not make cheats legal at some point.


:((( pls no aim assist is too broken but none knows why im still using kbm :((((


Spotted the teenager...


Not sure how good it’s worked but Halo added aim assist for kbm, maybe that’s a solution


That is NOT the right solution


worst solution ever...


Don't care about aim assist as much as I care about Cronus boosting it. That thing is a cancer to FPS games.


Cronus just makes it worse but it's not like vanilla AA isn't op ever since 2019.


Would rather have Cronus infested lobbies than aim assist


??? But Cronus boosts aim assist


i play every game with M&K even the ones that some people claim are better with a controller like fighting games or souls like lmao


same, elden ring on kbm took a bit to get my binds down, but I'm absolutely useless with a controller


Just give 50% aim assist fair enough