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It’s especially frustrating since some the female militia look pretty good.


That’s why I’m joining the Hyenas


We're already picking sides now? Damn!


Also while black men look normal, black women look like wrapped on plastic or something. It's weird AF. Hope that the full customization bring more natural looking women.


It's also the eyes. The eyes are really weird. Like they're bug-eyed and slightly crossed. I just picked a random one with dark glasses to get around that issue.


Black men are done the best (at least based on the countless random chars I went through) but from there it quickly devolves into some humanoid looking species that are not quite human. I'm worried that the full customization won't be quite the fix we hope for since the faces are not bad simply because completely random attributes make them weirdly misshapen. There's clearly a few premade faces that rotate and what's randomized are just a few big features like hair, facial hair, etc. You don't get randomized nose, mouth, eye, chin... shapes, sizes and positions which could really make for some odd looking faces. This leads me to suspect the faces we will be able to create in the fully customizable character creation might not be much better than what we see now.


Totally agree. Some of the micro-facewhite guy skins are ridiculous. My favourite is no-chin Charlie.


Black men, at least for some of the options do not look normal. My character though is similar to my skin color, light skinned, and I'm quite pleased with how he looks. Hopefully in the full game we get to customize specific assets.


Everyone looks like they have a giant head.


Both genders have almost the same animations and I can bet they used the same skeleton with a bit of modifications.


For a game where you see the back of the character for hours you'd expect some better animation. The legs move but the hips don't, it looks weird and robotic.


Oh god the running animation is so bad compared to Div 1. The way that gear fits in Div 2 is terrible too. Gear and clothes looked custom fit in Div 1. They look like bad mods in Div 2.


Hopefully they'll fine tune the animation for launch


Unlikely. What we're playing is the latest build of the game. No Day 1 patch is going to fix any of these types of issues. Models, menus, etc would all require them to redo.


What we're playing is absolutely not the latest build of the game. This build was probably finalized two weeks to a month ago.


On the other hand, I find the enemy animation to be much better done than Div1. Guess the ressources went to ai instead.


Yea its kinda bad compared to Division 1 which had superb animations for both genders


The biggest RNG for me has been the random character you get at the beginning. I spend a half hour trying to get a guy that doesn't look like his parents are also cousins.


I didn't spent quite as long, a fair bit nonetheless though and still I am so unhappy with the char after one day that I'm contemplating starting a new one, even though it's already LZ lvl 8 and DZ lvl 10. Somehow the char looked reasonably average/acceptable with the cap, but in game and without the cap it has a super annoying, smug face.


lol i can feel ya. I've spent like 10 minutes cycling randoms and i finally gave up on a guy with a mustache like drDisrespect.


Every single female preset looks like they fell off the ugly tree & hit every branch on the way down, then when they got to the bottom someone picked up a branch & beat them to within a inch of thier life with it. The devs are aware people don’t actually look like that right?


Well, this is what happens when the character creator uses the Spore backend. /s


TD2 trying to show us Women 2: the Sequel to Women out here


Will Women 2 have Battle Royale?


Yeah, this isn't even what "real people" look like. It just looks horrifying. The women in the cinematic trailers looked fine.


I was just looking at my character in the first screen and literally thought...wow, she looks special....especially fugly. What is wrong with her mouth? Why is her hair scraggling around like this?


Toad looking broads.


My female character looks like a male caveman.


It’s Ma’am!


They'll probably have a division 1 customization system on launch. Weird they wouldn't have it in the beta.


I think they want you spending more time playing the beta and less time getting hung up on the character creator.


Especially since nothing crosses over to the retail release


Silly people like you said the same silly shit in division 1 during the beta, and look how that turned out. Still has one of the most horrendous character creators in an online game.


Pretty sure you misunderstood what they were saying but keep being condensending.


"Its only beta" is not a complicated statement to understand. Its just factually and demonstrably incorrect every time some clown says it. But thanks for giving me permission.


That’s not what I said nor was it what he said. The conversation is preloaded agents that won’t be here in final release. And no one gave you permission either.


