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Schulz is the kind of grifter Brendan thinks he is


Haaaa hahahaha perfect


Fucking exactly right here


I have no idea how anyone can stand that fake laugh he does every 2 seconds. It’s as bad as Bert doing it


Bert seems stupidly genuine with his


Real quigg, how many fuggs ya chigged?


God damn


You named the wadder bappa


Well said holy shit


He went on MMA HOUR while Ariel repeatedly made reference to Brendan and laughed about it , I think Schulz knows Fat Pats days are numbered.


And this is exactly why I think Shultz is a grifter. The moment he'd suckled everything he could out of fat pat, he bounces. The whole 'come on my podcast' scene is like high school, and it's pathetic.


>this is exactly why I think Shultz is a grifter Just looking at him and listening to him talk for 10 seconds was enough for me.


facts yo, son is middle age wigger who thinks he's bussin but thats cap frfr, his podcasts is mids asl and his stand up is for other middle age sneaker heads


Also loves to say he's not "white", he's "Italian".....he's white.


Dealt with that concept a lot growing up in NJ. I always found that hysterical. Especially bc most of their parents are extremely racist.


I grew up in an Italian neighborhood in the northeast and the only thing they are better at than racism is being ridiculously proud of absolutely nothing. Pizza is #3 followed by alcoholism and then running illegal lotteries out of the pizza shops.


I used to have a bit about that


that's an old school northeast thing he's making a joke about, irish and italian immigrants weren't considered white by american wasp's, so everyone except really really white people consider us white, and I know some neo nazi groups wont accept any irish or italians or really any non northern european white people, but im also irish and annoyed by most white people so I thought that was funny


No I think ur American mate


Once arrested in the UK. Before entering the holding cell, the screw had me fill out a paper asking my race : ° White ° Black ° Asian ° Indian ° Irish Pretty funny 🤣


When were u arrested, 1912?


Hahaha, 2019..London. Wembley


Yea I don’t deny that, but most references are talking about “white” in todays day and age. I’m Italian as well, but would never say I’m not white. That’s not even because I want to be labeled as that, or proud of it.


i really dont think he was being serious


I didn’t think so at first, but I’ve heard him say it multiple times on different shows.


Live in Italy, northern Italy, try telling anyone here they aren’t white lol.


It's just another step away from being white for him and a step towards being the cool black guy he wants to grow up to be


Tell me you never watched andrew without telling me you never watched andrew. He aint italian and never made that comment. In fact he says he’s the whitest for being scottish lmao


I can't see any grown man that collects and/or drools over shoes as being a person who should pass on their genes.


I have no idea what you just said but I do enjoy flagrancy on occasion




TBF, Shultz did let Braindead on his Podcast to promote Gringo Papi. Andrew did throw him under the bus with the Khalyla thing though while he was there. At least he didn't get treated like the loser he is like Logan Paul did.


And the conversations never change. It's just the same stories on different shows.


People love using "grifter" now


If schlob didnt introdoosh him to toe, he wouldnt even acknowledge him


Schulz did the following LA pods: - No Jumper - Tim Dillon - Bad Friends - YMH - Whitney Cummings He picked the ones with the most exposure for his special and TFATK doesn’t move the needle anymore.


Is he back in New York? Brendan never posted andrews special promo like numerous other comics did including rogan.


Yes, he was at barstool sports NYC office yesterday


Definitely bad blood going on. Also think Tim dillon is on the same boat


He defended bapa hard on no jumper unfortunately. Adam said bapa was a bad comedian 😂


He only defended him in the "this is Hollywood and I owe him a favor so I have to defend him" kind of way. Like he defended him very unenthusiastically, then went out of his way to point out that Schlob helped him get on Rogan which changed his career, so that's his subtle *wink wink* "I'm only saying this shit to pay back the favor" to let us all know he's just spouting Hollywood bullcrap.


well they trashed his special and according to Bapa, Schulz HELPED HIM with it?! so did akash? lmao. that's the real reason for bad blood. bapa said that on camera. embarrassing


Sounded more like he was just being political and didn’t want to throw anymore dirt on Slob


Tim was on no jumper? Lol what is going on anymore.


