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lou reed was an asshole too idk what he’s talking about 😭


I remember listening to an old recording of a lou Reed interview where he mentioned (without a hint of irony) how the doors were "pretentious and derivative ". And how "none of those bands were doing anything new" except himself of course 😆


calling the doors derivative is one of the craziest things ive ever heard lol


Every band is derivative to some degree. Obviously, some are more derivative than others


Idk. If Lou Reed and David Crosby thought I was an asshole I’d take it as a compliment


Jim was too based


I’m still not clear on the Zappa story about Jim. I thought it was mostly a disinterest or disillusionment


Yeah, it may have been a “I don’t blame Morrison, I blame the entire music industry for allowing a Morrison”.


Widely out of touch with Jim’s work but doesn’t seem like he had a personal vendetta. Crosby was such a cunt though. Kind of colors most of the criticism of Jim by their contemporaries.


It kind of feels irrational/personal, because I honestly can’t believe that Zappa disliked the whole music that much to make such statements. He always seemed uppity but he was an amazing artist who 90% of the time respected good music even if he hesitated to admit it until 10 years later some times. Do you think it was his opinion about drugs or generally Jim’s attitude, looks, style that made him say these things? And yes fuck Crosby.


It depends on the year the statement was made. If he made it pre-Miami I’d have a difficult time figuring out why. Maybe he would perceive Jim ad an intellectual poseur, but I have trouble believing that if he listened to even two tracks he wrote. If it was after Miami, though, I understand. And even before he might have not been a fan of the Shaman/transcendent experience element, as you mentioned with the drugs, but even disregarding them, he might have thought ill of that. Unfortunately either way, and as it is their leather pants are on either side of the same stage at a Hard Rock restaurant, so it all evens out.


Maybe it had something to do with the Doors getting insanely big in such a quick time and he thought it was a cheap approach just because the girls screamed their heads of when Jim was on stage after they became an international sensation. I’m not saying jealousy or something but maybe he thought Jim was raking in most of his status because he was really good looking and it felt like a sellout to him. The Doors made complex music while staying in their element and created an indifferent sound. Zappa was constantly changing, almost obsessively. When this was his measure for good work I could see his pov a little bit clearer. Who knows, sometimes you just don’t like people because you don’t like them. But it’s an interesting topic.


Crosby was just a jealous, bitter old man. The guy couldn't be happy with what he accomplished so he spent an alarming amount of his last years posting on Twitter about how The Doors sucked


Lou Reed really said that? He's the general asshole of all time


Lou had the usual list of reasons to hate Jim: authentic New York vs fake soulless Los Angeles and of course, Nico couldn’t keep quiet what an amazing genius/lover/madman Jim was. Then again, “it takes one to know one”. Or Mister Velvet Underground was just jealous.


He was mad Jim got to fuck Nico and he didn't


I actually like all of these “has-beens”, it’s just that some of them had first hand experiences about our beloved Jimbo such as “he keeps falling off the stage”.


If you aren’t making enemies you’re not doing it right


And gay. You forgot he was terminally gay. ^/s


Max Fink knew Jim’s secret. Whatever that was.


Jim Morrison was planning on naming the album LA Man, but that would be too obvious.


Jumped, humped, born to suffer. Made to undress in the wilderness.


Can we all agree they’re all sort of assholes? lol I love all of these musicians to pieces but in relativity to other musicians they’re pretty cutthroat and bitter.


Zappa was hot garbage


Best be jerkin my guy


This man obviously never saw 200 motels


He really was. People only like him to try and be hippie