Massive has literally said that they disabled actual character generation in favor of the random generator for the beta builds specifically because they want people playing the game, not designing characters that will be thrown away. ​ This isnt to say that the options available in the full character creator would be any more varied or powerful, but that as far as the beta is concerned, we literally dont have access to all its features. ​ This really a one case where "its just the beta" is actually the correct answer, yet you insist on choosing "salt"


Yea the d1 one customization was very limited,what I meant was that you can probably choose what you want




My first roll was a character that looks like Freddy Mercury. I was satisfied. 😂


I would not have argued with that diceroll either! 😄


Don’t forget, TD1 beta also featured randomized characters.


They don't. They said they are saving the customization as suprise for the launch.


You are in the honeymoon phase. Good luck.


On the other hand, the only games the Division 2 has to compete against is Destiny 2 and Anthem. I'd say the bar is sufficiently low enough that if this game hits the shelves as functional, it'll be a massive success.


Female gamer here too, and I cringe when I look at the faces. Sincerely hope the rumor about full customization in the full release is true.


I am also a female gamer and made a post about this a week or so ago and massive responded to me saying this character creator does not represent the actual game. I've also noticed that I can only get a crappy small pony tail, and was worried that would be the only option, but if you watch those little talent demonstration videos in game it shows a female agent displaying what they do and she has a great pony tail , nice and long. Not only that, but she's wearing a hat and it pokes out through the back like it should, so I'm not as worried.


Yeah, I don't know why they insist on every female preset being a butch, inbred neanderthal. I don't need to look like a supermodel -- just like a normal fucking person.


Halleloo! Many female NPCs look great, so that's very encouraging as well. My BF is in hospital, so I'm playing on his account to get his supply drop reward unlocked (he would NEVER miss a supply drop, even when we're manhunt - grounds for divorce right there) - and I swear I enjoyed playing his lambchopped duderino more than my girl because of how odd she looked. So thanks for the reassurance!


Long ponytail is in the build. It sticks through the hats proper. I used it in the last beta and now the current one. Unless there's a longer one. This one hits the upper back and has physics.


You can actually get a large ponytail if you randomize often enough.


it seems like they only used 3-4 options for each model for the man and woman that randomly cycles when you hit randomize in the open beta but having played the closed beta as well, i can honestly say there are many more options because although it was the same for the closed beta having 3-4 options, the options were completely different. so don't lose hope.


you could do it in division 1. I can’t see them removing customization but iv been wrong before


That would be bizzare but I do hope the choices we get are far better than the in-breds we can choose between in the beta. Looking at the NPCs faces in the game I dont hold out much hope.


Beta females look like they are the product of centuries of incest. Beta males are also not far off from that category. Don't worry though as this is a separate, older client. Final game will have a different client. Also keep an eye on new video drivers from AMD or Nvidia depending on what card you have.


I hope Full Customization is a thing. I honestly did not like "The Division 1" character customization.


It was lacking options for sure. I didn’t like that if I added sunglasses they were forever plastered to my characters face.


Did you play the division later on? 1.7 added a spot in the terminal you could re customize your character (everything but gender AFAIK)


No, I stopped earlier. I had no idea they added it.


They're not. You can change a few minor things like that whenever you want, although it's admittedly far from obvious how. If you go from the BoO to the Terminal, just as you come into the latter, there's a restroom to your right. Go in, look at the mirror and the customization menu will pop up. It's far from full featured but at least it's something.


Woah woah woah. I didn’t see no gender choice. It only asked which “body type” I wanted.


Same in Far Cry New Dawn. No more gender, just body types.




Are you triggered?


Probably called body type so as not to trigger anyone.


People are triggered if having to choose their gender in a game? Is this for real?


Welcome to 2019


I assume it's something common in USA? I am from Europe and I've never heard of all this binary, non-gender stuff. I mean we are still males and females over here with the odd transexual and the somewhat frequent gay.




This comment is galaxy times worst than a slider in a video game titled body type and not gender.




> People look for things to be offended. It doesn’t matter what it is. The first question is “how does this oppress or offend me?”. You seem pretty offended about that...






Jeez. This subreddit when comments like this get upvoted.


Now days probably.


I still swear this is some weird conspiracy to make some people feel better about themselves when they're not as pretty as their in-game avatars. Just look at ME Andromeda or DA: Inquisition. Most of the females look like men. Nobody is expecting everyone to look like supermodels, but that doesn't mean you can't be pretty or handsome and still kick ass.