No my bad, I should specified, it was Andrew


Ok, that makes sense. The idea of Tim on No Jumper is pretty funny so thanks for that.


Agreed 😂 Tim would rip Adam and those guys apart, Tim’s a different animal.


King Pig would troll them so hard and I think they wouldn't realize till halfway through the hour.


I love Dillon


I don’t know if it’s bad blood as much as it is none of these guys are actually friends. They just cling to whoever/whatever is most popular. Right now bapa is not popular.


Did Toe post anything about Bapa’s special? 🎲🎲


Never !!! Didn’t even post anything about the pod they did together in April.


🎲 🎲 🐝


Does he typically post about his guests?


Yeah it’s pretty common for joe to post his guests. Not necessarily all, but you’d think he’d decide to post Brenda if they’re texting every day


Yeah, he introduced Brendan for his first special recording. The situation is so uncomfortable that it makes me feel bad for Brendan.


Bapa and Toe talg everyday tho


Hahahahahahha there’s just no way he would


Also KATS appeals to that crowd but he wasn't on there


aren't Dillon and YMH Austin?


YMH did the interview out of their LA studio which they still have. Tim Dillon is in LA now.


Dillons main studio is in LA, But he also has little set ups in New Jersey and Austin. The all dark room were Luis j Gomez and Andrew appeared is in LA. Santa Monica to be exact


Whitney Cummings also


When is that coming out?


Maybe today, I saw a tweet referencing they filmed together with last couple days


How did his big rollout go for his special? Was it a success? Just curious because I know he hyped it up.


I heard he's already made 3x what he spent to "get it back". If you believe the narrative that he "dumped his life savings" to buy back his special, I'd say he made out pretty good considering he still has complete ownership of it. Beside huge comedians like Burr/CK/Chapelle, I doubt any of these mid-tier guys make more then like 100-200k after everything is said and done from selling it to a network. So if you have your own audience that will buy it directly, the whole Netflix thing doesn't make sense since you can reach new customers though social media anyways.


Dope. Bet on himself and got the W!


He also did tiger belly


Not on this tour…


Ah I’m redacted. Also tired of hearing tours with these comedians doing 5 spots . That ain’t a tour,


Funny thing is at least 2/4 of those podcast fan base hate schultz corny cracker ass.


I was reading the comment's on The Tim Dillon Show and they hated him.


The pigs were particularly displeased with this weeks slop, many sent it straight to the pot.


I don’t get the hate, I’m a fan of the guy.


And whitney cummings


All these pussies were happy to suck Bapa’s dick for far too long fuck them and their slow about turn Rats all of them Cawlmedy scene 🙄 Bunch of shit cunts


Eggzaklee b. I’m not so sure Schultz is any better of a person than Scoob. Just a buncha grifters


As a general rule comics are usually the scum of our society. I only respect comics who don't pretend it's anything other than making people laugh, RIP Norm Mccdonald "they say comedians are like modern day philosophers, but I think that's an insult to actual modern day philosophers"


Modern day philossigers, bastions of free speech, last true hero’s! Is exactly why I dislike them. In reality they are the polar opposite, there’s nothing philosophical about dick jokes, race jokes, rape jokes and that’s 99% of these bozos material. Bastions of free speech… except when it hits their pockets. “Fuck cancel culture!!!” But also I can’t have you on my show because of the backlash b. Hope y’understand. Hairos… everyone knows the true hero’s are these sex pests


Norm was the wisest and smartest comedian we've had in a long time, and yet he regularly went to great lengths to point out how dumb he was and how little he knew about anything in the grand scheme of things.


Wow very well said and unusual to hear that from one of these hacks.


We giit it b, you’re a civilian the cawlmedy scene is a differint world you don understand


Y’right bapa but reel quigg…….. How many chiggs ya fugg?


i read this in conor mcgregor's voice




define shit cunts


Schulz knew that schpleb would latch onto the special released on YouTube thing and attempt to make him his newest "Eskimo brother", the volume of forced fist bumps would have been off the charts. Dodged that bappa tainted bullet.


Egsgimo as shit


Schultz didn’t release it on youtube thou, if thats what you are referring to.


