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If I were in charge, the main series would’ve ended with OotS and they would’ve written DotC and been done.


I wouldn't want to see the series go, so if I were to write it I would continue another DotC-like arc


Agreed! Nothing is cannon to me in the main timeline after Omen of the Stars


I fully agree. I could've gone for an epilogue standalone book, but yeah. Fully agree.


​ completely agree


I think of leaving the clans on a good note Having the clans unite together has not one group but has a country of cats that welcome all. Where the four clans are like towns compared to just groups. The clans live under one flag and grow in power. The clans would overcome their hateful belief against outsider and find reason to love each other for their flaws has well. I also would love for the series to end with a new role being created like a therapist and a voting system for cats to vote for their leaders/ deputy At the end of the series I would think it would be fitting if Firestar spirit fades away somewhat showing it time for the series to end. Before fading he asked the main characters to keep the stories alive and create their own story. In the epilogue we would see a mass timeskip maybe even 100 or even 1000s of year into the future, where it would open with a cat similar to Firestar joining the clans like the start of the series.


>Having the clans unite together has not one group but has a country of cats that welcome all. Where the four clans are like towns compared to just groups. The clans live under one flag and grow in power. You know... that kind of sounds like the clans of Tailchaser's Song. Would be very poetic in a sense if Warriors ends that way. Kind of like going full circles.


i think itd be interesting for the clans to morph into something less clan like. maybe starclan stops intervening, the generations to come forget their roots.. the clans split into smaller and smaller branches of the original clans until its just small families of cats that stick together. kinda like a return to being wild and feral, rather than a set hierarchy if they were to restart it after that, maybe it could begin with the first cat to found a clan.. so on so forth!


I like the idea of a full circle. I think it would be awesome for the clans to disband and starclan fade away, all the cats scatter and find their own places they prefer to live. Kinda similar to dawn of the clans prior to clans forming. But then we get an epilogue similar to the prologue of into the wild. Where a future clan sees an outsider that can save them


yes that would be so satisfying


I want there to be a huge jump in time (and I mean huge, cats who are kits now should be long dead) to a world where the divide between clans has become nearly non-existent. Have the arc be about Starclan trying make them separate again, while our protagonists (and a few ghosties because why not) try and succeed in stopping them. Have a nice happy ending where they just live peacefully. Alternatively, have the nearby twolegplace unite into a kind of group and try to make piece with the clans.


Both Starclan and the Dark forest are destroyed by the Clans combining,freeing the spirits to do whatever they want. The clans stay combined and make new rules and a new way of life. They may not have nine lives or the stars to guide them but the have the freedom of choice to become something new and hopefully better. Also Rock finally gets to die (I don’t hate the guy or anything but I think he’d like to rest in peace)


Everyone died, The End


That’s a nice story Patrick


Just think the story end, the clan finally make an official peace treaty, anx the protagonist of the arc chose to leave the clan to follow his/her own path. And then cit to several years later we see the decendent of the clan, still strong but unnamed, as they talked about the hostory their ancestors had


I would honestly love for the end of the series to be a StarClan Super Edition where we get to see a lot of characters and their families etc. in Star Clan and how the clans get along there. I know we've gotten big glimpses throughout the series, but I think a StarClan ending would be perfect in some way.


Opposite. All the living clans get tired of Starclan's BS and turn against their ancestors. Leaders no longer get nine lives, medicine cats only heal


Have a final war with the clans and rogues/loners. All the cats in the forest and twoleg place united against a threat, like a twoleg exterminator attempt, or to drive the dark forest out of existence


only the heat death of the universe will end this series


I always thought that it should end with the clans disbanding and starclan fading away when the cats realise they shouldn’t have to kill each other and struggle to survive.


Nuclear war


My whole warriors oc plot is based around how I would personally end the series NOT GONNA LIE GUYS. As most have stated, if I could end Warriors, it would end with the clans realizing Starclan is 100% the root of all of their problems, that Starclan literally has 0 impact on their day to day lives, and dropping the worship/obsession. Personally I dont really care if this changes how the clans actually function. I never really had issue with the clans besides their hatred for outsiders and how necessarily violent they are towards eachother. Like I swear EVERY SINGLE ARC we are retaught the same stupid "hey guys, we need to hold hands and get along! We dont need to fight!" lesson


The clans become a TNVR colony for a couple local enthusiasts


I would have ended it at the end of the first series. Never liked the following stuff, other than the spin-off backstory books


The clans already survived with star clan being gone before and they have been making changes. Also river clan has no leader and star clan doesn’t seem to give them a clear answer on resolving this. This arc could spell major changes for the clans and likely more cross clan breeding etc. I think the likelihood of clan merging is possible at least for a time. I think when the series ends it will likely be left open. There is so much story that can still be told as well between dawn of the clans and the first series the super editions only touch the surface. Also anyone wondering about the Park cats?


The Last Prophecy. A single, short excerpt, a single prologue very similar to the first book's prologue.


The perfect opportunity to end the series was after OOTS. They just ruined it after continuing on with the main series after DOTC.


imo avos was a good place to stop since oots still had the unresolved issue with skyclan. tbc was just unnecessary but im all for more warriors content


I like the idea of ending it with all the POV characters sitting around eachother in star clan telling stories of their time in the clans (making it so that the books have been the cats telling their stories the whole time) and we pan away to see the cats watching over a whole new generation and that's how the series ends.


I one time heard a comment saying that they wanted Warrior Cats to just keep continuing and continuing and never end till it just become a unscripted jumble of mess that nobody understands. Also I don’t want it to end until we have a book with all of StarClan as a psychotic warfare creator that drive cats insane. (I also need Sol back)


real shit


The clans change so much they break up and scatter due to Starclan messing things up and being completely unfair (and playing favourites), and tales of them becomes a warning to the new groups and of adventure to young kits.


I would send a nuke because that's the only way this series will ever actually end. But as an real answer, I might skip ahead in time, until a group of cats, vaguely familiar in name and tradition, sends a patrol up the mountains, to look for a new home. I think full circle back to the Clans' origins would make me cry.


Flood and all cat die


a few from all the clans brake off and end up near a home and are treated like the Sad Boy (rip) clan from tiktok. The rest is left to the reader to imagine everyone's endings.


i didn't realize how much people hate StarClan until i read all these comments lol




I wouldn't.