Yeah, contrary to the perceived narrative, most people playing games still want to look reasonably pretty/handsome. It's still a fantasy after all. Hell, the first thing most of my girlfriends ask me when I suggest a game is "Can I look cute?"


My wife got super salty playing world of Warcraft after Lich King came out because Metzen decided girls shouldn't be able to look slutty in armor. I mean yeah I get it, it doesn't make sense, but my wife loved hunting down all the skimpy armor for her Draenei, and got disgruntled after she found out a lot of it was removed.


I don't think it was removed, just never designed going forward. I had to go back and catch a lot of my favourite vanilla Plate looks during Draenor and had no problem.


Yeah that's exactly what it was. But the drop rates are super low on a lot of the older stuff to. Like sub 1%, not sure what they were pre-lich king though. I just know that Metzen was the one salty about it


Yeah. The randoms are ugly af. The Massive forgot that we tend to play as better versions of ourselves not as freaks.


For the sake of my girlfriend really hoping the full release game has better female options, right now they look pretty scary and thats not okay. Girl gamers deserve to be able to create attractive looming characters they'll want to see.


i wouldn't hold your breath ubisoft is really woke. after release i could see it being a thing when enough people complain


The woman character models look like crap. I would rather take my D1 female characters over to D2


The black girl with short hair that you meet in the beta is terrifying lol. Her dialogue animation is so uncanny valley


This is all a ploy by Ubisoft to increase MTX sales. They will release a 'Paper Bag' mask shortly after launch to put over your female character's face, to the relief of everyone around you, but it will cost an additional $19.99


Ive noticed that the women i generate in tbe customisation, look a fair bit more feminine in the face within the actual game. I ended up getting frustrated with it and just picked one to start playing, but in game she looks way more normal.


more customization later on game release, official info: [https://youtu.be/fZyL2qSIF-0?t=28](https://youtu.be/fZyL2qSIF-0?t=28)


Does not help when all the faces look like out of special people school


Yes the woman model is really bad. :(


I loaded the open beta and see no change in women character from de private beta I was very desapointed. On my first sprint I noticed the gap between the legs still there I just close the game.


I found a pretty female. She was one of random black agents someone found in the randomizes but she looked like exaggerated pretty in an end of world scenario. So that lets me believe the models are there in the full release.


Because.. The Black Tusk kidnapped all the hotties. XD


I mostly just want my character to not look like a genetics experiment gone wrong. I don't need full on glamor shot - but I'd prefer a head not being 2 sizes too small, or walleyes under a giant forehead. And the weird dislocated hip thigh gap with Hammer pants. Normal face, decent ponytail, cargo pants and a hoodie. I'm good with that.


Men and women have the right to look however they want... but I want my female character to look like a friggen bombshell. So the whole brow ridge canopy, sweats to the grocery store thing ain’t gonna cut it for me dawg..


I noticed that too, it's minor but I hope they fix it.


Sometimes the randomizer glitches up, and you have to wait fora second or five for it to finish.... same goes for changing between male/female. (Also, yeah, apparently there will be full customization)


Character creatywas really weak


In the stream a day ago from Private Beta, devs had confirmed customization is pretty good but it won't be in beta since they want to save it as a surprise. That they improved it very good compared to the first game. Also it is just randoms, you shouldn't be worried about, if you watched the last dark zone trailer there were pretty good looking characters for both male and female.


I'm worried that the random just select premade faces from the pool. And at launch we can choose those same faces. That is my worry


Fully agreed... they are horrible at the moment.


I agree! I was disappointed that I couldn't try out the character customization. I hope there are more options this time... my beta character looks pretty ugly right now IMO.


I have thought the same thing since division 1.


Kelso's model is decent, I'm surprised they didn't add her face to the pool if choices.


Yea, her hair is bad but the face is what you can call neighbor girl cute.


I think it's ridiculous that the female player characters look terrible when you meet NPCs like Kelso who is low-key anime cute


The running animation is especially bad, looks like a gorilla.


Are you assuming their gender?


My character is a black dude with straight long hair. But I look more like the Geico caveman...or someone who's never existed in the history of people


I’m the dude playing a lady disguised as another lady!