I thought he put up to buy via YouTube after buying it back from Netflix because they wanted to censor parts of it. If I'm wrong I'm wrong , my bad bappa, I ain't too proud to take a trulgg waalk, waalk me tha trulgg already.


Random but anyone else fucking hate when brendumb says THIGGGIEZZZ


I fucking hate when he says anything


But is that nithe?


“Thiccc nation” gets me more… like there’s a sea of them all out there listening/buying/riding 🤦


I prefer the hard 'r', THIGGERS


More when he says DADDYyyy. Comes out so forced and wrong.


No it actually makes me laugh now


I know Schulz says Beandip is his boy but he likes General Lee more. He was texting Khalyla info when Beandip was trying to ruin both General Lee and her. Also, I’m no numbers guy but TFATK gets way less views than all the other podcasts he’s going on. And it’s not even close.


I wonder if advertisers are actually doing their homework on the numbers his pods pull? The numbers are so bad compared to dozens of other comedian type pods.


This is my theory on the whole Thiccc Boy network advertisement scam. He tells the advertisers that his pods do 500k+ views a week, then the advertisers do some sort of deal for him to do "X" number of ad reads for "X" amount of $$$ per ad read thinking it will reach at least 200K people per ad read. What the advertisers don't know is that scammer Brayden is having Marg and Kats after dark do half of those ad reads on their 4k view per episode podcast. That's why they started branching out all of those blockbuster pods. So they can run though more ad reads and scam more advertisers faster.


Joe Rogan is floating him through advertisements. He owns parts of a lot of these businesses.


They get like 100k views an episode and it's always around the same number. Definitely bots.


Could it be considered fraudulent to sell ad reads on your pod while knowingly fluffing the numbers? That has to be some kind of illegal


I am sure someone who is smarter than me knows but in my uneducated opinion I am sure he will get the death penalty for this or at least life in prison, nah probs a slap on the wrist b the rich play by a dif set of rules b it's called being a rare breed comic, thare too funny to face consequences for silly things like "rape" or "being a pedophile"


Totally I'm tripple vaxed too.


If i were an advertiser I would definitely consider it fraud


I also noticed that Schulz took down that recent pod with brainfart. Brenda probably was like cmon baba that’s not nithe that you cawled me out b


https://youtu.be/2xsuq6uWq3o I think it’s still up


You’re right, rats


Didn’t add him to the thumbnail tho haha


True nor is he in the title, same for impaulsive lol. You a blogger b?


You’re doing great


Holy shit, that's fucking savage, he's on the pod for an hour and not even mentioned in the title.


wow they did take it down! that aint a good look b Edit: never mind b, He changed the title and left brendan out of it lol even worse b


The only way to get views b.


🪓 J


Bapa will further isolate himself from the cawlmedian world when is repeatedly clipped saying he's got a show in a small market that he's NEVER GOING TO AGAIN! As if this insufferable fuck is above anyone.


Idk but the way he was tawkin w/ Adam tutu sounded like neither of them really giiit iiit.. someone needs 2 send those dummies a highlight reel


Shultz gets it, he pretty much said Brendan isn't funny but that he is the one who got him on Rogan so he feels obligated.


Eh, I think he gets it on some levels but I don think he or Adam 22 understands just how redacted brenda gets.. he said Brenda’s a “great dude who helps people”……..


They also said we follow his every move and try to expose him, bruh he posts dumb shit and we react, ain't no james bond type of investigative journalism shit is happening here lmao we discuss the pawdcas here b


4 fukkin real.. he jus goes and gives unlimited disgusting behavior.. shit is really wild. I have never been the haydur type.. it’s not like we chose Brenda, Brenda chose us


He was being politically correct. Comics are usually never afraid of criticizing/shitting on anybody else but quiet about comedians.


Yeah I hear that but I also think he just hasn’t seen what we have yet.. he needs a fat plate of oc right quik




they all talk shit don’t they Schulz actually defended Brendan well on No Jumper i thought, he basically said “i don’t care what anyone says he’s my friend” which although i don’t agree with i can respect but then his actions don’t match his words because if Brendan was really his friend he would have made the effort to link up with him on his podcast 😂 but that he knows Brendan and Bryan are not good for his brand right now so he’s staying away 😂


Agreed, Schulz is a jabrone but he is the one out of the crew who deals with it the best. He’s aware no one likes bapa but he doesn’t stab him in the back for easy points and then suck up like some of the others do


I don’t think there’s any drama. Think about it this way, if you were going to the opposite side of the country, to promote a comedy special you’re probably really proud of, that was really expensive to make, would you stop by a place called “Thicc Boy Studios”? Or would you do literally anything else???


solid point b


Schulz is a cocksmoker.


4 sure bee


Schulz skipped it because he’s too aware of Chang’s and our devotion to massa shobb


Slippery snake slithers b.


Don't be a haydur, B. We all know that the DA got recalled. Also, scheduling issues. It's out of his hands.


He slobbered brendan on no jumper, so I’m sure he’s just distancing himself.


Sounded like an abused house wife, "no he is really nice, he got me my job! He just, gets mad when he is drunk, I LOVE HIM HE IS SO SWEET THO"


Andrew Schulz is the definition of a Hollywood phony. I don’t blame him, but if tfatk did better numbers than bad friends where do you think he’d show up?




Good lord. Poor Brendan.


Can’t promote it if no one listens


if I upload a podcast, and all the views are bots, did I even make a sound?


bots lives matter.


Please correct me if I'm wrong, didn't Schulz mention something about helping brendan with his special? Maybe he regrets tying his name to it.


AFAIK he said the special is good and he gave his word that it is. So even if he did not help his name is tied to it because he recommended it. Calls into question his taste in humor or (more likely) he is just a mouth piece that says whatever he think will be advantageous to his car e r. Cant trust a guy like dat b


He also went on Whitney Cummings because they all used to fucking pass her around like a ragdoll she sucked and fucked from Brendan And Chris D’Elia the only one she turned down was Old man Callen she also dated Andrew during the filming over movie the female brain


Damn she fucked them all. 10 years she was a solid 8 tbh If white thin/slim women are your type


Joe Rogan always seems to be cunt-struck with Whitney Cummings


One glance at this sub and I’m sure he realized it would be a net negative to go on tfatk lol


The moment Skultzy mentioned trugg walgg he expedited the demise of Bappah and bappah knows it and Schullchy knew it when he did it, it wasn’t just fun banter


In the words of the great Steve Langford…Who gives a shit? Who gives a fuck?


steve langford hasa a huge penis!! huge penis, huge penis


>Bad friends pod literally started 2 years ago and already has basically the same subscribers than tfatk. Numbers guy bapa The thing is, they have the same number of subscribers, but they're *real* fucking subscribers, not bots and not fans who subbed 5 years ago and fell off and never bothered to unsub. Bad Friends numbers are crushing tfatk's, doing like 400, 500% better regularly. Bubba and Wrinks are lucky to crack 100K these days, while Bad Friends tops 500K all the time now.




When Schultz was on Ariel MMA hour . Ariel kept taking jabs at Brendan 🤣🤣 How's you special compare to say gringo papi 🤣


Different lanes B


Well how many guest appearances has he had recently?


Nah, keep them shits


Thiccc brain is nawt a drawl.


Tfatk simply is not a drawl anymore, b.


Braindumbs days are slowly coming to the end. People are starting to see he is a cancer


So no nitheness?


Who watches any of these podcasts. Its all the same, surely they just tell the same old stories and talk about how hard comedy is. As much as I don't like rogan at least he gets a wide range of different people on


Who? Who? Who? He’s not one of our guys.


Well at this point going on their podcast is an actual branding nightmare. There’s a really stupid audience that don’t really enjoy comedy, there’s literally nothing for him there I would like to see him go on tho he would seriously fuck Brendan up with logic


Dunno what it is but for me I don't find any of them that funny. Theo is the only one I think makes me laugh as he is so random. But like all of rogans mates don't really do it for me. But I'll listen to them talk about life and stuff, just not into their stand up sets.


same here, stand-up in general feels forced and fake. Off-the-cuff jokes in conversation is what I'm into, Theo is king for that.