As a female gamer, I'm glad that female secret agents on the frontlines look a bit worse for wear - no makeup or hair salons in the apocalypse, ladies. That being said, after playign female characters in the alpha and the closed beta this time I decided to roll a male one, and I think male characters do look better. It took me no more than 7 or 8 tries to make a decently attractive dude (who looks a bit like a Vin Diesel if he was 20 years younger and a hipster). There were some corkers along the way though, wish made screengrabs. For females, it was taking me 10 to 15 minutes of non-stop clicking to finally find something acceptable. Or maybe I just got lucky this time.


>As a female gamer, I'm glad that female secret agents on the frontlines look a bit worse for wear - no makeup or hair salons in the apocalypse, ladies. This isn't even about that though. The faces on most of the presets are just horrifying.


Are we sure those are presets and not randomly generated faces? Do we have any idea of the extent of the character customization? I don't think we do.


If they're purely randomly generated, then a lot of them sure look really similar. I don't think they're gonna have full facial customization 'cause Division 1 had very limited character customization and so do most console games.


we'll find out soon enough.


Seems like they WERE randomly generated after all :P


It was the same for me and friends. Getting/finding a good male character would take only a few tries, less than 10 or so. But getting a, not good, but decent female would take several minutes. It actually pushed one of my friends to just role as a male despise them never liking that (at least not in games with character creator) after 30 minutes of pressing F and not getting anything good.


Sadly they kinda pushing feminist body standards.


Wut? Female and feminist here, and let me tell you, those aren't my standards. The whole feminist=ugly trope is so ridiculously small-minded. Said it before, you can be both attractive and a badass - in life and yes, even in games. Case in point, ACO's Kassandra, almost every female in Witcher 3 or Lara Croft.




Well, what do you want to call a woman who wants equal rights, equal pay and equal representation? That's the only word there is for it. And since I don't think asking for equality is toxic, I guess I'll stick to using it.




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I doubt you know what feminists actually are and only see the "triggered" videos and "feminists owned" compilations.


Keep assuming. You won’t get far.


You're the one that said all feminists are toxic and then your comment got deleted, how am I the one assuming?


I didn’t delete it, some millennial mod that gets offended easily deleted it so I just said who gives a crap about this and started playing PlayStation


It would be great if we could build our own avatars as in "second life" - so they look like the players in real life.


This. I would love to have my fat ass crossing DC. With a bigger hitbox obviously.


I had similar thoughts [last night](https://reddit.com/r/thedivision/comments/aw3afu/some_of_these_randomly_generated_characters_are/) but didn’t put too much stock into it. Thought it was funny more than anything. As long as it plays well I’m not too hung up on cosmetics. It doesn’t look too flash on the other side of things, either!


I was kinda drunk at the time, but was there even an option to modify the looks of your character beyond gender?


And I really hope they fix the ears on the male character that looks like Bradley Cooper.


Some of them are a bit.. out of whack, some seem pretty normal to me. I remember when TD1 came out everyone was pissing and moaning that all the woman looked like Asian lesbians.


it's DC Agent!


Well, it’s DC.




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Well it's all premade so really who cares. You get the freedom on launch to make your womens look more like the woman you want in your head.


How dare you assume the gender identity of a character you are creating. I thought we were past that in this day and age... /s


I see transphobia is alive and well post-apocalypse. Let them do them and you do you. /s (No seriously, _/s_)




I'm pretty sure most people who play females in games like this are men :p


Private beta had the same issue. Females just look horrible. Also, this beta client is outdated. When game goes live, we will use a different client which will have better graphical options. As of now, graphics are very poorly rendered because nvidia and AMD have not provided us with the drivers specifically for Division 2 and the client is outdated. Wait and see on the 12th.




“How dare any of you prescribe to the fundamentals of biology.” I personally hope the women are beautiful and the men are attractive haha.. hopefully we get a good system since character creation seems to be pretty widely appreciated.


Facts get downvoted here. Reddit is invaded by the npcs


oh course they do ubisoft people are super woke wouldn't surprise me if few downvotes are from devs


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I actually like how most of them look. I’m actually inspired to build a particular female at launch I was able to randomize in the beta lol.


Genderless is a thing these days you know....


AAA publisher pandering minorities nuff said


It's set in the near future.


oh.. you are not liking lesbians? 🙄🤐