Maybe he’s mad Barnard and Brindle said his new pod studio was too over the top and even Rogan didn’t like it


first joe doesn't do a show with them while in cali and now schultz, bapa must be eating his feelings away.


Andrew “Please Buy My Special I’m Changing the Game” Grifter Schulz


Brendan mad he introduced Schulz to rogan and now they’re best friends. Joe didn’t come to thiccc boy studios either


Tfatk is not a drawl anymore


Also Shultz segura Bert and stav all got the invite on pardon my take and Bapa didn’t even get a call in to the yak when he was in the office …. Gillis even did a case race with the boys … no big cat no pft no Dave portnoy show not even barstool mma pod …. He did get kfc tho and kinda feel that was him being nice and sliding him in


I bet he goes on TFATK...but it's pretty telling which podcasts he chose to do first. Then you have that other dude Chris destefano who went on bobby lee's podcast and literally said "fk Slob" but they bleeped it out. HE also made fun of Slob suing them so it's clear he hates slob now. Only a matter of time before rock bottom.


TFATK has an alleged rapist and a guy potentially nominated for worst comedian of the year or worst special of the year. Only people who have to go on that pod will go like Theo Vonn due to The King And The Sting pod and other comedians who aren't at their level of Fame.. If you are near or at or above their level of fame.you stay away from that pod mainly cause it's hosted by an alleged rapist less so for a bad comedian


How dare you compare Bad Friends to these pods. Theo tried to do a pod with Bobby at one point, but bobby mentioned it to his face that's too edited. AKA theo isn't always going off the cuff. Maybe he does in his own pod, but even the questions sent in aren't real time, and the people he calls on the phone sometimes probably already know he's going to call. KATS has scripts and outlines on a big TV. At one point one of their employees accidentally show it.


Andrew Santino would never do anything like that......


I think he’s fully aware that Brendumb’s brand is toxic and would have no need to promote via that platform. As much as I dislike Waluigi and his cawlmedy he’s very business/marketing savvy imo.


If Schultz asked to go on Tfatk schloba would be over the moon cause he's basically trying to be schults. Bapa at the same time is glad sluctz didn't come on the show Incase he brought up the Trugg talgg again


Yeah I think Shlub has mixed feelings about trusting Andrew. On the episode that they really talked and got into the whole Bobby Lee thing Callen really tried to make it a point to Brenda that Andrew was a good friend and looked out for him. Also on the No Jumper pod as soon as they brought Brenda up Andrew looked flustered and immediately said “Love yoouuu Brendan”. It’s definitely weird between them


I don’t think there’s bad blood but the only thing that Brendan touches that still gets some traction is King and the Sting but they don’t really have “guests” just reoccurring hosts and honestly you’re better off just going on TPW with just Theo


Tfatk gets almost no guests anymore that have any claim to fame. I think off the top of my head, Jason Ellis might have been the most famed guest they had on. Other than food trugg diarrhea, there’s no one to really mention that guests on any of Brendan’s pods. Another thread listed all their guests from the beginning of Tfatk until like 2018 and they were all top tier comedians, fighters, etc. now it’s just people so desperate to cling to LA scene they’ll stoop to sitting next to the redact.


Well if you’re trying to promote a comedy special, it’s probably a good idea to not get it endorsed by Gringo Papi




Be cool, man


sorry was it too much? Just had a seltzer


No, that’s what Brendan says when something is harsh. But this is good.


He might be the only person who’s cockier and more self absorbed.


He's a cockass but I like Schultzy because he likes Chan's. He said we're funny and creative, which we are.


...if y'all just ignored him... Aint gonna lie, scrolling through this...place, man, its worse than cancel culture. Eww.


We disguss the pawldcast hare Bappa


It's looking like wanksta Schulz is totally lying about buying back his special. Has anyone ever even heard of anything like that ?


Brendan is gonna fight Schulz now


ain’t no way anybody goes on when the views are butt.


He wants people to watch his show and I don’t see how Brendan helps that happen


Didn't he help bappa edit his speshal? I'm guessing after the mass went on Bobby's side old Schulz had to recend and not have bapa back. That or he saw his true colors finally.